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Category Archives: Transhuman News

DNA-club 2 – Video

Posted: March 7, 2014 at 8:44 am

DNA-club 2


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DNA The Genetic Material – Video

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DNA The Genetic Material
Description Not Provided.

By: sucollege

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Whole Genome Sequencing Project – Video

Posted: at 8:44 am

Whole Genome Sequencing Project
Dedicated to O #39;Malley de Alley Cat.

By: Caleb Leman

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Whole Genome Sequencing Project - Video

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Minecraft – Cow Genome (S06 E110) – Video

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Minecraft - Cow Genome (S06 E110)
Part 111: Minecraft Season 6 returns for another day in this daily modded Minecraft series. Goals in this series i...

By: SupremoPete

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"Junk" DNA Holds Clues to Common Diseases

Posted: at 8:43 am

With the new annotation of the human genome, researchers are finding that most of the code between genes is controlling crucial functions for life and health


When the draft of the human genome was publishedin 2000, researchers thought that they had obtained the secret decoder ring for the human body. Armed with the code of 3 billion basepairs of As, Ts, Cs and Gs and the 21,000 protein-coding genes, they hoped to be able to find the genetic scaffolds of lifeboth in sickness and in health.

But in the 12 years since then, very few diseasesalmost all of them very rarehave been linked definitively to changes in the genes themselves. And large, genome-wide studies searching for genetic underpinnings for more common diseases, such as lung cancer or autism, have pointed to the nether regions of the genome between the protein-producing genesareas that were often thought to contain junk DNA that was not part of the pantheon of known genes.

An international consortium of hundreds of scientists has now deciphered a large portion of the strange language of this junk DNA and found it to be not junk at all. Rather it contains important signals for regulating our genes, determining disease risk, height and many of the other complex aspects of human biology that make each one of us different. The findings are described in 30 linked papers published online September 5 in Natureand other journals and described at the consortium's Web site. (Scientific Americanis part of Nature Publishing Group.)

Called the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE), the group is focused on understanding not just the elements of the genome but also how they work together. "The complexity of our biology resides not in the number of our genes but in the regulatory switches," Eric Green, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute and collaborator on the ENCODE project, said in a press briefing September 5. Through more than 1,600 separate experiments, analysis of more than 140 cell types and a massive amount of data analysis, the group found about 4 million of these so-called switches and can now assign functions to more than 80 percent of the entire genome. Compare that to the roughly 2 percent of the genome that is responsible for the protein-coding genes that researchers have been relying on to look for diseases and traits. "The genome project was about establishing the set of letters that make up the blueprint," Green said. "When we finally put that blueprint together, we realized we could only really understand very little of it."

These newly catalogued switches not only activate and de-activate genes, but also control how much of each protein gets made and when. They are involved in epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation, which has been implicated in cardiovascular disease and other conditions. The new data promise to improve our understanding of many common diseases that might have similar genetic underpinnings. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have continuously come up short in identifying specific genes for common diseases, John Stamatoyannopoulos, associate professor of genome sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine and ENCODE collaborator, said in the briefing. "Frustratingly, about 95 percent of information from these studies has been pointing to regions of the genome that do not make proteins," he said. But, now with the ENCODE data, they can begin to decipher what genetic switches and functions might be common within and among these diseases. "We're now exploring previously hidden connections between diseases that may explain similar clinical [symptoms]," he noted.

It will most likely be some time before these new findings, which are freely available, are put to use in approved therapies. "The pharmaceutical industry has largely given up on the genome," Stamatoyannopoulos said. "And I think this is going to tremendously reinvigorate the utility of the genome." These additional genetic elements, however, are already in use for screening and testing for diseases such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and autoimmune diseases, Richard Myers, president of HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Ala., noted in the briefing.

The group has funding to continue their efforts and does not anticipate a slowdown in discoveries going forward. "Our blueprint is remarkably complicated, and we need to be committed for the long haul to understand it," Green said. Compared with the publication of draft human genome 12 years agoand with initial findings from the ENCODE project published over the past several years"the questions that we can now ask are more sophisticated," Green said. And hopefully, those better questions will lead to more satisfying and medically useful answers.

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"Junk" DNA Holds Clues to Common Diseases

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Clinics Offer Expensive Whole-Genome Tests for Undiagnosed Disorders

Posted: at 8:43 am

Two university-based clinics have debuted large programs that rely on sequencing to diagnose genetic disorders, including developmental disorders such as autism

Reprinted with permission, an editorially independent division of The Simons Foundation. (Find original story here.)

Over the past few years, teams of scientists have been finding genetic glitches related to a wide variety of disorders by sequencing exomes, the protein-coding portions of the genome. But these genetic tests are typically out of reach for people unless they enroll in research studies, and even then, theyre almost never privy to their individual results.

But that looks set to change: A few clinics are debuting large programs that rely on sequencing of exomes or even of whole genomes, and making the results directly available to individuals. For less than $10,000 each, the tests offer people with unexplained genetic disorders the chance to find the cause of their condition.

The first academic lab to offer clinical exome sequencing was the Whole Genome Laboratory at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Since November 2011, the lab has sequenced the exomes of some 1,700 individuals with undiagnosed conditions, including many children with developmental disorders. It now averages about 200 exomes a month.

"It's gone gangbusters," says Richard Gibbs, director of Baylor's Human Genome Sequencing Center, which helped establish the new lab. The researchers have pinpointed the genetic cause of about one-quarter of the 1,700 cases as mutations in known disease genes, he says.

Last week, the Harvard-affiliated Partners Healthcare Center in Boston launched a similar lab focused on sequencing whole genomes. And two private companies Ambry Genetics in Aliso Viejo, California, and GeneDx in Gaithersburg, Maryland have offered clinical exome sequencing since 2011.

Deciding which parts of the sequencing data should be divulged to individuals is far from straightforward. A few mutations are clearly associated with disease, but most are still tricky to interpret.

From a research perspective, however, the development is unequivocally exciting, experts say.

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Human Longevity, Inc. Conference Call Audio (March 4, 2014) – Video

Posted: at 8:43 am

Human Longevity, Inc. Conference Call Audio (March 4, 2014)
Human Longevity Inc. (HLI) Launched to Promote Healthy Aging Using Advances in Genomics and Stem Cell Therapies. HLI is Building World #39;s Largest Genotype/Phenotype Database by Sequencing up...

By: Human Longevity, Inc.

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Eczema Free Forever Review & Special Offer – Video

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Eczema Free Forever Review Special Offer Click the link now to get the special offer for Eczema Free Forever and to read our profe...

By: AnninflowBrownD

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Europe Nears First Approval for Gene Therapy Treatment

Posted: at 8:42 am

China was the first country to approve a gene therapy product for commercial use, in 2004. The U.S. has yet to endorse any such treatments and the field has been plagued by carcinogenicity


From Nature magazine

Europes drugs regulator has for the first time recommended a gene therapy medicine for approval.

Glybera, a treatment for patients who cannot produce enough of an enzyme crucial for breaking down fat, was backed by the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). This recommendation has to be endorsed by the European Commission before it becomes available, but it would be unusual for the Commission to reject the recommendation.

Gene therapy involves transferring genes into patients to treat their diseases. In this case Glybera uses a virus injected into a patient to deliver a working copy of a gene for producing lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL deficiency affect no more than one or two people in a million.

Back in 2004 China became the first country to approve a gene therapy product for commercial use, with a treatment for cancer. But Europe and the United States have yet to endorse any gene therapy treatments and the field has been plagued by issues such as carcinogenicity.

Jrn Aldag, chief executive of uniQure, the Amsterdam-based company that owns Glybera, says todays announcement from the EMA is an overdue signal to the gene therapy community that things are changing. It unlocks the potential, he told Nature. You will see more investment coming.

Fantastic news Tim Cot, former head of the US Food and Drug Administrations Office of Orphan Products Development and now an independent consultant, says the approval is "astounding, fantastic news. It puts Europe at the forefront.

Glybera had previously received negative opinions from both the CHMP and the EMA Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT), which advises on cutting edge treatments. However, after re-evaluating the treatment in just those patients who experience severe or multiple attacks of pancreatitis as a result of LPL deficiency, the CAT gave a positive opinion in June, and this has now been endorsed by the CHMP.

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Gene-Editing Technique Shown to Work as HIV Treatment

Posted: at 8:42 am

The approach involves using enzymes to destroy a gene in the immune cells of people with HIV, thereby increasing resistance to the virus

Scanning electron micrograph of a human T cell from the immune system of a healthy donor. Credit:NIAID/NIH - Wikimedia Commons

A clinical trial has shown that a gene-editing technique can be safe and effective in humans. For the first time, researchers used enzymes called zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) to target and destroy a gene in the immune cells of 12 people with HIV, increasing their resistance to the virus. The findings were published March 5 in The New England Journal of Medicine.

This is the first major advance in HIV gene therapy since it was demonstrated that the Berlin patient Timothy Brown was free of HIV, says John Rossi, a molecular biologist at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California. In 2008, researchers reported thatBrown gained the ability to control his HIV infectionafter they treated him with donor bone-marrow stem cells that carried a mutation in a gene calledCCR5. Most HIV strains use a protein encoded byCCR5as a gateway into the T cells of a hosts immune system. People who carry a mutated version of the gene, including Brown's donor, are resistant to HIV.

But similar treatment isnot feasible for most people with HIV: it is invasive, and the body is likely to attack the donor cells. So a team led by Carl June and Pablo Tebas, immunologists at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, sought to create the beneficialCCR5 mutation in a persons own cells, using targeted gene editing.

Personalized medicine The researchers drew blood from 12 people with HIV who had been taking antiretroviral drugs to keep the virus in check. After culturing blood cells from each participant, the team used a commercially available ZFN to target theCCR5gene in those cells. The treatment succeeded in disrupting the gene in about 25% of each participants cultured cells; the researchers then transfused all of the cultured cells into the participants. After treatment, all had elevated levels of T cells in their blood, suggesting that the virus was less capable of destroying them.

Six of the 12 participants then stopped their antiretroviral drug therapy, while the team monitored their levels of virus and T cells. Their HIV levels rebounded more slowly than normal, and their T-cell levels remained high for weeks. In short, the presence of HIV seemed to drive the modified immune cells, which lacked a functionalCCR5gene, to proliferate in the body. Researchers suspect that the virus was unable to infect and destroy the altered cells.

They used HIV to help in its own demise, says Paula Cannon, who studies gene therapy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. They throw the cells back at it and say, Ha, now what?

Long-term action In this first small trial, the gene-editing approach seemed to be safe: Tebas says that the worst side effect was that the chemical used in the process made the patients bodies smell bad for several days.

The trial isnt the end game, but its an important advance in the direction of this kind of research, says Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland. Its more practical and applicable than doing a stem-cell transplant, he says, although it remains to be seen whether it is as effective.

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Gene-Editing Technique Shown to Work as HIV Treatment

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