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Category Archives: Transhuman News


Posted: October 26, 2013 at 9:42 pm


By: Leena Zaher

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Posted in Genetic Engineering | Comments Off on GENETIC ENGINEERING ANIMATIC – Video

DNA Databank for Kidney Transplant Patients – Video

Posted: at 9:42 pm

DNA Databank for Kidney Transplant Patients
Dr. Kelly Ann Birdwell explains how Vanderbilt #39;s DNA Databank helps provide better treatment for kidney transplant patients. Learn more by visiting http://ww...

By: Vanderbilt Health

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DNA Databank for Kidney Transplant Patients - Video

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Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (8/8): DNA replication (5/5): protein synthesis (4/4) – Video

Posted: at 9:42 pm

Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (8/8): DNA replication (5/5): protein synthesis (4/4)
Lesson conducted in English and Afrikaans Series brought to you by Western Cape Education Department FET Curriculum and Communication Directorates in collabo...

By: wcednews

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Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (8/8): DNA replication (5/5): protein synthesis (4/4) - Video

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Ireland blond children were related to the Roma families, DNA tests proves – Video

Posted: at 9:42 pm

Ireland blond children were related to the Roma families, DNA tests proves
Two blond, blue-eyed children taken from Roma families in Ireland have been returned after DNA... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international...

By: Euronews

See the original post here:
Ireland blond children were related to the Roma families, DNA tests proves - Video

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Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (5/8): DNA replication (2/5): protein synthesis (1/4) – Video

Posted: at 9:42 pm

Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (5/8): DNA replication (2/5): protein synthesis (1/4)
Lesson conducted in English and Afrikaans: orientation. Series brought to you by Western Cape Education Department FET Curriculum and Communication Directora...

By: wcednews

Originally posted here:
Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (5/8): DNA replication (2/5): protein synthesis (1/4) - Video

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"Maria" DNA matches couple in Bulgaria

Posted: at 9:42 pm

NIKOLAEVO, Bulgaria DNA tests have confirmed that a Bulgarian Roma couple are the parents of a mysterious girl in Greece known as Maria, authorities said Friday.

Genetic profiles of Sasha Ruseva and her husband, Atanas, matched that of the girl, said Svetlozar Lazarov, an Interior Ministry official.

Ruseva has said she gave birth to a baby girl four years ago in Greece while working as an olive picker, and gave the child away because she was too poor to care for her.

12 Photos

Maria has been placed in temporary care since last week after authorities raided a Roma settlement in central Greece and later discovered that girl was not the child of a Greek Roma couple she was living with. The couple has been arrested, and who have been charged for allegedly abducting Maria and document fraud.

A lawyer representing the Greek couple said Friday they planned to seek legal custody of the fair-haired girl.

The couple have told authorities they had received Maria after an informal adoption.

Under Greek law, child abduction charges can include cases where a minor is voluntarily given away by its parents outside the legal adoption process.

"Now that they're in prison there's not much they can do," their lawyer, Costas Katsavos, said.

"But provided what we said is borne out, that it was not an abduction, then logically they will be released from prison and they will be able to enter a proper (adoption) process ... They truly and ardently want her back."

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"Maria" DNA matches couple in Bulgaria

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Questions Answered: DNA Reveals Girl's Identity

Posted: at 9:42 pm

DNA confirms that a child found by police in a Gypsy encampment in central Greece is the daughter of a Bulgarian migrant, who says she gave up her baby because she could not afford to care for her.

Sasha Ruseva, a 35-year-old Bulgarian Gypsy, or Roma, said she gave birth to the girl, called Maria, four years ago while working as an olive picker in Greece.

"The DNA profile showed that Sashka Ruseva is the biological mother and Atanas Rusev is the biological father of the small child called Maria," said Svetlozar Lazarov, the secretary general of Bulgaria's interior minsitry.

The girl was found last week during a crackdown by Greek authorities on Gypsy settlements. Authorities became suspicious of the couple who claimed to be her parents, because of the girl's blonde hair and blue eyes.

"We gave her, we gifted her, without money," Sashka Ruseva told Bulgaria's TV7 on Friday.

Authorities tracked Ruseva to a gypsy camp in Nikolaevo in rural Bulgaria. She was found living with her husband and several other children, in a home without running water. Five of the couple's children also have blonde hair and blue eyes and resemble Maria.

The Greek Gypsy couple, with whom Ruseva left the girl, were arrested last week for child abduction, a claim they deny.

"It confirms what my client was saying. The baby was given to them by the Bulgarian Roma woman because she could not afford to raise her. It's the first time the truth was approved and prosecution dropped abduction charges against my clients today," said Marietta Palavrasa, an attorney defending the Greek couple.

The girl is being cared for by a Greek charity and held at an undisclosed hospital.

Her discovery set off an international search to find her parents, as well as crackdowns across Europe on Gypsy settlements amid rumors that children were being sold or traded.

Read the original here:
Questions Answered: DNA Reveals Girl's Identity

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Understanding DNA damage from common radiation threat, low-energy electrons

Posted: at 9:42 pm

Oct. 25, 2013 Every day, all day, our DNA gets beaten up by chemicals and radiation -- but remarkably, most of us stay healthy. Now, an investigation by a team of French and Canadian researchers has produced insights into a little-studied but common radiation threat to DNA: low-energy electrons (LEEs), with energies of 0-15 electron volts.

The team has devised the first rough model of a close DNA cellular environment under threat from LEEs, revealing for the first time their effects on DNA in natural, biological conditions. Their work appears in The Journal of Chemical Physics, which is produced by AIP Publishing

The team's work is an important step forward in understanding how LEEs injure DNA because it provides a realistic experimental platform for analysis of results. The goal is to use this knowledge to improve current uses of radiation, such as in cancer treatments.

"The way by which these electrons can damage DNA, and how much damage they inflict, quantitatively, is of major importance not only for general radiation protection purposes, but also for improving the efficiency and safety of therapeutic and diagnostic radiation therapy," said Michel Fromm, the lead researcher from Universit de Franche-Comt in Besanon, France, whose expertise is in creating nanometer-scaled DNA layers. His co-author on the paper is Leon Sanche, of Sherbrooke University Qubec, Canada, who is one of the world's leading authorities on LEE research.

The team explored specific features of a small DNA molecule called a plasmid on a specialized thin film they created, which was irradiated by an electron gun. The impact produced transient particles called anions, which dissociate into "pieces" of DNA. When analyzed, these molecular fragments provide insight into the mechanisms of DNA strand breaks and other DNA injuries that health researchers seek to understand, repair and prevent.

"The fascinating point is that each time the close environment of DNA changes, new mechanisms of interaction of LEEs appear," Fromm said.

Here is the original post:
Understanding DNA damage from common radiation threat, low-energy electrons

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DNA tests show blond girl seized by police is daughter of Roma mother

Posted: at 9:42 pm

LONDON -- DNA tests have confirmed that a Bulgarian Roma couple are the parents of Maria, a blond, green-eyed 4-year-old girl taken by police in central Greece last week from the Roma settlement where she was living, Bulgarian authorities said Friday.

Authorities undertaking a drug raid had arrested a Greek Roma couple, Crhostos Salis, 39, and Eleftheria Dimopoulou, 40, suspecting Maria had been abducted. The couple, still jailed, said they had informally adopted her from her Bulgarian Roma parents.

The Bulgarian government said the scientific tests showed that Bulgarian Roma Sasha Ruseva, a 34-year-old mother of eight, was the child's mother. Ruseva said she gave birth to a baby girl in Greece in 2009, when she worked there as an olive picker, but knew she could not afford to care for another child and voluntarily handed her over for adoption.

She said that after seeing Marias photo, she was convinced the child was hers although she could not be sure without the DNA test.

Greek authorities search for the girls parents through widely published photos of her on posters and websites triggered a worldwide response.

Sightings of other children living in Roma communities and whose light-skinned appearance does not match those of their families have sparked widespread controversy as police suspicions of child trafficking clash with accusations of racism.

In two widely reported recent cases in Ireland, children were also seized by police who suspected they were not the natural offspring of their Roma parents. In both cases, police were proved wrong by DNA tests and the children were returned to their families.


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Egyptian comic praised by Jon Stewart goes back into the fray

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DNA tests show blond girl seized by police is daughter of Roma mother

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DNA test shows Bulgarian Roma woman is mother of "Maria"

Posted: at 9:42 pm

NIKOLAEVO, Bulgaria DNA tests have confirmed that a Bulgarian Roma couple are the parents of a mysterious girl in Greece known as Maria, authorities said Friday.

Genetic profiles of Sasha Ruseva and her husband, Atanas, matched that of the girl, said Svetlozar Lazarov, an Interior Ministry official.

Ruseva has said she gave birth to a baby girl four years ago in Greece while working as an olive picker, and gave the child away because she was too poor to care for her.

12 Photos

Maria has been placed in temporary care since last week after authorities raided a Roma settlement in central Greece and later discovered that girl was not the child of a Greek Roma couple she was living with. The couple has been arrested, and who have been charged for allegedly abducting Maria and document fraud.

A lawyer representing the Greek couple said Friday they planned to seek legal custody of the fair-haired girl.

The couple have told authorities they had received Maria after an informal adoption.

Under Greek law, child abduction charges can include cases where a minor is voluntarily given away by its parents outside the legal adoption process.

"Now that they're in prison there's not much they can do," their lawyer, Costas Katsavos, said.

"But provided what we said is borne out, that it was not an abduction, then logically they will be released from prison and they will be able to enter a proper (adoption) process ... They truly and ardently want her back."

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DNA test shows Bulgarian Roma woman is mother of "Maria"

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