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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Eczema Problems/ Possible Solution – Video

Posted: February 23, 2014 at 3:42 pm

Eczema Problems/ Possible Solution
After years of dealing with eczema, I finally found a way to get baby smooth skin. It has taken more than half my life to discover a process that really work...

By: Jason Michael

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Eczema Problems/ Possible Solution - Video

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Check Up: Drexel group finds cause of eczema itch

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Tom Avril, Inquirer Staff Writer Posted: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 8:51 AM

Patients with eczema tend to start itching before they see a rash, rather than the other way around, leading some to call it "the itch that rashes."

So what is this invisible agent that causes the itch?

Herbert B. Allen has been scratching his head over that one for years, but recently the Drexel University dermatologist achieved a measure of intellectual relief.

He and a team of colleagues at Drexel's College of Medicine report that the culprit is a slime-like substance called biofilm, produced by Staphylococcus bacteria on the skin.

The biofilm blocks sweat ducts, which in turn activates an immune response that leads to itching and inflammation, the team reported in the journal JAMA Dermatology.

Dermatologists have known for years that staph bacteria were somehow involved in the process, and they have known about the molecular pathways that lead to itching and inflammation.

What is new is the finding that the blocked sweat ducts lead to activation of the inflammatory response, said Allen, chairman of the medical school's dermatology department.

"This is kind of the missing puzzle piece," Allen said.

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Check Up: Drexel group finds cause of eczema itch

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Psoriasis Eczema Skin Symptoms and a New Psoriasis Eczema Treatment – Video

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Psoriasis Eczema Skin Symptoms and a New Psoriasis Eczema Treatment
How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER !!! Click Here: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those people who bare...

By: Velika Ristova

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Psoriasis Eczema Skin Symptoms and a New Psoriasis Eczema Treatment - Video

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Learn How To Naturally Treat Dry Skin, Eczema And Psoriasis – Video

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Learn How To Naturally Treat Dry Skin, Eczema And Psoriasis
Learn How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER | Link Here: Click: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those peopl...

By: Nemanja Supic

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How to Eliminate Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis and Rosacea Using Quality Face Creams – Video

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How to Eliminate Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis and Rosacea Using Quality Face Creams
How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER !!! Click Here: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those people who bare...

By: Velika Ristova

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How to Eliminate Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis and Rosacea Using Quality Face Creams - Video

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Natural Skin Care for Psoriasis, Eczema and Rosacea – Video

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Natural Skin Care for Psoriasis, Eczema and Rosacea
Learn How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER | Link Here: CLICK: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those peopl...

By: Elena Cupova

Natural Skin Care for Psoriasis, Eczema and Rosacea - Video

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Scalp Psoriasis & Scalp Eczema Diseases – Why Immediate Attention is Necessary – Video

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Scalp Psoriasis Scalp Eczema Diseases - Why Immediate Attention is Necessary
Learn How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER | Link Here: CLICK: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those peopl...

By: Elena Cupova

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Scalp Psoriasis & Scalp Eczema Diseases - Why Immediate Attention is Necessary - Video

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Managing Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea – Video

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Managing Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea
Learn How To Get Rid Of Eczema FOREVER | Link Here: CLICK: The need to know how to get rid of eczema often arises for those peopl...

By: Elena Cupova

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Managing Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea - Video

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Gene therapy a promising tool for cardiac regeneration

Posted: at 3:42 pm

After a heart attack, there is often permanent damage to a portion of the heart. This happens, in part, because cardiac muscle cells are terminally differentiated and cannot proliferate after blood flow is blocked off to the heart. This partial healing can be attributed to heart disease being one of the leading causes of death. What if the cells could be stimulated to divide and the heart could be induced to repair itself? This was the question posed by George Washington University (GW) researcher Scott Shapiro, M.D., Ph.D., and his co-authors, who found that cardiac regeneration may be a possibility with gene therapy.

The research, published yesterday in Science Translational Medicine, found that gene therapy can elicit a regenerative response in pig hearts. Shapiro and his research team first looked to small animals such as the zebrafish, which are able to regenerate heart tissue after a heart attack. This animal has a key protein at play, Cyclin A2 (Ccna2).

After seeing the effects of CCna2 in small animals, we began looking at the effects of the gene in larger animals, such as pigs, said Shapiro, assistant professor of medicine at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. We delivered Ccna2 directly into the heart and found that pigs not only had improved cardiac function, but also found evidence of cellular regeneration.

Ccna2 is a prenatal gene normally turned off in humans after birth. Shapiro believes using gene therapy as a tool for cardiac regeneration, optimized for humans, could lead to a viable treatment option for patients who suffer from myocardial infarction, or heart attack.

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The above story is based on materials provided by George Washington University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

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Gene therapy a promising tool for cardiac regeneration

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NPR: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis? polyDNA Recommends Gene-Eden-VIR to Reduce Fatigue …

Posted: at 3:42 pm

Rochester, NY (PRWEB) February 23, 2014

Is it possible that the medical community focuses too much on fatigue and ignores other relevant symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? polyDNA has learned that The Institute of Medicine (the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences) is reviewing how chronic fatigue syndrome is diagnosed... Core to the diagnosis, patients and doctors who specialize in the disorder say, is a physical and mental crash of extreme exhaustion and ill feeling after even mild exercise, requiring days to weeks of recovery (1). polyDNA recommends that individuals who suffer from fatigue take Gene-Eden-VIR. This natural product was clinically proven to reduce physical and mental fatigue in a study that followed FDA guidelines.

Some people believe that the name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome trivializes the condition and puts a chilling effect on high quality research into its cause (1). Dr. Nancy Lee said There are many people - scientists, clinicians, advocates - who believe the name 'chronic fatigue syndrome' does harm to patients (1).

The Institute of Medicine panel is being asked to review evidence on the best way to diagnose the disorder. It will also consider whether the name should be changed (1). This is because long-standing fatigue is just one of many debilitating symptoms of CFS. Sleep disturbance also affects nearly all patients, who typically wake up unrefreshed no matter how long they sleep. Muscle and joint pain and problems with thinking, concentration and memory are also nearly universal. Other common symptoms include gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, heat or cold intolerance, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes (1).

The CDC says that Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a devastating and complex disorder. People with CFS have overwhelming fatigue and a host of other symptoms that are not improved by bed rest and that can get worse after physical activity or mental exertion. They often function at a substantially lower level of activity than they were capable of before they became ill. (See the CDCs web page on CFS, last reviewed on May 13, 2012) (3).

The syndrome often follows a viral illness, such as with the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV).

Interestingly, abnormalities in the immune system have been reported in CFS patients and study authors specifically noted that Almost all patients reported a previous infection as the onset of fatigue symptom. (See the International Journal of Pediatrics, from 2013) (2). Moreover, Almost all patients reported themselves to be previously healthy prior to their fatigue and also ascribed the onset due to an infection (2).

Gene-Eden-VIR is a natural antiviral remedy. Moreover, in forthcoming post-marketing clinical study, Gene-Eden-VIR was shown to reduce fatigue associated with a viral infection.

For those who believe CFS might be a result of a viral infection, we recommend Gene-Eden-VIR. Mike Evans, polyDNA

polyDNA points out that there are no FDA approved drugs that specifically treat fatigue.

Original post:
NPR: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis? polyDNA Recommends Gene-Eden-VIR to Reduce Fatigue ...

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