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The New Kerbal Space Station – Video
Posted: January 5, 2014 at 5:45 am
The New Kerbal Space Station
Had to restart... Brought to you by, -Frodo.
By: Citadel Productions
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The New Kerbal Space Station - Video
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Space Station 13 w/DeadlyxGamerz: Part 1 : KILLING EVERYONE! :D – Video
Posted: at 5:45 am
Space Station 13 w/DeadlyxGamerz: Part 1 : KILLING EVERYONE! 😀
Hey Guys AssassinsGamez here! Played some space station 13, and i killed 4 people with DeadlyxGamerz! FACEBOOK: CHANN...
By: AssassinsGamez
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Space Station 13 w/DeadlyxGamerz: Part 1 : KILLING EVERYONE! 😀 - Video
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Space Station Live: Science for 2014 – Video
Posted: at 5:45 am
Space Station Live: Science for 2014
International Space Station Chief Scientist Jule Robinson discusses some of the technology and research activity on tap for the orbital laboratory in 2014.
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: Science for 2014 - Video
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Canadian woman ‘giddy’ about possible one-way trip to Mars
Posted: at 5:44 am
EDMONTON -- In her Grade 8 yearbook, Christy Foley wrote that she wanted to be among the first humans to colonize the moon.
She never got the chance. Instead, she might go to Mars.
Im totally willing to miss the moon to go to Mars, the 32-year-old Edmontonian said Saturday. My friends are already calling me a Martian. I almost get giddy thinking about it.
Foley recently learned she is one of 1,028 people worldwide under consideration for the Mars One project, a non-profit, Dutch-based endeavour to establish a human colony on the red planet by 2024. Foley was hopeful when she first applied, but kept her expectations low.
At the end of December, she received an email telling her shed survived a massive cut of more than 200,000 hopeful, potential astronauts. My eyes flew open and I shrieked.
The excited Foley, one of 75 Canadians still in the running, hasnt slept much in the past week, but still has a long way to go. After the success of her application package, she must now undergo medical tests, psychological interviews and eventually physical challenges if she is to make the final cut. Just 24 people will be chosen. For Foley, a strategic planner for Environment and Sustainable Resources Development, the project is an opportunity to learn how to survive and thrive in a foreign environment.
It is also a chance for her childhood dreams to come true. Foley grew up watching the female crew members in Star Trek: The Next Generation television episodes and fondly remembers meeting Roberta Bondar, Canadas first female astronaut. Stories of her time in the Girl Guides of Canada and Pathfinders ended up in her application essay.
Her husband, a lawyer, also applied, but didnt make the cut. His rejection letter contained a story about a NASA astronaut who was rejected 15 times before he was accepted to the space agency.
The journey involves a one-way trip. Thats something Foley is prepared to accept.
Everyone dies on Earth, she said. Its boring. I would get to die on Mars. Wed probably live a lot longer on Mars than Earth, though. Its a much healthier environment and there are no cars to run over you.
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Canadian woman ‘giddy’ about possible one-way trip to Mars
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GMO bill to go before the House this month
Posted: at 5:44 am
A fight over whether to require genetically modified foods to be labeled in New Hampshire is coming before the House this month.
Supporters argue New Hampshire residents have a right to know whether their food is produced with genetic engineering, but critics say the federal Food and Drug Administration has not mandated the labeling because it determined the foods are safe.
The House Environment and Agriculture Committee split in its recommendation on the bill, with a majority favoring killing it. But a minority is arguing its time for states like New Hampshire to lead, regardless of the federal position on the issue.
While we have concerns about the lack of safety and health testing by parties independent of the bio-tech industry, we are not opposed to the use of (genetic engineering) technology per se. We simply feel that people should have the freedom to make their own choices about food, and since knowledge is essential to the proper exercise of that freedom, information about genetically engineered content should be available on food labels, state Rep. Peter Bixby wrote to the House.
But state Rep. Robert Haefner countered in his message to the House on the bill that a label would in effect serve as a skull and crossbones, suggesting to the consumer that there is something dangerous in the product when in fact science has shown there is not.
Haefner said the bill would be difficult and expensive for the state to enforce.
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GMO bill to go before the House this month
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C99(female seeds) X CANDY KUSH (dna genetics) – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
C99(female seeds) X CANDY KUSH (dna genetics)
hybrido con apariencia de sativa pero floracin bastate rpida, su aroma es suave, recuerda a pias, a resina de pino y acaramelado, su sabor es mas complejo...
By: spanishbuds
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C99(female seeds) X CANDY KUSH (dna genetics) - Video
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DNA: Chemical Structure of Nucleic Acids – Video
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DNA: Chemical Structure of Nucleic Acids
Visit for thousands more videos like this one. You #39;ll get full access to our interactive quizzes and transcripts and can find...
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DNA: Double Helix Structure and Hereditary Molecules – Video
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DNA: Double Helix Structure and Hereditary Molecules
Visit for thousands more videos like this one. You #39;ll get full access to our interactive quizzes and transcripts and can find...
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Posted: at 5:43 am
ACLA has special guest Dr. Samuel L. Douglas on the show to discuss the possibility of all human beings having Reptilian DNA in the,... SUBSCRIBE TO SURVIVE.
By: TheAlienContactee
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Structure of DNA | Molecular Genetics | Biology – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Structure of DNA | Molecular Genetics | Biology
Structure of DNA Topic: Molecular Genetics Class XII - Biology Board - CBSE Visit
By: aptacads
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Structure of DNA | Molecular Genetics | Biology - Video
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