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New DNA test casts doubt on murder weapon in Kercher murder trial
Posted: November 2, 2013 at 12:42 pm
FLORENCE, Italy, Nov. 1 (UPI) -- New DNA tests on a knife in the Italian murder case against U.S. student Amanda Knox have cast doubt on whether it was the murder weapon, defense lawyers say.
The tests were ordered as part of a third trial in the case in which Knox and her former boyfriend, Italian Raffaele Sollecito, are accused of killing British student Meredith Kercher in 2007 while the two women lived together in Perugia, Britain's The Daily Telegraph reported.
Investigators believe the kitchen knife, which was found in Collecito's apartment, was used by Knox to kill Kercher, as forensic experts initially said they found traces of DNA on the blade of the knife that belonged to Kercher, and Knox's DNA on the handle.
The original evidence was used to convict Knox and Sollecito in 2009, but was later thrown out during their appeal.
The latest results, which were revealed in court Thursday, "pushes even further away the possibility that this was the murder weapon," said Luciano Ghirga, Knox's lawyer.
The new tests found only tiny trace amounts of Kercher's DNA on the blade of the knife, which the defense has argued only proves that the knife was once in the apartment Knox and Kercher shared and could have gotten on the knife at any time.
"The forensic experts appointed by the Perugia appeals court, who at the time of their work didn't have instrumentation available to carry out a thorough examination on such a low quantity of DNA, carried out their work well," Ghirga said.
"This test excludes categorically that the knife was the murder weapon," said Giulia Bongiorno, Sollecito's lawyer.
Knox has opted to not be present at the current trial, which was ordered earlier this year by the Supreme Court in Rome. Sollecito, who has so far been absent from the trial, is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday.
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New DNA test casts doubt on murder weapon in Kercher murder trial
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Dr. Magliocco on the Genome of Melanoma Tumors – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Dr. Magliocco on the Genome of Melanoma Tumors
Anthony M. Magliocco, MD, chair of pathology, executive director of esoteric labs at Moffitt Cancer Center, discusses the difficulties of analyzing the genom...
By: OncLiveTV
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Dr. Magliocco on the Genome of Melanoma Tumors - Video
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Natural Remedy for Eczema – Natural Treatment for Eczema – Video
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Natural Remedy for Eczema - Natural Treatment for Eczema
For more information about natural remedy for eczema, please click this website
By: sandra dewi
Natural Remedy for Eczema - Natural Treatment for Eczema - Video
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The Psoriasis Song Live Dont look at me that way) Ray Chua for World Psoriasis Day 2013 – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
The Psoriasis Song Live Dont look at me that way) Ray Chua for World Psoriasis Day 2013
Ray Chua performs the Psoriasis Song - Dont look at me that way at the Nexus Auditorium in celebration of the World Psoriasis Day with The Psoriasis Associat...
By: Thehopefultree
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The Psoriasis Song Live Dont look at me that way) Ray Chua for World Psoriasis Day 2013 - Video
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Psoriasis – October 28th – Video
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Psoriasis - October 28th
Health Specialist Leah Sarich talks Psoriasis.
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Psoriasis - October 28th - Video
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Got Psoriasis? Don’t Hide – Video
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Got Psoriasis? Don #39;t Hide
Television presenter Rebecca Stevens has teamed up with psoriasis experts to feature in a new campaign to highlight how psoriasis, an autoimmune skin conditi...
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Got Psoriasis? Don't Hide - Video
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Police Censorship In Bahrain Against Exhibition – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Police Censorship In Bahrain Against Exhibition
Riot police in Bahrain have stormed an exhibition dedicated to the Arab Spring-inspired uprising in the Gulf nation, saying material inside was likely to inc...
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Police Censorship In Bahrain Against Exhibition - Video
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Keanu Reeves On Censorship Of Man Of Tai Chi I Had To Take – Video
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Keanu Reeves On Censorship Of Man Of Tai Chi I Had To Take
Source: TheHour.
By: Jean Rea
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Keanu Reeves On Censorship Of Man Of Tai Chi I Had To Take - Video
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Facebook censorship of Turkish political party
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Social media giant Facebook has waded into one of Europe longest-running conflicts after it banned pages belonging to Turkey's largest pro-Kurdish political party.
The main page of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) came down on Tuesday, October 29, following several warnings about posting content related to a Kurdish militia fighting in northern Syria and an interview with one of its deputies in which she spoke out for political autonomy of Kurdistan.
Facebook policy on censorship and the recognition of the Kurdish identity proved to be worse than that of Turkey, the party said in a statement.
Long running conflict
Turkey has been in conflict with the armed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which began a war of insurrection in the 1980s seeking independence for swathes of Turkey's southeast, home to the majority of Turkey's estimated 14 million ethnic Kurds. That demand has since been downgraded to political autonomy for minorities. Still, the PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the European Union, United States and Turkey.
The PKK declared a ceasefire in May as the Turkish government promised democratic reforms to recognize minority rights. Negotiations between the Turkish state and the PKK's jailed leader, Abdullah calan, are ongoing.
Facebook denies that the page came down over the use of Kurdistan -- a term that denotes a Kurdish homeland that encompasses territory in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria.
Its statement from Facebook's European office to Deutsche Welle reads in full:
The BDP page was not removed for mentioning the word 'Kurdistan'. It is true that several BDP pages have been taken down from Facebook. This is because these pages have repeatedly breached Facebook's rules. These rules allow users of Facebook to post political content, including controversial views, but prohibit the posting of content that shows support for internationally-recognised illegal terrorist organisations [including the PKK].
BDP spokesman Cem Bico says the main page came down following the group posting of an interview with BDP's MP Sebahat Tuncel calling for political autonomy for Kurdistan. There is no mention of armed groups.
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Facebook censorship of Turkish political party
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Facebook censorship of BDP
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Social media giant Facebook has waded into one of Europe longest-running conflicts after it banned pages belonging to Turkey's largest pro-Kurdish political party.
The main page of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) came down on Tuesday, October 29, following several warnings about posting content related to a Kurdish militia fighting in northern Syria and an interview with one of its deputies in which she spoke out for political autonomy of Kurdistan.
Facebook policy on censorship and the recognition of the Kurdish identity proved to be worse than that of Turkey, the party said in a statement.
Long running conflict
Turkey has been in conflict with the armed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which began a war of insurrection in the 1980s seeking independence for swathes of Turkey's southeast, home to the majority of Turkey's estimated 14 million ethnic Kurds. That demand has since been downgraded to political autonomy for minorities. Still, the PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the European Union, United States and Turkey.
The PKK declared a ceasefire in May as the Turkish government promised democratic reforms to recognize minority rights. Negotiations between the Turkish state and the PKK's jailed leader, Abdullah calan, are ongoing.
Facebook denies that the page came down over the use of Kurdistan -- a term that denotes a Kurdish homeland that encompasses territory in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria.
Its statement from Facebook's European office to Deutsche Welle reads in full:
The BDP page was not removed for mentioning the word 'Kurdistan'. It is true that several BDP pages have been taken down from Facebook. This is because these pages have repeatedly breached Facebook's rules. These rules allow users of Facebook to post political content, including controversial views, but prohibit the posting of content that shows support for internationally-recognised illegal terrorist organisations [including the PKK].
BDP spokesman Cem Bico says the main page came down following the group posting of an interview with BDP's MP Sebahat Tuncel calling for political autonomy for Kurdistan. There is no mention of armed groups.
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Facebook censorship of BDP
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