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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Space Station 13: Mindless Sabering – Video

Posted: October 20, 2013 at 2:41 am

Space Station 13: Mindless Sabering

By: Jebediah Kerman

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Space Station 13: Mindless Sabering - Video

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Scythe Plays Space Station Silicon Valley – E11 – [ICE] Level 16 (Let’s Play 100% Walkthrough) – Video

Posted: at 2:41 am

Scythe Plays Space Station Silicon Valley - E11 - [ICE] Level 16 (Let #39;s Play 100% Walkthrough)
Click Here to Subscribe!!! ? EPISODE 11 ICE ZONE [ICE] 01:11 LEVEL 16: SOMETHING FISHY (Trophy: Swim through all the rings in rapid suc...

By: Antignarot

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Scythe Plays Space Station Silicon Valley - E11 - [ICE] Level 16 (Let's Play 100% Walkthrough) - Video

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PART 2 – SOUR SECRET – DNA Genetics – Voyagers Coffeeshop – Amsterdam Weed Review – Video

Posted: at 2:41 am

PART 2 - SOUR SECRET - DNA Genetics - Voyagers Coffeeshop - Amsterdam Weed Review Thanks for watching! COMMENT and LIKE if you enjoyed the video and SUBSCRIBE to see my new videos as they are released. This video is...

By: Andrew Pyrah

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PART 2 - SOUR SECRET - DNA Genetics - Voyagers Coffeeshop - Amsterdam Weed Review - Video

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Tuffney – Disneyland Paris 2013 – DNA – Video

Posted: at 2:41 am

Tuffney - Disneyland Paris 2013 - DNA
Disneyland Paris - International Dance and Performing Arts Competition.

By: Clare Harvell

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Tuffney - Disneyland Paris 2013 - DNA - Video

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Posted: at 2:41 am


By: Alberto Canosa

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Artist Makes Faces From Strangers’ DNA Found in Public – Video

Posted: at 2:41 am

Artist Makes Faces From Strangers #39; DNA Found in Public
An artist is finding left-behind DNA on the streets - from gum, cigarette butts, and more - and using it to create 3D face models of the people whose genetic...

By: NerdAlert

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Artist Makes Faces From Strangers' DNA Found in Public - Video

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Plug And Play Synthetic Biology – Rewriting An Entire Genome

Posted: at 2:41 am

April Flowers for Your Universe Online

A team of scientists from Harvard and Yale have recorded the entire genome of the bacteria E. coli, and in a dramatic demonstration of the potential of rewriting an organisms genetic code, they have improved the bacteriums ability to resist viruses.

This is the first time the genetic code has been fundamentally changed, according to Farren Isaacs, assistant professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at Yale. Creating an organism with a new genetic code has allowed us to expand the scope of biological function in a number of powerful ways.

Creating this genomically recoded organism raises the possibility that future researchers might be able to retool nature and create potent new proteins to accomplish a wide variety of purposes from combating disease to generating new classes of materials. The findings from this groundbreaking study, which changes the rules of biology, were published in Science.

Isaacs and co-author George Church of Harvard Medical School led this research, which is a product of years of studies in the emerging field of synthetic biology, which seeks to re-design natural biological systems for useful purposes.

Encoded by DNAs instructional manual and made up of 20 amino acids, proteins carry out various important functional roles in the cell. A full set of 64 triplet combinations of the four nucleic acids that comprise the backbone of DNA encode amino acids. Triplets are sets of three nucleotides, called codons, and they are the genetic alphabet of life.

For this study, the research team examined the possibility of expanding upon natures handywork by substituting different codons or letters throughout the genome and then reintroducing entirely new letters to create amino acids not found in nature. This landmark study represents the first time that the genetic code has been completely changed across an organisms genome.

The research team first swapped all 321 instances of a specific codon, or genetic three-letter word, in E. coli for a supposedly identical word. Then they recoded the original word with a new meaning and new amino acid to eliminate its natural stop sign that terminates protein production. This novel genome allowed the bacteria to resist viral infection by limiting the production of natural proteins that viruses use to infect cells. They then converted the stop codon into one that encodes new amino acids, inserted it into the genome in a sort of plug and play fashion.

The results set the stage for using the recoded E. coli as a living foundry, capable of biomanufacturing new classes of exotic proteins and polymers. The recoded molecules could be the foundation for a new generation of materials, nanostructures, therapeutics, and drug delivery vehicles, Isaacs said.

Since the genetic code is universal, it raises the prospect of recoding genomes of other organisms, Isaacs said. This has tremendous implications in the biotechnology industry and could open entirely new avenues of research and applications.

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Plug And Play Synthetic Biology - Rewriting An Entire Genome

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Day 30 of 34 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) – Video

Posted: at 2:41 am

Day 30 of 34 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat)
Since yesterday I lost anoter 0.8lbs, so I lost a total of 36.3lbs already! My 30th day of the water fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself ...

By: Fasting Taurus

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Day 30 of 34 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) - Video

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How To Get Rid Of Eczema Naturally With Lifestyle Changes And Natural Remedies – V-kool

Posted: at 2:41 am

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) October 19, 2013

The article contains two main sections that release separate tips on how to get rid of eczema naturally. In the first section, the writing introduces 8 ways to change their current lifestyle to beat eczema. At the beginning of the section, the writer focuses on encouraging people to make some changes in their daily diet with some healthy meal plans. Then, the article exposes that it will be better for eczema sufferers if they get rid of milk and dairy products. People will also learn that what they wear and what cleansing products they use every day can affect their eczema condition directly. The article also encourages people to use non-irritating products and follow some healthy routines, such as bathing with warm water and using humidifiers.

In the second section of the article, the writer exposes some natural remedies that people should take to beat eczema naturally without using harmful drugs or medication. Within this part, people will get 8 natural ingredients that are really good for skin. Firstly, the writing encourages people to make use of Aloe Vera frequently because the gel-like sap from the Aloe Vera plant is really good for healing burns, wounds, and other skin diseases. People will also learn how to use chamomile to relieve eczema quickly. Chamomile is a common natural ingredient that can calm inflammation and soothe itchiness. The article also advises people using other herbal remedies to improve their condition, such as calendula lotion, organic coconut oil, primrose oil, and sweet almond oil. Thanks to this writing, many people of all ages, who have been suffering from eczema, can achieve their expectation of living a healthy life without this terrible and painful skin disease.

Emily from the site comments that: This article is really helpful for me because I am looking for some useful herbal remedies for eczema. 16 tips released on this article are so simple yet effective for everyone who wants to get rid of eczema naturally. One more thing, all of the ingredients that this article releases are totally natural, so I feel really secure about it.

If people want to get detailed knowledge of the full article, they should visit the site: ______________

About the website: Health Review Center is the site built by Tony Nguyen. The site supplies people with tips, ways, programs, methods and e-books about health. People could send their feedback to Tony Nguyen on any digital products via email.

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How To Get Rid Of Eczema Naturally With Lifestyle Changes And Natural Remedies – V-kool

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See Now natural remedies for psoriasis treatment – Video

Posted: at 2:41 am

See Now natural remedies for psoriasis treatment

By: Glenda Arnett

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See Now natural remedies for psoriasis treatment - Video

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