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Category Archives: Transhuman News

G. Edward Griffin | Individual Liberty is Better than New World Order Collectivism – Video

Posted: March 7, 2014 at 8:41 am

G. Edward Griffin | Individual Liberty is Better than New World Order Collectivism
G. Edward Griffin | Individual Liberty is Better than New World Order Collectivism videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse ...

By: lakalp sasaca

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G. Edward Griffin | Individual Liberty is Better than New World Order Collectivism - Video

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Opposition MPs explain why Gov’t MPs should be first to debate budget – Video

Posted: at 8:41 am

Opposition MPs explain why Gov #39;t MPs should be first to debate budget
Opposition MPs explain why Gov #39;t MPs should be first to debate budget videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial...

By: lakalp sasaca

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Opposition MPs explain why Gov't MPs should be first to debate budget - Video

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Bitcoin vs. Gold – Video

Posted: at 8:41 am

Bitcoin vs. Gold
Bitcoin vs. Gold videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about ...

By: lakalp sasaca

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Bitcoin vs. Gold - Video

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Ron Paul: US shouldnt meddle in Ukraine

Posted: at 8:41 am

Unfortunately, others get involved and it seems like its irresistible for the US to be involved.

A former American presidential hopeful and a veteran Republican lawmakersays that his country should not meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

Ron Paul, also a physician and author who served as the US Representative for Texas and retired from Congress last year after more than a quarter-century, believes that theres no sense in getting involved in standoff over the crisis-hit nation.

I dont think we have any business there, Paul told RT from his office in Texas this week.

I think it would be nice if we considered the Ukrainians. Its their civil strike, their civil war, and deciding who to run that country should be left to them, Paul said.

Unfortunately, others get involved and it seems like its irresistible for the US to be involved.

We certainly dont want to send troops in right now, he said, adding that trying to help the new pro-Western Ukrainian officials by any financial aid would be impossible.

We are out of money, he said, so this idea that we are going to start bailing out Ukraine is total nonsense.

The administration of President Barack Obama has announced plans for providing Ukraine with an aid package of $1 billion as tensions continue to rise between Russia and the US over the crisis in the country.

The White House says it will work with Congress to provide the money to Ukraines new government following the ouster of the countrys pro-Russian President, Viktor Yanukovych. Congress has said it will begin working on the aid package next week.

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Ron Paul: US shouldnt meddle in Ukraine

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Exclusive Osama Bin Laden – First Ever TV Interview – Video

Posted: at 8:41 am

Exclusive Osama Bin Laden - First Ever TV Interview
Exclusive Osama Bin Laden - First Ever TV Interview videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising ...

By: yajobs kalpsa

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Exclusive Osama Bin Laden - First Ever TV Interview - Video

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Ky. bill would let Rand Paul run for 2 offices at same time

Posted: at 8:41 am

Posted: 6:18 AM Updated: 6:20 AM The Republican senator and tea party favorite is seriously considering a run for the White House in 2016.

The Associated Press


FRANKFORT, Ky. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul faces a potential quandary as he weighs whether to run for president in 2016 or focus solely on re-election to his Senate seat. Legislation introduced Thursday in his home state would allow him to run for both.

The measure would clarify that current Kentucky law, which prevents someone from running for multiple offices, does not apply to federal elections, said state Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer.

His bill would allow Kentucky candidates names to appear twice on the same ballot if one or both offices sought are federal offices.

He (Paul) is the impetus for it, but it could affect anyone in the federal delegation, said Thayer, R-Georgetown, who introduced the bill in the GOP-led Kentucky Senate.

Thayer said he was approached by Pauls staff about the legislation and later spoke several times with Kentuckys freshman senator about it. He waited until the last day bills could be introduced in the Senate in the current session to bring it forward. The 60-day session is two-thirds complete.

Paul, a Republican who rose to national prominence as a tea party favorite, is seriously considering a run for the White House in 2016. The son of ex-U.S. Rep. and former presidential candidate Ron Paul has visited early primary and caucus states to gauge support for his own possible presidential run.

He also will be up for re-election to the Senate in 2016. Paul has said he has not made any decision about running for president.

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Ky. bill would let Rand Paul run for 2 offices at same time

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Explaining Libertarianism to Politicians Stefan Molyneux for the Brazilian Mises Institu – Video

Posted: at 8:41 am

Explaining Libertarianism to Politicians Stefan Molyneux for the Brazilian Mises Institu
Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, discusses philosophy, atheism and libertarianism with a variety of Brazilian politicians, academics and intellectu...

By: Slyvia Ventura

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Explaining Libertarianism to Politicians Stefan Molyneux for the Brazilian Mises Institu - Video

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Libertarianism – Cast your Vote! – Video

Posted: at 8:41 am

Libertarianism - Cast your Vote!
Edited by Alex Gonzalez Featured: Jake W. Calle, Robert Styles, Ben J. Jackson #46.

By: Alex Gonzalez

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Libertarianism - Cast your Vote! - Video

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Man Who Built Georgia Guidestones Calls for Transhumanist Merger of Man and Machine in Rare Book – Video

Posted: at 8:41 am

Man Who Built Georgia Guidestones Calls for Transhumanist Merger of Man and Machine in Rare Book
Man Behind Georgia Guidestones Calls for Transhumanist Merger of Man and Machine in Rare Book. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Mark Dice is a media analys...

By: Mark Dice

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Man Who Built Georgia Guidestones Calls for Transhumanist Merger of Man and Machine in Rare Book - Video

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Council of Europe slams 'misogynistic' Grillo post

Posted: at 8:40 am

Human rights commissioner defends House Speaker Laura Boldrini

(ANSA) - Strasbourg, March 6 - The Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks on Thursday defined as "clearly mosogynistic" an online post by 5-Star Movement (M5S) head Beppe Grillo criticising the Speaker of Italy's lower chamber of parliament, recalling how Laura Boldrini has been the target of repeated hate speech since being sworn in. "In Italy, the House Speaker, Laura Boldrini, has been the target of repeated hate speech since she was sworn in, including recently when the leader of the 5-Star Movement, a political group which obtained a quarter of the votes in last year's legislative elections, published a clearly misogynistic post on his blog, which was picked up by his social media account and those used by his MPs, and which generated violent, insulting comments against her," wrote Muiznieks in a message ahead of International Women's Day on March 8. The post in question, containing a video with the title "What would you do alone in a car with Boldrini?", which showed a man driving and talking to a cut-out of her, came after the House Speaker took the unprecedented decision to stop a filibuster by members of the M5S to prevent a controversial government decree from being converted into law by using the so-called "guillotine" power to interrupt parliamentary discussions in order to speed up voting. Boldrini has also been the target of threats and insults from the anti-immigration Northern League since taking office in March 2013. The former spokeswoman for the UN refugee agency has made no secret of wanting to use her position to promote women's issues and gender equality. However in a recent interview to the weekly Observer newspaper she admitted that the criticism was "unbelievable" and "hard".

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Council of Europe slams 'misogynistic' Grillo post

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