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Censorship, the ultimate silence – Video
Posted: October 26, 2013 at 9:41 pm
Censorship, the ultimate silence
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By: De Clarity
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A Discussion On American Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
A Discussion On American Libertarianism
Support our channel, become a patron and help us build a better Nation: We have a discussion on the meaning of Libertarianis...
By: TYT Nation
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Lone Liberal – 600 dogs dying proves libertarianism doesn’t work – Video
Posted: at 9:40 pm
Lone Liberal - 600 dogs dying proves libertarianism doesn #39;t work
Kris Ullman, Conservative Commentator / Activist Neil McCabe, Guns Patriots Newsletter joins Thom Hartmann.
By: TheBigPictureRT
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Best of H+: The Reluctant Transhumanist – H+ Magazine
Posted: at 9:40 pm
By: RU Sirius & Paul McEnery
Singularity, 2012: God springs out of a computer to rapture the human race. An enchanted locket transforms a struggling business journalist into a medieval princess. The math-magicians of British Intelligence calculate demons back into the dark. And solar-scale computation just uploads us all into the happy ever after.
Stripped to the high concept, these visions from Charlie Stross are prime geek comfort food. But dont be fooled. Stross stories turn on you, changing up into a vicious scrutiny of raw power and the information economy.
The God of Singularity Sky is really just an Artificial Intelligence, manipulating us all merely to beat the alien competition. The Merchant Princes (from a series of novels by Stross) are just as rapacious as anything on Wall Street, and a downstream parallel universe is just another market to exploit. The Atrocity Archives gives us a gutpunch full of paranoia on the far side of hacking and counterhacking lurks an unspeakable chaos. And for all our engineering genius, Accelerandos paradise is won at the cost of planetary destruction, with humanity cul-de-sacd as our future heads off into the stars without us.
For his latest novel, Halting State (released in June 2008), Stross savages the fantasy worlds we escape into for fun and profit and invites us to peek underneath the surfaces as our chattering gadgets dress up reality with virtual sword-and-sorcery games, all underwritten by oh-so-creative financial instruments.
All of Strosss highly connective pipe-dream superstructures are wide open to the one geopolitical prick that will pop them all like the balloon animals they are. Be warned. Take care of the bottom line, or your second life will cost you the life that counts.
Its no surprise that Stross is a highly controversial figure within Transhumanist circles loved by some for his dense-with-high-concepts takes on themes dear to the movement, loathed by others for what they see as a facile treatment of both ideas and characters. But one thing is certain - Mr. Stross is one SF writer who pays close attention to the entire plethora of post-humanizing changes that are coming on fast. As a satirist, he might be characterized as our Vonnegut, lampooning memetic subcultures that most people dont even know exist.
H+: With biotech, infotech, cognitive science, AI, and so many other sciences and technologies impacting the human situation, it seems that most social and political discourse remains back in the 20th century at best. You talk sometimes about being a post-cyberpunk person. How do you deal with the continued presence of so many pre-cyberpunk people?
CHARLIE STROSS: As William Gibson noted, the future is already here: its just unevenly distributed. Most people run on the normative assumption that life tomorrow will be similar to life today, and dont think about the future much. And Im not going to criticize them for doing so; for 99.9% of the life of our species this has been the case, barring disasters such as plague, war, and famine. Its a good strategy, and periods when it is ignored (such as the millennial ferment that swept Europe around 990 A.D. and didnt die down until 1020 A.D.) tend to be bad times to live.
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Best of H+: The Reluctant Transhumanist - H+ Magazine
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Mormon Transhumanist Association partners with the Teilhard Project
Posted: at 9:40 pm
The Mormon Transhumanist Association and the Teilhard de Chardin Project have formed an institutional partnership to promote familiarity with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a twentieth century philosopher and Jesuit priest whose life and works continue to inspire modern Transhumanism, an ideological identity that reflects Teilhard de Chardin's observationsthat humanity is approaching a critical "trans-human" stage in our evolution.
The Teilhard de Chardin Project will produce a two-hour television biography, tentatively entitled The Evolution of Teilhard de Chardin, interpreting the life and philosophy of Teilhard, a contemporary of Einstein, and a powerful voice for both evolutionary science and religion in the twentieth century, plus a robust interactive website. Produced by Frank Frost Productions, LLC, the documentary will be accompanied by a multifaceted Internet outreach that provides opportunities for viewers to dialogue with one another and scholars from around the world on topics introduced by Teilhards sweep of ideas. More information is available on the Teilhard de Chardin Project website.
The council of scholar advisors for the project includesStephen R. White, professor in the Department of Leadership and Educational Studies at Appalachian State University, author of many articles contextualizing Teilhards thought in global education (including Teilhardian Thought, Cyberspace and Educational Organization, Sage Publications, 2013), and member of the Mormon Transhumanist Association.
The Mormon Transhumanist Association is an international nonprofit organization that promotes radical flourishing in compassion and creation through technology and religion, as outlined in the Transhumanist Declaration and the Mormon Transhumanist Affirmation. Although we are neither a religious organization nor affiliated with any religious organization, we support our members in their personal religious affiliations, Mormon or otherwise, and encourage them to adapt Transhumanism to their unique situations.
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Pasarea Colibri – Futurist / Vis de Primavara (USA 1998) – Video
Posted: at 9:40 pm
Pasarea Colibri - Futurist / Vis de Primavara (USA 1998)
25 aprilie 1998 Polo Alto , CA , 1998.
By: Mircea Vintila
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Space Station 2401 99 – Video
Posted: October 25, 2013 at 12:50 pm
Space Station 2401 99
By: MoominBiscuit SuperGraffiti Video Backups
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Roma family in Ireland reunited with daughter after DNA test – Video
Posted: at 12:49 pm
Roma family in Ireland reunited with daughter after DNA test
Two blonde, blue-eyed girls taken from Roma couples. Authorities turn to DNA tests for answers. For a family in Ireland, it #39;s proof the girl is indeed their ...
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DNA test proves mystery girl parents
Posted: at 12:49 pm
25 October 2013 Last updated at 12:26 ET
DNA tests have confirmed a Bulgarian Roma couple as the biological parents of mystery child Maria, found in Greece last week, Bulgarian officials say.
They identified the couple as Sasha Ruseva and Atanas Rusev.
The officials are investigating whether the mother had sold the child - a claim she has denied.
Maria was found at a Roma camp in central Greece. Police noticed the lack of resemblance between the blonde girl and the adults she was staying with.
The couple, Christos Salis and Eleftheria Dimopoulou, have since been charged with child abduction. They have insisted the girl was given to them legitimately.
Maria - who was found near Farsala, central Greece - is currently being cared for by the Athens-based charity The Smile of the Child.
"The issue took international dimensions but the way it was covered raises questions regarding how the state addresses the phenomena of racism and xenophobia. It is striking that the suspected culprits were not presented as persons accused of the actual deed - what was highlighted was their ethnic background." Dimitris Zachos, Greek university lecturer, web TV
"Now let's suppose that Maria was not a blonde angel with green eyes and alabaster skin but dark-skinned, slightly short and bit chubby, maybe with a physical imperfection. Would the story sell that much on media? Is a blonde drama equal to a dark-haired one? Is a dark-skinned child less abused? Are tragedies assorted to race?" Elena Akrita, journalist, Ta Nea newspaper
"There are many losing from the development of the story. Not that they care a lot, though. They'll be waiting for the next story, to prove their racist and intolerant theories, wondering "what has happened to this world where there are blonde Roma"? There are blonde Roma, just as there are dark-skinned amongst the advocates of the Nazi "Aryan race" theory. Niko Ago, journalist, website
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DNA tests confirm Bulgarian woman is Maria's mom
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Stoyan Nenov / Reuters
Sasha Ruseva, 35, may be the biological mother of the blond girl known as "Maria" who was found in Greek Roma camp last week, according to her grandmother.
By Carlo Angerer and Henry Austin, NBC News
NIKOLAEVO, Bulgaria The family of a Bulgarian couple whose DNA matched with the mystery girl known as Maria on Friday, told NBC News they were happy she had been identified and they hoped she would be home soon.
"I'm happy and I hope that the kid will come home, but nobody knows when," Angel Rusev, the girls uncle said. "We're going to take care of her and all the other kids."
DNA samples taken from his brother Atanas Rusev, 36, and the girls mother Sasha Ruseva, 35, was shown to match with the little girl.
Analysis proved that Sasha Ruseva is the biological mother of the girl named Maria," Bulgarian Interior Ministry Chief Commissioner, Svetlozar Lazarov told reporters. "It also showed Atanas Rusev as the biological father.
Ivan Yanev / EPA
Some of Sasha Ruseva's children pose for photographers on Friday. Their great-grandmother strongly believes Maria is their sister.
He added that pretrial proceedings had been initiated to discover whether the mother had given her consent for her daughter to be sold abroad.
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