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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Causes of Eczema – What You Need to Know – Video

Posted: February 11, 2014 at 12:45 am

Causes of Eczema - What You Need to Know Eczema is a painful and irritating skin disease that can be cured if treated correctly (especially when natural eczema remedies a...

By: Joshua Stanem

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How to Cure Eczema – 3 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Eczema – Video

Posted: at 12:45 am

How to Cure Eczema - 3 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Eczema Eczema is a painful and irritating skin disease that can be cured if treated correctly (especially when natural eczema remedies a...

By: Joshua Stanem

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psoriasis treatment testimonial – haritha skincare and psoriasis speciality hospital – Video

Posted: at 12:45 am

psoriasis treatment testimonial - haritha skincare and psoriasis speciality hospital
This is Mr. Sudhakaran. He is from Ernakulam,Kochi, Kerala working at Best Bakery Ernakulam. He had psoriasis for last fifteen years. He had found psoriasis ...

By: harithagroup

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Dil Debate on Censorship – Video

Posted: at 12:45 am

Dil Debate on Censorship
Debate on the censorship of the word homophobia and the controversial pay out of compensation to members of the IONA institute.

By: Clare Daly

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Censorship Assignment Ethics – Video

Posted: at 12:45 am

Censorship Assignment Ethics
Me and my crew members just got the Highest marks for doing this video assignment!~!! So i #39;m guessing why not just share it to the public 🙂 I #39;m the host, th...

By: Arif Yusof

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Dionne: An economic school has led to gridlock in Washington

Posted: at 12:44 am

One of my favorite moments during the 2012 Republican presidential contest came when Ron Paul, fresh from his strong showing in Iowa, triumphantly told his supporters: Were all Austrians now!

I imagined many Americans scratching their heads and wondering: Why do we want to be Austrians? They live in a nice country with stunning mountains and all that, but arent we perfectly happy to be Americans?

Of course those in the know, particularly Pauls enthusiasts, understood the libertarian presidential candidates reference: that Americans were rejecting the economic ideas of John Maynard Keynes that encouraged government intervention and provided intellectual ballast for the New Deal. Instead, they were coming around to the principles of the anti-government economics of Austrians Friedrich A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.

Hayek and Mises perceived little difference between democratic governments that used their power to plan against recessions and dictatorships that did the same thing. In this view, the policies of Franklin Roosevelt led down what Hayek called the Road to Serfdom and were thus objectively comparable to those of Hitler or Stalin.

At the time, Paul offered some context for his Austrian journey. He was quoting a supporter who had noted a line attributed to President Richard Nixon that were all Keynesians now. Paul observed that back then, even Republicans accepted liberal economics. Those days are gone.

Pauls words are worth remembering not only because they are entertaining but also because he has a point. To a remarkable degree, our politics are haunted by the principles of Austrian economics and their sweeping hostility to any actions by government to keep downturns from becoming catastrophes or to promote greater economic fairness.

This is, indeed, an enormous change. When Nixon declared his allegiance to Keynesianism, he was reflecting an insight embraced across partisan lines. Governments exertions, both during the New Deal and more completely during World War II, helped rescue the U.S. economy from depression.

Postwar Keynesian approaches, including the Marshall Plan, let loose an economic juggernaut across the Western world. Secular and Christian parties of the moderate right and social democratic parties of the moderate left created free societies and regulated market economies that delivered the goods literally as well as figuratively to tens of millions. (The actual country of Austria, by the way, largely ignored the Austrian economists and followed a similar path.)

Those who follow Hayek and Mises would have us forget this history or rewrite it beyond comprehension. They would also have us overlook that Hayeks own historical justification for apolitical market economics was entirely wrong, as the late Tony Judt put it in Thinking the Twentieth Century, his extraordinary dialogue with his fellow historian Timothy Snyder, published in 2012, after Judts death.

Hayek believed, Judt said, that if you begin with welfare policies of any sort directing individuals, taxing for social ends, engineering the outcomes of market relationships you will end up with Hitler.

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Dionne: An economic school has led to gridlock in Washington

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Transhumanist – Shores of Elysium – Video

Posted: at 12:44 am

Transhumanist - Shores of Elysium
New Album Entity In The Void - Available 12.8.13 Facebook - Twitter - Recorded a...

By: ShoresofElysium

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Transhumanist - Shores of Elysium - Video

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Crysis 2 Let`s Play-Post Human Warrior difficulty-Without using Armor and Cloak-#2 – Video

Posted: at 12:44 am

Crysis 2 Let`s Play-Post Human Warrior difficulty-Without using Armor and Cloak-#2
Crysis 2 von Crytek -- Herausgeber : Electronic Arts -- Musik : Hans Zimmer.

By: DerKuselKopp

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Lecturer talks about human-rights issues

Posted: at 12:44 am

Jayne Huckerby, the inaugural director of a new Duke Law School clinic, spoke to the University Scholars Program Monday about human trafficking and the challenges of combating misconceptions regarding the subject.

Originally from Sydney, Australia, Huckerby has been an advocate for human rights for more than 10 years, dealing with topics such as gender in human rights and post-Arab Spring issues. Huckerby has also worked with the United Nations and the New York University law center.

During her speech, Huckerby emphasized the challenges advocates can face when dealing with human trafficking. For example, she attempted to convince the audience that human trafficking is a human rights violation. Because these issues often get treated as criminal issues, the victims themselves can be criminalized rather than helped.

According to Huckerby, in many countries, victims are asked to cooperate with law enforcement before they receive assistance. Besides not allowing the victim to get healthy and mentally stable before being subjected to such pressures, Huckerby said the victims could become fearful of law enforcement. Rather than receiving help from the police, these victims are frequently arrested for charges like prostitution.

Undocumented individuals could be afraid to come forth because they fear punishment, and that is not helping someone who has undergone a major human violation, Huckerby said.

Huckerby said theres a divide in advocates between abolitionists and non-abolitionists that causes issues. Though some of them think that certain acts should be criminalized in order to prevent human trafficking from occurring, others argue that this only leads to the victims getting punished more than helped, she said.

Another issue Huckerby addressed was the frequent assumption that trafficking doesnt occur in Western nations.

According to Huckerby, during the summer of 2013, North Carolina passed a new law that reworked its previous trafficking legislation. The law instituted a program called Safe Harbor, which grants minors immunity from being charged with prostitution after being victims of trafficking.

Though Huckerby said she was glad steps were being taken to reduce human trafficking, she said she worries that these types of laws, which strictly emphasize sex trafficking, give the false impression that labor trafficking is not an issue in N.C. when a 2012 federal report found that the percentage of labor trafficking is nearly equal to that of sex trafficking.

Huckerby said its hard to decide whether its best to support the progress and the new law or to push for there to be even more changes in the legislation.

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Lecturer talks about human-rights issues

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Futurism – Farse Daniel Buzdugan – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Futurism - Farse Daniel Buzdugan

By: oanas

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