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Category Archives: Transhuman News

China: Censorship and Single Party Media Control – Video

Posted: October 7, 2014 at 6:41 pm

China: Censorship and Single Party Media Control
Personally I find this one of the most frustrating and unfair aspects of modern China.

By: Nathan Hazlett

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China: Censorship and Single Party Media Control - Video

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In Beijing, support for dialogue in Hong Kong but not democracy

Posted: at 6:41 pm

BEIJING Protests in Hong Kong may have dominated global headlines in the past week, but they stirred much less attention on the Chinese mainland, where government censorship has been particularly strict.

Even in Beijing, many people canvassed informally on Monday said they were not aware that protests were taking place in the southern territory. On a sunny public holiday in the Chinese capital, people thronged shopping malls, restaurants and cafes, while others made their way into and around the city at railway, bus and subway stations. About half of the five dozen people questioned professed no knowledge of or said they were not following events in Hong Kong, while most of the rest said their understanding of the situation was limited to state news media reports.

Guo Lin, a 20-year-old student at lunch with a friend in a KFC restaurant in the west of the city, said she was surprised how different the information she was receiving from friends through the Wechat social media platform was from that released on state-run China Central Television.

My friends who studied in Hong Kong told me how bad the government is there, but CCTV told me how irrational the protesters are I dont know who to believe, she said. I dont think the protesters are aggressive. I even envy them because they have freedom of speech.

Gauging public opinion is notoriously hard in China, where free speech on sensitive topics is extremely limited. But in conversations with a range of people in the capital Monday, there appeared to be little sympathy for the protesters main demand that Hong Kong be granted full democracy and a tendency to blame students, radicals or foreign governments for disrupting life there rather than the authorities in Hong Kong and Beijing for intransigence.

Equally, though, in a city that lived through the bloody quelling of the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy demonstrations, residents expressed a strong desire for dialogue and a peaceful, negotiated solution to end the stalemate.

There was also significant frustration with the Chinese governments blanket censorship of news media and social media coverage.

On Sunday, the state-run Xinhua News Agency ran a story stating that Chinese people from all walks of life have voiced their strong denouncement and opposition against the illegal gatherings of the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong.

But public opinion in the capital appeared slightly more nuanced Monday. Backing the Chinese governments line, a few people said trouble had been stirred up by the U.S. government, while others blamed radicals from Hong Kong for selfishly disrupting peoples lives to further their own agenda.

A 34-year-old finance industry professional, Zhao Xiangang, said he thought the protests had been manipulated by foreign forces and were misguided. Unity is the only feasible choice for China and is in alliance with Chinese culture, he said. Democracy, in its nature, is in contrast with unity, which calls for some proper control and dictatorship.

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In Beijing, support for dialogue in Hong Kong but not democracy

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Eliminate Internet Censorship with the OpenTellus Code

Posted: at 6:41 pm

The OpenTellus project is operated outside the reach of censorship authorities and allows people within these controlled areas to practice freedom of speech and to make up their own mind about what is right or wrong.

A prime example of internet censorship happening today is the ongoing online feud between Russia and Ukraine. Both countries are reporting their side of the story, and both countries are blocking content online in order to hide information from their citizens regarding the opposing side. The same thing is happening in Hong Kong today where China is blocking out the protests for its 1.2 billion citizens in mainland China. The OpenTellus project is operated outside the reach of these censorship authorities and allows people within these controlled areas to practice freedom of speech and to make up their own mind about what is right or wrong.

Mike Sjoblom, the leader of a team of experienced IT experts from the US, Europe, and Asia has discovered a new way for people to access the internet using a cloud solution. With a click of a link online, people gain access to the internet outside the local internet providers which eliminates the ability to censor or filter information on the web.

I couldnt have done it myself, this is a team effort, Mr. Sjoblom says, pointing out that with the sophisticated technologies today, governments around the world can chose what information they want their citizens to access or be kept ignorant about.

There are numerous examples where successful alterations of true online information have changed the outcome of elections, historical events, and general facts and figures to match a profile that is suitable for a private purpose.

Mr. Sjoblom says that the use of their code will enable anyone access to the Internet, from any place in the world, using any type of device, regardless of the operative system. A click on a link and the world is open. The innovative platform we intend to build will be available to any provider at any type of data center in the world. Once we setup the system for a provider, they may share their link with anyone they wish to have access to an unfiltered Internet environment. It will be one of those true game-changers in the world.

Users only need three things to gain access to the free and open Internet source:

1) a standard Internet connection, 2) a browser window and 3) a link to the platform from a provider in an uncensored internet zone.

The cloud will break all boundaries and take borderless internet to a borderless and free internet for the first time in history.

As Mr. Sjoblom says, a VM [virtual machine] is a computer that is available at a data center from anywhere in the world. The user accesses the VM online through a link. Our secret sauce is the discovery of how to open up a single VM to an unlimited number of users. VMs can only be accessed by one person at a time with todays technology and without our code.

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Eliminate Internet Censorship with the OpenTellus Code

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 10/6/14: The Real Status of Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq – Video

Posted: at 6:41 pm

Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 10/6/14: The Real Status of Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq

By: minnesotachris

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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10/6/14: The Real Status of Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq - Video

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Alex Jones interviews Senator Ron Paul September 30th 2014 part 2 of 2 – Video

Posted: at 6:41 pm

Alex Jones interviews Senator Ron Paul September 30th 2014 part 2 of 2

By: drahskuselgoog drahskuselgoog

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Alex Jones interviews Senator Ron Paul September 30th 2014 part 2 of 2 - Video

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Meet the Hosts

Posted: at 6:41 pm

Every generation gets the Naomi Wolf it deserves. I'm 33, so I first became aware of the feminist author in 1999, when reading media clips about her work for Al Goreand (less famously) Bill Clinton. "She coached each to emphasize his manly strengths, relying on hoary, tired gender stereotypes," reported Jodi Kantor at the time. Wolf didn't play a huge role in post-Gore Democratic politics, but to my surprise, I met her in 2008 when she spoke ata shambolic, mid-July, brutally hot Ron Paul march in Washington. Wolf had published a treatise called The End of America, which argued that the United States was becoming a fascist state.

No exaggeration there. Wolf opened the book by running through some recent actions of the Bush administration, comparing them to what the Nazis did.

"When the United States invaded Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney promised that we would be 'greeted as liberators.' (When the Germany army occupied the Rhineland, Nazi propaganda asserted that the troops would be welcomed as liberators.)

... The Bush administration unloads coffins of dead American soldiers from planes at night and has forgobidden photographers to take pictures of the coffins. (National Socialists unloaded the coffins of the German war dead at night.)

It takes five people to stage an event like this.

Naomi Wolf

And so on. Wolf's book felt like the most feverish tremor of the Bush backlash, before optimism about the Barack Obama campaign calmed down the left. As the 2008 campaign ended, even Wolf sounded more optimistic, telling HuffPost readers that she would vote for Obama because Gitmo lawyers were endorsing him. But Wolf, like a lot of people whose primary political obsession was personal liberty, cooled on Obama. Earlier this year, she seemed to be back in the Paul camp.

All of this is preamble to Wolf's current obsession, which is coming as a surprise to the people who remembered her from the Clinton years or the Gore campaign.Over the weekend, Wolf took to Facebook to ask why the media was reporting on ISIS's beheadings of prisoners without asking whether the acts were hoaxed. "It takes five people to stage an event like this," Wolf wrote at one point. "Two to be 'parents' two to pose for cameras ... one in a ninja outfit ... and one to contact the media."

That's actually six people, but it's hardly the main problem with Wolf's torrent of just-asking-questions updates. As Max Fisher captures at Vox, Wolf also asked 1) whether the Scottish referendum had been rigged, 2) whether American troops were being sent to Africa as a "vector" to bring Ebola home, 3) and whether Australia (run by a fairly new conservative government) was using the (possibly hoaxed!) ISIS threat to crush civil liberties.

Meet the Hosts

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Google Chairman Eric Schmidt on the Libertarianism of the Tech Industry – Video

Posted: at 6:41 pm

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt on the Libertarianism of the Tech Industry
"How Google Works" co-author and Good Chairman Eric Schmidt joins Glenn Beck to talk about how to run a business well, and the libertarianism inside the tech industry. See more:

By: TheBlaze

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Google Chairman Eric Schmidt on the Libertarianism of the Tech Industry - Video

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Michael Gerson: Introspection time for evangelicals

Posted: at 6:41 pm

Christian conservatives are often the subject of study by academics, who seem to find their culture as foreign as that of Borneo tribesmen. And this is a particularly interesting time for brave social scientists to put on their pith helmets and head to Wheaton, Ill., or unexplored regions of the South. They will find communities under external and internal cultural stress.

It is fair to say some cultural views traditionally held by evangelicals are in retreat. Whatever the future of political libertarianism, moral libertarianism has been on the rise. This is perhaps the natural outworking of an enlightenment political philosophy that puts individual rights at its center. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy described this view as the right to define ones own concept of existence.

Traditional religious views involve a belief that existence comes pre-defined. Purpose is discovered, not exerted. And scripture and institutions a community of believers extended back in time are essential to that discovery. This is not the spirit of the age.

It was not really the spirit of any age. But many evangelicals believe it was, subscribing to the myth of a lost American Eden. There has certainly been a cultural shift in America on religion and public life. But it has largely been from congenial contradiction to less-sympathetic contradiction. There is more criticism of the veneer of Protestant spirituality in public places. There is also a growing belief that individual rights need to be protected, not only from the state but from religious institutions that dont share public values.

The reaction of evangelicals to these trends varies widely. They can accommodate to the prevailing culture, as many evangelicals have already done on issues such as contraception, divorce and the role of women. Or they can try to fight for their political and cultural place at the table, as other interest groups do.

A recent study, Sowing the Seeds of Discord, by a group of scholars associated with the Public Religion Research Institute, describes a mix of reactions. There is some evidence that younger evangelicals are more socially accepting of social outgroups, including gays and lesbians. But there is no evidence this shift is changing political allegiances. White evangelicals remain reliably and monolithically Republican.

My interpretation: Even as some evangelical cultural views change along with broader norms, the Democratic Party is still viewed as a hostile instrument of secularization.

But the most interesting finding of the study concerns where disaffection with conservative politics is developing among evangelicals. On a number of questions Should under God be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance? Does religion solve more social problems than it creates? evangelical millennials expressed more negative views on the social role of religion according to an unexpected pattern. Those who lack friends and ties outside evangelicalism are more critical of traditional evangelical views.

My interpretation: A desperate, angry, apocalyptic tone of social engagement alienates many people, including some of the children of those who practice it.

Conservative evangelicals are responding to a culture that does not always share their values. But a purely reactive model of politics is not attractive, even internally. And the problem is not only strategic but theological. A Christian vision of social engagement that is defined by resentment for lost social position and a scramble for group advantage is not particularly Christian.

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Michael Gerson: Introspection time for evangelicals

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Obama Signs Rare Bipartisan Health Bill On Hospice, Post-Acute Quality

Posted: at 6:40 pm

President Obama today signed bipartisan legislation into law that will bring more frequent surveys to hospice providers as part of a broader bipartisan action designed to increase quality, transparency and accountability to the post-acute care industry.

Unlike the Affordable Care Act, which garnered no Republican support when it passed both houses of Congress four years ago, key GOP leaders were supportive of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act, or IMPACT Act.

The law builds on quality aspects woven into the ACA by increased quality, transparency and accountability by increasing the frequency of surveys to hospice providers and streamlining quality measures for post-acute providers in general. The White House also said in a statement that the IMPACT Act facilitates patients comparing outcomes across different care settings and funds a key improvement to nursing home oversight, the collection of staffing data.

The new law covers myriad providers of post-acute care including skilled nursing facilities, inpatient rehabilitation centers and home health agencies that will soon have to begin reporting standardized patient assessment data and quality information to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

The Medicare program, like most private health insurance companies, is moving away from paying providers via the traditional fee-for-service system to more value-based care that reimburses post-acute providers on accountability and patient outcomes rather than paying these providers no matter the quality of care provided.

Patrick Conway, Deputy Administrator and Chief Medical Officer of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said the IMPACT Act standardizes assessment data across the post-acute care setting.

The law includes a provision that requires hospice surveys at least once every three years, Conway said during a call earlier this afternoon with health reporters to discuss the new law.

The language in the IMPACT Act includes key parts of hospice legislation that had been championed by U.S. Reps. Tom Reed, a Republican from Upstate New York and a California Democrat, Mike Thompson.

Supporters of the legislation say it would weed out bad apples from the industry and shine more light on all hospice providers. The industry sees the survey process itself as important so providers would have a better idea how to make improvements and know what is expected.

In recent years, the hospice and post-acute care industries have faced mounting criticism. Last year, for example, a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General found that frequency of surveys of hospice were inconsistent and it was common that facilities would go years without an evaluation. Some facilities could go 8 years without a survey.

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Obama Signs Rare Bipartisan Health Bill On Hospice, Post-Acute Quality

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Eidolon is in the Bundle Stars Store for a limited time only! – Video

Posted: at 6:40 pm

Eidolon is in the Bundle Stars Store for a limited time only!
Visit to grab Eidolon for a limited time only! Narrative exploration game located in a massive, post-human Western Washington. Navigate an open world that...

By: Bundle Stars

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