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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Latest UFO Sightings, Best UFO Sightings – Video

Posted: February 17, 2014 at 11:45 am

Latest UFO Sightings, Best UFO Sightings
ufo,ufo news,ufo aliens,recent ufo sightings,ufos videos,ufo sightings,ufo video,latest ufo,ufo footage,ufo abductions,ufo videos,real ufo videos,real ufo fo...

By: UFOWorldNews

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Latest UFO Sightings, Best UFO Sightings - Video

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MUST SEE VIDEOS Presents The Andy Griffith Show lost epsiode 3 by Brian Ladd of BriansDreams dot – Video

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MUST SEE VIDEOS Presents The Andy Griffith Show lost epsiode 3 by Brian Ladd of BriansDreams dot
N.A.S.A. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation #39;s civilian...

By: Brian Ladd

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MUST SEE VIDEOS Presents The Andy Griffith Show lost epsiode 3 by Brian Ladd of BriansDreams dot - Video

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ScienceCasts: 10 More Years [HD] – Video

Posted: at 11:45 am

ScienceCasts: 10 More Years [HD]
Science@NASA: With the space station no longer "under construction," the world #39;s most advanced orbital laboratory is open for business. The station has just ...

By: The Mars Underground

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ScienceCasts: 10 More Years [HD] - Video

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Space Station Live: Destination Station: Los Angeles – Video

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Space Station Live: Destination Station: Los Angeles
NASA Public Affairs Officer Josh Byerly talks to Tammie Letroise-Brown, Campaign Strategist for Destination Station, to discuss the events taking place in Lo...

By: ReelNASA

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Kerbal Space Program: KSO Shuttle Missions: STS 108 – Video

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Kerbal Space Program: KSO Shuttle Missions: STS 108
The Eighth of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions and Fourth Flight of the Tenacious! STS 108 #39;s objectives are to deploy the KSO Space Station Core and return to the...

By: iKerbals

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Kerbal Space Program: KSO Shuttle Missions: STS 108 - Video

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Minecraft: Deadly Orbit with IronStoneMine – 06 – Space Walk [F] – Video

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Minecraft: Deadly Orbit with IronStoneMine - 06 - Space Walk [F]
F tackle their first custom map together; Deadly Orbit! Fabe and I are stranded in the deserted space station and need to gather supplies to survive, and es...

By: Phedran

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Minecraft: Deadly Orbit with IronStoneMine - 06 - Space Walk [F] - Video

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Space station SPHERES run circles around ordinary satellites

Posted: at 11:45 am

These are, in fact, the droids that NASA and its research partners are looking for. Inspired by a floating droid battling Luke Skywalker in the film Star Wars, the free-flying satellites known as Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) have been flying aboard the International Space Station since Expedition 8 in 2003.

Although there have been numerous SPHERES investigations held on the orbiting laboratory, four current and upcoming SPHERES projects are of particular significance to robotics engineers, rocket launch companies, NASA exploration and anyone who uses communications systems on Earth.

The SPHERES-Vertigo, Department of Defense (DOD) SPHERES-Rings, SPHERES-Slosh and SPHERES-Inspire II investigations all use the existing SPHERES space station facility of these self-contained satellites. Powered not by an astronauts use of the Force, but by AA batteries, the satellites act as free-flying platforms that can accommodate various mounting features and mechanisms in order to test and examine the physical or mechanical properties of materials in microgravity. Each satellite is an 18-sided polyhedron and is roughly the size of a soccer ball. NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., operates and maintains the SPHERES research facility aboard the space station, which is funded by the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

SPHERES provide a unique low risk, low-cost, long-term microgravity research facility that supports quick-reaction testing of technologies that can be repeated numerous times. Alvar Saenz Otero, Ph.D., associate director and SPHERES lead scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Space Systems Laboratory describes the reusability of SPHERES for multiple microgravity investigations by saying, if anything goes wrong, reset and try again!

Operating intermittently since February 2013, the SPHERES Visual Estimation and Relative Tracking for Inspection of Generic Objects (SPHERES-Vertigo) investigation uses what looks like eye goggles and other new hardware and software on multiple satellites during testing. The purpose of the study is to build 3-D models of a target using mapping algorithms and computer vision-based navigation. These additions to the satellites help researchers create 3-D maps of a previously unknown object for navigation by flying the SPHERES in a path around that object while taking photos.

Brent Tweddle, a postdoctoral associate with the MIT Space Systems Laboratory, said the SPHERES-Vertigo project differs from previous SPHERES experiments by adding a pair of stereo cameras, which see, perceive and understand their world visually and can communicate with satellites using Vertigo goggles. The goggles act like their own little intelligence block that sticks on the front end of the SPHERES and allows them to see the rest of the world that they want to navigate through, explained Tweddle.

First, the SPHERES use their updated hardware and software to construct a 3-D model of a target object. Then, the satellites test their skills to perform relative navigation using only sensory reference to the 3-D model.

Imaging from projects like Vertigo could help refurbish old satellites by determining and mapping the specifications of the old satellites and repairing them as they orbit Earth. Other applications include NASAs future mission of visiting an asteroid, where thorough understanding of the size, shape and motion of an asteroid is necessary to navigate around it as it travels through space. Further, as robots become more autonomous, they will need a pair of eyes, similar to Vertigo, to provide them with navigational capabilities.

The DOD SPHERES-Rings investigation is the first demonstration of electromagnetic formation flight in microgravity, as well as of wireless power transfer in space. The study installs highly advanced rings to existing SPHERES. The crew places the rings around an individual satellite, consisting of resonant coils, coil housing with fans, batteries and support structure hardware. The Rings project demonstrates the use of electromagnetic coils to maneuver individual SPHERES with respect to one another. The current running through the ring of coils controls the satellites, so that two ring-outfitted SPHERES are able to attract, repel and rotate.

Using electrically-generated forces and torques is preferable to using fuel, since electricity can be generated by solar panels, but once fuel is expended, the mission is generally over, explained Kathleen Riesing, a graduate student with the MIT Space Systems Laboratory. The software used to control the rings will also demonstrate wireless power transfer, where one satellite sends power to another.

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Space station SPHERES run circles around ordinary satellites

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Cygnus launched from Wallops Island to return from International Space Station Tuesday

Posted: at 11:45 am

(NASABill Ingalls, Daily Press / January 4, 2014)

After spending five weeks at the International Space Station, the Cygnus commercial space freighter that launched from Wallops Island last month is set to disembark Tuesday.

The unmanned Cygnus delivered abut 2,800 pounds of crew provisions, science experiments, hardware and spare parts after it launched Jan. 9 aboard an Antares rocket from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on the Eastern Shore. It docked with the station four days later.

On its return flight, the Cygnus will be packed with disposable cargo or space station trash and is slated to burn up in the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean.

This is the maiden operational mission to the ISS for Orbital Sciences Corp., based in Dulles, under its $1.9 billion NASA contract to resupply the station through 2016.

NASA said the Cygnus will detach from the station's Harmony module at around 5:30 a.m., and be released at 6:40 a.m. It will record the undocking and replay it during live coverage of the release, set to begin on NASA Television at 6 a.m. To view, go to

The Cygnus will begin to maneuver a safe distance away, then on Wednesday will fire its engines twice so it can slip out of orbit for a "destructive entry" in Earth's atmosphere, NASA said. It won't provide television coverage of that event.

The next Orbital resupply launch is currently set for May 1 from MARS.

Dietrich can be reached by phone at 757-247-7892.

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Cygnus launched from Wallops Island to return from International Space Station Tuesday

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Ghanas GMO debates: beyond the sticking points (3)

Posted: at 11:44 am

Feature Article of Monday, 17 February 2014

Columnist: Agorsor, Yafetto, Otwe, Galyuon

Israel D. K. Agorsor, Levi Yafetto, Emmanuel P. Otwe and Isaac K. A. Galyuon This is the concluding part of the articles Ghanas GMO debates: beyond the sticking points (1) & (2)

6. Interfering in Nature As we indicated in the first part of this article, one of the moral arguments against GMOs is that the processes leading to them, that is, genetic engineering techniques, amount to gross interference in nature and the natural order. Here, we present scientific arguments that say that this may not be restricted to GMOs alone, as humankind has always interfered in nature, at times in ways unimaginable, all in an effort to make life better.

You may be surprised to hear that many of the food crops we eat today are not their original selves. They are products of years of conscious and systematic manipulation of nature, if you will call it that, representing a marked departure from what they were in the beginning of time. Humankind has always attempted to improve natural resources to meet the demands of a growing population in a changing climate. That is to say that conventional breeding itself relies on the transfer of genes, albeit via crosses. from one crop species to a related species in order to be able to develop new varieties.

Conventional plant breeding has its own problems. Unlike genetic engineering, conventional breeding in transferring a gene which conditions a specific trait also transfers a number of other genes on the same chromosome along with it. This means that the conventional breeder very often is not only transferring a specific trait to his elite cultivated variety (cultivar), but also other traits that may be undesirable. For example, two varieties of conventionally-bred potatoes, Lenape and Magnum Bonum, and conventionally-bred celery developed to be pest-resistant had to be withdrawn from the market after it was realized that the conventional breeding processes accidentally led to increased levels of naturally occurring toxins in them.

The foregoing explains why some scientists argue that the assumption that conventionally-bred crops are necessarily safer than GM crops is overly simplistic, especially when conventionally-bred crops are not subjected to the kind of pre-marketing safety analysis done for GM crops.

Then, we present another interference in nature: mutation breeding. Mutation breeding is a crop breeding technique where breeders subject seeds to doses of radiation and gene-altering chemicals in order to produce novel plant varieties. This technique has been in use since the dawn of the nuclear age in the 1950s, and has seen an escalated use in the last few years. The Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture programme of the United Nations reportedly received about 40 requests for radiation services from a number of countries across the world in 2013. Many of the multinational seed companies chided for promoting GMOs, like BASF and Monsanto, have all reportedly used this technique in developing new crop varieties, all without regulation.

In Ghana, the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI) of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, and research programmes in some of the nations universities, the University of Cape Coast for example, have been experimenting mutation breeding techniques for some time now.

In a 2004 report, the US National Academy of Sciences remarked that placing GM crops under tight regulations, while approving products of mutation breeding without any regulation, cannot be justified by science. Mutagenesis, the technique underpinning mutation breeding, has the capacity to rearrange or delete hundreds of genes randomly. It makes use of tools such as gamma radiation, which give rise to mutations (i.e., changes in an organisms genetic make-up) that sometimes are beneficial or hazardous to the organism. If you have ever had an X-ray image of any part of your body taken, then you have been exposed to radiation. And it is precisely because of the possibility of this process introducing mutations into your genetic make-up you are advised against taking X-ray images very frequently.

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Ghanas GMO debates: beyond the sticking points (3)

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Watson, James D DNA The Secret of Life part 1 – Video

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Watson, James D DNA The Secret of Life part 1


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Watson, James D DNA The Secret of Life part 1 - Video

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