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Category Archives: Transhuman News

First ever Japanese astronaut takes charge of International Space Station

Posted: March 9, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Mr Wakata, 50, had been a space station flight engineer since he and two crew mates arrived on November 7.

"I am humbled to assume the command of the space station," Mr Wakata said during a change-of-command ceremony broadcast on NASA Television.

So far, four Japanese astronauts have served as space station crew members, including Mr Wakata, who previously flew in 2009, Mr Wakata also is a veteran of two space shuttle missions.

One of his first tasks as commander will be to oversee the arrival of a Space Exploration Technologies' Dragon cargo ship which is due to launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida next Sunday and reach the station on March 18.

The station, a $100 billion research laboratory, flies about 260 miles above Earth. It has been permanently staffed by rotating crews of astronauts and cosmonauts since November 2000.

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First ever Japanese astronaut takes charge of International Space Station

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Should we be concerned with synthetic biology?

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Dear EarthTalk: Should those of us who care about our health and the planet be concerned about the new trend in genetic engineering called synthetic biology? Chrissie Wilkins, Bern, N.C.

Synthetic biology (or synbio) refers to the design and fabrication of novel biological parts, devices and systems that do not otherwise occur in nature. Many see it as an extreme version of genetic engineering (GE). But unlike GE, whereby genetic information with certain desirable traits is inserted from one organism into another, synbio uses computers and chemicals to create entirely new organisms.

Proponents of synbio, which include familiar players such as Cargill, BP, Chevron and Du Pont, tout its potential benefits. According to the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SYNBERC), a consortium of leading U.S. researchers in the field, some promising applications of synthetic biology include alternatives to rubber for tires, tumor-seeking microbes for treating cancer, and photosynthetic energy systems. Other potential applications include using synbio to detect and remove environmental contaminants, monitor and respond to disease and develop new drugs and vaccines.

While these and other applications may not be widely available for years, synthetic biology is already in use for creating food additives that will start to show up in products on grocery shelves later this year. Switzerland-based Evolva is using synthetic biology techniques to produce alternatives to resveratrol, stevia, saffron and vanilla. The companys synthetic vanillin is slated to go into many foods as a cheaper and limitless version of real vanilla flavor. But many health advocates are outraged that such a product will be available to consumers without more research into potential dangers and without any warnings or labeling to let consumers know they are eating organisms designed and brought to life in a lab.

This is the first major use of a synbio ingredient in food, and dozens of other flavors and food additives are in the pipeline, so synbio vanilla could set a dangerous precedent for synthetic genetically engineered ingredients to sneak into our food supply and be labeled as natural, reports Friends of the Earth (FoE), a leading environmental group. Synthetic biology vanillin poses several human health, environmental and economic concerns for consumers, food companies and other stakeholders.

For example, FoE worries that synbio vanilla (and eventually other synthetic biology additives) could exacerbate rainforest destruction while harming sustainable farmers and poor communities around the world. Synbio vanillacould displace the demand for the natural vanilla market, reports FoE. Without the natural vanilla market adding economic value to the rainforest in these regions, these last standing rainforests will not be protected from competing agricultural markets such as soy, palm oil and sugar. Critics of synbio also worry that releasing synthetic life into the environment, whether done intentionally or accidentally, could have adverse effects on our ecosystems.

Despite these risks, could the rewards of embracing synthetic biology be great? Could it help us deal with some of the tough issues of climate change, pollution and world hunger? Given that the genie is already out of the bottle, perhaps only time will tell.

EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E-The Environmental Magazine Send questions to:

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Should we be concerned with synthetic biology?

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Jane Peterson is the next president and CEO of Keystone Symposia

Posted: at 2:44 pm

When Jane Peterson wants to understand something, she dives right into the details. Her career has taken her beyond the surface of our everyday world, straight through to the cellular and molecular levels of the human body.

The deeper you delve, the more complicated it gets, she said. Although she was talking about genetics, the same could be said for her career and list of accomplishments.

Peterson holds a doctorate from the University of Colorados department of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, and thats just the start of it. She moved on to the department of human genetics at Yale University School of Medicine, then to the laboratory of biochemistry at the National Institutes of Health. She also got in at the beginning at an ambitious task the Human Genome Project.

Surrounded by scientists

Peterson grew up in Hamilton, a very small town in western Montana.

My entire family is somehow in science, she said, referring to her father, a physician, and her elder brother, who passed on an interest in mammalogy.

I trapped mice and did that kind of thing through high school, so I got into science pretty early, Peterson said.

Her post-high school education started on a unique footing, as she spent her freshman year attending Beirut College in Lebanon while her parents were working as missionaries in Iran.

It just seemed like a terrible opportunity to miss, she said. Beirut is a phenomenal place.

When it came time to choose a graduate school, she saw what she wanted at CU.

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Jane Peterson is the next president and CEO of Keystone Symposia

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DNA Isolated – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

DNA Isolated
DNA Isolated Clifford E Carnicom January 24 2014

By: Morgellons Coverup

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DNA Isolated - Video

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Gideon De Villiers || Rubinrot || D.N.A – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Gideon De Villiers || Rubinrot || D.N.A
Watch in 720p HD, small screen!! If the video doesn #39;t work in your country, just click on the link and you can watch it: Hello F...

By: Fanmadevideotime

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Gideon De Villiers || Rubinrot || D.N.A - Video

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Game DNA: Titanfall – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Game DNA: Titanfall
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By: XboxAhoy

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Game DNA: Titanfall - Video

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Biologists construct selfassembling tiles of DNA 184 – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Biologists construct selfassembling tiles of DNA 184

By: Suzette Nieves

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Biologists construct selfassembling tiles of DNA 184 - Video

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How Is DNA Code Carried From the Nucleus to the Ribosome? : Biology & DNA – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

How Is DNA Code Carried From the Nucleus to the Ribosome? : Biology DNA
Subscribe Now: Watch More: The nucleus is where DNA is...

By: eHowEducation

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How Is DNA Code Carried From the Nucleus to the Ribosome? : Biology & DNA - Video

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DNA – Live @ Le Gibus (05-03-2014) – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

DNA - Live @ Le Gibus (05-03-2014)
Paris - Le Gibus (05-03-2014)

By: lofiphil

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DNA - Live @ Le Gibus (05-03-2014) - Video

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DNA IS Proof Of God by Jason Burns – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

DNA IS Proof Of God by Jason Burns
Jason Burns can be found on the links below

By: Billy Bloggs

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DNA IS Proof Of God by Jason Burns - Video

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