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Category Archives: Transhuman News

CU-Boulder to fly antibiotic experiment, education project on ants to space station

Posted: January 5, 2014 at 8:45 pm

NASA Television will provide live coverage of the launch of Orbital Sciences Corp.'s commercial Cygnus spacecraft on Tuesday, Jan. 7 from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, which will be carrying two University of Colorado Boulder payloads to the International Space Station.

The two CU-Boulder payloads -- a biomedical antibiotic experiment and an educational K-12 experiment involving ant behavior in microgravity -- are slated to be launched aboard Orbital Sciences Corp.'s Antares rocket at 11:55 a.m. MST. Both experiments were designed by BioServe Space Technologies, a NASA-funded center in CU-Boulder's aerospace engineering sciences department.

The CU-Boulder biomedical experiment was designed to test the effectiveness of antibiotics in space. Past experiments by CU-Boulder and other institutions have shown bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics is significantly reduced during spaceflight, although the reason is not yet known, said CU-Boulder Associate Professor David Klaus, principal investigator on the project.

Klaus said the investigation will examine changes in the gene expression of the bacteria E. coli during exposure to different concentrations of antibiotics while in the microgravity environment of space. The hope is to locate particular genes that are key to resisting antibiotics, which could lead to improved testing on Earth as well as new drug targets or new approaches to understanding antibiotic resistance in certain diseases or infections, said Klaus.

"Previous studies carried out in microgravity have shown that bacteria are able to grow in what normally would be an inhibitory concentration of the antibiotic," said Klaus. "This investigation is aimed at characterizing the genetic basis for this response in the weightless environment of space with the intent of applying any insight gained toward combating the increasing emergence of drug-resistant pathogens here on Earth."

Co-investigators on the project include BioServe Director Louis Stodieck, a research professor in aerospace engineering, and Shawn Levy, a researcher at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville, Ala. The research effort also involves CU-Boulder doctoral candidate Luis Zea.

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics kills 100,000 Americans every year and represents a roughly $20 billion expense to the U.S. government in excess health care costs, said Klaus. The experiments will be undertaken using spaceflight test tubes contained in the Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus, or CGBA, an automated, suitcase-sized incubator, all designed and built by BioServe.

The second experiment launching to ISS is known as Ants in Space, which examines foraging patterns based on the density of the common Pavement Ant, said BioServe Business Development Manager and Education Program Director Stefanie Countryman. "Past experiments by Professor Deborah Gordon, principal investigator on this project, have shown that some ant species have the ability to search areas collectively without individual communication. When ant densities are high, each ant thoroughly searches one small area in a circular, "random" walk, she said. When ant densities are low, each ant searches by walking in a relatively straight line, allowing it to cover more ground.

"Ants assess their own density at the rate at which they meet," said Countryman, who said the eight individual ant habitats on ISS will be loaded with roughly 100 ants each. "The experiment examines whether in microgravity ants will use the rate at which they meet to assess density, and so use straighter paths in the larger habitat areas. The results will be compared to ground controls, which in this case will include ant habitats in hundreds of K-12 classrooms around the world."

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CU-Boulder to fly antibiotic experiment, education project on ants to space station

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Edmonton woman ‘giddy’ about possible one-way trip to Mars

Posted: at 8:44 pm

EDMONTON -- In her Grade 8 yearbook, Christy Foley wrote that she wanted to be among the first humans to colonize the moon.

She never got the chance. Instead, she might go to Mars.

Im totally willing to miss the moon to go to Mars, the 32-year-old Edmontonian said Saturday. My friends are already calling me a Martian. I almost get giddy thinking about it.

Foley recently learned she is one of 1,028 people worldwide under consideration for the Mars One project, a non-profit, Dutch-based endeavour to establish a human colony on the red planet by 2024. Foley was hopeful when she first applied, but kept her expectations low.

At the end of December, she received an email telling her shed survived a massive cut of more than 200,000 hopeful, potential astronauts. My eyes flew open and I shrieked.

The excited Foley, one of 75 Canadians still in the running, hasnt slept much in the past week, but still has a long way to go. After the success of her application package, she must now undergo medical tests, psychological interviews and eventually physical challenges if she is to make the final cut. Just 24 people will be chosen. For Foley, a strategic planner for Environment and Sustainable Resources Development, the project is an opportunity to learn how to survive and thrive in a foreign environment.

It is also a chance for her childhood dreams to come true. Foley grew up watching the female crew members in Star Trek: The Next Generation television episodes and fondly remembers meeting Roberta Bondar, Canadas first female astronaut. Stories of her time in the Girl Guides of Canada and Pathfinders ended up in her application essay.

Her husband, a lawyer, also applied, but didnt make the cut. His rejection letter contained a story about a NASA astronaut who was rejected 15 times before he was accepted to the space agency.

The journey involves a one-way trip. Thats something Foley is prepared to accept.

Everyone dies on Earth, she said. Its boring. I would get to die on Mars. Wed probably live a lot longer on Mars than Earth, though. Its a much healthier environment and there are no cars to run over you.

Originally posted here:
Edmonton woman ‘giddy’ about possible one-way trip to Mars

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Inline Automation and Miniaturized Reaction Volumes for Real Time Isothermal DNA Amplification – Video

Posted: at 8:44 pm

Inline Automation and Miniaturized Reaction Volumes for Real Time Isothermal DNA Amplification
Real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) processing can be a labor-intensive process involving multiple instruments and numerous human (or robotic) contact...

By: GENNews

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Inline Automation and Miniaturized Reaction Volumes for Real Time Isothermal DNA Amplification - Video

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DNA results could link suspect to murdered village girl

Posted: at 8:44 pm

SIBU: Police raced against time to gather evidence to solve the murder of Britney Clement, 9, following the arrest of a former security guard who is her aunts husband.

Sibu police chief ACP Mohd Kamal Kordi when contacted yesterday said police had sent DNA samples collected from the dead girl and the suspect, whom they arrested at his longhouse in Sg Naman village.

We are now waiting for the results of the DNA tests, he said.

When asked whether the suspect would be sent for psychiatric examination, Kamal said they had yet to do so and the case was still under investigation.

Multiple scratches found on the suspects chest and back led the cops to solve the case in less than 24 hours.

At first the suspect claimed he got the scratches from cutting grass.

Later he claimed those scratches were caused by his wife in a quarrel.

The suspect was taken back to the police station last Friday along with the deceaseds 20-year-old sister and a male cousin to assist police investigation.

He allegedly killed the village girl after failing to rape her after attending a New Year countdown celebration.

It is understood that the suspect had tried to rape Britney because he was jealous that she sent her cousin home in waist-deep flood after the New Year countdown.

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DNA results could link suspect to murdered village girl

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Baby Eczema (Baby Selina update) – Video

Posted: at 8:43 pm

Baby Eczema (Baby Selina update)
Hey Guys! I am glad I finally sat down and made this update! Hope you find it informative and enjoy~!

By: Sarah Marie

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Baby Eczema (Baby Selina update) - Video

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Psoriasis tends to relapse after stopping Methotrexate, shown in a case at Life Force – Video

Posted: at 8:43 pm

Psoriasis tends to relapse after stopping Methotrexate, shown in a case at Life Force
Psoriasis tends to relapse after stopping Methotrexate, shown in a case of scalp at Life Force. Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, suggests to avoid methotrexate as the rel...

By: lifeforcehomeopathy

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Psoriasis tends to relapse after stopping Methotrexate, shown in a case at Life Force - Video

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Office of Bulgarian Populist Party Burns Down Overnight

Posted: at 8:42 pm

A blaze has destroyed to ashes the office of populist party "Bulgaria without Censorship" in the southern city of Stara Zagora, the party's press center said Sunday.

The office was opened a only few days ago, personally by party leader and controversial former TV host, Nikolay Barekov.

The party reported that the fire flared at 2 am and burned down the entire building, located in the city's central park.

A firefighter team was immediately sent to the scene, but they were unable to rescue the office. The causes of fire are being probed.

Barekov said that provocations started before Christmas from detractors who tried to stir a debate about the location of the office, claiming that it was an obstacle for people wishing to use the park.

"Bulgaria without censorship" thinks the police and the fire departments failed to do an adequate job and with their inaction have allowed the office in Stara Zagora to burn to the ground.

Moreover, without an expert report and without surveying security cameras around, they were quick to issue a statement that this was not case of arson," Barekov writes in his blog.

In September 2013, Barekov officially quit TV7 and its sister channels, and announced an upcoming political career, suggesting his ambitions reach very high, including the positions of Bulgarian PM or President.

Lol, serves him right. Suck it up princess. Perhaps you can go back to your old job and do a full investigative report on this terrible "accidental" fire.

Barekov was one of the main instigators and cause of the dreadful outcome of the elections last year, when his expose on votebuying was aired on TV during the blackout of political campaigning.

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Office of Bulgarian Populist Party Burns Down Overnight

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Ron Paul: Government hurts the poor – Video

Posted: at 8:42 pm

Ron Paul: Government hurts the poor
Ron Paul discusses government policies and their detriment to the people they are "designed" to help.

By: TheLibertarian4life

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Ron Paul: Government hurts the poor - Video

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Q&A: Futurist Rebecca Ryan says Madison needs to come to grips with its growing diversity

Posted: at 8:40 pm

Rebecca Ryan has been associated with new-economy Madison for almost a decade now.

In 2005, less than a year after she brought Next Generation Consulting to Madison, the Wisconsin State Journal dubbed her a coolness consultant for her work with companies and cities to attract and retain young people. Shes spoken at the Overture Center on the new economy, been the keynote speaker at a Madison Area Technical College graduation and now chairs the board of Sustain Dane, which aims to make Dane County more environmentally friendly and economically successful at the same time.

As it did for many businesses, the Great Recession changed Next Generation. Down from a peak of 10 employees, the company is now just Ryan, 41, and her partner (both in business and life), Marti Ryan. They are futurists, helping clients (mostly municipalities now) nationwide navigate economic and demographic trends to stay relevant.

Rebecca Ryan is the resident futurist for the Arizona-based Alliance for Innovation, but shes kept a high local profile, including writing a regular column for Madison Magazine. In October, she was the target of some angry blowback for a column titled the Tier-Two Tradeoff in which she said living in a smaller city like Madison comes with an opportunity cost.

Ryan said she was taken aback by the intense reaction to the column, though she conceded in a follow-up piece that tier two which in her line of work refers to a city of between 500,000 and 1 million people might sound like an insult. She also wrote that despite the expressed wishes of some, she has every intent of staying in the city. She came in to the Cap Times offices recently to talk about what Madison has going for it, what its problems are and why shes going to stick around.

Cap Times: Tell me a bit more about Next Generations new focus.

Rebecca Ryan: Version two really came from having a crisis of faith in my clients in some ways. During the first part of my companys history we had helped a lot of companies get on "best places to work" lists and then during the recession, some leaders did things that I just really felt were unconscionable.

Such as

The classic example I got a call from the managing partner of one of the biggest public accounting firms in the world, theyd been a client of ours, and he said, Rebecca, Im going to send you a draft of an email that were going to send out tomorrow first thing and I want you to tell me what you think.

So the email comes to my inbox and its announcing a 15 percent reduction in force effective immediately. I called him and I said, "I remember you telling employees that you were running 5 percent ahead of where you were going to be with some of your initiatives." I asked what communication have they received between then and now and he said, Well, none.

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Q&A: Futurist Rebecca Ryan says Madison needs to come to grips with its growing diversity

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KSP 0.22 career mode series episode:4 Mini Space station! – Video

Posted: at 5:45 am

KSP 0.22 career mode series episode:4 Mini Space station!
Hello kerbians this is Gecko rockets Ep:4 Information: Today I begin the building of my interstellar space station. This will the be the space train to the m...

By: Geckorockets

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