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Ron Paul stands up to Chris Mathews on Healthcare and Personal Liberty We Can’t Protect People Fro – Video
Posted: November 5, 2013 at 2:41 am
Ron Paul stands up to Chris Mathews on Healthcare and Personal Liberty We Can #39;t Protect People Fro
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Ben Swann Interviews Dr. Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 2:41 am
Ben Swann Interviews Dr. Ron Paul
Ben Swann interviews Dr. Ron Paul about the future of the liberty movement and alternative media. Visit to join the discussion.
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Ron Paul Reveals What Was Not Said About Iraq
Posted: at 2:41 am
Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute,
October was Iraqs deadliest month since April, 2008. In those five and a half years, not only has there been no improvement in Iraqs security situation, but things have gotten much worse. More than 1,000 people were killed in Iraq last month, the vast majority of them civilians. Another 1,600 were wounded, as car bombs, shootings, and other attacks continue to maim and murder. As post-liberation Iraq spirals steadily downward, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was in Washington last week to plead for more assistance from the United States to help restore order to a society demolished by the 2003 US invasion. Al-Qaeda has made significant recent gains, Maliki told President Obama at their meeting last Friday, and Iraq needs more US military aid to combat its growing influence. Obama pledged to work together with Iraq to address al-Qaedas growing presence, but what was not said was that before the US attack there was no al-Qaeda in Iraq. The appearance of al-Qaeda in Iraq coincided with the US attack. They claimed we had to fight terror in Iraq, but the US invasion resulted in the creation of terrorist networks where before there were none. What a disaster. Maliki also told President Obama last week that the war in next-door Syria was spilling over into Iraq, with the anti-Assad fighters setting off bombs and destabilizing the country. Already more than 5,000 people have been killed throughout Iraq this year, and cross-border attacks from Syrian rebels into Iraq are increasing those numbers. Again, what was not said was that the US government had supported these anti-Assad fighters both in secret and in the open for the past two years. Earlier in the week a group of Senators all of whom had supported the 2003 US invasion of Iraq sent a strongly-worded letter to Obama complaining that Maliki was far too close to the Iranian government next door. What was not said was that this new closeness between the Iraqi and Iranian governments developed under the US-installed government after the US invasion of Iraq. Surely there is plenty of blame that can be placed on Maliki and the various no-doubt corrupt politicians running Iraq these days. But how was it they came to power? Were we not promised by those promoting the war that it would create a beach-head of democracy in the Middle East and a pro-American government? According to former Treasury Secretary Paul ONeill, in early 2001 as the new Bush administration was discussing an attack on Iraq, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, Imagine what the region would look like without Saddam and with a regime thats allied with US interests. It would change everything in the region and beyond it. It would demonstrate what US policy is all about. We see all these years later now how ridiculous this idea was. I have long advocated the idea that since we just marched in, we should just march out. That goes for US troops and also for US efforts to remake Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and everywhere the neocon wars of liberation have produced nothing but chaos, destruction, and more US enemies overseas. We can best improve the situation by just leaving them alone.
The interventionists have unfortunately neither learned their lesson from the Iraq debacle nor have they changed their tune. They are still agitating for regime change in Syria, even as they blame the Iraqi government for the destabilization that spills over. They are still agitating for a US attack on Iran, with Members of Congress introducing legislation recently that would actually authorize US force against Iran.
It looks like a very slow learning curve for our bipartisan leaders in Washington. Its time for a change.
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Ron Paul campaigns for Ken Cuccinelli
Posted: at 2:41 am
In just under 24 hours, if the process goes smoothly, voters should know who will be moving into the Executive Mansion come January.
On the eve of election night, with his puppy nearby, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Ken Cuccinelli rallied supporters at the Greater Richmond Convention Center, drilling in his message and calling his biggest rival, Democrat Terry McAuliffe fiscally irresponsible and an outsider.
He sleeps in Virginia, but, hes from Washington and I got a border plan. Its to keep Terry McAullifes DC politics on the other side of the Potomac, says Cuccinelli.
Ron Paul spoke almost twice the amount of time as Cuccinelli, whose voice sounded strained, probably after days of non-stop campaigning.
A few hours before, McAuliffe was shoring up his base of supporters, campaigning with Vice President Joe Biden, repeating the message hes been giving all along and linking Cuccinelli to the government shutdown and painting him as a divisive leader.
Couldyou imagine if Ted Cruz and Ken Cuccinelli and the Tea Party ran the VA government? asked McAuliffe.
Rarely mentioned in the political fray, Libertarian Candidate, Robert Sarvis.
He wrapped up his campaigning in Charlottesville Monday night after spending some time at the 17th Street Farmers Market in Richmond, making sure the public knows there is a third option.
TheRepublican and Democratic Party nominated two candidates who people just do not like and do not want, says Sarvis.
While each candidate has their own distinct talking points, they did share one common message, make sure you have everything you need when heading to the polls to cast your vote.
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Ron Paul campaigns for Ken Cuccinelli
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Campaigning for Libertarians, Ron Paul stumps for Cuccinelli in VA
Posted: at 2:41 am
Richmond, VA (CNN) - Hours before the polls open in Virginia, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli enlisted Libertarian hero and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul to speak at a campaign rally in Richmond in a final effort to unite the base.
Supporters who turned out for the late evening event at the Richmond Convention Center embraced a message that focused on Libertarian themes.
"I've done very little travelling and campaigning this time around, but this one I came to because I know your candidate is a defender of liberty," Ron Paul said to a cheering crowd.
The Libertarians are precisely the voters the Republican candidate needs to sway for a win Tuesday. That's because third party candidate, Liibertarian Robert Sarvis, is polling at eight percent, according a Quinnipiac poll released Monday.
Cuccinelli, the Virginia attorney general, trails former Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe by six points, according to the same Quinnipiac poll.
The Cuccinelli camp hopes the Paul endorsement will bring those splintered Libertarian voters back into the GOP fold.
McAuliffe's final campaign push included star power appearances Monday from Vice President Joe Biden. President Obama , former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also stumped for him in the final weeks.
The Cuccinelli campaign has framed the election as a referendum on Obamacare and hopes to capitalize on the problem-plagued rollout.
Paul hit that message hard tonight. "This Obamacare is a monster," he said He described Obamacare taxes as "evil", claiming "they are going to create a class warfare."
As Virginia's attorney general, Cuccinelli sued the Obama administration over the Affordable Care Act. A case that was later dismissed.
Campaigning for Libertarians, Ron Paul stumps for Cuccinelli in VA
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A Critique of Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 2:41 am
A Critique of Libertarianism
I gave this talk at Sonoma State on 10/30/13. It is based on my paper Stakeholding and Safety Nets, available here.
By: Teed Rockwell
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Futur! Futurism – Video
Posted: at 2:40 am
Futur! Futurism
For the Futurists speed was the new beauty. Simon Shaw discusses two works by Giacomo Balla, Automobile in Corsa and Rumoristica plastic BALTRR, which encaps...
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'Biohacker' puts chip in arm
Posted: November 4, 2013 at 8:41 pm
Kids, don't try this at home: A self-described "biohacker" had a big electronic chip almost as large as a deck of cards inserted beneath the skin of his arm. Without a doctor's help. And without anesthetics.
Tim Cannon is a software developer from Pittsburgh and one of the developers at Grindhouse Wetware, a firm dedicated to "augmenting humanity using safe, affordable, open source technology," according to the group's website. As they explain it, "Computers are hardware. Apps are software. Humans are wetware."
The device Cannon had inserted into his arm is a Circadia 1.0, a battery-powered implant that can record data from Cannon's body and transmit it to his Android mobile device. Because no board-certified surgeon would perform the operation, Cannon turned to a DIY team that included a piercing and tattoo specialist who used ice to quell the pain of the procedure. [Super-Intelligent Machines: 7 Robotic Futures]
Now that the device is inserted and functioning, Cannon is one step closer to achieving a childhood dream. "Ever since I was a kid, I've been telling people that I want to be a robot," Cannon told The Verge. "These days, that doesn't seem so impossible anymore."
The Circadia chip isn't particularly advanced: All it does is record Cannon's body temperature and transmit it to his cellphone over a Bluetooth connection. While this isn't a huge improvement over an ordinary thermometer how analog! it does represent one small step forward in what will undoubtedly be a continuing march toward greater integration of electronics and biology.
Cannon is hardly the first individual to have technology implanted into his or her body just ask former vice president Dick Cheney (who had a battery-powered artificial heart implanted), or any dog with a microchip.
Some are referring to biohacking as the next wave in evolution. "I think that's the trend, and where we're heading," according to futurist and sci-fi author James Rollins.
"There's a whole 'transhuman' movement, which is the merging of biology and machine," Rollins told LiveScience in an earlier interview. "Google Glass is one small step, and now there's a Japanese scientist who's developed the contact lens equivalent of Google Glass. And those are two things you put right on, if not in, your body. So I think we're already moving that way, and quite rapidly."
Cannon sees future refinements as being able to do more than just passively transmit information. "I think that our environment should listen more accurately and more intuitively to what's happening in our body," Cannon told Motherboard. "So if, for example, I've had a stressful day, the Circadia will communicate that to my house and will prepare a nice relaxing atmosphere for when I get home: dim the lights, [draw] a hot bath."
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What Will Be 3D Printed On Space Station? | Video – Video
Posted: November 3, 2013 at 8:42 pm
What Will Be 3D Printed On Space Station? | Video
NASA Marshall Flight Center #39;s 3-D print project manager Niki Werkheiser gives a few examples of the spare parts that a 3D printer on the ISS can provide.
By: VideoFromSpace
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Space Station Crewmember Discusses Life in Space With Illini Students – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Space Station Crewmember Discusses Life in Space With Illini Students
Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 37 Flight Engineer Michael Hopkins discussed life and work aboard the orbital laboratory with engineering ...
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