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Category Archives: Transhuman News

'Libertarian paranoia' is the newest fad in politics

Posted: February 25, 2014 at 8:42 pm

Recently, politicians and others have expressed concern over so-called "paranoid libertarians"...

Look out: The libertarians are coming! The libertarians are coming! Never before have so many been so intimidated by so few, with so little political power. offers near-daily warnings about the libertarian threat:

It's corrupting progressivism: Don't ally with libertarians: Ideologues co-opt an anti-NSA rally.

It's even infecting your iPhone apps: The Secret Libertarianism of Uber and Airbnb.

Beware of Libertarians Bearing Gifts, the Center for American Progress admonishes: a bipartisan move against the NSA could kill the New Deal.

Anti-libertarian paranoia plagues our elected officials too: the anarchists have taken over, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., wails. This strain of libertarianism ... is a very dangerous thought," New Jersey Governor Chris Christie warned last summer in the wake of Edward Snowden's exposure of National Security Agency spying: I want [these critics] to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans (Pro tip: don't take the George Washington Bridge).

Im very nervous about the direction this is moving in, the governor added.

Recently, three prestigious academics have argued that you should be especially nervous about Paranoid Libertarians. Distinguished historian Sean Wilentz coined the term last month in a New Republic hit piece on Snowden and journalist Glenn Greenwald. These NSA critics despise the liberal state and want to wound it, he charged.

Picking up Wilentz's term, Harvard law professor and former Obama administration regulatory czar Cass Sunstein offered tips on How to Spot a Paranoid Libertarian. And, writing at Slate, the University of Chicago's Eric Posner warned that libertarian paranoia kills: in fact, the fear of government is far more serious than the fear of flying.

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'Libertarian paranoia' is the newest fad in politics

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Does Libertarianism = Greed & Selfishness? – Video

Posted: at 8:42 pm

Does Libertarianism = Greed Selfishness?
I discuss the common objection to libertarianism claiming that it promotes greed and selfishness.

By: Josh Cardosi

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Does Libertarianism = Greed & Selfishness? - Video

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How Young Is Too Young To Learn About The Singularity?

Posted: at 8:41 pm

Can people really live forever? A children's book author has joined the growing chorus of transhumanist voices insisting that we soon may. That's right kids, you too could be immortal.

Gennady Stolyarov, author of Death Is Wrong wants children to learn that death won't be a given in the technological age. As a boy growing up in Minsk, the prospect of death confused him and it's plagued him ever since. Why does a good, productive, happy person have to die?

Stolyarov, a property and casualty actuary, launched an Indiegogo campaign last week called "Help Teach 1000 Kids Death Is Wrong," aimed at giving out free 1,000 free copies of the book to kids. The book, which was illustrated by his wife Wendy, was first published in November 2013.

Over the last decade, researchers like Aubrey de Grey and Ray Kurzweil have helped popularize the notion that technology will extend the human lifespan--possibly forever. According to Kurzweil, we will achieve indefinite longevity by 2030. Meanwhile, recent biomedical advances--like nerve-connected bionic arms and nanobots operating inside living cells--have made the concept sound less crazy.

Stolyarov's book interweaves his own life and his mental grapple with death, the history of long-living plants and animals--like the Methuselah Tree that has lived for thousands of years and the functionally immortal turritopsis nutricula jellyfish--and the techno-philosophical developments combating senescence today.

The language is just saccharine enough for children to dig into, but the portentous themes will strike deep, philosophical chords in adults. The overall message is positive: The way technology is headed, we should be able to continue discovering and doing the things we love indefinitely. The response, especially in transhumanist circles, has been positive. Stolyarov's most ruthless criticism is a two-star Amazon review for "an alleged insufficiency of narrative."

Not everyone can think in prescient terms about the future to consider what technology can accomplish down the road to live forever. We talked to Stolyarov about his fixation on death and immortality.

Are you afraid to die?

I don't see any shame in saying that I am. For me as a person who relies on reason and understanding and anticipation of the future, this is the only condition that's truly unknowable. If you cease existing, what's that really like? The answer is to say that it's like anything is a misuse of language because there's nothing that remains. Is fear the predominant motive for why I wrote this book? And there, the answer is no.

How has growing up in Belarus culturally affected the way you think about death?

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How Young Is Too Young To Learn About The Singularity?

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 1 – Video

Posted: at 8:41 pm

crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 1
crysis 3 POST-HUMAN WARRIOR MODE , it is the hardest mode in crysis 3 , I hope you enjoin the play..

By: Life is a Game {Let #39;s Play}H

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 1 - Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 6 – Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 6
crysis 3 POST-HUMAN WARRIOR MODE , it is the hardest mode in crysis 3 , I hope you enjoin the play..

By: Life is a Game {Let #39;s Play}H

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 6 - Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 2 – Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 2
crysis 3 POST-HUMAN WARRIOR MODE , it is the hardest mode in crysis 3 , I hope you enjoin the play..

By: Life is a Game {Let #39;s Play}H

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 2 - Video

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Crysis 3 Post-Human Warrior Guide443 – Video

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Crysis 3 Post-Human Warrior Guide443

By: Janette Roehrich

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Crysis 3 Post-Human Warrior Guide443 - Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 7 – Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 7
crysis 3 POST-HUMAN WARRIOR MODE , it is the hardest mode in crysis 3 , I hope you enjoin the play..

By: Life is a Game {Let #39;s Play}H

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 5 – Video

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 5
crysis 3 POST-HUMAN WARRIOR MODE , it is the hardest mode in crysis 3 , I hope you enjoin the play..

By: Life is a Game {Let #39;s Play}H

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crysis 3 post-human warrior MODE Gameplay , part 5 - Video

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Being Human: Gallows Humor

Posted: at 8:41 pm

[This is a review ofBeing HumanSeason 4 Episode 7. There will be SPOILERS.]


Tensions come to a head this week onBeing Humanas Aidan and Suzanna and Josh and Nora separately face off in tight spaces over the Aidans recent blood binge and Joshs inability to control his inner wolf with diverse and surprising results while Sally delves into magic once again in an effort to save her brother.

That Sally decided to embrace hubris and her big heart by helping Robbie is not a surprise, but Donnas mostly tame return was. The big bad last season, the writers have tried to give her depth while fleshing out her motivations during her infrequent pop-ups this season, but this time, it seems like they tried to fully pivot her toward becoming some kind of mentor for Sally. In doing this, Donna clued us in to what Sally is going through with the time travel, while also setting the stage for next weeks somewhat bonkers looking episode (more on that later), but Robbies exit was too tidy, and Donnas track record is far too spotty to not lead one to deduce that the two are linked, meaning nothing that Donna said can be trusted.

Speaking of trust, there appears to be none left between Josh and Nora following his wolf-transformation during his fight with Mark and his decision to lie to Nora. Weve said it over and over again, Noras desperation for normalcy has been a continuing theme all season, but she just keeps fending off defeat after defeat and she seems so exhausted and withdrawn in this episode. Sticking Josh and Nora in the middle of a fight with the ghost of Robbie while Sally goes hunting for a way to bring him back felt like the final straw.

Aidan is also a monster, and a proud one as he lays chained up in Suzannas hotel room. She is trying to dry him out and break him of his blood addiction, but while Sam Witwer comes close to over-cooked ham territory with his performance, ticking off the names of his actions and his misdeeds with gusto and the delight of a super-villain, he finally brings it down. Katherine Isabelle (Suzanna) is really just there for the show throughout the majority of the episode, but in the last moment, when she finally confesses her own sin, the moment between her character and Aidans, with a stake in his hand, is powerful and enhanced by his soundless screams over the ache and the betrayal that he is now aware of. Where do they go from here? That is a really good question.

Next weeks episode, this seasons 8th which is titled Rewind, Rewind, seems like it could be a fun divergence from the main path as Sally, who is stuck in time, jumps into herself to thwart Danny, setting off an alternate timeline. Thats what it seems like, but is it possible that the show might linger for a time? Right now, Josh seems virtually irredeemable to Nora who seems utterly shattered. Robbie is gone (somehow) as is Donna, and Aidan and Suzanna look like they may console each other. Is there a better moment to, at least for awhile, explore what these characters would be without each other? Could this even be a way to inject some adrenaline into the story overall, and if producers choose to do this in a more full way (lasting over the course of multiple episodes) would it be considered a bit of a shark jump? Only time will tell, but next week should be interesting regardless.

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Being Human: Gallows Humor

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