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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1998-04-28) – Video

Posted: October 24, 2013 at 1:43 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1998-04-28)
Air Date: April 28th, 1998 Panelists: William H. Macy, Arianna Huffington, Robin Cook Ruby Wax.

By: NoCowEyes

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1998-04-28) - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-09-25) – Video

Posted: at 1:43 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-09-25)
Air Date: September 25th, 2000 Panelists: Jay Thomas, Mary Louise Kurey, Elmore Leonard Summer Altice.

By: NoCowEyes

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-09-25) - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1999-09-10) – Video

Posted: at 1:43 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1999-09-10)
Air Date: September 10th, 1999 Panelists: Colin Mortensen, Amaya Brecher, Matt Simon Tecumshea Holmes.

By: NoCowEyes

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1999-09-10) - Video

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Arizona governor: 'Redskins' not politically incorrect

Posted: at 1:43 am

The Redskins name controversy extends beyond sports and into politics. (USATSI) Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Wednesday that she never considered the term "Redskins" politically incorrect, despite the ongoing controversy with the NFL's Washington Redskins.

"I guess you can look at it both sides," she said, according to the Arizona Daily Star. "I always thought it was somewhat of a tribute to the Native Americans to especially have a big, famous football team named the Redskins," the governor explained. "I never looked at it as being politically incorrect."

An Associated Press poll from April 2013 showed that 79 percent of respondents didn't think the team should change its name.

Brewer remained steadfast in her beliefs despite questions that some Native Americans consider the word insulting.

"I have never seen it as a derogatory description of the Native Americans," Brewer said. "I know that as we move along, as a lot of things become uncomplimentary, maybe to the people that are being exposed to it,' but I have never felt that way."

Ultimately, Brewer pointed out that it's not for her to say.

"I guess that's something that people that make those decisions will have to decide,'' she said. "But I've always been encouraged by the name 'Redskins' as a football team, tough and brave and warriors.''

Brewer's remarks come several weeks after President Barack Obama said he would "think about changing" the Redskins team name because it offends a sizable group of people."

And last month, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said "If one person's offended, we have to listen. And ultimately, it is [team owner] Dan [Snyder]'s decision. But it is something that I want all of us to go out and make sure we're listening to our fans, listening to people who have a different view, and making sure that we continue to do what's right to make sure that team represents the strong tradition that it has for so many years."

In May, Snyder spoke in unequivocal terms about the team name.

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YouTube censorship? Wild Games Studio accused of blocking negative video review – Video

Posted: at 1:43 am

YouTube censorship? Wild Games Studio accused of blocking negative video review
Game developer Wild Games Studio is in crisis mode after using YouTube #39;s copyright complaint system to remove an unfavorable review. Game reviewer TotalBiscu...

By: TomoNews US

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Ron Paul Rages On the Debt Ceiling Deal: DC Wins, America Loses

Posted: at 1:43 am

Authored by Ron Paul via The Free Foundation,

Washington, DC, Wall Street, and central bankers around the world rejoiced this week as Congress came to an agreement to end the government shutdown and lift the debt ceiling. The latest spending-and-debt deal was negotiated by Congressional leaders behind closed doors, and was rushed through Congress before most members had time to read it. Now that the bill is passed, we can see that it is a victory for the political class and special interests, but a defeat for the American people.

The debt ceiling deal increases spending above the levels set by the sequester. The sequester cuts were minuscule, and in many cases used the old DC trick of calling reductions in planned spending increases a cut. But even minuscule and phony cuts are unacceptable to the bipartisan welfare-warfare spending collation. The bill also does nothing to protect the American people from the Obamacare disaster.

As is common in bills drafted in secret and rushed into law, this bill contains special deals for certain powerful politicians. The bill even has a provision authorizing continued military aid to opponents of the Ugandan Lords Resistance Army, which was the subject of the widely-viewed Kony 2012 YouTube videos. Most of these unrelated provisions did not come to public attention until after the bill was passed and signed into law.

Members of Congress and the public were told the debt ceiling increase was necessary to prevent a government default and an economic crisis. This manufactured fear supposedly justified voting on legislation without allowing members time to even read it, much less to remove the special deals or even debate the wisdom of intervening in overseas military conflicts because of a YouTube video.

Congress should have ignored the hysterics. A failure to increase governments borrowing authority would not lead to a default any more that an individual's failure to get a credit card limit increase in would mean they would have to declare bankruptcy. Instead, the failure of either an individual or a government to obtain new borrowing authority would force the individual or the government to live within their means, and may even force them to finally reduce their spending. Most people would say it is irresponsible to give a spendthrift, debit-ridden individual a credit increase. Why then is it responsible to give an irresponsible spendthrift government an increase in borrowing authority?

Congress surrendered more power to the president in this bill. Instead of setting a new debt ceiling, it simply suspended the debt ceiling until February. This gives the administration a blank check to run up as much debt as it pleases from now until February 7th. Congress can disapprove the debt ceiling suspension, but only if it passes a resolution of disapproval by a two-thirds majority. How long before Congress totally abdicates its constitutional authority over spending by allowing the Treasury permanent and unlimited authority to borrow money without seeking Congressional approval?

Instead of seriously addressing the spending crisis, most in Congress would rather engage in last-minute brinksmanship and backroom deals instead of taking the necessary action to reign in spending. Congress will only take serious steps to reduce spending when either a critical mass of Americans pressures it to cut spending, or when investors and foreign countries stop buying US government debt. Hopefully, those of us who understand sound economics can convince enough of our fellow citizens to pressure Congress to make serious spending cuts before Congresss reckless actions cause a total economic collapse.

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Ron Paul Rages On the Debt Ceiling Deal: DC Wins, America Loses

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Roderick Long on Objections to Libertarianism, Transitioning to Free(d) Markets, and More – Video

Posted: at 1:43 am

Roderick Long on Objections to Libertarianism, Transitioning to Free(d) Markets, and More
Before his speech to the 2013 Students for Liberty Dallas Regional Conference, libertarian scholar Roderick Long answered some common objections to libertari...

By: dfwLibertarianLeft

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Roderick Long on Objections to Libertarianism, Transitioning to Free(d) Markets, and More - Video

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Futurists discuss The Transhumanist Wager – Video

Posted: at 1:42 am

Futurists discuss The Transhumanist Wager
Recording of a London Futurists Hangout On Air, "Futurists discuss The Transhumanist Wager". The G+ version of this video, which shows on the right hand side...

By: David Wood

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Futurists discuss The Transhumanist Wager - Video

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Is the Future? We Ask a Health Futurist

Posted: at 1:41 am

The metaphor is the Wright Brothers, not the Indianapolis 500, says Ian Morrison. Lets just get this sucker up in the air before we declare that flying is a bad idea.

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The metaphor is the Wright Brothers, not the Indianapolis 500, says Ian Morrison. Lets just get this sucker up in the air before we declare that flying is a bad idea. (Photo credit:

Ian Morrison is a health care futurist.

Companies, trade groups and nonprofits call on him to speak about trends in health care and offer prognostications of what the future brings. Ive heard him speak a few times and his knowledge and sense of humor drew me in right away.

Last Friday, I tweeted a story written by Anna Gorman and Julie Appleby, friends at Kaiser Health News, about hundreds of thousands of consumers receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies on account of the Affordable Care Act.

I was surprised to learn that Morrison was one of them.

I emailed him to find out more. This is what he told me: Until 2011, Morrison paid for his health coverage from a company on whose board of directors he served. The company was sold and he was insured through COBRA until this March. As he tells it, Blue Shield of California didnt want a badly behaved 60 year old Scotsman, so he got coverage through a preferred-provider organization offered by the insurance company Health Net through a Farm Bureau program.

No kidding, he says, hes no farmer.

Two weeks ago, he said he received a letter canceling that plan. He subsequently applied for coveragenot through Covered California, the states new health insurance marketplace, but directly through Blue Shield. Because of the Affordable Care Acts ban on discriminating based on pre-existing conditions, the insurer must take him.

More here:
Is the Future? We Ask a Health Futurist

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USAF Colonel Mike Hopkins – Interview From the International Space Station – Video

Posted: October 23, 2013 at 9:46 am

USAF Colonel Mike Hopkins - Interview From the International Space Station
Rick Pizzo and Howard Griffith talk with USAF Colonel Mike Hopkins, former Illinois football player and current astronaut, from the International Space Station.

By: bigtennetwork

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