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SOUR SECRET – DNA Genetics – Voyagers Coffeeshop – Amsterdam Weed Review – Video
Posted: October 16, 2013 at 1:42 am
SOUR SECRET - DNA Genetics - Voyagers Coffeeshop - Amsterdam Weed Review Thanks for watching! COMMENT and LIKE if you enjoyed the video and SUBSCRIBE to see my new videos as they are released. This video is...
By: Andrew Pyrah
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SH DNA 3D animation – Video
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DNA test results against Talwars: CBI
Posted: at 1:42 am
From the forensic report, Saini cited the DNA tests report recovered from the Ballantine scotch bottle. The DNA of a male and a female were found on it. "The Ballantine scotch bottle, which had whisky, contained DNA of both the victims," said R K Saini. According to the CBI theory, Dr Rajesh Talwar had whisky after killing his daughter, Aarushi, and domestic help Hemraj, and that blood on his hands got transferred to the bottle.
Saini further told the court, on the basis of the testimony of Mahesh Kumar and Dataram Nanoria, that the crime scene had been dressed up by the accused. Doctors were of the view that Aarushi's body was also cleaned. CBI also told the court that Talwars also tried to influence the autopsy of Aarushi for omitting the reference to rape.
He further added that the internet router in the house was used throughout the night, indicating that the couple was not asleep as they had claimed.
CBI used the testimony of Data Ram Nanoria and Mahesh Kumar Mishra while telling the court about dressing up of the crime scene. He said, "Mishra had said there were some toys in Aarushi's bed but they had no bloodstains. Her body was covered with a bed sheet."
The witnesses had also mentioned the position of Aarushi's clothes when she was found murdered. Nanoria had also stated that articles in her room were properly placed," Saini said. Dr Rajesh and Nupur Talwar had denied all the allegations against them.
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DNA test results against Talwars: CBI
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DNA Evidence: Brave New World, Same Old Problems
Posted: at 1:42 am
The backbone of investigative forensics in the 21st Century is the database. And of all information gathering techniques, genetic databanking has become the holy grail of prosecutions and the last resort for exonerations. It is both the cause of and solution to many problems in the administration of justice. Thus, DNA forensics highlights the longstanding tension between scientific understanding and legal reasoning.
While DNA's scientific reputation is very near to magic, its forensic applications are subject to the faults and limitations of every kind of evidence offered as proof in a court of law.
This article collects research on the law and science of genetic evidence at the pre-conviction stage. Thus, it focuses on the role of DNA in identification, investigation and prosecution of crime, social and privacy issues, and to some degree exculpation or evidence of third party culpability.
Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing (Elsevier 2012) (vol. 2) "Since the second edition of Forensic DNA Typing was written in 2004, a great deal has happened in the field of forensic DNA analysis. Hence, the need to update the information contained in the book in as comprehensive a manner as possible. In forensic science review articles published in 2005, 2007, and 2009 in the journal Analytical Chemistry, I [John M. Butler] briefly described topics from hundreds of articles published during the time frame of 20032008. In my own laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), we have published over 75 articles since 2004 on a variety of subjects including miniSTRs, Y-STRs, mtDNA, SNPs, validation, and DNA quantitation (see"
Double Helix and the Law of Evidence (Harv. U. Press 2010) "In a history both scientifically sophisticated and comprehensible to the nonspecialist, David H. Kaye weaves together molecular biology, population genetics, the legal rules of evidence, and theories of statistical reasoning as he describes the struggles between prosecutors and defense counsel over the admissibility of genetic proof of identity. Combining scientific exposition with stories of criminal investigations, scientific and legal hubris, and distortions on all sides, Kaye shows how the adversary system exacerbated divisions among scientists, how lawyers and experts obfuscated some issues and clarified others, how probability and statistics were manipulated and misunderstood, and how the need to convince lay judges influenced the scientific research. Looking to the future, Kaye uses probability theory to clarify legal concepts of relevance and probative value, and describes alternatives to race-based DNA profile frequencies."
Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation (CRC Press 2004) "Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation is the most comprehensive resource for DNA casework available today. Written by leaders in the fields of biology and statistics, the book emphasizes the interpretation of test results and provides the necessary formulae in an easily accessible manner.
The book begins by reviewing all pertinent biology, and then provides information on every aspect of DNA analysis, including modern interpretation methods and issues, and contemporary population genetic models available for estimating DNA frequencies or likelihood ratios. Following a chapter on procedures for validating databases, the text presents overviews and performance assessments of both modern sampling uncertainty methods and current paternity testing techniques. Later chapters discuss the latest methods for mixture analysis, LCN (ultra trace) analysis, and non-autosomal (mito, X, and Y) DNA analysis. The text concludes with procedures for disaster victim identification and information on DNA intelligence databases. Supported by numerous tables and over 800 references, this authoritative book provides a link among the biological, forensic, and interpretative domains of the DNA profiling field. It is a valuable resource that allows forensic scientists and technicians, molecular biologists, and attorneys to use forensic DNA evidence to its greatest potential."
Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing (Elsevier 2010) (vol. 1) "This book will examine the science of current forensic DNA typing methods by focusing on the biology, technology, and genetic interpretation of short tandem repeat (STR) markers, which encompass the most common forensic DNA analysis methods used today. The materials in this book are intended primarily for two audiences: (1) students learning about forensic DNA analysis in an academic environment and (2) forensic science professionals and members of the law enforcement and legal communities who want to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals behind STR typing. Further information on each of the subjects presented here is available in the second volume, Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing, 3rd Edition."
Genetic Justice: DNA Data Banks, Criminal Investigations, and Civil Liberties (Colum. U. Press 2010) "Two leading authors on medical ethics, science policy, and civil liberties take a hard look at how the United States has balanced the use of DNA technology, particularly the use of DNA databanks in criminal justice, with the privacy rights of its citizenry. [Sheldon] Krimsky and [Tania] Simoncelli analyze the constitutional, ethical, and sociopolitical implications of expanded DNA collection in the United States and compare these findings to trends in the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Germany, and Italy. They explore many controversial topics, including the legal precedent for taking DNA from juveniles, the search for possible family members of suspects in DNA databases, the launch of "DNA dragnets" among local populations, and the warrantless acquisition by police of so-called abandoned DNA in the search for suspects. Most intriguing, Krimsky and Simoncelli explode the myth that DNA profiling is infallible, which has profound implications for criminal justice."
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DNA Evidence: Brave New World, Same Old Problems
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Posted: at 1:42 am
By: Imagine Science Films
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DNA analyst dispute’s testimony of Camm witness
Posted: at 1:42 am
LEBANON Jurors in the third murder trial of David Camm sat through another day of complex scientific testimony in a case that continues to pit forensic experts against each other.
On Tuesday, a private DNA analyst called by the prosecution as a rebuttal witness, said the defense teams touch DNA expert who testified last week was practicing bad science when he concluded he found evidence that pointed away from Camm as the prime suspect in the killings of Camms wife and children.
Norah Rudin, who specializes in DNA analysis, said she was shocked by the conclusions reached by defense expert Richard Eikelenboom because his methods were inherently unreliable.
Eikelenboom, a touch DNA expert from Holland, testified last week that he found partial DNA profiles of another man, Charles Boney, on clothing found at the crime scene, including on the underwear of Camms wife, Kimberly. Eikelenbooms testimony is seen by the defense as critical to proving their clients innocence.
Camm is on trial for the third time in the September 2000 murders of his wife and children, Brad, 7, and Jill, 5, who were found shot to death in the garage of their Floyd County home. Camms two previous convictions were overturned.
Prosecutors contend Camm shot his family while Boney a serial felon whod Camm met playing basketball before the murders stood nearby. The defense argues that Boney, in prison on a 225-year sentence for his role in the killings, acted alone.
Rudin was scornful of Eikelenbooms testing methods, at one point saying that Eikelenbooms previous experiences testifying as a forensic scientist in other cases didnt make him an expert. She said he failed to meet testing standards set by other forensic science authorities in the U.S.
Rudin was particularly critical of the small amount of trace DNA skin cells left behind by touch that Eikelenboom used in his tests. And she said the DNA probability statistics that Eikelenboom used to point to Boney as the perpetrator were faulty.
Among the issues that arose Tuesday were questions about how clothing found at the crime scene was later handled by court personnel. Its significant because several prosecution experts have raised the possibility that the clothing could have been inadvertently contaminated with Boneys DNA during or the after the initial investigation that lead to Camms arrest 13 years ago. On the stand Tuesday, Rudin said DNA was easily transferable from one item to another simply though a persons touch.
The prosecution called a Floyd County court reporter, Dianna Borden, to testify about how she handled the crime scene exhibits, including the clothing, during Camms first murder trial in 2002. She said followed court procedures at the time by wearing gloves when she removed the clothing from evidence bags to lay out on tables for the jury to review in private while it was deliberating a verdict.
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DNA analyst dispute’s testimony of Camm witness
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Posted: at 1:41 am
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Eczema: Googlchondriac Scratches beneath the Surface for Answers
Posted: at 1:41 am
Theres nothing worse than skin that wont stop itching. Go ahead and Google eczema and youll find symptoms which include red, dry, itchy, cracked skin.
Just because you have those symptoms doesnt mean you have eczema.
Dr. Jane Sadler of Baylor Family Medical Center in north Garland said skin conditions can be deceiving.
Eczema can easily be confused with other problems such as poison ivy; Dr. Sadler said. It can be confused with psoriasis and other skin disorders.
When it comes to eczema there are lots of questions including what causes it?
Dr. Sadler said eczema often runs in families and is common in children.
What triggers eczema: heat and sweat, cold, dry climates. Sounds just like north Texas.
Related: More stories from The Googlechondriac
People who have eczema do tend to have allergies due to certain environmental changes in the weather and poling and dust and theyre also at more risk for asthma.
Basically, eczema is the inability of the skin to maintain moistureso it becomes red, cracked and dry.
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See now psoriasis itching remedies – Video
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See now psoriasis itching remedies
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See now psoriasis cures home remedies – Video
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See now psoriasis cures home remedies
By: Mala Smith
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