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Category Archives: Transhuman News


Posted: March 12, 2014 at 6:44 am


By: Norak Epiphany

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Whole genome sequencing 'not ready for widespread clinical use'

Posted: at 6:44 am

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Both the technical barriers associated with human DNA sequencing and the costs involved have been decreasing for some time. A new study investigates the benefits and drawbacks of whole genome sequencing in clinical applications.

The first sequencing of a human genome began in 1990 and was completed in 2003 at a cost of $2.7 billion. Now, whole genome sequencing (WGS) can cost as little as $1,000, with the procedure taking just days.

When sequencing an organism's DNA, the order of DNA nucleotides is documented by machines. This ordering is transcribed in letters - A, C, G and T - which each represent a particular piece of DNA (adenines, guanines, thyamines and cytosines). The human genome is made up of 3 billion of these letters.

Using the genome sequence, scientists are able to find genes much more easily. In a clinical setting, it is hoped that WGS could quickly and accurately reveal the genetic basis of family diseases. Even in healthy individuals, it is believed that WGS can uncover potentially important information about a person's genes and their health.

For example, Medical News Today recently reported on new research that looked at using WGS to select embryos for in vitro fertilization.

Whole genome sequencing 'not ready for widespread clinical use'

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Cheap, reliable whole-genome sequencing? Not so fast, say Stanford researchers

Posted: at 6:44 am

13 hours ago Mar. 11, 2014 - 2:41 PM PDT

Everyday access to the contents of our genes draws nearer and nearer. But the industry is currently complicated by a mix of rapidly advancing technology and just-emerging science: Despite the fact that we can read our genes, we dont necessarily know what they mean.

A Stanford University study that will be published tomorrow in theJournal of the American Medical Associationtook a look at whole-genome sequencing for clinical use and found that it has more substantial obstacles to overcome than many people might realize.

We need to be very honest about what we can and cannot do at this point in time, paper co-author Euan Ashley said in a release. Our hope is that the identification of specific hurdles will allow researchers in this field to focus their efforts on overcoming them to make this technique clinically useful.

The Stanford team evaluated obstacles by sequencing the genomes of 12 healthy people. They then manually analyzed about 100 genetic variations in each person. It took an hour for each variation to determine if it might increase the risk for disease.

After looking at each of the variations, the researchers settled on two to six per person that merited a follow up test. One test participant found out she was at risk for breast and ovarian cancer.

Although there are clearly challenges in bringing whole-genome sequencing into the clinic, this finding was clearly medically significant, co-lead paper author Frederick Dewey said in the release. Its not possible to predict from a study of 12 people how often this type of clinically actionable discovery will occur, but it definitely supports the use of this technology.

But catching that one instance of disease risk came at a great cost: 100 hours of labor, which boosted the cost of sequencing to $17,000. Three genetic counselors, three clinicians and one medical pathologist pored over each of the results because there is no straightforward way to determine if a single gene mutation poses a risk. Instead, the team consulted medical literature and made the call if all of a patients gene mutations together called for a follow up test. Follow ups costfrom $351 to $776.

The team also found that it is impossible for currently available off-the-shelf tests to achieve the same level of accuracy in genome sequencing.

These off-the-shelf genome sequencing techniques were developed to provide generally good coverage of most of the genome, Dewey said in the release. But there are some regions that remain to be covered well that we care very deeply about. We still need to supplement this information with additional sequencing in some regions to make clinically usable decisions.

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Cheap, reliable whole-genome sequencing? Not so fast, say Stanford researchers

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Artform Gallery presents – "Politically Incorrect" Meet The Artists 1 – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Artform Gallery presents - "Politically Incorrect" Meet The Artists 1
Saturday March 1st Artform Gallery introduced a new art show benefiting and exploring human rights called "Politically Incorrect". The show features amazing ...

By: DMCreativeProductions

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Artform Gallery presents - "Politically Incorrect" Meet The Artists 1 - Video

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Surveillance: a symptom of unchecked power

Posted: at 6:43 am

Revelations from former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden made it clear to people around the world that their digital communications are being tracked and saved by the US spy agency.

That was one of the reasons why the NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ were included on the 2014 list of Enemies of the Internet published on Wednesday (12.03.2014) by Reporters Without Borders.

It's been a tough year for freedom of speech on the Internet

"The mass surveillance methods employed, many of them exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, are all the more intolerable because they will be used and indeed are already being used by authoritarians countries such as Iran, China, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to justify their own violations of freedom of information," the report said. "How will so-called democratic countries be able to press for the protection of journalists if they adopt the very practices they are criticizing authoritarian regimes for?"

Inclusion on the press freedom group's list put the US and UK in the company of regimes in Tehran and Beijing, which have both come under heavy international criticism for their long-time censorship and surveillance of the Internet.

Iran: Fluctuation on the surface

Despite some minor loosening of restrictions under Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, authorities in Iran have continued to develop a "national Internet" - the so-called "halal Internet" - that would cut off access to material deemed unacceptable, the report said.

"There have been fluctuations on the surface, including President Rouhani using Twitter, but the depth of the problem is intact," Arash Abadpour, a Toronto-based Iranian blogger, researcher and engineer, told DW. "The filtering regime is a reality, the National Internet is creeping in, and online activity is still criminalized."

A national 'halal' network could remove Iranians from the wider, public Internet

Filtering content, controlling Internet service providers, intercepting communications, staging cyber-attacks and imprisoning bloggers and Internet activists are common practice in Iran, Reporters Without Borders wrote.

Surveillance: a symptom of unchecked power

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Andy Dick talks MTV freedom and censorship on Tom Green Live – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Andy Dick talks MTV freedom and censorship on Tom Green Live
Tune in to AXSTV to watch Tom Green Live entire episodes.

By: tomgreen

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Andy Dick talks MTV freedom and censorship on Tom Green Live - Video

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Ron Paul: Gold Is Going To Be The Safe Haven It’s Been For Six Thousand Years – Video

Posted: at 6:42 am

Ron Paul: Gold Is Going To Be The Safe Haven It #39;s Been For Six Thousand Years
Air Date: March 4th, 2014 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fai...

By: selfownership1

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Ron Paul: Gold Is Going To Be The Safe Haven It's Been For Six Thousand Years - Video

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Bryan Cutsinger "Philosophic Structure of Libertarianism" March 8, 2014 – Video

Posted: at 6:42 am

Bryan Cutsinger "Philosophic Structure of Libertarianism" March 8, 2014
Bryan Cutsinger "Philosophic Structure of Libertarianism" March 8, 2014.

By: Liberty Toastmasters North

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Bryan Cutsinger "Philosophic Structure of Libertarianism" March 8, 2014 - Video

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Space Exploration as Architecture

Posted: at 6:41 am


Architecture and design magazine Uncube has a new issue out today and it's all about outer space. Naturally, there's plenty of retro-futurism.

Some highlights from the issue include:

So what is the vision for an object in space? The closing sequence of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, where the protagonist Dave Bowman [Keir Dullea] ends up in a Louis XVI bedroom, was alien, inexplicable and disturbing for me to watch much more so than if it had been something that we perceive as a "space environment" as represented by Hollywood today. You mentioned that the future becomes what we project upon it as far as I'm concerned there are very few examples in which someone predicted the future and that's exactly how it happened.

It was not until the break-up of the Soviet Union that her architect colleagues learned of her role in what must be one of the unusual architectural challenges: Balashova designed dwellings that were beyond the laws of gravity. For this talented artist, the goal that the Russian Constructivists agonised over an architecture floating free above the ground was everyday routine.

By the early 1950s space travel was part of everyday popular culture. The golden age of space travel arrived before space travel actually became a reality. In the two decades following World War II, fuelled largely by post-war optimism combined with faith in technology and engineering, the possibility of space flight took a firm hold of the public imagination. References to rockets and space travel were everywhere, from television and movies to literature and comic books, toys and games, bubble gum and breakfast cereal.

The issue also has plenty of future-future features on space travel. You can check them out at

Image: 1984 waterocolor painting of the Mir space station by Galina Balashova via Uncube magazine

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Space Exploration as Architecture

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Tory Starbuck on Andre’s Pit discussing politics and performing a lobotomy with Futurist Manifesto – Video

Posted: at 6:41 am

Tory Starbuck on Andre #39;s Pit discussing politics and performing a lobotomy with Futurist Manifesto
Dinner Party at Andre #39;s in 1988 for his St. Louis cable television show. Tory talks about communism and America with Andre #39;s son. Muzik and theatre crept int...

By: Tory Starbuck

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