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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Transhumanist novel by Zoltan Istvan sparks intense dialog among futurists

Posted: December 20, 2013 at 4:41 pm

By Vicki Larson Marin Independent Journal

ZOLTAN ISTVAN has no idea what to expect in 2014, but he's certain about two things: he will welcome a second baby and a lot more people are going to know about transhumanism.

His newly self-published debut novel, "The Transhumanist Wager," based on the science that uses technological advancements to enhance the human condition, especially radical life extension, will no doubt help make that happen. Often compared to Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and a best-seller on Amazon, it has not only sparked an intense dialog among futurists, scholars and religious authorities across the globe, but its controversial philosophy and ideas are also the subject of a forthcoming book. It's also brought him a fair share of hate mail.

The Mill Valley resident had more than an inkling it would stir up things. His protagonist, Jethro Knights, a man willing to annihilate the rest of humanity in his quest to be immortal, becomes dictator and causes a global revolution as he seeks to advance his transhumanist ideas.

While Istvan doesn't want to cause a revolution (although he believes it's inevitable), he shares many of Knights' ideas and libertarian philosophy.

"I am a person who loves life and doesn't want to die," says Istvan, 40, who became interested in transhumanism as a philosophy and religious studies student at Columbia University. "I think in the 21st century most scientists who are in longevity and who are in the field of trans-humanism believe if we can develop the technology we need, if we could have $50 billion and put it toward this technology, we would probably, within 10 years, solve the mechanisms for aging and be able to extend life indefinitely."

One of the book's controversial ideas would transfer those billions from programs that fund society's most vulnerable or as Knights says, "lazy welfare recipients," "mentally challenged, "uneducated repeat criminals" and "obese second-rate citizens bankrupting our medical system" as well as funding wars for oil.

Hardly PC for a Marin County resident, he agrees.

"Morality is defined by the amount of time you have left to live. I firmly believe that. Everyone when they're at the end of their life or they only have a couple days left to live makes very different moral choices," he says. "The transhumanist wager is really about how far do you take technology and science to make yourself the very strongest entity that you can become, and that's the question; if you could become all-powerful, would you do that?"

The novel, writes science writer and trans-humanist Giulio Prisco, "has the potential to become a cult book."

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Transhumanist novel by Zoltan Istvan sparks intense dialog among futurists

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Humanity+ | Elevating the Human Condition

Posted: at 4:41 pm

Humanity+ @Conferences

Our Humanity+ conferences explore innovations of science and technology and their relationship to humanity. Recent conferences have been held at San Francisco State University, Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, Parsons The New School for Design in New York City, California Technology Institute, and Harvard University.

H+ Magazine covers technological, scientific, and cultural trends that are changing humans in fundamental ways. H+ Magazine aims to reflect the newest edge culture by featuring creative expressions of humanity on a razors edge where daily life and science fiction seem to be merging.

This is a brand new world-wide holiday! Future Day is slated for every March 1st. Become a Friend of Future Day and work with us all together, across the world, to get Future Day off to an incredible start!

The 2013 H+ Virtual edu TV series is a discussion series on provocative questions about emerging and speculative technologies of human enhancement and life extension, ethics, and how our cultureand how technology plays a key role inthe narratives we form. Located atteleXLR8.

Join a Chapter or start one! There are many possible activities for local groups, from purely social gatherings to study groups and speaker series. All local chapters are autonomous, except insofar as we recognize and cooperate with you.

The Humanity+ Student Network is an international coalition of student organizations dedicated to discussing transhumanist ideas. The H+SN and its member groups seek to provide opportunities for university-level work and research in exploring the promises and perils of technology and the future of humanity.

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Transhuman Space

Posted: at 4:41 pm


Transhuman Space won the Grog d'Or for the best roleplaying game, game line, or RPG setting of 2002.

In the coming decades, technologies like genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology will transform humanity. A strange new world is unfolding nightmarish to some, utopian to others. Soon we'll have the power to reshape our children's genes, build machines that think, and upload our minds into computers.

And Earth no longer confines us. Space tourism, mining the Moon and asteroids, a settlement on Mars: all are dreams poised to take wing.

The universe of Transhuman Space is a synthesis of these two visions a world in which ultra-technology and space travel fuse to forge a new destiny for mankind. Neither utopia nor dystopia, it is a place of hopes, fears, and new frontiers.

Written by David L. Pulver Edited by Andrew Hackard Cover art by Christopher Shy Illustrated by Christopher Shy

Transhuman Space Line Editor: Phil Masters

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Transhuman Space

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Transhuman: The Eclipse Phase Player’s Guide by infomorph …

Posted: at 4:41 pm

We have exceeded the $14,000 base goal for this Kickstarter and will be producing the book Transhuman, and now we have a few final stretch goals to unlock -- check out below!

Stretch Goal 1: 8 Sample Characters

We will add 8 pages to Transhuman, featuring all new sample characters, each with their own illustration, in the style of those in the Eclipse Phase Core Rulebook and Sunward!

Stretch Goal 2: 8 More!

Transhuman gets 8 more sample characters, for a total of 16!

Stretch Goal 3: Freelancer Raise

All of the freelance contributors to Transhuman -- artists, authors, editors -- are going to get a 15% bonus on their pay for the book!

Stretch Goal 4: Morph Recognition Guide

We'll commission art for all the morphs that we've yet to illustrate, and publish a PDF and Print-on-Demand book, the Morph Recognition Guide, with those illustrations, details about the morphs, game stats, and more!

Stretch Goal 5: Morph Recognition Cards

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Transhuman: The Eclipse Phase Player's Guide by infomorph ...

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Crysis 3 Part 1 PC: i7-4930k (30-35) Gigabyte GTX-780 32 GB RAM.

By: uncleSuppenuhn Suppenhuhn

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Eidolon – Official Trailer – Video

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Eidolon - Official Trailer
Eidolon is a narrative exploration game set in a massive, post-human Western Washington. Expect a 2014 release for both PC and Mac. More information is avail...

By: Ice Water Games

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Eidolon - Official Trailer - Video

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By: uncleSuppenuhn Suppenhuhn

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‘Almost Human’ Airs Its First Missing Episode as Mid-Season Finale

Posted: at 4:40 pm

It may not be the Almost Human mid-season finale that many fans had hoped for, but it sure is a strong end-of-the-year finish, nevertheless. With two DRNs (Michael Elay), an annoyed Kennex (Karl Urban) and a never-before-seen crime, creator J.H. Wyman is tempting audiences to tune in next year, to find out the full story behind a certain Detectives mysterious ex-girlfriend. The question now is: will you?

In this weeks episode, Arrhythmia, written by Alison Schapker (Fringe, Alias), Kennex and Dorian take on a case of a man who somehow knew the exact time of his own death, which leads televisions new duo into the highly-evolved world of black market organs. As the source of the bio-mechanical organs begins to be revealed and Dorians new friend, DRN 494, rejects a return to service its a rush to find out who, exactly, is behind all of these transplants before the rest of their clientele is switched off, once and for all.

For a series filled with as many hidden gems (read: actors) from the big screen, it cant be easy to highlight a character story without sacrificing the overall quality, or pacing, of whatever the task is at hand; and its almost impossible to do it without introducing new characters that would likely have to return, at some point. So what Almost Human pulled off by doubling Michael Elay is quite ingenious; how they pulled it off both visually as well as logically is even more so.

Both Kennex and Dorian havent really evolved all that much from the beginning. Their ability to work as a team, however, has, and yet the series still relies on Dorian carry much of weight, as far character development goes, to push Kennex (or himself) in to revealing more about the man (or machine) we now watch each week. In this episode, Dorian finds a like-minded friend in DRN 494, so now many of the internal conversations that Dorian would merely have in his own mechanized mind are now presented outward, to himself, or at least a version that could have been, if things would have been different.

Synthetic or not, Dorian truly is the heart and soul of this series and, as the series title suggest, is the only one looking inward, as well as outward, to better understand his place in a world filled with humans who, while being able to feel and emote, largely do anything but. Still, much of Dorians way of thinking can be considered idealistic, and in world where anything is but ideal, there are some harsh truths that he must come to terms with. Dorians earnest intent in reviving a decommissioned DRN allowed him to connect with an alternative version of himself, to see that, though intent is everything even in saving a little boys life the rules and laws that are put upon synthetics can quickly result in the loss of the life he was built for, and which hes interested in pursuing more of.

The story of this weeks episode, too, built the series up even more. Though weve see a few instances of futuristic crimes in past episodes, this is the first one that felt as if it could have supported a feature-length runtime, and its a terrific example of how creative minds can use a television budget to continuously create familiar, yet unique, futuristic tales with striking visual effects. After all the wondering of what may come from the airing of Almost Humans missing episodes (2, 3 & 4), it now appears to be more calculation-based than anything conspiracy-related.

Arrhythmia may very well be the sixth episode to air, but it is actually the third episode to be film and perhaps the series strongest episode yet. Whether it be because of the additional visual effects needing more time, or J.H. Wymans calculated scheduling of episodes or both the mysterious case of missing episodes has all but come to end. Its now very unlikely that episodes 2 and 4 are being hidden away because of issues relating quality, but because the series is not yet ready to delve into the weighty story of Kennex and his ex-girlfriend.

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‘Almost Human’ Airs Its First Missing Episode as Mid-Season Finale

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3 Muslim restaurant workers awarded $100,000 in discrimination case

Posted: at 4:40 pm

Three Muslim workers at a popular restaurant in Leslieville have been awarded almost $100,000 after a human rights tribunal found they had been forced to eat pork, mocked for speaking Bengali, frequently referred to as sh-t and threatened with replacement by white staff.

In an 80-page decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario said the owners of Le Papillon on the Park, at Eastern Ave. near Ashbridges Bay, made the workplace intolerable for each of the applicants.

Judith Keene, vice-chair of the tribunal, said in the decision that the restaurant owners retaliated against the men after they questioned how they were treated, resulting in the loss of their jobs.

In addition to paying the award, Keene ordered the restaurant owners to take human rights training and to prominently post Human Rights Code cards at the entranceway and in the kitchen.

Bart Lackie, the lawyer for Paul and Danielle Bigue, owners of Le Papillon on the Park, said his clients are making a reconsideration request. It means asking the tribunal to reconsider the decision.

He declined to comment further.

At the hearing, the Bigues testified in their defence. They said they did not force anyone to taste pork, did not use offensive language and did not threaten to fire their employees.

Danielle Bigue also said she did not mock her former employees.

Abdul Malik, a former employee at the restaurant, said he was very relieved the nightmare was over. I can move on with my life, said Malik.

Malik and his two former co-workers, Mohammed Islam and Arif Hossain, approached the tribunal separately in early 2011 soon after they were fired or, in Islams case, quit. The case was eventually consolidated and heard earlier this year.

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3 Muslim restaurant workers awarded $100,000 in discrimination case

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