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Psoriasis diet how and why to make Psoriasis diet – Video
Posted: October 29, 2013 at 10:41 pm
Psoriasis diet how and why to make Psoriasis diet
By: Carol Kinney
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Psoriasis diet how and why to make Psoriasis diet - Video
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Posted: at 10:41 pm
El 29 de octubre se conmemora mundialmente el Día de la Psoriasis, una enfermedad inflamatoria, de evolución crónica y predisposición genética que afecta al ...
By: arcadiaconsultora
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NZ Survey of Psoriasis Reveals Management & Care Shortfalls
Posted: at 10:41 pm
Largest New Zealand Survey of People with Psoriasis Reveals Management and Care Shortfalls
New research findings and educational booklets for New Zealanders with psoriasis unveiled
Anniversary milestone for New Zealands only psoriasis patient support group
WELLINGTON, EMBARGOED 29 October 2013 To coincide with World Psoriasis Day today AbbVie has released the results of the 2013 Psoriasis Uncovered Survey1, one of the largest surveys of New Zealanders with psoriasis.
The results reveal the social challenges of living with a chronic skin condition and uncover low levels of access to specialist care.
Fifty per cent of survey respondents who reported living with moderate psoriasis said they have never received care from a dermatologist for management of their condition.
Of survey participants with severe psoriasis, one in five (21%) have never seen a dermatologist for their condition.1 Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease it is caused by overactivity of the immune system in the skin.
It most frequently develops in young adults and continues throughout their life, with one in 50 New Zealand adults currently estimated to be living with the disease2,3 The most common form of psoriasis causes raised, inflamed, scaly, red skin lesions, known as plaques.
Nearly all (98%) people surveyed reported experiencing flaking skin, 70% experienced bleeding and 61% experienced pain associated with a flare of psoriasis1.
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NZ Survey of Psoriasis Reveals Management & Care Shortfalls
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Survey results released: NZers with psoriasis
Posted: at 10:41 pm
To coincide with World Psoriasis Day today AbbVie has released the results of the 2013 Psoriasis Uncovered Survey, one of the largest surveys of New Zealanders with psoriasis.
The results reveal the social challenges of living with a chronic skin condition and uncover low levels of access to specialist care. Fifty per cent of survey respondents who reported living with moderate psoriasis said they have never received care from a dermatologist for management of their condition. Of survey participants with severe psoriasis, one in five (21%) have never seen a dermatologist for their condition.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease - it is caused by overactivity of the immune system in the skin. It most frequently develops in young adults and continues throughout their life, with one in 50 New Zealand adults currently estimated to be living with the disease.
The most common form of psoriasis causes raised, inflamed, scaly, red skin lesions, known as plaques. Nearly all (98%) people surveyed reported experiencing flaking skin, 70% experienced bleeding and 61% experienced pain associated with a flare of psoriasis.
The online quantitative survey completed by 492 New Zealanders, also found people with psoriasis reported a high incidence of other associated conditions such as psoriatic arthritis and mental illness. More than a third (35%) reported weight problems, stress (36%) and mental health issues (31%).
Dermatologist Dr Steven Lamb believes the results of this survey provide a valuable insight to the current management of psoriasis in New Zealand.
"New Zealanders with severe psoriasis in particular, report they are not getting the opportunity to access appropriate treatments," says Dr Lamb. "Forty to fifty per cent of people living with psoriasis are still using creams and lotions to treat their psoriasis. It is important that people with psoriasis are receiving effective treatment for their psoriasis as well as other associated conditions including depression, weight gain, joint pain, high blood pressure and psoriatic arthritis," said Dr Lamb.
This research highlights the need to accurately diagnose people early on in their journey and put them on a course towards effective management of their disease. Only two in five (38%) patients reported receiving a diagnosis in less than one year from the time of first experiencing symptoms. One in five (21%) of people surveyed reported they persevered with symptoms for three to ten years until they were diagnosed.
Dr Lamb states: "It is becoming clear to us as healthcare professionals that we need to set the bar higher to achieve a better level of control of psoriasis and work more closely with our patients to manage their associated health conditions".
This is the second time the Psoriasis Uncovered Survey has been conducted in New Zealand. While both surveys covered different topic areas, a consistent theme is the impact the condition has on feelings of self-confidence and judgement by others in the community. In 2013 the majority (60%) of survey respondents reported experiencing a negative reaction from others about their skin condition and one in five (22%) reported that these comments were extremely or very hurtful.
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Survey results released: NZers with psoriasis
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A quarter of psoriasis suffers say they have been DUMPED because of the condition – and 40% say their skin repulses …
Posted: at 10:41 pm
16% of sufferers have avoided going on a date because of the condition 15% will not go on holiday for fear of having to bare all in front of people One in six sufferers say the condition has held them back at work, 22% say it makes them depressed and 7% claim it makes them suicidal
By Emma Innes
PUBLISHED: 09:20 EST, 28 October 2013 | UPDATED: 10:41 EST, 28 October 2013
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A quarter of Britons suffering from a flaky skin condition say it ruins their relationships and they have been dumped as a result.
Four in 10 people with psoriasis - an inflammatory skin disease which affects Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne - feel their partner found them unattractive because of it.
The new research found that 16 per cent of sufferers have avoided going on a date and 15 per cent will not go on holiday for fear of having to bare all.
Cara Delevingne (left with psoriasis visible on her leg) and Kim Kardashian (right) have both spoken out about their battle with psoriasis - Miss Delevingne has said she might leave the catwalk as a result of the condition
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A quarter of psoriasis suffers say they have been DUMPED because of the condition - and 40% say their skin repulses ...
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Vesagas: World Psoriasis Day
Posted: at 10:41 pm
OCTOBER 29 is also known as the World Psoriasis Day (WPD).
For this year, the theme is Global access to treatment, which conjures for the breakdown of social inequality in terms of access to healthcare services and therapeutics for people suffering from psoriasis.
The International Federation of Psoriasis Association (IFPA) notes that statistically, over 125 million people suffer from psoriasis globally.
According to Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, psoriasis is defined as a chronic (long-term) inflammatory disorder in which the epidermal layer (outermost surface of the skin) turnover occurs at six to nine times faster than normal.
Health experts explain that under normal conditions, the skin sloughs off or the so-called change skin occurs every 26 to 28 days.
For patients with psoriasis, the process of change skin occurs in three to four days and this abnormal process does not allow the normal protective layer of the skin to form.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) informs that psoriasis causes patches of thick red skin and silvery scales.
These patches are typically found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, soles, but can also occur on other places: fingernails, toenails and mouth.
In the similar vein, the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) maintains that the following are conditions or factors that trigger psoriasis: stress; injury to skin; and (certain) medications.
Although the exact mechanism of how stress triggers psoriasis remain unclear, NPF explains that it (psoriasis) could be the bodys way of coping with stress just as the immune system responds to infection or injury by sending chemicals that cause inflammation.
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Vesagas: World Psoriasis Day
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International Federation of Psoriasis Associations: People with Psoriasis Need, and Deserve, Access to Treatment – No …
Posted: at 10:41 pm
Today, on World Psoriasis Day, the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, IFPA, brings attention to the need for improving the availability of treatment and care for psoriasis a disease that affects more than 125 million people all over the world.
Psoriasis is a serious, chronic, inflammatory, non-communicable disease for which there is currently no cure. According to the official report on psoriasis issued by the WHO Secretariat in advance of the 133rd meeting of the WHO Executive Board, the disease affects around 2 percent of the global population, with an even higher prevalence in some countries. Yet, even though it is a quite common disease which also carries with it an extensive physical, psychosocial and socioeconomic burden, there are still a large number of countries where it is difficult, or even impossible, to receive efficient treatment.
Lars Ettarp, President of IFPA, comments: A survey carried out by IFPA among its member organizations showed quite clearly that in many countries the treatments are in fact available, but due to very high costs or other limitations, such as lack of, or weak, social security systems, still not accessible for people with psoriasis. In some countries it can even differ from region to region and some treatment methods might not be available at all.
Psoriasis has no borders Psoriasis has no borders. It is in every region and every country, affecting millions of people in their daily lives, as well as their families and communities. IFPAs vision is a world without human suffering from psoriasis. Even if we today dont have a cure for psoriasis, we can all work for better equality in regards to access to treatment and care, to alleviate the burden of the disease on a persons life, says Kathleen Gallant, IFPA Executive Committee Secretary and Chair of the IFPA Task Force on NCDs.
Treat the patient save the person As part of the World Psoriasis Day messaging for 2013, IFPA initiated a photo testimonial campaign where people with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis can share what access to treatment means for them. Josef de Guzman, IFPA Executive Committee Treasurer and Chair of the IFPA World Psoriasis Day Steering Committee, explains the reasoning behind the campaign: This is a very visual, and impactful, way of showing what we as people with psoriasis feel is important. We arent our disease or just patients, we are people with hopes and dreams and ambitions just like everyone else. But not receiving treatment for our health problems heavily impacts how we can live ourlives, or fulfill our dreams. Hence the theme for the campaign: treat the patient save the person. Giving people with psoriasis access to treatment gives them the chance to fulfill their potential as human beings. Health shouldnt be a luxury; it is a basic human right.
About IFPA and World Psoriasis Day IFPA, together with all its national member associations, is working to improve the quality of life for people suffering from psoriasis. Towards this end we are all united in a yearly World Psoriasis Day campaign, on October 29. In 2013 we are focusing on the need for access to treatment for all people with psoriasis, no matter where they live. To read more about World Psoriasis Day and the campaign, please visit
In May of this year, the WHO Executive Board adopted a resolution on psoriasis/World Psoriasis Day, encouraging Member States to engage further in advocacy efforts to raise awareness regarding the disease of psoriasis, fighting stigma suffered by those with psoriasis, in particular through activities held every year on 29 October in Member States. The resolution, entitled World Psoriasis Day, will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly, in 2014, and can be downloaded here: EB133.R2.
For more information about IFPA, World Psoriasis Day and the resolution, please contact the IFPA Secretariat at or +46 8556109 18.
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Sense and censorship. Why Oliver Campbell is wrong. (The Stanley Parable) – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
Sense and censorship. Why Oliver Campbell is wrong. (The Stanley Parable)
Some footage
By: In this video I look at what Oliver Campbell said that was wrong, and why.
By: dodgykebaab
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The Stanley Parable and Video Game Censorship – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
The Stanley Parable and Video Game Censorship
redacted* @LukeAFrazier.
By: Luke Frazier
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Call of Duty: BLEEP OPS 2! Ep.4 – (Hilarious BO2 Censorship) – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
Call of Duty: BLEEP OPS 2! Ep.4 - (Hilarious BO2 Censorship)
MUST SEE VIDEO HERE! A like would be amazing guys! Also a comment wouldn #39;t be too bad 😀 -------------------------...
By: BestCodComedy
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Call of Duty: BLEEP OPS 2! Ep.4 - (Hilarious BO2 Censorship) - Video
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