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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Eroding Principles of Human Rights

Posted: October 7, 2014 at 6:40 pm

After World War II, there was hope that core principles of international law and human rights would become universal, but increasingly these standards have suffered from selective application and propagandistic manipulation, causing aloss of credibility in these keyprecepts, as Lawrence Davidson notes.

By Lawrence Davidson

The traditional criterion for state legitimacy was very simple. If a state and its government could hold and govern territory, it was legitimate, at least in the eyes of other governments. The form of government and its behavior did not matter in this definition Stalins USSR, Mussolinis Italy, Hitlers Germany these regimes held territory and ruled as surely as did the ones in Britain, France and the United States. And, in each others official eyes, one state was as legitimate as the next.

This outlook began to change in 1945. Just before and then during World War II, fascist behavior in general and Nazi behavior in particular was so shocking that many post-war governments became convinced that state legitimacy required well-defined codes of national behavior enshrined in international law.

President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush (with First Lady Michelle Obama and former First Lady Laura Bush) walk to a White House event on May 31, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Therefore, right after the war, human rights became a recognized standard by which to judge states and their governments. This new standard, which was implied in the Nuremberg trials, was soon articulated in such documents as the International Declaration of Human Rights and endorsed by the United Nations. It was simultaneously reinforced by a worldwide process of decolonization that focused the international community on issues of human rights, particularly as they touched on the practice of racism and apartheid.

Most importantly, this process led growing segments of civil society to support human rights law as a standard by which to judge state legitimacy. In one case, pressure from civil society worldwide was applied on apartheid South Africa throughout the 1970s and 1980s with sufficient force to help change not only the nature of that countrys government, but its national culture and therefore the character of the state itself. By 1994, South Africa was no longer an apartheid state.

New Attack on Human Rights

Recently things have not gone so well. There has been a tendency for the lessons learned about the importance of human rights to fade with time, particularly from the institutional memories of state bureaucracies. The proclivity of all state apparatuses to behave in a Machiavellian way has reasserted itself, particularly in the foreign policies of Western democratic states and their subsequent alliances with all manner of horrid right-wing dictatorships the world over.

This complicity with oppressive regimes produced inevitable anti-Western sentiment culminating in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C. Subsequently the United States declared a war on terror, and this effort seems to excuse everything that the U.S. government has done, from indefinite detention and torture to assassinations and invasions.

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Eroding Principles of Human Rights

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Post-4K OLED TV: Where does picture quality go from here?

Posted: at 6:40 pm

Now that there are 4K OLED televisions, can picture quality get any better? Have we achieved perfection? If so, where do we go from here? Here's a list of next steps.

LG (Screen Image: Geoffrey Morrison)

We've been saying for a while that OLED TVs offer the best picture quality ever, with infinite contrast ratios and perfect black levels that put plasma and LCD to shame. We'd worried that 4K/Ultra HD OLED would be too expensive to bring to market, but LG did it anyway.

So now that we have 4K OLED TVs available for sale, albeit for fiv figures, what's next? If this marriage of contrast and resolution creates such a perfect image, is the race over? Has the picture quality Holy Grail been discovered?

That's a pretty good question, actually.

Reader Caleb Munyasya asked it like this: "Is 4K OLED the end of the road for improving our TV experience? Because realistically speaking, there must be a limit to TV quality. If we combine 4K and OLED will it truly ever get better than that?"

I've gotten similar emails over the years, a bunch around the launch of Blu-ray for example, unsure why we needed BD when DVD was clearly the best we'd ever need. Caleb's question is a fair one, though. We've been saying contrast was king for years, and OLED's contrast IS king.

Mix that with the excessive pixel density of 4K, which exceeds the limits of human visual acuity at standard seating distances, and it's quite an attractive combo.

So let's take a look at a few of the ways our TVs (and TV system) can improve for an even better picture. A wish list, if you will, of our picture quality dreams.

Right now we're still pretty light on the OLED front. Only LG is making a serious push. We'll hopefully see more at CES 2015, but for right now, LG is it. We want more companies, and bigger, cheaper, better TVs... you know, the usual.

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Post-4K OLED TV: Where does picture quality go from here?

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Listen: Toby Gale – 'Air Bones'

Posted: at 6:40 pm

Ever off-kilter, Slugabeds sense of humour masks an ability to uncover raw but wildly unpredictable new talent.

The producers Activia Benz imprint acts as a hub for such producers, with new signing Toby Gale making ears glisten round these parts with his latest slo-mo, fluoro-enhanced synth jammer.

New cut Air Bones billed as their most twinkly lovely release yet has a gorgeous, near 16-Bit sense of nostalgia. Alongside this, though, theres a sci-fi futurism, a sense of the hyper-real to recall Night Slugs.

All slumped rhythms and choked samples, Air Bones continually billows outwards before collapsing under its own glitter-enhanced weight. Slugabed perhaps sums the track up best: [The EP] has a dreamy feel.Its a bit like when you ridethe horse around at nighttime on Ocarina of Timeand theres no one aroundand you feel very blissful.

Check out Air Bones below.

(via FACT)

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Listen: Toby Gale - 'Air Bones'

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A Farewell to Epcot's Norway Ride: How Fake Experiences Shaped My Life

Posted: at 6:40 pm

I've never been to Norway. I guess it's supposed to be like Minnesota, but with more fjords and trolls or something. But you know where I have been? Epcot. Which is kind of the same thing. Right?

Yesterday, the Epcot attraction officially known as Maelstrom (more commonly just called "the Norway ride") carried its last visitors. The ride is getting replaced with a new attraction based on the smash hit Disney movie Frozen. I guess because snow. Oh, and vertical integration.

The Norway ride took you through some bizarre version of Norwegian history and mythology. You'd float past audio-animatronic vikings, scary three-headed trolls, and enormous oil rigs. Eventually you'd be dumped into "modern Norway" and an auditorium where you could watch a movie made in the 1980s about how great Norway is.

Epcot nerds all have different opinions on the closing of the Norway ride. Many, like myself, are a bit upset to see a beloved ride from our childhoods close down. Others invoke Walt Disney's famous words about Disneyland (the one in California, since he didn't survive to see the one in Florida built): "Disneyland will never be finished." The implication being that we should never feel bad when a Disney attraction gets a reboot that's what Uncle Walt would've wanted.

Outsiders, if they care at all, are no doubt just happy the Disney-fication of some strange experience is dead. Because Disney's version of Norway was about as representative of the country and its culture as anything else Disney does. Which is to say, not very accurate at all. But does that matter?

The three-headed troll of Maelstrom (circa 1991)

The closing of this ride is causing me to confront a strange aspect of my childhood, and I guess the way that I view the world overall: most of my experiences in life have been hyper-real imitations of the authentic thing. Which isn't so much an existential crisis as the logical conclusion of 20th century consumer capitalism.

As I said, I've never been to Norway, but a quick exploration of 1970s and 80s futurism will show you that this wasn't supposed to matter by now. The past is littered with predictions that the future would be filled with simulated experiences that make geography and history itself irrelevant. You don't need to look much further than the pages of The Futurist magazine or the 1973 film Westworld.

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A Farewell to Epcot's Norway Ride: How Fake Experiences Shaped My Life

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Die Zukunft der Kulturpflege und die Wissenverdoppelungskurve (Futurist Redner Gerd Leonhard) – Video

Posted: at 6:40 pm

Die Zukunft der Kulturpflege und die Wissenverdoppelungskurve (Futurist Redner Gerd Leonhard)
Note: this is a GERMAN-language video) Dies ist ein kurzer Ausschnitt von meiner Keynote beim Kulturnetzwerk-Treffen des Kantons Aargau (CH), zum Thema Zuku...

By: Gerd Leonhard

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Die Zukunft der Kulturpflege und die Wissenverdoppelungskurve (Futurist Redner Gerd Leonhard) - Video

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Die Zukunft der Kultur: Augmented Reality in Museen? Futurist Redner Gerd Leonhard in Brugg – Video

Posted: at 6:40 pm

Die Zukunft der Kultur: Augmented Reality in Museen? Futurist Redner Gerd Leonhard in Brugg
Note: this is a GERMAN-language video) Dies ist ein kurzer Ausschnitt von meiner Keynote beim Kulturnetzwerk-Treffen des Kantons Aargau (CH), zum Thema Zuku...

By: Gerd Leonhard

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Die Zukunft der Kultur: Augmented Reality in Museen? Futurist Redner Gerd Leonhard in Brugg - Video

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Global Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote at the 2014 Economic Forum

Posted: at 6:40 pm

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) October 07, 2014

It has been said, 'The best way to predict your future is to create it.' But creating a plan for the future is no easy task. This year's 2014 Economic Forum, entitled "Creating Tomorrow," is focused on helping credit unions do just that create a tomorrow that will ensure credit unions grow and thrive.

Catalyst engaged Uldrich, back in April, as a keynote speaker at their Accelerating Success Conference in Las Vegas and they have invited him back to their Economic Forum In Dallas to discuss how they can start creating their own futures and, in turn, create success credit unions, that are able to both embrace and cultivate change.

Uldrich says, "Each year information technology is only getting better, faster, and cheaper; and hundreds of millions of new individuals are being drawn into a hyper-connected and networked global economy. The previously unknown ideas and insights of those hundreds of millions of individuals are now being added to the global consciousness, further accelerating change.

"One of the key things I do with my clients and audience members is to challenge them to think about the unthinkable. It is an excellent way to remind ones self to always expect the unexpected. This, in turn, reminds individuals and organizations, like Catalyst, to focus on integrating the principles of flexibility and adaptability into their strategic planning processes. In the future change will be the only constant, and its imperative to always keep this idea top of mind."

Uldrich will draw on materials from his book Foresight 20/20, the second edition of the book will be coming out in November.

Jack Uldrich is a renowned global futurist, independent scholar, sought-after business speaker and best-selling author. His written works have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Forbes and hundreds of other publications around the country. He has also appeared on CNN, MSNBC and National Public Radio.

In addition to speaking on future trends, Uldrich also speaks on emerging technologies, innovation, change management and leadership. He has served as an adviser to Fortune 1000 companies. He is a master at honing in on emerging trends in economics, agriculture energy, education, Internet and communications, science, technology, healthcare, and transportation. In recent months he has addressed the FCCS, AgBank, CoBank, and Wells Fargo, along with Fiatech, Texpers, and the 2014 Verizon Wireless Connected Technology Tour, among others.

Parties interested in learning more about him, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website. Media wishing to know more about either the event or interviewing Jack as a futurist or trend expert can contact Amy Tomczyk at (651) 343.0660.

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Global Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote at the 2014 Economic Forum

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Kerbal Space Program – Space Station (Deel 2) – Video

Posted: October 6, 2014 at 3:45 pm

Kerbal Space Program - Space Station (Deel 2)
Vandaag gaan we verder met het bouwen van ons ruimte station! We maken een chill plek voor onze kerbals en zorgen ervoor dat we weg kunnen als ze genoeg van elkaar hebben! Kerbal Space Program:...

By: RickGames1000

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Kerbal Space Program - Space Station (Deel 2) - Video

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Sex Toy and Space Station – Wonky Week #19 – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

Sex Toy and Space Station - Wonky Week #19
Daily Vlog Channel: Astronomy Channel: FaceBook: http://www.facebook.c...

By: noswonky

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Sex Toy and Space Station - Wonky Week #19 - Video

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International Space Station Cooling System on the Frit – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

International Space Station Cooling System on the Frit
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International Space Station Cooling System on the Frit - Video

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