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Knoxs knife DNA casts doubt on murder weapon
Posted: November 6, 2013 at 5:41 pm
Wednesday November 6, 2013
Knox's knife DNA casts doubt on murder weapon
That testimony bolsters the defense, which claims the kitchen knife was not the weapon used in the bloody 2007 slaying of Knox's British roommate, 21-year-old Meredith Kercher.
FLORENCE, Italy -- A court-appointed expert testifying in U.S. student Amanda Knox's third murder trial in Italy said Wednesday that a new trace of DNA found on the handle of the knife alleged to have been the murder weapon belongs to Knox and not the victim.
That testimony bolsters the defense, which claims the kitchen knife was not the weapon used in the bloody 2007 slaying of Knox's British roommate, 21-year-old Meredith Kercher.
As things stand, there's no confirmed DNA belonging to Kercher on the knife; one piece of DNA on its blade that was first attributed to Kercher has been disputed on appeal.
Expert Andrea Berti testified Wednesday that the minute new DNA trace from the knife's handle showed "considerable affinity" with Knox's DNA, while not matching that of Kercher. It also did not match the DNA of Knox's co-defendant Raffaele Sollecito or Rudy Guede, an Ivorian man who has been convicted separately in the brutal slaying.
Knox defense lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told The Associated Press that the testimony confirms their contention that the knife was used solely for preparing food. "The report confirms that this is a kitchen knife. It is not a murder weapon," Dalla Vedova said.
Luca Maori, Sollecito's defense lawyer, said the trace's very existence also indicated the knife had not been washed. "It is something very important," he said. "It is absurd to use it for a murder and put it back in the drawer."
The DNA evidence on the knife found in a drawer at Sollecito's place has been among the most hotly contested pieces of evidence in the original trial and now in two appeals.
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Knoxs knife DNA casts doubt on murder weapon
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Amanda Knox case: Knife had no DNA from victim
Posted: at 5:41 pm
Amanda Knox case: A DNA expert testified Wednesday in Italy that the so-called murder weapon, a knife, had no DNA on it from the victim. His testimony supports the defense of Amanda Knox and her boyfriend.
U.S. student Amanda Knox's defense got a boost on Wednesday when a new DNA test on a kitchen knife failed to conclusively prove that it was the murder weapon used to kill her British roommate.
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An expert witness testified that the minuscule DNA trace on the knife handle near the blade showed "considerable affinity" with Knox's own DNA.
That confirmed what was already known from two previous trials: that Knox's DNA was on the knife handle, identified through another trace.
No DNA belonging to the slain British student, Meredith Kercher, was identified. Previous genetic evidence on the blade linked to Kercher had been contested at earlier stages.
Outside the court, Knox defense lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told The Associated Press that the testimony confirms his contention that the knife was used by Knox solely for preparing food. "The report confirms that this is a kitchen knife. It is not a murder weapon," Dalla Vedova said.
Luca Maori, a defense lawyer for Knox's co-defendant Raffaele Sollecito, said the trace's very existence also indicated the knife had not been washed. "It is something very important," he said. "It is absurd to use it for a murder and put it back in the drawer."
Prosecutors deferred comment for their summations, due later this month.
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Amanda Knox case: Knife had no DNA from victim (+video)
Posted: at 5:41 pm
Amanda Knox case: A DNA expert testified Wednesday in Italy that the so-called murder weapon, a knife, had no DNA on it from the victim. His testimony supports the defense of Amanda Knox and her boyfriend.
U.S. student Amanda Knox's defense got a boost on Wednesday when a new DNA test on a kitchen knife failed to conclusively prove that it was the murder weapon used to kill her British roommate.
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An expert witness testified that the minuscule DNA trace on the knife handle near the blade showed "considerable affinity" with Knox's own DNA.
That confirmed what was already known from two previous trials: that Knox's DNA was on the knife handle, identified through another trace.
No DNA belonging to the slain British student, Meredith Kercher, was identified. Previous genetic evidence on the blade linked to Kercher had been contested at earlier stages.
Outside the court, Knox defense lawyer Carlo Dalla Vedova told The Associated Press that the testimony confirms his contention that the knife was used by Knox solely for preparing food. "The report confirms that this is a kitchen knife. It is not a murder weapon," Dalla Vedova said.
Luca Maori, a defense lawyer for Knox's co-defendant Raffaele Sollecito, said the trace's very existence also indicated the knife had not been washed. "It is something very important," he said. "It is absurd to use it for a murder and put it back in the drawer."
Prosecutors deferred comment for their summations, due later this month.
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Amanda Knox case: Knife had no DNA from victim (+video)
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Integrative Approach to Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) by My Whole Child – Video
Posted: at 5:41 pm
Integrative Approach to Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) by My Whole Child
A holistic approach to the management of Eczema (atopic dermatitis) requires the knowledge of what the best options are available and then guiding the patient towards the best options.
By: MyWholeChild
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Integrative Approach to Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) by My Whole Child - Video
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Mother, 42, describes the misery of living with psoriasis
Posted: at 5:41 pm
Vanessa Lawrence-French was diagnosed with the skin condition at 18 She has severe flare ups which last for up to three months The condition makes her skin very itchy and sore and has dented her self-confidence - when she has a flare up she avoids going out She has to take immunosuppressive drugs for the condition but they leave her vulnerable to infections and could damage her liver or kidneys
By Emma Innes
PUBLISHED: 04:21 EST, 6 November 2013 | UPDATED: 04:23 EST, 6 November 2013
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A mother has told how her painful skin condition left her feeling trapped in a body she hated.
Vanessa Lawrence-French, 42, has had severe psoriasis since she was 18 and says the condition has had a devastating impact on her self-confidence.
She says when she has a flare up of the condition she feels so self-conscious she avoids leaving her house.
Vanessa Lawrence-French (pictured with her husband, Alan, and sons, Ethan and Damian) was diagnosed with psoriasis when she was 18 and frequently has severe flare ups of the condition
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Mother, 42, describes the misery of living with psoriasis
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WM Nationalspielerin Ariane Hingst offensiv gegen Psoriasis – Video
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WM Nationalspielerin Ariane Hingst offensiv gegen Psoriasis
By: monika dangal
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WM Nationalspielerin Ariane Hingst offensiv gegen Psoriasis - Video
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home cure for psoriasis | Psoriasis Away! The Secrets of Clear, Healthy Skin – Video
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home cure for psoriasis | Psoriasis Away! The Secrets of Clear, Healthy Skin
home cure for psoriasis | Psoriasis Away! The Secrets of Clear, Healthy Skin. Click This Link: --- The bottom line is this : ...
By: Simon Williams
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home cure for psoriasis | Psoriasis Away! The Secrets of Clear, Healthy Skin - Video
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Yoani Sánchez: How Pixels are Bringing Down the Wall of Censorship – Video
Posted: at 5:40 pm
Yoani Sánchez: How Pixels are Bringing Down the Wall of Censorship
On October 28, the Program on Liberation Technology at CDDRL, in partnership with the Association for Liberation Technology, the Center for Latin American St...
By: Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law
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Yoani Sánchez: How Pixels are Bringing Down the Wall of Censorship - Video
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Ron Paul BASHES BOSTON MARTIAL LAW Policy News – Video
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Not my video just sharing .
By: Junior Truthy
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Ron Paul BASHES BOSTON MARTIAL LAW Policy News - Video
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Crysis 3 – Post Human (HD) (M) – Video
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Crysis 3 - Post Human (HD) (M)
Walkthrough Part 1 Facebook:
By: ZoliGamesHD
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