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Category Archives: Transhuman News

O.M.D. – Genetic Engineering – Video

Posted: November 11, 2013 at 5:41 pm

O.M.D. - Genetic Engineering

By: Countdown Chart History

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The Procussions "DNA" – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

The Procussions "DNA"

By: The Procussions

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The Procussions "DNA" - Video

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ALERT NEWS 23andme DNA world search Why CIA, Google, Alien UFO Connection – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

ALERT NEWS 23andme DNA world search Why CIA, Google, Alien UFO Connection

By: news today

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DNA Response, a Multi-channel Commerce Company, Announces Exclusive U.S. Online Marketing Agreement with Kbiz, a Major …

Posted: at 5:41 pm

Seattle, Washington (PRWEB) November 11, 2013

DNA Response, a multi-channel commerce company, announces exclusive U.S. online marketing agreement with Kbiz, a major Asian trade organization.

DNA Response will help Kbiz Corporation, US branch of the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business with 3800 members, to generate incremental revenue by marketing their products through online channels in the U.S.

According to DNA CEO and Founder, Ranjit Mulgaonkar, Korean consumer products from large companies such as Samsung and Hyundai are well known in the U.S. market, but until now, it has been costly, difficult and risky for small and medium sized businesses to try to sell their products in the U.S. With Kbiz shouldering the risk and buying inventory from Korean SMBs to sell in the U.S., we can expose their products to more than 300 million shoppers on 19+ online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay in as little as two weeks.

DNA Response will leverage online marketplaces as the initial U.S. online sales channel for Kbiz members. Based upon the sales rate and consumer profile for the products, inventory may be marketed through additional U.S. online sales channels such as custom-built eStores, Direct Response TV, home shopping TV networks, brick and mortar retailers, catalogs and more.

DNA makes it possible for us to quickly provide a turn-key solution for our interested Kbiz members to enter the U.S. online market. They have a staff with expertise in all aspects of multi-channel commerce. This means we do not have to hire and train a staff of our own, which would be slow and expensive. Now, our members can sell their products through U.S. online marketplaces swiftly, says Jaejin Kim, President of Kbiz Corporation, based in Los Angeles, CA.

Established in California, Kbiz Corporation is a US operation of the Korean Federation of Small and Medium Business, headquartered in Seoul, Korea - a global organization carefully tied to the Korean Government. To support their members U.S. marketing efforts, Kbiz Corporation is additionally opening a showroom in Beverly Hills to promote their high-end products in categories such as health & beauty, fashion accessories and more, to both consumers and retailers.

About DNA Response, Inc.

DNA Response, Inc. (DNA,) was founded by executives from, and helps consumer product manufacturers rapidly increase sales through multiple online channels, on a pay-for-performance basis. DNA helps its clients sell products directly to consumers through 19+ online marketplaces, custom-built e-stores, direct response TV, home shopping networks, popular TV shows, home shopping TV networks, big box e-tailers and deal sites. DNA provides online marketing and unified order management for processing and fulfilling orders, and a dashboard so clients can see what is happening with their online business in real time. DNAs turnkey solution helps its clients generate incremental revenue while reducing operating costs

About Kbiz Corporation

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DNA Response, a Multi-channel Commerce Company, Announces Exclusive U.S. Online Marketing Agreement with Kbiz, a Major ...

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DNA-Powered Nanotrain Builds Its Own Tracks

Posted: at 5:41 pm

At the University of Oxford a research team has created molecule-sized shuttles that build their own micro-tracks and then use those pathways to deliver compounds from one location to another.

Such networks could work to carry medicine to precise locations of disease. Or they could be used to transport molecular materials to places in the body where new structures need to be built.

Top 10 Uses For The Worlds Strongest Material

The Oxford team, led by physics graduate student Adam Wollman, used kinesins, which are motor proteins that can carry other molecules and assemble them, like a train car carrying a crane and supply of rails to build tracks. Wollmans team put two kinesins together, called assemblers. The proteins built tracks out of artificial, nonliving DNA. The tracks were arranged in a pattern like a wagon wheel with spokes.

The scientists then used kinesin molecules as shuttles, which worked like boxcars to deliver a fluorescent green dye. Adding adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which cells use to transport energy, made the kinesins carrying the dye spread out along the hub and spokes.

After the kinesin boxcars had settled in place, the scientists added ATP again. This time the kinesins carried the dye to the central hub of the wheel.

To reverse the process, the team added a signaling molecule, which told the kinesins to take the dye out of the central hub and release it, allowing it to disperse. Another set of signal molecules told the kinesin assemblers to break up their track network when their job was done. The whole process is seen in this video.

Nanocapsules Take You From Sloshed To Sober

The inspiration came from fish. Some fish species have cells called melanophores. Melanophores have the same track system, a hub-and-spoke configuration connecting skin cells. When the fish wants to change its color say in response to a threat motor proteins carry pigment to the central point, the hub, which might be in a single skin cell. Since the pigment is now gone from the rest of the cells surrounding that hub, the skin is transparent and the fish looks lighter.

This experiment involved dye, but the same thing could be applied to a lot of other molecules. Its also a good proof-of-concept for using DNA as a building block and assembler for molecule-sized machines.

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DNA-Powered Nanotrain Builds Its Own Tracks

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Team Dna Fitness Intro – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

Team Dna Fitness Intro
Thank you for Watching! Big Shoutout to Barstarzz, Hannibal for King, Kris From Calisthenics Weight Training, Prophecy Workout, Bar brothers, F0rtress, The...

By: teamdnafitness

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Team Dna Fitness Intro - Video

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Trailer de Genome Hazard (HD) – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

Trailer de Genome Hazard (HD)
Trailer de Genome Hazard, por Kim Sung-Su. Más información en

By: Cine maldito

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Trailer de Genome Hazard (HD) - Video

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Skin Treatment For Eczema – E-Cream – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

Skin Treatment For Eczema - E-Cream An excellent natural alternative to cortisone, this skin treatment balm by Skin Essence Organics contains a balanced ...

By: Carley Simandl

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Skin Treatment For Eczema - E-Cream - Video

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Exercise Will Help You Cure Psoriasis – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

Exercise Will Help You Cure Psoriasis ? THE ONLY NATURAL TREATMENT FOR PSORIASIS THAT REALLY WORKS!!! Exercise Will Help You Cure Psoriasis You will need to start and maintain...

By: TreatmentForPsoriasis

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Exercise Will Help You Cure Psoriasis - Video

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Using Light Therapy For Psoriasis Treatment – Video

Posted: at 5:41 pm

Using Light Therapy For Psoriasis Treatment ? THE ONLY NATURAL TREATMENT FOR PSORIASIS THAT REALLY WORKS!!! Using Light Therapy For Psoriasis Treatment While finding the most effective...

By: TreatmentForPsoriasis

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Using Light Therapy For Psoriasis Treatment - Video

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