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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Natural Cures For Eczema (Skin Disease) – Video

Posted: February 19, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Natural Cures For Eczema (Skin Disease)
Learn How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER | Link Here: CLICK: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those peopl...

By: Elena Cupova

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All Natural Eczema Treatments – Video

Posted: at 7:46 pm

All Natural Eczema Treatments
Learn How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER | Link Here: CLICK: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those peopl...

By: Elena Cupova

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My Review for Fast Psoriasis Cure (2014 watch this review) – Video

Posted: at 7:45 pm

My Review for Fast Psoriasis Cure (2014 watch this review)
Click Link: Researching Fast Psoriasis Cure? Before purchasing Fast Psoriasis Cure, listen my review testim...

By: Kendra Wallington

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My Review for Fast Psoriasis Cure (2014 watch this review) - Video

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Psoriasis Free For Life Review | Is Psoriasis Free For Life All It’s Cracked Up To Be? – Video

Posted: at 7:45 pm

Psoriasis Free For Life Review | Is Psoriasis Free For Life All It #39;s Cracked Up To Be?
Click here to visit the official Psoriasis Free For Life website: In this short video I did a Psoriasis Free For Life review. At a...

By: Home Remedy Pro

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Psoriasis Free For Life Review | Is Psoriasis Free For Life All It's Cracked Up To Be? - Video

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How to Cure Psoriasis – Video

Posted: at 7:45 pm

How to Cure Psoriasis

By: Ronel Balaquiao

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How to Cure Psoriasis - Video

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NIH team discovers genetic disorder causing strokes and vascular inflammation in children

Posted: at 7:45 pm



Contact: Raymond MacDougall 301-443-3523 NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute

National Institutes of Health researchers have identified gene variants that cause a rare syndrome of sporadic fevers, skin rashes and recurring strokes, beginning early in childhood. The team's discovery coincides with findings by an Israeli research group that identified an overlapping set of variants of the same gene in patients with a similar type of blood vessel inflammation.

The NIH group first encountered a patient with the syndrome approximately 10 years ago. The patient, then 3 years old, experienced fevers, skin rash and strokes that left her severely disabled. Because there was no history of a similar illness in the family, the NIH group did not at first suspect a genetic cause, and treated the patient with immunosuppressive medication. However, when the NIH team evaluated a second patient with similar symptoms two years agoa child who had experienced recurrent fevers and six strokes by her sixth birthdaythey began to suspect a common genetic cause and embarked on a medical odyssey that has led not only to a diagnosis, but to fundamental new insights into blood vessel disease.

In their study, which appears in the Feb. 19, 2014, advance online edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers describe how next-generation genome sequencing, only recently available, facilitated a molecular diagnosis for patients in their study. The researchers found that harmful variants in the CECR1 gene impede production of a protein vital to the integrity of healthy blood vessel walls.

"This discovery is another example of genome sequencing playing a central role in revealing the genomic basis for an important rare disease," said Eric D. Green, M.D., Ph.D., director of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), where the lead members of the research team are based. "Such studies illustrate how genomics is paving the way to improved human health."

The researchers showed that faulty variants in their patients' DNA that encode the CECR1 gene cause a loss of function of the gene's ability to produce of an enzyme called adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2). Without it, abnormalities and inflammation in blood vessel walls result. The researchers call the new syndrome, deficiency of ADA2, or DADA2. The enzyme ADA2 is chemically similar to the enzyme ADA1, whose deficiency results in severe combined immunodeficiency disease.

NHGRI Scientific Director Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., led the team of collaborators from NIH and beyond in mounting the study of nine patients. "It has been incredibly fantastic to see this kind of progress being made within the last decade," he said. "Our study raises the possibility that the ADA2 pathway may contribute to susceptibility to stroke in the more general population."

For children, as with adults, stroke can affect physical, cognitive and emotional functioning. Some outcomes, such as blindness and deafness, can be lasting; others, such as the ability to walk, can be relearned.

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NIH team discovers genetic disorder causing strokes and vascular inflammation in children

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The 10 Biggest Disney Controversies [TOP 10 DISNEY CONTROVERSIES] || MonkeyFacts – Video

Posted: at 7:45 pm

The 10 Biggest Disney Controversies [TOP 10 DISNEY CONTROVERSIES] || MonkeyFacts
Nobody can deny that Disney is a defining feature of childhood. With production spanning over nine decades, Disney films are numerous, diverse and heartwarmi...

By: MonkeyFacts

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The 10 Biggest Disney Controversies [TOP 10 DISNEY CONTROVERSIES] || MonkeyFacts - Video

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"Censorship" TROLLING on Call of Duty Ghosts – Video

Posted: at 7:45 pm

"Censorship" TROLLING on Call of Duty Ghosts
Thanks for Watching! Please "Like" to support the Creator! Creator #39;s Channel: Follow me on Twitter! ...

By: GamingTV

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"Censorship" TROLLING on Call of Duty Ghosts - Video

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Critics Say Its Censorship, But Aquino Assures It Wont Be Used To Suppress Dissent

Posted: at 7:45 pm

Critics Say Its Censorship, But Aquino Assures It Wont Be Used To Suppress Dissent

Manila, Philippines President Benigno S. Aquino III yesterday defended the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 that penalizes online libel, saying the public has nothing to fear if they are telling the truth.

The President tried to allay public concerns a day after the Supreme Court ruled that the new laws online libel provision was constitutional.

Critics, however, said the libel provision will result in effective censorship and may be used against those who criticize anti-people policies and corrupt practices of the government.

But Aquino, speaking to reporters after an inspection of a government housing project in Manila, said Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012) will not be used to suppress dissent in the country.

Nothing To Fear

Will freedom of expression be stopped? I dont think that is the purpose of the law, Aquino said in Filipino.

We were taught in school that your rights end when they impinge on the rights of others, he added.

I repeat, if you are telling the truth, why would you fear libel? he added.

But Edre U. Olalia, National Union of Peoples Lawyers (NUPL) secretary general, said: The chilling effect of a Damocles sword for those who are wired basically remains. Any blanket threat of criminal prosecution for online libel tilts the balance for untrammeled state intervention and will practically result in effective censorship, if not timidity or inordinate trepidation.

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Critics Say Its Censorship, But Aquino Assures It Wont Be Used To Suppress Dissent

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Ron Paul Why The US Economy Is In Trouble And We Will See – Video

Posted: at 7:44 pm

Ron Paul Why The US Economy Is In Trouble And We Will See

By: folk song

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