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Don't Watch Wikileaks Movie, Watch Ron Paul, Says Ron Paul Channel Promo
Posted: October 23, 2013 at 9:42 am
The Ron Paul Channel is using the Julian Assange biopic "The Fifth Estate" as an opportunity to advertise the interview by the former Texas congressman, above, with the WikiLeaks founder.
The folks over at the Ron Paul Channel are using the Wikileaks movie, "The Fifth Estate," to their advantage, telling fans of the former Texas lawmaker and 2012 GOP presidential candidate to tune into his interview with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, instead of taking in those "wikilies" spouted by actor Benedict Cumberbatch.
"Instead of spending your hard-earned $20 to watch a pack of lies in a crowded movie theater, hear the truth directly from Julian in our exclusive three-part interview on the Ron Paul Channel," said an email sent out to supporters Tuesday morning.
[READ: Watch: Ron Paul, Julian Assange Talk Syria]
Paul launched his channel back in August andinterviewed Assangethe same month, but users must pay $9.95 a month for full access.
As for the movie, Assange has been vocal about his portrayal in Hollywood, even going as far aswriting to Cumberbatchand suggesting that the British actor ditch the role. "I believe that you should reconsider your involvement in this enterprise," Assange wrote in a letter posted to Wikileaks.
Cumberbatch, in return, said that his "Cumberbitches" would come out and support him in this endeavor. However, "The Fifth Estate," which came out last weekend, had the worst box office debut of the year for a film that opened in at least 1,500 theaters,according to Entertainment Weekly.
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Don't Watch Wikileaks Movie, Watch Ron Paul, Says Ron Paul Channel Promo
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A New, a New Podcast, and 100 Excursions
Posted: at 9:42 am
Todays kind of a big deal over at
To start with, the Cato Institutes resource on the theory and history of liberty unveiled a completely new look, one designed from the ground up to work great on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. And we created a new way to browse all of Libertarianism.orgs content from within a single, intuitive interface.
Weve also launched Libertarianism.orgs first podcast, Free Thoughts. Hosted by Trevor Burrus and me, its a bi-weekly discussion show about libertarianism and the ideas that influence it. The first episode is on politics and community and the relationship between them. In the coming weeks, well have episodes on money and political speech, commodication, Robert NozicksAnarchy, State, and Utopia, and much more. You can subscribe in iTunesor via RSS.
Finally, today we published the 100th Excursions essay from George H. Smith. Smith is an authority on libertarian intellectual history and author of the new bookThe System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism.Every week for the last two years, has published a new essay from Smith. His 100th looks at Adam Smith, standing armies, and competition in education.
Its an exciting day for And weve got much more to come.
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A New, a New Podcast, and 100 Excursions
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Transhumanist Agenda, Man Merging With Machine,by Ray Kurzweil Is It Real, Is It Right? – Video
Posted: at 9:41 am
Transhumanist Agenda, Man Merging With Machine,by Ray Kurzweil Is It Real, Is It Right?
This is what happens when you do not know or believe in God. This is a biblical prediction and should be noted. I don #39;t pretend to be Mr. Religion but even I...
By: ProactivePreppers
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Transhumanist Agenda, Man Merging With Machine,by Ray Kurzweil Is It Real, Is It Right? - Video
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DJMax TRILOGY – Futurism [6K HD] SS – Video
Posted: at 9:40 am
DJMax TRILOGY - Futurism [6K HD] SS
I played this so much it wasn #39;t even funny -previous upload was glitched, reupped.
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Futurism/New Technology Audio Project – Video
Posted: at 9:40 am
Futurism/New Technology Audio Project
By: Alison Hammersley
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NASA Space Station Astronaut Calls Home to Speak with Minnesota Students
Posted: October 21, 2013 at 11:46 pm
NASA astronaut and Expedition 37 flight engineer Karen Nyberg, currently orbiting aboard the International Space Station, will speak with students in Henning, Minn., near her hometown, this week.
The live, station-to-ground video chat will take place at 9:45 a.m. CDT (10:45 a.m. EDT) Wednesday, Oct. 23, at the Henning School, 500 School Ave. It will be carried live on NASA Television and the agency's website.
Nyberg, who arrived at the station in May for a six-month mission, is a graduate of Henning, a small, rural school with an enrollment of approximately 400 students in grades K-12. During the event, the students will be able to ask Nyberg questions about life, work and research aboard the orbiting laboratory.
Media interested in attending the event can do so by contacting Henning School Principal Thomas Williams at 218-583-2927, ext. 8157, or
The students have been following Nyberg's mission, and NASA activities have been incorporated into classes at the school in preparation for the conversation. Linking students directly to astronauts aboard the space station provides them with an authentic, live experience of space exploration, space study and the scientific components of space travel and possibilities of life in space.
This in-flight education downlink is one in a series with educational organization in the United States to improve science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning. It is an integral component of NASA's Teaching From Space education program, which promotes learning opportunities and builds partnerships with the education community using the unique environment of space and NASA's human spaceflight program.
To keep up with Nyberg's research and life on the station through Twitter, follow:
For NASA TV streaming video, schedule and downlink information, visit:
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Cygnus cargo craft readies to leave space station
Posted: at 11:46 pm
5 hours ago This photo courtesy of NASA shows the Orbital Sciences Corporation Antares rocket, with the Cygnus cargo spacecraft aboard, as it launches on September 18, 2013, NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia
A private cargo ship built by Orbital Sciences Corporation is preparing to leave the International Space Station early Tuesday and burn up on re-entry into Earth's atmosphere, NASA said Monday.
The Cygnus spacecraft is scheduled to detach from the orbiting research outpost at 1000 GMT Tuesday and leave the ISS an hour and a half later.
"Orbital engineers then will conduct a series of planned burns and maneuvers to move Cygnus toward a destructive re-entry in Earth's atmosphere," NASA said in a statement.
Orbital said Cygnus is expected to re-enter the atmosphere on Wednesday, October 23 at 1818 GMT over the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand.
The unmanned spaceship attached itself to the ISS on September 29, marking the first successful demonstration mission of a cargo resupply flight by Orbital Sciences.
It is the fourth such mission by a private company to ferry supplies to global astronauts, a capacity the United States lost when the space shuttle program ended in 2011.
The California-based SpaceX, owned by entrepreneur Elon Musk, in 2012 became the first private enterprise to send its own cargo-bearing spacecraft to the ISS and back.
Both companies have billion-dollar NASA contracts to deliver cargo to the ISS on multiple missions over the coming years.
Unlike SpaceX's Dragon capsule, Cygnus cannot return to Earth intact and will be destroyed after its mission is complete.
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Cygnus cargo craft readies to leave space station
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Space Station Crew Members Discuss Life in Space with KSTP-TV and the Big Ten Network – Video
Posted: at 11:46 pm
Space Station Crew Members Discuss Life in Space with KSTP-TV and the Big Ten Network
Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 37 Flight Engineers Karen Nyberg and Michael Hopkins of NASA provided an update of current events on the orbital laboratory during an interview...
By: NASAtelevision
Space Station Crew Members Discuss Life in Space with KSTP-TV and the Big Ten Network - Video
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Let’s Play Dead Space 3 – 33 – Dino DNA, Welcome To Jurassic Park! – Video
Posted: at 11:45 pm
Let #39;s Play Dead Space 3 - 33 - Dino DNA, Welcome To Jurassic Park!
This is the first time I #39;ve ever played this game. Be sure to subscribe, like/dislike, and favorite (or don #39;t). ? Apply for a Fuse-4 Network YouTube Partners...
By: Dave McCauley
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Family of missing toddler Ben Needham seek DNA tests on mystery Greek girl
Posted: at 11:45 pm
The family of a missing British toddler has called for DNA tests to be carried out on children found at Roma settlements - starting with the allegedly abducted little girl discovered earlier this week in Greece.
The sister of Ben Needham, a 21-month-old toddler who was abducted from his grandparents home on the island of Kos in 1991, said she wanted police to carry out an investigation based on her own DNA beginning at the encampment near Farsala.
The settlement is at the centre of an international appeal to find the parents of a four-year-old girl, known only as Maria, who police believe may have been abducted.
An officer looked into Marias case when he saw the blonde-haired and blue-eyed child living in squalid conditions with a Roma couple and 13 other children whom she looked nothing like.
DNA tests confirmed that she was not related to the 39-year-old man and 40-year-old woman with whom she lived, and the couple have now been arrested on abduction charges.
The case has sparked new hope for the Needhams, who say they were told at the time by police that there was no way their toddler could have been abducted by Roma groups.
Bens mother Kerry told ITV: My family and I are extremely delighted at the news that a four-year-old girl has been found in a gypsy camp in Larissa, Greece.
We have always believed that Ben's abduction was gypsy-related and have had a long ongoing inquiry in Larissa. We hope that the investigation into Ben's disappearance will now be looked at again.
Ben's sister LeighannaNeedham, who at 20 had not been born when he went missing, said the discovery of Maria in the gypsy camp was welcome news and said DNA tests could be used to find Ben or perhaps even his children.
It's given us great hope, she told Sky News yesterday.
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