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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Charles Chao, CEO of SINA: Censorship in China – Video

Posted: October 29, 2013 at 10:41 pm

Charles Chao, CEO of SINA: Censorship in China
Charles Chao, CEO and Chairman of the Board of SINA Corporation, discusses censorship in China with insights into how it affects the media as well as individ...

By: stanfordbusiness

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Charles Chao, CEO of SINA: Censorship in China - Video

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Bleep Ops 2 (Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship) – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Bleep Ops 2 (Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship)
Video By: Today #39;s hilarious video was by a guy named CrisyConcords! Be sure to check him out, link above! Subscribe: http:/...

By: ImNotUhhPro

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Violent Videos Need Self-Censorship, Expert Says

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Facebooks recent policy indecision over the posting of extremely violent videos has again exposed the larger debate over internet censorship versus free speech.

One media strategist contends the best solution for establishing internet standards lies in self-censorship.

Susan Reynolds, whose Carmen Media consults with international businesses on social media strategy and marketing, says its up to each of us to help establish settings and determine what we want to see.

When I think about the controversy, it reminds me that Facebook has become a community gathering place. And that brings up the whole issue of freedom -- the freedom to gather, the freedom of speech, freedom from censorship -- all of these things that Facebook is now facing having to make decisions about, said Reynolds in an interview with the VOA news program International Edition.

The controversy has caused Facebook to waffle on its own policies and desire to become an internet censor.

The debate was sparked by a video that appeared on Facebook back in May, showing a masked man beheading a woman. When the video went viral, Facebook reacted to complaints by banning it and other beheading videos, calling them psychologically damaging for young viewers.

After re-consideration, Facebook overturned a general ban on beheading videos, saying future decisions about the posting of potentially objectionable material would be made on a case-by-case basis.

Reynolds says Facebook would like to get out of the censorship business, and leave responsibility for user-generated content to the user.

For the first time, Reynolds says she recently alerted Facebook to a photo she found objectionable.

It was a picture of someone being tortured in the Middle East. Personally, I thought it was probably not a real depiction, a real photo, but perhaps something edited with Photoshop. And I didnt think it belongs in our newsfeed, especially if its false. So I reported it, said Reynolds.

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Violent Videos Need Self-Censorship, Expert Says

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Ron Paul on Obamacare battle, School Revolution, and Rand for president (Geraldo Rivera 10/24/13) – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Ron Paul on Obamacare battle, School Revolution, and Rand for president (Geraldo Rivera 10/24/13)
Ron Paul interviewed by Geraldo Rivera on WABC radio 10/24/13 photo by Gage Skidmore Ron Paul Geraldo Rivera Rand Paul School Revolution Obamacare Peter Schi...

By: bxtidre7

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Ron Paul on Obamacare battle, School Revolution, and Rand for president (Geraldo Rivera 10/24/13) - Video

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Chris Matthews interviews Ron Paul – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Chris Matthews interviews Ron Paul
Ron Paul is the only Republican (he #39;s really a Libertarian) that could sit down and have a discussion like this with Chris Matthews. Otherwise it would be no...

By: DiSaStaCaPiTaLisM

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GLENN BECK,Ron Paul talks homeschooling and the potential for a third party – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

GLENN BECK,Ron Paul talks homeschooling and the potential for a third party
GLENN BECK,Ron Paul talks homeschooling and the potential for a third party

By: threepercenter

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GLENN BECK,Ron Paul talks homeschooling and the potential for a third party - Video

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Ron Paul On Faux Fed Transparency: "Believe Me, The 'Big Stuff' Is Done In Secret"

Posted: at 10:41 pm

As Rand Paul grows more vociferous with regard the Janet Yellen nomination, he and his father are once again pressing for more transparency into what really occurs at the Fed. While some argue that there has never been a more 'transparent' Fed as we are plagued with volumes of double-speak (projections and prognostications), Ron Paul explains in this brief clip that "the big stuff is done in secret," including international central bank bailouts. His hope, based on the fact that Janet Yellen is a self-described agent of transparency that "the time is ripe," to truly audit the Fed.

"We don't know the details of the trillions of dollars that were used to bail out banks and central banks around the world and corporations during the crisis," Paul said. "The numbers that they give you I don't think are all that revealing."

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Ron Paul On Faux Fed Transparency: "Believe Me, The 'Big Stuff' Is Done In Secret"

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 10/28/13: A Welcome US/Saudi Reset – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 10/28/13: A Welcome US/Saudi Reset http://Campaign...

By: minnesotachris

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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10/28/13: A Welcome US/Saudi Reset - Video

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Ron Paul: Rand wants Fed bill vote before Yellen

Posted: at 10:40 pm

Published: Monday, 28 Oct 2013 | 12:53 PM ET

Ron Paul: Scrutinizing the Fed's policy

Former Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX), discusses the threat by his son, Sen. Rand Paul, to delay Janet Yellen's nomination as Fed chair if there is not a vote on his Fed transparency bill.

Former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul told CNBC on Monday that his son, Sen. Rand Paul, is threatening Janet Yellen's nomination as Federal Reserve chair for only one reason: to pass the bill on more transparency for the Fed.

"He wants to hold up the appointment on her, but it's mainly to get more transparency and have the 'Audit the Fed' bill pass," Paul said.

Even though the public knows "a little bit more" about the Fed now, he said, a lot is still undisclosed, especially on the central bank's international activities.

(Read more: Sen. Paul threatens to hold Yellen nomination: Source)

"We don't know the details of the trillions of dollars that were used to bail out banks and central banks around the world and corporations during the crisis," Paul said. "The numbers that they give you I don't think are all that revealing."

Paul said that he has not discussed this matter with his son and learned from the media about his views on Yellen's nomination.

By CNBC's Anna Andrianova. Follow her on Twitter @AndrianovaAnna

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Libertarianism attracting college students looking for political alternative

Posted: at 10:40 pm

WASHINGTON Rebecca Coates used to call herself a Republican, but increasingly found she had to be more specific.

"For a long time I thought I was a Republican, but I was always having to add addendums like, 'I'm Republican, but I think drugs should be legal,' or 'I'm Republican, but I don't want us to be at war overseas,' "' said Coates, a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a member of the campus's College Libertarians.

Across much of the country, libertarianism is attracting college students and others looking for an alternative. Libertarianism is becoming especially popular among younger voters, many of whom are tired of the stalemate between Republicans and Democrats in Washington, as evidenced by the 16-day government shutdown.

"I think the congressional dysfunction ... only makes people more interested in other viewpoints," said Michael Ben-Horin, a Students For Liberty campus coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic region and president of the George Washington University College Libertarians.

A 2011 Pew Research Center Poll found that 9 percent of Americans identify as libertarian.

The growth in popularity of libertarianism seems to be closely related to the emergence of the tea party movement.

Theda Skocpol, professor of politics and sociology at Harvard University, co-authored 'The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism' in 2011, and discovered an overlap between tea party and libertarian identification.

"When we did our research in 2011 ... we found that as many as 40 percent of (tea party supporters) in Virginia considered themselves libertarian," Skocpol said.

In this year's Virginia governor's race, Libertarian Party candidate Robert Sarvis was third with 11 percent in an Oct. 15 poll by Christopher Newport University's Judy Ford Watson Center for Public Policy.

Libertarians in the United States are predominantly male, highly critical of government and disapproving of social welfare programs, according to the Pew poll, although some libertarians find that definition stifling and inaccurate.

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Libertarianism attracting college students looking for political alternative

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