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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Daily Show: Extended Interview: Malala Yousafzai – Video

Posted: March 7, 2014 at 11:42 pm

The Daily Show: Extended Interview: Malala Yousafzai
The Daily Show: Extended Interview: Malala Yousafzai videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising...

By: TheNextEconomy

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The Daily Show: Extended Interview: Malala Yousafzai - Video

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We have a big economic crisis coming – Peter Schiff – Video

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We have a big economic crisis coming - Peter Schiff
We have a big economic crisis coming - Peter Schiff videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising ...

By: TheNextEconomy

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Ron Paul: US has no right to lecture on Ukraine because of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya – Video

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Ron Paul: US has no right to lecture on Ukraine because of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya
Please note: Interview was recorded before Liz Wahl quitted RT America. The US, Russia and the European Union are all posturing with rhetoric about the crisi...

By: RT

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Ron Paul: US has no right to lecture on Ukraine because of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya - Video

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Sen. Rand Paul To Address Annual CPAC Meeting

Posted: at 11:42 pm

hide captionSen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks to reporters in front of federal court in Washington on Feb. 12.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks to reporters in front of federal court in Washington on Feb. 12.

It is one of those primary tenets of the Republican party: a strong, robust, well-funded military and the willingness to deploy it are a critical part of national security.

But Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who speaks to activists at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Thursday, has long felt it's time to re-examine that approach.

In less than four years in the Senate, Paul has emerged as a prominent new face of the GOP and a contender for the 2016 presidential nomination. But his libertarian philosophy sets him apart from the rest of the field.

It's still unclear how GOP voters will respond to Paul's views on foreign policy and his belief that the US has been far too quick to exert its military influence through force.

"People sometimes ask me what is my worldview? My response is that, you know, even if you've crisscrossed the globe, even if you've been everywhere, I'm just not sure that the world doesn't change by the time you return to the same spot twice. I am a believer that foreign policy must be viewed by events as they present themselves, not as we wish them to be," Paul said, in a speech earlier this year at the Center for the National Interest.

"I believe the answers to most problems that confront us around the world can and should be approached by engaging, both friend and foe. You know, I'm not naive enough to say that dialogue is always gonna work," he said.

To hear a member of the Paul family challenge conventional GOP thinking on foreign policy is hardly new. His father, former Congressman Ron Paul, sought the Republican nomination in 2008 and again in 2012.

In an interview with New Hampshire TV station WMUR during the last campaign, Ron Paul was asked about bringing U.S. troops home.

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Tinkering With Frankenkinder

Posted: at 11:40 pm

(Photo: The Christian Post/Scott Liu)

Bestselling author Eric Metaxas address industry leaders at the National Religious Broadcasters dinner in Nashville, Tenn., on Sunday, March 3, 2013.

March 7, 2014|12:27 pm

An FDA panel is currently reviewing a procedure that would allow a child to inherit genetic material from three different people.

If that sounds like one too many to you, congratulations! Your moral intuition is more highly developed than that of many scientific researchers.

The procedure, pioneered at Oregon Health and Science University, involves replacing defective mitochondria in a woman's egg with healthy mitochondria from another woman.

To understand the controversy, you have to understand that every human carries two kinds of DNA: chromosomal DNA, the iconic "double helix," to which both your father and mother contribute equally, and mitochondrial DNA, which serves as the power source in cells and is only passed on by your mother.

If this proposed procedure is approved, the result would be children with DNA from three different people.

Not surprisingly, this procedure is being justified as a therapeutic measure. As the Washington Post put it, "scientists think [the procedure] could help women who carry DNA mutations for conditions such as blindness and epilepsy."

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Racial Fantastic Four Backlash: Michael B. Jordan Comments [VIDEO]

Posted: at 11:40 pm

The Human Torch is a young, cocky, and charismatic superhero who can turn his whole body into flames. Actor Michael B. Jordan is young and can play cocky and charismatic with the best of them. So why are some people so mad director Josh Trankcast him in the 2015 reboot of Fantastic Four? Simply put, in the comics the Human Torch is white and Michael B. Jordan is black. Some fans dont want a black Human Torch.

Since the rumors of Jordans casting began, his race has been a major topic of discussion. While the actor has commented briefly in the past, that was before hed officially been announcedfor the role.That announcement has now taken place and, below, you can watch and listen to him talking about the controversy.

Thanks to Cinefilos.itvia Superhero Hype for the video. (Note: This was in Superhero Bits yesterday.)

If you cant get the video to work, heres the transcription:

It was expected. You kinda know going into it that people are used to seeing something one way, its a continuity thing more than anything. People dont like change too much. But annoyed? Eh, you just kinda accept it, it is what it is. You cant make everybody happy. You just gotta accept that and know. Im an actor, I have to do my job. Im going to do my job the best I can and the way Ive been doing it my entire life, my entire career. I grew up a comic book guy, I read comic books as a kid growing up, and the Fantastic Four/Human Torch is one of my favorite characters so Im going to give it my everything. I cant wait. I dont really let it bother me at all. I just want to go into it and do the best job I can. Well see what happens.

As well as this on his excitement:

The Human Torch is, yknow, thats fun. Thats going to be a good timeTo play a superhero? Thats dreams coming true. Its not going to be hard. Its going to be fun to kind of show a side of me that I dont really get to show on screen, to be a little bit lighter, funnier, just more personality. Its going to be fun.

Good for Jordan that hes taking the high road here. He shouldnt have to defend who he is or why he was chosen. Whats more important? That an actor is perfect for the part of looks perfect in the part? A black Human Torch is going to be awesome.

Josh Tranks Fantastic Four, starring Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell andMichael B. Jordan opens June 19, 2015.

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Typepad – The Futurist

Posted: at 11:40 pm

Why does it seemthat American society is in decline, that fairness and decorum are receding, that socialism and tyranny are becoming malignant despite the majority of the public being averse to such philosophies, yet the true root cause seems elusive? What if everything from unsustainable health care and social security costs, to stagnant wages and rising crime, tocrumbling infrastructure and metastasizing socialism, to the economic decline of major US cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore, could all be traced to a common origin that is extremely pervasive yet is all but absent from the national dialog, indeed from the dialog of the entire Western world?

Today, on the first day of the new decade of '201x' years, I am going to tell you why that is. I am herebytriggering the national dialog on what the foremost challenge for the United States will be in this decade, which is the ultimate root cause of most of the other problems we appear to be struggling with. What you are about to read isthe equivalent of someonein 1997 describing theexpected forces governing the War on Terror from 2001-2009in profound detail.

This is a very long article, the longest ever written on The Futurist.As it is a guide to the next decade of social, political, and sexual strife, it is not meant to be read in one shot but rather digested slowly over an extended period, with all supporting links read as well. As the months and years of this decade progress, this article will seem all the more prophetic.

Executive Summary : The Western World has quietly become a civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women,where the stateforcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This isunfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020.

The Cultural Thesis

The Myth of Female Oppression : All of us have been taught how women have supposedly been oppressed throughout human existence, and that this was pervasive, systematic, and endorsed by ordinary men who presumably had it much better than women. In reality, this narrative is entirely fabricated. The average man was forced to risk death on the battlefield, at sea, or in mines, while most women stayed indoors tending to children and household duties. Male life expectancy was always significantly lower than that of females, and still is.

Warfare has been a near constant feature of human society before the modern era, and whenever two tribes or kingdoms went to war with each other, the losing side saw many of its fighting-age men exterminated, while the women were assimilated into the invading society. Now, becoming a concubine or a housekeeper is an unfortunate fate, but not nearly as bad as being slaughtered in battle as the men were. To anyone who disagrees, would you like for the men and women to trade outcomes?

Most of this narrative stems from 'feminists' comparing the plight of average women to the topmost men (the monarch and other aristocrats), rather than to the average man. This practice is known as apex fallacy, and whether accidental or deliberate, entirely misrepresents reality. To approximate the conditions of the average woman to the average man (the key word being 'average') in the Western world of a century ago, simply observe the lives of the poorest peasants in poor countries today. Both men and women have to perform tedious work, have insufficient food and clothing, and limited opportunities for upliftment.

As far as selective anecdotes like voting rights go, in the vast majority of cases, men could not vote either. In fact, if one compares every nation state from every century, virtually all of them extended exactly the same voting rights (or lack thereof) to men and women. Even today, out of 200 sovereign states, there are exactly zero that have a different class of voting rights to men and women. Any claim that women were being denied rights than men were given in even 0.1% of historical instances, falls flat.

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Typepad - The Futurist

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Future of Banking: Mobile, IT, Technology Partners – Futurist Speaker on Banking Industry – Video

Posted: at 11:40 pm

Future of Banking: Mobile, IT, Technology Partners - Futurist Speaker on Banking Industry
Why banks need technology partners to implement mobile banking, mobile payments and other consumer solutions. Future banking trends - Futurist speaker, Patri...

By: Patrick Dixon Futurist Keynote Speaker for Industry Conference

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Rebecca’s Picks: Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory – Video

Posted: at 8:46 am

Rebecca #39;s Picks: Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory
In her final days as Commander of the International Space Station, Sunita Williams of NASA recorded an extensive tour of the orbital laboratory and downlinke...

By: Rebecca Costa

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Rebecca's Picks: Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory - Video

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Space Station Live: Delivering Drugs in Tiny Balloons – Video

Posted: at 8:46 am

Space Station Live: Delivering Drugs in Tiny Balloons
Space Station Live commentator Pat Ryan interviews Dr. Dennis Morrison from NuVue Therapeutics, Inc. Morrison is the principal investigator of MEPS (Microenc...

By: Waspie_Dwarf

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Space Station Live: Delivering Drugs in Tiny Balloons - Video

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