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DNAnexus and the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine Announce Ultra Large-Scale Collaboration …
Posted: October 25, 2013 at 12:48 pm
The Human Genome Sequencing Center (HGSC) at Baylor College of Medicine and DNAnexus today announced a broad collaboration focused on advancing the state-of-the-art in the large-scale clinical analysis of genomic data. Through this collaboration, the HGSC has adopted the DNAnexus enterprise cloud platform to power its Mercury pipeline, a semi-automated and modular set of tools for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data in both research and clinical contexts. The collaborators also worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to process data from the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium using the Mercury pipeline, generating 430TB of results and making them available to hundreds of researchers participating in this global project.
The HGSCs Mercury pipeline identifies mutations from genomic data, setting the stage for determining the significance of these mutations as a cause of serious disease and is used as the core variant-calling pipeline for the CHARGE Consortium. The CHARGE Consortium is aimed at better understanding how human genetics contributes to heart disease and aging. The CHARGE Consortium has a longstanding collaboration with the HGSC to fuel disease gene discovery. These discoveries are instrumental in understanding disease and aging in mechanistic detail, enabling the development of new medical interventions and analysis tools.
The management and analysis of genomes at the scale needed to appropriately power clinical studies requires computational infrastructure that exceeds the capacity of most institutional resources, said Jeffrey Reid, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine. Working with DNAnexus and Amazon Web Services, we were able to rapidly deploy a cloud-based solution that allows us to scale up our support to researchers at the HGSC, and make our Mercury pipeline analysis data accessible to the CHARGE Consortium, enabling what will be the largest genomic analysis project to have ever taken place in the cloud.
The CHARGE project involves more than 300 researchers across five institutions around the world analyzing the genome sequence data of over 14,000 individuals (3,751 whole genomes and 10,771 exomes), requiring approximately 2.4 million core-hours of computational time and some 860 TB of storage. At the projects peak, HGSC used the DNAnexus platform to spin up more than 20,000 cores on-demand in order to run the CHARGE data through the Mercury analysis pipeline. During this period, HGSC was running the largest genomics analysis cluster in the world, hosted by AWS.
Many large-scale population studies to date have been limited in scope by a lack of the necessary compute power; this is a real hindrance in realizing the full promise of genomic medicine, said Richard Daly, CEO of DNAnexus. The DNAnexus platform offers research and clinical enterprises the requisite computational resources that allow them to focus on the data and provide the ability to share and collaborate in a secure compliant environment. Through this collaboration with the HGSC and Amazon Web Services, 300 scientists can now perform downstream analyses on these invaluable health and aging data at a scale not previously possible.
DNAnexus provides an enterprise-focused API-based platform-as-a-service that enables clinical and research enterprises to efficiently move their analysis pipelines into the cloud, using their own algorithms alongside industry-recognized tools and reference resources to create customized workflows in a secure, cost-effective and compliant environment. With DNAnexus, labs of any size can build and run their data analysis applications and workflows from anywhere in the world, and work securely with research and clinical collaborators.
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About the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine, (HGSC)
As one of three U.S. Centers that contributed to the Human Genome Project, the HGSC played a pivotal role in the emergence of genomics as a core discipline in modern biomedical and translational research, and has been at the forefront of technical innovation and testing of next-generation sequencing technologies. The HGSC is also a leader in developing large-scale sequencing and analysis solutions, and has emerged as a world leader in the analysis of personal genomes and the introduction of genomics into medicine. For more information please visit:
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DNAnexus and the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine Announce Ultra Large-Scale Collaboration ...
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Metal allergies may cause eczema or other skin conditions
Posted: at 12:48 pm
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Posted: Friday, October 25, 2013 8:13 am
Metal allergies may cause eczema or other skin conditions
Posted on October 25, 2013
Dear Pharmacist: I have eczema that comes and goes, and Im currently using a steroid cream which helps. I am sure when I stop the cream, it will return. Any advice? E.H., Tampa, Florida
Answer: There are many factors to consider when treating eczema, including the state of your digestive tract, immune system and what youre touching. First I would take high-quality probiotics because that helps both your digestive tract and immune system. Then I would eliminate common food triggers such as eggs, soy, wheat (gluten), dairy and corn.
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Metal allergies may cause eczema or other skin conditions
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Roll into Shape with Team Dna – Video
Posted: October 24, 2013 at 9:41 pm
Roll into Shape with Team Dna
This is great conditioning for those of you that want to get defined especially in the comfort of your own house! The biggest benefit to training using ball ...
By: teamdnafitness
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£19m Genome Campus overhaul targets global business
Posted: at 9:41 pm
The Wellcome Trust is piling almost 10 million additional funding into transformational upgrades to its Genome Campus conference facilities in the Cambridge UK medical technology cluster.
The Conference Centre will look to host an increased programme of events that attract wider audiences including school children as part of the Campuss public engagement strategy.
Planning consent has just been granted for the 9.7 million project, known as the Kitchen Garden Enclosure; the design is reminiscent of the famous glass ceiling in the British Museum and will include a new exhibition centre, modern meeting rooms and a bar.
Groundbreaking for this major new project will begin in January and is due to be completed by December 2014. All facilities at the Conference Centre are due to be opened by January 2015.
In total the Conference Centre will have undergone a 19 million renovation to modernise and improve all available facilities. This project is set to improve the international reputation of the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, and celebrates the communication, collaboration, achievement and creativity of the overall Genome Campus, according to Linda Prior, sales and marketing manager at the Conference Centre
She said: Not only will this place us at the forefront of the scientific conferences sector, but also the development will better integrate us into the wider vision of the Genome Campus.
This new building work will see the current cloisters and grassed areas opened up and enclosed under a spectacular glass roof to create a multi-use space for both day and evening activities.
The roof, which is the central feature of the build, is designed to create a light and elegant space through the transparent and translucent areas of glass panelling above.
By opening up the area surrounding the auditorium, the Conference Centre will create space sufficient to support exhibitions both fixed and temporary, poster sessions, catering and a relaxation area for delegates and speakers.
David Davison, director of the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, said: We welcome the development of the Kitchen Garden Enclosure on campus, which will complement perfectly the public engagement activities of both the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and EMBL-EBI.
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£19m Genome Campus overhaul targets global business
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Genome project fosters bioinformatics education in high schools
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Next spring, students at local high schools will dive into the study of the marine bacterium Kytococcus sedentarius, thanks to a $1.1 million National Science Foundation grant to UB.
Stephen Koury and his colleagues in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, received the grant to educate regional high school teachers and recruit high school students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. The new program focuses on bioinformatics, an interdisciplinary field that uses software tools to store, retrieve, organize and analyze biologic information. Bioinformatics is a field of rapid growth that provides tools for better health care through improvement in prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Koury, research assistant professor in the Department of Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences, notes that new jobs on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus likely will require training in biotechnology and bioinformatics; the new program will provide a pipeline for educator and student recruitment, training and mentorship in STEM fields at the high school level.
For us to be successful, we need to create the environment where children not only want to get involved, but want to stay in Buffalo, says Norma Nowak, professor of biochemistry, director of science and technology at UBs New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, and associate professor of oncology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. This needs to be the spark that lights the fire.
Over the next three years, the grant will allow 450 high school students and 90 teachers to conduct and present scientific research in bioinformatics. The program will involve educators and students from 13 counties, including Niagara, Erie, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Wyoming, Genesee, Orleans, Monroe, Livingston, Allegany, Ontario, Wayne and Steuben.
The educational program will begin with a two-week workshop at UB, where high school teachers will receive training in microbial genome annotation. The teachers then will pass on their new skills to selected students in their schools, with support from UB faculty and staff.
During the first semester, students will be introduced to basic aspects of genetics and genomics. They also will receive career mentoring through a partnership with the New York State Area Health Education Center System (AHEC), a unit of UBs Department of Family Medicine that addresses health care workforce needs.
The second semester will focus on conducting Web-based research in microbial annotation through a program called IMG-ACT, a bioinformatics tool kit available through the U.S. Department of Energys Joint Genome Institute. The program will end with a capstone symposium at which students will present the results of their research to university faculty, researchers and employers in the biosciences fields.
For many local students, this will be their first real-world taste of scientific experimentation. And since its an unscripted project, students will learn to rely on themselves, rather than the specific direction of instructors.
We cant say for sure what they should find, says Koury. They will actually be doing a research project, and by the time they are done, they will probably be the expert on the particular gene sequence they have studied. It will give them that joy of discovery.
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Beyond the Great Firewall: China's global censorship campaign
Posted: at 9:40 pm
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Chinas fearsome censorship apparatus is increasingly expanding beyond the confines of the Great Firewall to influence media outside its borders, often by online attack, according to a new report from a US Congress-funded think tank.
The Long Shadow of Chinese Censorship (h/t WSJ) by Freedom House analyst Sarah Cook is a report for the Center for International Media Assistance, part of the Congress-backed non-profit National Endowment for Democracy.
Chinas increasingly proactive stance on how its portrayed outside the country comes in response to its tech-savvy citizens' growing desire to circumvent the Great Firewall to read international coverage, and Beijing's intensifying soft power battle with Washington.
The report continued:
Since coming to power in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has constructed a multi-layered system for censoring unwanted news and stifling opposing viewpoints within China. Over the past two decades, this domestic apparatus has spawned mechanisms that extend some censorship to media outlets based outside China. Reflecting the adaptive nature of Chinese authoritarianism, such pressures are a complex mix of overt official actions and more discreet dynamics.
China's efforts can be split into four distinct areas: direct action from Chinese officials to prevent negative articles being published and punishing media owners that disobey; economic carrots and sticks to induce self-censorship; indirect pressure by advertisers, foreign governments and others; cyber attacks and physical assault.
The report claimed that different strategies are used for different geographies and situations.
For example, Chinese language media owners outside of the PRC have been rewarded with lucrative advertising deals and other incentives for positive reporting, while for non-Chinese language outlets in Asia, Latin America and Africa local government officials are often approached to restrict damaging reporting, Cook said.
It continued:
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Beyond the Great Firewall: China's global censorship campaign
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Orbital Completes COTS Demonstration Mission to International Space Station
Posted: at 1:45 am
Orbital Sciences Corporation (ORB), one of the worlds leading space technology companies, today confirmed that its Cygnus cargo logistics spacecraft reentered Earths atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand at approximately 2:15 p.m. (EDT). Cygnus unberthed from the International Space Station (ISS) yesterday following its 23-day stay at the station. The successful conclusion to its demonstration mission also completes the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) joint research and development initiative with NASA. Orbital is now ready to begin regularly scheduled resupply flights to the station later this year as part of a $1.9 billion Cargo Resupply Services (CRS) contract with NASA.
Upon the successful unberthing and departure from the ISS yesterday, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said, Congratulations to the teams at Orbital and NASA who worked hard to make this demonstration mission to the International Space Station an overwhelming success. Orbitals success today is helping make NASAs future exploration to farther destinations possible.
For the COTS demonstration mission, Orbital launched its Antares rocket carrying its Cygnus cargo logistics spacecraft on September 18 from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS), located at NASAs Wallops Flight Facility in eastern Virginia. Following its launch and in-orbit testing and demonstration maneuvers, Cygnus rendezvoused and berthed with the ISS on September 29. Prior to its departure from the station yesterday, the astronauts loaded the cargo module with nearly 3,000 lbs. of unneeded items for disposal.
With the COTS development phase now successfully completed, we are now turning our full attention to the eight operational resupply missions covered by our Commercial Resupply Services contract with NASA, said Frank Culbertson, Orbitals Executive Vice President and General Manager ofitsAdvanced Programs Group. Each Cygnus is capable of delivering a large quantity of pressurized cargo, totaling up to 20,000 kg over the eight missions, including crew supplies, spare parts and equipment, and scientific experiments for the ISS. We are looking forward to starting these missions in December.
Over the past five years, Orbital privately developed the Antares launch vehicle to provide low-cost, reliable access to space for medium-class payloads, while also developing the Cygnus spacecraft in conjunction with NASA under the COTS program to meet the stringent safety requirements for ISS operations. Together these products showcased Orbitals ability to apply commercial business practices and engineering approaches to significantly shorten development timelines and lower operational costs of sophisticated space systems as compared to traditional government-run programs.
About Cygnus
Orbital developed the Cygnus cargo spacecraft as part of its COTS joint research and development initiative with NASA. Cygnus consists of a common Service Module (SM) and a Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM). The SM incorporates avionics, power, propulsion and communications systems already successfully flown aboard dozens of Orbitals LEOStar and GEOStar satellites. The PCM, designed and built by Thales Alenia Space under a subcontract from Orbital, is based on the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) previously used with the Space Shuttle. With a full load of cargo and fuel, the standard-configuration Cygnus weighs about 11,000 lbs. at launch and generates 3.5 kw of electrical power while in orbit. It is capable of extended-duration missions of a year or longer in space.
About Antares
The Antares medium-class launch vehicle provides a major increase in the payload launch capability that Orbital can provide to NASA, the U.S. Air Force and commercial customers. The Antares rocket can launch spacecraft weighing up to 14,000 lbs. into low-Earth orbit, as well as lighter-weight payloads into higher-energy orbits. Orbitals newest launcher is currently on-ramped to both the NASA Launch Services-2 and the U.S. Air Forces Orbital/Suborbital Program-3 contracts, enabling the two largest U.S. government space launch customers to order Antares for right-size and right-price launch services for medium-class spacecraft. Antares made its debut earlier this year with a fully successful inaugural launch on April 21, followed up by another successful launch of the COTS demonstration mission on September 18.
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Ireland Shocked After DNA Tests Show Blonde Girl Seized From Gypsy Family Is Actually Their Daughter
Posted: at 1:44 am
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A DNA test has found that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed child taken from a Roma family by Dublin's police force is their biological daughter, according to Sky News.
The child had been taken from her parents on Monday, after a neighbor contacted the authorities to report that the child was "living with a large Roma family but looked nothing like any of her supposed siblings," according to the Sunday World.
Doubts had already been raised about the child in Dublin, with The Irish Times reporting that the parents had produced both a birth certificate and a passport to support their claims.
However, the Irish case had followed the removal of another blonde girl from a Roma camp near the town of Larissa in central Greece. That girl, named "Maria," was found not to be a genetic match to the couple who claimed to be her parents.
Together these stories sparked a continent-wide controversy about the possibility that Roma gangs were responsible for the trafficking of stolen children. M any observers, however, worried that the case was leading to a witch hunt against Europe's Roma communities, historically some of the most isolated and persecuted people in Europe.
This is actually the second time this month that Irish police took a child from a Roma family and later returned him, the previous one being a 2-year-old boy in the Midlands region of Ireland. The Guardian reports that it is not clear if a DNA test influenced this decision .
Traveler support group Pavee Point has complained about the Irish cases, saying that the removal of children from their families was being treated as "a matter of first resort and not as a matter of last resort."
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DNA Matches Man to Winter Haven Burglary
Posted: at 1:44 am
Published: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 8:17 p.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 8:17 p.m.
WINTER HAVEN | Deputies arrested a 41-year-old man Monday after DNA testing linked him to a May burglary in Winter Haven, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said.
Todd William Clark, of 309 Lake Howard Drive NW in Winter Haven, is charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure and grand theft. He is accused of burglarizing Marc's Auto Repair and Thrift Store on May 19, and stealing more than $500 worth of items including a bicycle and DVDs.
Detectives found a pair of jeans, a shirt and a pair of socks in the bathroom of the store the night the burglary was reported. The clothing was sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for testing and returned in September. According to the Sheriff's Office, the DNA on the clothes matched Clark.
Clark told detectives in an interview that he had consumed alcohol and drugs the night of the crime, and that he "didn't remember" committing the burglary but he did remember the clothing he wore the night of the incident. His description matched the clothing that was found.
He added that he remembers being on Lake Howard Drive, near the store, the morning after the incident in nothing but boxer shorts.
Clark was booked into the Polk County Jail and released Tuesday on $2,000 bail.
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DNA Matches Man to Winter Haven Burglary
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Ask The Pharmacist: Metal allergies may cause eczema
Posted: at 1:44 am
Metal allergies may cause eczema
Question: I have eczema that comes and goes, and Im currently using a steroid cream which helps. I am sure when I stop the cream, it will return. Any advice? E.H., Tampa, Florida
Answer: There are many factors to consider when treating eczema, including the state of your digestive tract, immune system and what youre touching. First I would take high-quality probiotics because that helps both your digestive tract and immune system. Then I would eliminate common food triggers such as eggs, soy, wheat (gluten), dairy and corn. Next, look at what youre touch.
Some of you react to metals that contain nickel which is in coins, necklaces, eyeglasses, watches, and rings, for example. A study published in the July 2012 issue of Contact Dermatitis that is called Coin exposure may cause allergic dermatitis.
We knew about this problem as far back as 1991, when a case report was published in the August issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology featuring a 48-year-old cashier with hand eczema and a genuine nickel allergy. Eczema is actually common in cashiers. If I had dyshidrotic eczema (hand eczema), I would stop counting out change, which I do this frequently, much to the annoyance of people standing behind me. If you are one of these folks, its easy to remedy. I suggest that you remove all your jewelry and not touch coins for a few weeks. Definitely avoid white gold and costume jewelry. Think about what you are touching, maybe a metallic pen, a cell phone, gear shifter, stainless steel pots or a laptop keyboard.
I found a product that tests for nickel in your items, so your skin doesnt have to. Its called The Nickel Solution Kit by Athena Allergy. You can also buy a little bottle of Nickel Guard from that company and paint it on your glasses or your jewelry to stop the rash you would normally get from these items.
Theres a prescription drug called Psorizide Forte that contains fumaric acid which blocks the skin cells from growing wildly; it contains a homeopathic form of nickel which desensitizes you to nickel. Also by prescription, Eczemol tablets by Plymouth Pharmaceuticals.
Thinking about a skin prick test or intradermal injections to gauge allergic reactions to metal? Um, can I just say no? Metal hypersensitivity blood tests are better. Visit to find a suitable lab. The MELISA test detects sensitivities to gold, cobalt, chromium, palladium, titanium, tin, nickel, cadmium, mercury and others. This test may help someone with autism, scoliosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and osteoporosis. Your physician orders the blood test for you. Theres much more including soothing creams, teas, home remedies and medications all in my Eczema: Itchin For A Cure book, only available for E-readers on Amazon. You should also peruse the website for the National Eczema Foundation at
Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist. The information presented here is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any condition. Always consult your physician. Visit
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