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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Re-coding the genome
Posted: October 19, 2013 at 1:41 am
Youve heard of decoding the genomethe monumental scientific project to learn the blueprint of a human being by reading the DNA book of life, letter by letter. Over the past few years, scientists have been making quiet progress on a less-publicized effort to recode the genome, by developing powerful tools that will allow them to edit or completely rewrite it on a massive scale.
When trying to understand why thats important, the powerful book of life metaphor unravels a little bitafter all, what would be valuable about taking a finished work of Shakespeare and swapping in synonyms or completely new words at various spots in the text? Its hardly likely to enrich the experience of reading a classic play.
To understand why it matters, one has to think about DNA more like an engineer trying to build new things. The four letters of DNA are strung together in three letter words, each of which makes an amino acidcompounds that cells combine to make proteins. Swapping out letters or words therefore means that scientists can create whole new organisms that manufacture novel kinds of proteins that might have industrial or biomedical uses.
Its expanding the chemical repertoire, said Farren Isaacs, assistant professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at Yale University. By making these fundamental changes to the code, you can create organisms that are safer,... more useful for the biotechnology industry, and organisms with alternate genetic codes are actually resistant to viruses.
On Thursday in the journal Science, Isaacs and George Church, a biologist at Harvard Medical School, reported in a pair of papers on new efforts to advance a technique developed a few years ago that enables massive editing of the genome.
In one paper, the researchers were able to replace several hundred instances of a particular sequence of three letters in E. coli with a different sequence that essentially instructed cells to create the same proteins. That meant the bacteria could still function. Then, they inserted a novel sequence, creating a bacteria that could create a protein not found in nature. They were able to show that these changes also made the bacteria resistant to viral infections.
In a second paper, the researchers were able to show the scope of genetic words they could tweak, not limiting themselves to a single sequence of three letters.
There have been a number of methods pioneered over the past few years to edit the genomes of organisms, giving biologists a large tool kit. Isaacs and Church used a technique that makes targeted changes to DNA and also takes advantage of the process of evolution to select the strains of altered bacteria that are most viable.
There are different ways to skin the cat, Isaacs said. Its pretty exciting right nowwere suddenly in the past few years seeing this influx of new types of technologies that are allowing us to perform unprecedented changes to genomes, and thats really exciting and powerful.
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Yale, Harvard Scientists Change An Organism's Entire Genome
Posted: at 1:41 am
In an advance that could help battle disease and create new biotech materials, researchers at Yale and Harvard universities have fundamentally changed an organism's genome for the first time.
The researchers developed a new genome for an e.coli bacterium by replacing one kind of codon a sequence of three nucleotides that regulates amino acids with another kind of codon. Scientists have previously replaced genes, but this is the first time that such changes have been across the an organism's genome, the complex blueprint of life.
The study is published in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
By recoding the genome, researchers say, the bacteria will be able to produce proteins that don't occur in nature, creating the possibility of new drugs and biotechnology materials.
For instance, the researchers say it could lead to the use of virus-resistant organisms in the biotech industry. Viruses use the proteins produced by the host organism, such as a bacteria, to infect cells, but doing this requires that the virus and host have the same genetic sequences. If the organism contains a new genetic code, the virus is rendered powerless because it can no longer properly produce proteins.
"By changing the code, we're establishing the fundamental proof of principle that they can be resistant to viruses," said the paper's co-senior author, Farren Isaacs, assistant professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology at Yale. George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, is the study's other senior author.
By using organisms with recoded genomes, Isaacs said, biotech companies could stave off the kind of havoc that a single viral infection can cause. For instance, Genzyme, a Massachusetts-based biotech company that shut down for three months and suffered up to $1 billion in damages after a viral contamination.
"If you could use a genetically recoded organism, it could mean a striking decrease in the rate of viral infections," Isaacs said.
The research could also potentially allay fears about genetically modified organisms, he said, because the recoded organisms would be unable to infect natural organisms in the wild.
Brenton Graveley, professor of genetics and developmental biology at the UConn Health Center, said the research could have "profound possibilities" for synthetic biology the field of creating new organisms through genetic manipulation.
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Yale, Harvard Scientists Change An Organism's Entire Genome
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Probiotic Action Announces their New Skincare Products Specifically for Acne, Rosacea, and Eczema
Posted: at 1:41 am
Miami, FL (PRWEB) October 18, 2013
Probiotic Action began using their topical probiotic as a means to ward off acne causing P.acnes, and protect skin against breakouts. In recent months the increased use of their adult acne treatment as a natural remedy for eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis, has changed the way many are using their topical probiotic, for the better. As a leader in natural skin care remedies, Probiotic Action announces their soon to be released probiotic skin care lines, specifically for Rosacea, Eczema, and Psoriasis.
The use of probiotics for skin conditions other than acne, has shown positive results in helping to reduce inflammation caused by common skin conditions. Whether rosacea breakouts, redness, and blotchy skin associated with conditions like eczema, rosacea and psoriasis, probiotics have been known to effectively reduce signs of symptoms. While the listed skin conditions have varying contributing factors, often, bacteria plays a role in enhancing breakout symptoms like bumps, pimples, breaks in the skin, and infections. For breakouts associated with bacteria, or external irritants, topical probiotics have been known to prevent, and reduce existing symptoms. For these reasons, Probiotic Action is specifying how to use their topical probiotic specifically for the listed skin conditions, and will be packaging their probiotics for skin care targeted to rosacea and eczema, alongside their adult acne treatment.
Every skin conditions needs to be treated correctly, added Probiotic Action spokesman Fernando Perez when asked why they are differentiating their product lines. In order to effectively treat eczema, rosacea, acne, or even psoriasis, you should use a treatment that is designed to target your condition, with a treatment routine to match. While our adult acne treatment is suitable for many types of skin conditions, we are excited to offer probiotics for eczema, probiotics for rosacea, and probiotics for acne as separate products, added Perez.
For further insight on benefits of probiotics, why they are known as the best acne treatment, and information on using probiotics for acne, visit To stay in touch with Probiotic Action as they offer their new products, like them on Facebook for reviews and product updates. Probiotic Action is an advanced acne treatment that uses Probiotics for acne containing the good bacteria that is naturally found on healthy human skin. By using probiotics, Probiotic Action is an effective treatment that restores the normal bacteria content on skin, while battling what causes acne. Probiotic Action will successfully clear skin when used as an adult acne treatment while protecting skin against bad bacteria, free radicals, and pollutants*.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Probiotic Action is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Probiotic Action Announces their New Skincare Products Specifically for Acne, Rosacea, and Eczema
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See Now psoriasis natural treatments home remedies – Video
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See Now vinegar psoriasis remedies – Video
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See Now vinegar psoriasis remedies
By: Glenda Arnett
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See now psoriasis treatment diet – Video
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See now psoriasis treatment diet
By: Joann Howard
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See now psoriasis symptoms and treatment – Video
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See now psoriasis symptoms and treatment
By: Joann Howard
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See now psoriasis skin treatment – Video
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See now psoriasis skin treatment
By: Joann Howard
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See now psoriasis spa treatment – Video
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See now psoriasis spa treatment
By: Sergio Latourelle
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Futurist and Author Simon Anderson to Keynote Two Education Events in October
Posted: at 1:40 am
Tallahassee, FL (PRWEB) October 18, 2013
Thought-provoking keynote speaker, education futurist and author, Simon Anderson has been selected to deliver two keynote sessions later this month, one in the U.S. and one in Austria. On October 22, 2013, Anderson will keynote the Telekom Austria Groups Future of Learning event in Vienna, Austria where hell discussing new technologies and trends that are transforming education and how corporate universities can use this to better position themselves for an uncertain future. The following week, Anderson will be speaking about key education and future of work trends with members of the Minnesota Community Education Association in Minneapolis, MN on October 30.
The presentations, drawing partially from Andersons recent book "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow" (co-authored with globally acclaimed futurist Jack Uldrich) will discuss trends and technologies that are impacting the future of education, including MOOCs, Adaptive Learning Platforms, and Mobile 3.0 devices that take learning outside the four walls of the classroom. He will also discuss the future of work, automation, and entrepreneurship trends in a fast-changing world.
In the past year, Anderson has addressed businesses and other organizations around the country including AT&T, Dakota Wesleyan University in South Dakota, GAI Consultants in Orlano, FL, Central Coast Business Symposium in Arroyo Grande, CA, and TalTechs TechExpo 2013 in Tallahassee, FL. His work was recently featured on the World Future Societys monthly newsletter and on their site,
Parties interested in learning more about Simon Anderson, his book, his blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about these or other events or interviewing Simon Anderson can contact him directly at 850-321-9472 or simon.anderson(at)futur1st(dot)com.
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