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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Javi Boss – All The Time – Video

Posted: February 15, 2014 at 11:40 am

Javi Boss - All The Time
Artist: Javi Boss - Track: All The Time - Release: Frightening - Label: Masters Of Hardcore - Year: 2013.

By: Futurist HC

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Javi Boss - All The Time - Video

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Futurist – Blacksheep Army (2/10/12) The Studio at Webster Hall, NYC – Video

Posted: at 11:40 am

Futurist - Blacksheep Army (2/10/12) The Studio at Webster Hall, NYC
This is some old footage from our second show with Joey and Skyler! Evan Miller is rocking the custom lights. This was a show with Turkuaz and Deathrow Tull....

By: quizads

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Futurist - Blacksheep Army (2/10/12) The Studio at Webster Hall, NYC - Video

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[Futurist] Friday 2014.02.21 – 2pm ET – Video

Posted: at 11:40 am

[Futurist] Friday 2014.02.21 - 2pm ET
This month #39;s host Nicole Valentine brings us a discussion on the psychology of curation, and the relationship between selection, big data, and user research....

By: Fred Chong Rutherford

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[Futurist] Friday 2014.02.21 - 2pm ET - Video

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MOOCS: The next big thing? A futurist’s opinion (Learning World S4E20, 3/3) – Video

Posted: at 11:40 am

MOOCS: The next big thing? A futurist #39;s opinion (Learning World S4E20, 3/3)
Euronews reporter Maha Barada talks to #39;futurist #39; John Mahaffie, (a futurist is a social scientist who predicts trends and developments in society). He expla...

By: WISE Channel

MOOCS: The next big thing? A futurist's opinion (Learning World S4E20, 3/3) - Video

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How customer demographics drives your business! Customer trends futurist lecture – Video

Posted: at 11:40 am

How customer demographics drives your business! Customer trends futurist lecture
Keynote Presentation by Patrick Dixon the shifting global demographic. Demographics are the biggest driver of modern medicine, 1bn children globally soon to ...

By: Patrick Dixon Futurist Keynote Speaker for Industry Conference

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How customer demographics drives your business! Customer trends futurist lecture - Video

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Alan Watt on Alex Jones Chimeras, Clones And Designer Humans Transhuman Eugenics YouTube – Video

Posted: February 14, 2014 at 12:42 pm

Alan Watt on Alex Jones Chimeras, Clones And Designer Humans Transhuman Eugenics YouTube
New world order researcher and speaker Alan Watt discusses the housing mortgage crisis, engineered destruction, Eugenics, the loss of private property rights...

By: Felix

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Alan Watt on Alex Jones Chimeras, Clones And Designer Humans Transhuman Eugenics YouTube - Video

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Facebook offers users more online gender identities

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Originally published February 13, 2014 at 7:27 PM | Page modified February 14, 2014 at 6:32 AM

MENLO PARK, Calif. You dont have to be just male or female on Facebook anymore. The social-media company has added a customizable option with about 50 different terms people can use to identify their gender and three preferred pronoun choices: he/him, she/her or a neutral they/them.

Facebook said the changes initially will cover the companys 159 million monthly users in the United States and are aimed at giving people more choices in how they describe themselves, such as androgynous, bi-gender, intersex, gender fluid or transsexual.

Theres going to be a lot of people for whom this is going to mean nothing, but for the few it does impact, it means the world, said Facebook software engineer Brielle Harrison, who worked on the project and is undergoing gender transformation, from male to female. On Thursday, while watchdogging the software for problems, she said she was also changing her Facebook identity from female to transwoman.

Facebook, which has 1.23billion active monthly users worldwide, also allows them to keep their gender identity private and will continue to do so.

The Williams Institute, a think tank based at UCLA, estimates there are at least 700,000 individuals in the United States who identify as transgender, an umbrella term that includes people who live as a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth.

The move by Facebook represents a basic form of recognition of the nations growing transgender-rights movement, which has been spurred by veteran activists and young people who identify as transgender at younger ages. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) last year found that 10 percent of the 10,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender youths it surveyed used other or wrote in their own gender terms.

Over the past few years, a persons Facebook profile truly has become their online identity, and now Facebook has taken a milestone step to allow countless people to more honestly and accurately represent themselves, HRC President Chad Griffin said.

The change to the gender-selection option is seen as a major step toward acceptance for people who dont self-identify as male or female, but the high-profile development seemed senseless to those who believe in two genders, no more.

Of course Facebook is entitled to manage its wildly popular site as it sees fit, but here is the bottom line: Its impossible to deny the biological reality that humanity is divided into two halves: male and female, said Jeff Johnston, an issues analyst for Focus on the Family, a national religious organization based in Colorado Springs, Colo. Those petitioning for the change insist that there are an infinite number of genders, but just saying it doesnt make it so.

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Facebook offers users more online gender identities

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Japanese Astronaut Creates Amazing Light Spirals in Space (Photos)

Posted: February 12, 2014 at 6:44 pm

A Japanese astronaut created a microgravity, multicolored light show on the International Space Station in the name of art.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Kiochi Wakata has been using a specialized device that can to create swirly light art in weightlessnesson the orbiting outpost. Known as a "spiral top," the instrument is outfitted with LED lights so that when spun, the top will create light trails that can be captured in photos.

"In microgravity, the center of gravity of the spinning top continuously and randomly moves while it is spinning," JAXA officials said in an experiment description. "Using the characteristics of the top in microgravity, the project tries to produce various light arts using its unexpected movements/spins, by changing attaching locations of its arms and weights." [See more amazing photos from astronaut Kiochi Wakata]

The end result of those spins in microgravity is an amazing light portrait that looks otherworldly. Wakata posted a few photos on Twitter earlier in January 2014 that show blue, green, yellow and red spirals shooting through a module on the space station. "Potential of what zero-gravity can create is unlimited!" Wakata (@Astro_Wakata) wrote on Twitter in a post from Jan. 6.

Astronaut Koichi Wakata tweeted this photo of the "Spiral Top" from aboard the International Space Station on Jan. 6, 2014. The toy uses LED lights to make art in zero-g conditions. Credit: Koichi Wakata (via Twitter as @Astro_Wakata)

"When we ask astronauts to carry out an art experiment, they work on it with great excitement and enthusiasm," Keiji Tachikawa, president of JAXA, said in a 2011 Q&A. "I believe that experiments for the humanities and social sciences have a great deal of meaning. How we can culturally reflect the wonderful results that have been achieved thus far this will be a moment of truth."

This isn't the first time JAXA has worked with a spiral top, originally created by Takuro Osaka. Astronauts used an earlier version of the experiment to create light art in 2009 on the space station as well.

Cosmic Quiz: Do You Know the International Space St...

The International Space Station is the largest structure in space ever built by humans. Let's see how much you know about the basics of this science laboratory in the sky.

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Japanese Astronaut Creates Amazing Light Spirals in Space (Photos)

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States Competing for SpaceX by Offering Financial Breaks

Posted: at 6:44 pm

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk founded the company in 2002 to build and launch rockets to serve the International Space Station and shuttle tourists into space.

In a glass-walled conference room at the California headquarters of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk told Texas officials he was interested in building the worlds first commercial rocket launchpad in their state -- if the state could compete.

In the months after the 2011 meeting, state and local officials gave Musk, a billionaire, what he and his lobbyists sought: about $20 million of financial incentives, laws changed to close a public beach during launches and legal protection from noise complaints. SpaceX, as the company is known, hasnt said whether the Texas site, near Brownsville, the poorest metropolitan area in the nation, will be selected over locations in Florida, Georgia and Puerto Rico.

State and local governments often fall into bidding wars for jobs, offering tax breaks and sweeteners amounting to $70 billion annually, according to Kenneth Thomas, a political science professor at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.

Youve got to make sure youre providing what everybody else is providing for tax incentives and tax breaks, said John Baldacci, who was governor of Maine from 2003 to 2011 and regularly received requests for tax breaks.

Space Exploration Technologies Corp.'s unmanned Dragon capsule is seen in orbit, in... Read More

Space Exploration Technologies Corp.'s unmanned Dragon capsule is seen in orbit, in this undated handout photo. Close


Space Exploration Technologies Corp.'s unmanned Dragon capsule is seen in orbit, in this undated handout photo.

Three years of discussions among Texas officials and SpaceX representatives culminated with the incentive offers, according to interviews. SpaceX hired lobbyists and flew a key lawmaker to its offices. Musk gave about $12,000 in campaign contributions.

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States Competing for SpaceX by Offering Financial Breaks

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Canada's New Space Policy

Posted: at 6:44 pm

This past Friday, the Canadian government announced a new approach to the country's space policy in an effort to reverse the negative trend caused by recent national budget cuts.

The fact is simply that Canada has played a critical part in advancing space technology and exploration, and is very interested in continuing to have space be an integral part of everyday life and national prestige.

Space activities will only grow as the importance of space commerce continues to grow. This announcement serves to reinforce what many have known for years, that space is here to stay and Canada will continue to contribute to the international community. The government has now confirmed this and stated that future budgets will reflect this new attitude.

Over the last two years, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has suffered significant budget cuts. However, the latest budget estimates indicate that CSA spending will increase in the 2013-14 budget year.

Former Canadian astronaut and current Member of Parliament Marc Garneau said he is optimistic but will reserve his enthusiasm until he sees if this new approach actually turns into something positive for Canada's space program.

Since Canada has been prominent in many international partnerships, several other countries have been looking for reaffirmation of commitment to those partnerships.

Those foreign partners are now hoping this new interest will translate into a long-term space plan and continued increasing support for CSA. The new policy framework is built on five principles: national sovereignty, security and prosperity; positioning the private sector at the forefront of space activities; progress through partnerships; excellence in key capabilities; and inspiring Canadians.

To realize these principles four areas of strategic action have been identified: commercialization; research and development; exploration of space; and stewardship, management and accountability.

Canada is particularly well-known for its advances in space technology, satellite engineering and Canadarms, the robot arms attached to the International Space Station.

In addition, there are a number of famous astronauts including the first ever Canadian commander of the station, Chris Hadfield. Let's hope Canada will continue to strongly support the space community.

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Canada's New Space Policy

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