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Ron Paul – Nixons Vindication – Video

Posted: September 10, 2014 at 11:41 pm

Ron Paul - Nixons Vindication
Ron Paul - Nixon #39;s Vindication Please click here to subscribe to my channel for latest news / Economy / money / Economic collapse / crisis / Gold / Silver / New World Order / World War 3...

By: Economic Collapse TV

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A New Brand Of Paul Gains Support In Iowa

Posted: at 11:41 pm

It's still more than 15 months until the Iowa caucuses, and no one in the crowded field of Republicans with presidential ambitions has announced. But things are already happening in Iowa, especially for Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.

Paul has reached out to Iowans who never considered voting for his father, Ron Paul, who made a respectable third-place showing there in 2012.

He's still popular with his father's old supporters. Many of them are in the so-called liberty faction of the Iowa GOP.

A group of them meet Tuesday nights in a Des Moines hotel bar for a gathering called "Liberty on the Rocks." These 20 or so liberty Republicans are mostly veterans of the 2012 Iowa campaign of Ron Paul. To them, it was a movement of ideas, not just politics.

For 26-year-old IT specialist Adil Khan, it's about Austrian economics. It's about abandoning policies of tax, spend and borrow. As he explains it, "this idea that if you tax from one area, it's going to be affecting a certain industry or it's going to be affecting the industry as a whole, and it really doesn't create anything."

For 42-year-old Jeremy Goemaat, who owns a computer billing company, it's about a return to the gold standard. Or some other standard private bank notes: "Is it the government's right to outlaw other currencies? Now, if you want to put your trust in small bank X, go for it."

They typically share a profound libertarian mistrust of the federal government, Keynesian economics, the federal reserve, drug laws, and interventionist foreign policies.

Twenty-nine-year-old Lexi Nuzum, who has a sales job with a chemical company, says the liberty worldview came to her when she was a college student, listening to Ron Paul on the radio.

"I thought, gosh, who is this guy? He makes a lot of sense, and I think he was specifically talking about foreign policy at the time. ... Rand, I think his appeal is that he kind of brings in that other crowd," she says. "Independents, a lot of wings of the Republican Party, Democrats even."

Even if they haven't committed yet, Nuzum and the others who gather here weekly are the presumed base of the Rand Paul campaign in Iowa. Four years ago, they saw in Ron Paul a prophetic truth teller, qualitatively unlike his rivals.

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A New Brand Of Paul Gains Support In Iowa

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the WHY of my frustration with libertarianism and it’s psuedologic. – Video

Posted: at 11:41 pm

the WHY of my frustration with libertarianism and it #39;s psuedologic.

By: Dawn Bringer

Original post:
the WHY of my frustration with libertarianism and it's psuedologic. - Video

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A Critique of Libertarianism, Part 2 – Video

Posted: at 11:41 pm

A Critique of Libertarianism, Part 2

By: Dylvente

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A Critique of Libertarianism, Part 2 - Video

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A Critique of Libertarianism, Part 1 – Video

Posted: at 11:41 pm

A Critique of Libertarianism, Part 1

By: Dylvente

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A Critique of Libertarianism, Part 1 - Video

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Solidarity is our word: My humanity is bound up in yours

Posted: at 11:41 pm

Editor's note: Michael Sean Winters is on vacation this week. Filling in for him are various writers from Millennial, a journal featuring the writing of millennial Catholics. Winters will be back next week.

What does it mean to be a human person? The debate between Catholicism and libertarianism, which took center stage in Catholic circles over the summer, is not primarily about economics or politics. It is about anthropology. Catholicism and libertarianism have incompatible views of the human person. Perhaps the most important divergence between these two worldviews is in this very basic theological claim: I do not create myself, I do not call myself into existence, and I always exist in relationship to other people and to God.

Human freedom is crucial, but it is not reducible to negative liberty. In "Charity in Truth," Pope Benedict XVI explained that true freedom "is not an intoxication with total autonomy, but a response to the call of being, beginning with our own personal being." Freedom to love, freedom for human flourishing, freedom for community, and freedom for God all shape the Catholic understanding of freedom. Far from reducing the importance of freedom, this deeper and broader approach elevates freedom and, with it, our responsibility before God.

This understanding of freedom begins with the recognition that human persons are fundamentally and inescapably relational. On some level, nearly everyone agrees that human beings are social and that we need other people to survive. However, Catholicism doesn't see community and the government as merely necessary for survival or necessary evils to mitigate conflict. Human society is a good that should be valued. Human persons are created in the image of God, and God is Trinity. What does it mean to say that to be made imago dei must be to be made imago trinitatis? It means that we can only live fully human lives together and that we are called to live more fully as the image of God in the world. Thus, we end up where libertarianism cannot: Our humanity, as in the image of God, is not only a matter of creation but also places a claim on us.

For libertarian philosophy, the starting point is that human beings are autonomous individuals who are most human when they are making choices. The only legitimate constraint is the requirement to respect the liberty of others. Autonomy and negative liberty -- the absence of external impediments -- dominate their understanding of freedom. In many ways, their anthropology begins with the idealization of a Robinson Crusoe-like figure and posits a humanity that only enters into relationships, commitments and responsibilities of one's own choosing (completely forgetting that Robinson Crusoe was a fully grown, educated English gentleman when he was stranded). From this anthropology, economic libertarians develop the concept of the rational economic man, which defines rationality based upon self-interested choice. Am I really irrational every time I consider someone else in making a decision? Is selfishness really a virtue, as Ayn Rand argues?

This anthropology lays the foundation for their view of politics. Thus we see libertarians and figures like Ayn Rand argue for the complete separation of state and the market. She genuinely believed (and Alan Greenspan with her) that a community of autonomous individuals pursuing their own self-interests would self-regulate and be harmonious. Friedrich Hayek perceived any attempts at social justice and substantive equality of opportunity as moving toward totalitarianism or fascism. The irreconcilable divergence between libertarianism and Catholicism, which we see in their views of government and social justice, is really a disagreement about what it means to be human.

In a speech at Georgetown, U2 frontman Bono challenged students that "when you truly accept that those in some far off place in the global village have the same value as you in God's eyes or even just in your own eyes, then your life is forever changed, you see something that you cannot unsee." The image of God places a claim upon us that goes well beyond simply not harming or impeding others. We are morally required to promote the flourishing of others. Pope Paul VI explained, "There can be no progress towards the complete development of the human person without the simultaneous development of all humanity in the spirit of solidarity."

To understand what Pope Francis says on poverty, inequality and exclusion, you have to first understand this deep unity of the one human family, of our belonging to each other and our standing together before God. This is the foundation of Pope Francis' key insights. The threat of libertarianism is not primarily political; it is theological. Libertarianism creates a barrier to seeing the other as neighbor, as brother or sister.

St. John XXIII's "Peace on Earth" offers a comprehensive account of what is demanded in terms of upholding human dignity and the flourishing community. It is a basic list of human rights. The concerns are always both personal and structural, as Catholic social thought recognizes that "human freedom is often crippled when a man falls into extreme poverty." Human freedom is crippled by extreme poverty whether arbitrary obstacles exist or not. Freedom is not just about removing obstacles but providing the positive conditions for human flourishing within which true freedom can be exercised.

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Solidarity is our word: My humanity is bound up in yours

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David Leyonhjelm calls on the colourful Helen Dale to help fight for libertarianism

Posted: at 11:41 pm

'A classical liberal': Senator David Leyonhjelm. Photo: James Alcock

Only one official libertarian sits in the federal Parliament, though there are many closet libertarians hidden inside the tax-and-spend big government of Tony Abbott. This week that libertarian, Senator David Leyonhjelm of the Liberal Democratic Party, had a lesson in the treacheries of politics delivered to him personally by The Australian newspaper.

Leyonhjelm had intended to announce on Thursday that he had appointed Helen Dale, born Helen Darville, also known by the literary pseudonym Helen Demidenko, to his staff as a senior adviser.

But a reporter at The Australian, David Crowe, got what the paper called an "exclusive" by simply ignoring the senator's embargo, much to the senator's chagrin, then delivering a cartoon about "a hoaxer" being appointed to the senator's staff. As the headline inThe Australian put it: "Literary hoaxer signed up by LDP."

The woman portrayed as "a hoaxer" is a 42-year-old policy scholar who has left behind a legal career in Edinburgh because she believes in what Leyonhjelm is doing. And what Leyonhjelm is doing, as a cross-bencher in a deadlocked Senate, is trying to slow what he sees as the decline of individual freedom and economic health under the growing weight of government.


I first met Dale and Leyonhjelm at a libertarian conference in Sydney earlier this year where both were delivering papers. Dale's presentation focused on social changes caused by technology, not expensive social engineering. Among many examples was a correlation between the removal of lead from petrol, paint and cosmetics and a decline in crime. Practising law, she saw government regulation and compulsion as frequently having both adverse and unintended consequences.

"I noticed the extent to which government regulations often had a malicious effect," she said.

"Unlike many lawyers, I do not think the solution to every problem is 'pass a law'. Law has limits."

She arrived at this belief via a circuitous path, having become famous at age 20, as Helen Demidenko, for a novel written when she was 19, The Hand that Signed the Paper. It won the Miles Franklin Award in 1995.

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David Leyonhjelm calls on the colourful Helen Dale to help fight for libertarianism

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How to Pronounce Transhumanist – Video

Posted: at 11:41 pm

How to Pronounce Transhumanist
Learn how to pronounce Transhumanist correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. @---@---@---@---@---@---@---@---@---@---@---@---@---@...

By: Emma Saying

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How to Pronounce Transhumanist - Video

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In France, a Second Patient Receives Permanent Artificial Heart

Posted: at 11:41 pm

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Jason Koebler (3528235) writes One of the most important goals of transhumanist medicinepossessing a perfectly healthy hearthas so far remained elusive. This week, we came a step closer when for the second time ever, a French company implanted a permanent artificial heart in a patient. More than just pumping blood, future artificial hearts will bring numerous other advantages with them. They will have computer chips and wi-fi capacity built into them. We'll control our hearts with our smart phones, tuning down its pumping capacity when we want to sleep, or tuning it up when we want to run marathons. The patient who received the first of these hearts, though he survived for 76 days, died after the heart "stopped after a short circuit, although the exact reasons behind the death were still unknown."

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In France, a Second Patient Receives Permanent Artificial Heart

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Transhuman EP 4 in the studio – guitars – Video

Posted: at 11:40 pm

Transhuman EP 4 in the studio - guitars
Transhuman recording some guitars for their upcoming 4th EP at Freefall Recordings, Cornwall. **audio used does not represent the final mix**

By: Adam Chinner

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Transhuman EP 4 in the studio - guitars - Video

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