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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Human Longevity, Inc. beruft die Branchenexperten Barry Merriman, Ph.D. und Paul Mola, M.S. zur Leitung der neuen …

Posted: November 1, 2014 at 11:43 pm

LA JOLLA, Kalifornien, 1. November 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI), ein mit biologischen Daten gesttztes Unternehmen im Bereich der menschlichen Gesundheitstechnologie und Zelltherapie, hat heute die Berufungen von Barry Merriman, Ph.D. zum Vice President of Global Technology Assessmentund Paul Mola, M.S. zum Head of Global Solutions bekannt gegeben. Beide werden zusammen an der neuen Global Solutions Initiative von HLI zur Identifizierung neuer, weltweiter strategischer Geschftsmglichkeiten arbeiten.

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Die Global Solutions Initiative von HLI ist auf geschftliche Partnerschaften mit einer Vielzahl von verschiedenen Kunden ausgerichtet, darunter Regierungen aus dem Ausland, groe nationale Gesundheitssysteme sowie globale Wohlfahrtsorganisationen mit Schwerpunkt auf den Themen Krankheit oder Gesundheit, die interessiert an der Durchfhrung von Initiativen zu Genomik und personalisierter Medizin im Bevlkerungsmastab sind. Dr. Merriman und Mr. Mola werden sich mit diesen Einrichtungen dafr engagieren, solche Projekte durch auf sie zugeschnittene Unternehmenslsungen und Dienstleistungen und Geschftsmglichkeiten zu strken und zu beschleunigen. Dies beinhaltet den Zugang zur umfassenden humanbiologischen Datenbank von HLI, zusammen mit der unternehmenseigenen Computerinfrastruktur und analytischen Software.

"Wir freuen uns, Barry und Paul im Team von HLI willkommen heien zu knnen, denn sie bringen eine einzigartige und vielfltige wissenschaftliche, technologische und geschftliche Expertise mit," erklrte J. Craig Venter, PhD, Mitgrnder von HLI, Chairman und Chief Executive Officer. "Ihre Kenntnis des globalen Genomikmarktes, zusammen mit ihren umfangreichen wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Backgrounds und der Fhigkeit, diesen Erfahrungsschatz in erfolgreiche globale Partnerschaften zu berfhren, wird sich als unschtzbar wertvoll fr HLI erweisen."

Dr. Merriman kommentierte, "Mein Ziel war immer, Wissenschaft und Technologie zum Fortschritt fr die Gesundheit und Langlebigkeit von Menschen einzusetzen. HLI verfolgt dabei einen vollstndigen und integrierten Ansatz, der einzigartig ist und ber den Fokus, die Ressourcen und die Grenordnung, die zum Erfolg notwendig sind, verfgt. Am Endpunkt steht eine echte Revolutionierung im Gesundheitswesen. Ich bin begeistert darber, mit fhrenden Krften auf globaler Ebene gemeinsam Wege, ber die HLI zu ihren Bemhungen fr die Verbesserung der Gesundheit und Lsung von Krankheit in ihren Bevlkerungen beitrgt, erarbeiten zu knnen."

Mr. Mola fgte hinzu, "Das fokussierte Investment von HLI zur Schaffung einer unerreichten, lckenlosen Infrastruktur fr Projekte im Bevlkerungsmastab wird die fortschrittlichsten klinischen Mglichkeiten zur Lsung einiger der hufigsten altersbedingten Erkrankungen aktivieren. Ich freue mich, zu HLI zu kommen und bin bestrebt, dem Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung seiner Mission der umfassenden Integration von Fortschritten in der Genomik, zellulren Therapeutika und Gesundheitsinformationstechnologie zur Schaffung einer bisher nie dagewesenen Wissensgrundlage von patientenbezogenen biologischen Daten zu helfen, um einen Wandel im Gesundheitswesen auf globaler Ebene zu bewirken."

Dr. Merriman war vor seiner Berufung zu HLI bei Life Technologies (inzwischen ein Unternehmensbereich von Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) ttig, wo er zuletzt Lead System Architect fr Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology und Mitgrnder und CSO der Enterprise Genomics Solutions Group war. In diesen Funktionen etablierte und begleitete er die Gesamtstrategie des Unternehmens und das Portfolio in der Sequenzierungstechnik und entwickelte Genomik-Projekte auf nationaler Ebene. Vorhergehend war Dr. Merriman fr 20 Jahre an der Fakultt der UCLA ttig, wo er interdisziplinre Forschungsarbeiten in Humangenetik, genomischer Technologie, sowie Mathematik, Physik und Ingenieurwissenschaft leitete. Dr. Merriman hlt einen Ph.D. in angewandter Mathematik, verliehen von der University of Chicago.

Paul Mola, M.S., MSEL, war vor seiner Berufung zu HLI ebenfalls bei Life Technologies ttig als Head of Strategy und Chief of Staff fr die Genetic Systems Division. Dort grndete er die Enterprise Genomics Solutions Group, die das Geschftsmodell fr die Untersttzung translationaler Genomik-Projekte auf nationaler Ebene etablierte, darunter die erste globale Leitinitiative, das Saudi Human Genome Project in Saudi-Arabien. Mola hatte zuvor Rollen in Produktentwicklung und kommerziellen Funktionen bei Applied Biosystems und Roche Diagnostics inne. Mola erlangte seinen M.S. in Biotechnologie an der Cochin University of Science and Technology und seinen MSEL an der University of San Diego, School of Business.

Informationen zu Human Longevity, Inc.HLI ist ein in privater Hand gehaltenes Unternehmen mit Hauptniederlassung in San Diego, Kalifornien, und wurde 2013 von Pionieren auf dem Gebiet der Genomik und der Stammzellentherapie gegrndet. HLI baut durch die Nutzung der technologischen Fortschritte in der Genomsequenzierung, dem Humanmikrobiom, der Proteomik, der Informatik, der Computertechnik und der Zelltherapie die weltweit umfangreichste Datenbank an Humangenotypen und -phnotypen als Basis fr verschiedene Kommerzialisierungsmglichkeiten auf, um alterungsbedingten Erkrankungen und dem biologischen Verfall des Menschen entgegenzuwirken. HLI wird den Zugriff auf seine Datenbank lizenzieren und als Teil seines Produktangebots neue Diagnose- und Therapieverfahren entwickeln. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

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Human Longevity, Inc. beruft die Branchenexperten Barry Merriman, Ph.D. und Paul Mola, M.S. zur Leitung der neuen ...

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WTVO DOC SPOT Segment: Psoriasis – Video

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WTVO DOC SPOT Segment: Psoriasis
OSF Saint Anthony family physician Sarah Whelan, MD, provides information on psoriasis. The Doc Spot segment airs during the morning and evening news on WTVO...

By: OSFSaintAnthony

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Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke – Politically Incorrect – PART 17 – Mental Mushrooms – Video

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Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke - Politically Incorrect - PART 17 - Mental Mushrooms
Porkpieyes, the stale joke peado. Follow us on Twitter! Like us on Facebook!

By: Mental Mushrooms

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Politically Incorrect- 10/30/2014- KLAV (made with Spreaker) – Video

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Politically Incorrect- 10/30/2014- KLAV (made with Spreaker)
Source: Join me for a no holds barred review of the events and people that ...

By: Warren Markowitz

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The Reinvention of Alan Greenspan

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Former chairman calls Fed balance sheet a tinder box, endorses private gold ownership

ByMichael J. Kosares

During the time Alan Greenspan and representative Ron Paul had their famous series of exchanges (some might have labeled them confrontations) during Congressional hearings from 1997 to 2005, the congressman made what turns out to have been a prescient observation. "My questions," he said, "are always on the same subject. If I don't bring up the issue of hard money versus fiat money, Greenspan himself does." I say "prescient observation" because here we are a decade or more later and the "new" post-Fed Greenspan sounds very much like the "old" pre-Fed Greenspan-the one who consistently advocated gold before he became Fed chairman.

Greenspan has always come across as a conflicted figure forced to reconcile his responsibilities as chairman of the Federal Reservethe epicenter of the fiat money universewith a "nostalgia," as he put it, for the gold standard, its diametric opposite. As such, I always saw him as torn between the twothe devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

Outside those memorable proddings by Congressman Paul, Greenspan rarely spoke publicly about the virtues of gold while Fed chairman, and when he did his approach seemed guarded. Even in the years following his tenure, he rarely broached the subject. In recent months though, as you are about to read, the gloves have come-off not just with respect to gold but with the dangers inherent to the fiat monetary system as well.

The reinvention of Alan Greenspan

Part one - an article in Foreign Affairs magazine

Greenspan's reinvention began with a surprising defense of gold in the October issue of Foreign Affairs magazine. In that article, titled "Golden Rule: Why Bejing Is Buying," he reminds top level policy makers of gold's role as a national asset of last resort. "If, in the words of the British economist John Maynard Keynes," he says, "gold were a 'barbarous relic,' central banks around the world would not have so much of an asset whose rate of return, including storage costs, is negative. . .Gold has special properties that no other currency, with the possible exception of silver, can claim."

So why is Bejing buying gold?

"If China were to convert a relatively modest part of its $4 trillion foreign exchange reserves into gold," he says, "the country's currency could take on unexpected strength in today's international financial system. It would be a gamble, of course, for China to use part of its reserves to buy enough gold bullion to displace the United States from its position as the world's largest holder of monetary gold. But the penalty for being wrong, in terms of lost interest and the cost of storage, would be modest."

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The Reinvention of Alan Greenspan

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Christianity and Libertarianism with Norman Hor – Video

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Christianity and Libertarianism with Norman Hor
How does theology relate to political philosophy? Can a Christian be a libertarian? Should a Christian be a libertarian? How do Christian libertarians deal w...

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Your brains response to disgust can predict your political worldview, says new study

Posted: at 11:41 pm

As Fox News front woman Megan Kelly found out Monday on national TV, if you ask an Ebola medic tough questions, you should be prepared to handle any answer. Our physical and mental response to disgust in this instance the finer points of a three-gallon-per-day case of diarrhea is something one might think to be universal and uniform across our species. Researchers led by Read Montagueat Virginia Tech have just made the claim that if they analyzeyour brain with an MRI scannerwhile you view an image of disgust, their algorithm can classify you as liberal or conservative to a 95% confidence level.

Recent studies reporting that dreams or other mental imagery can now be decoded may not have impressed everyone, but we do know that brain imaging especially with functional MRI (fMRI) is getting more powerful all the time. The question is, is it now good enough to take a look at you in action and know your very core not just the crust of our sometimes fickle worldview, but the most visceral intuitions from which they derive?

The researchers scanned some 80 people, enough to show they werent playing games. After the subjects viewed all manner of threatening, disgusting, or pleasant pictures, their brain activity wasfed into a predictive model which classified them as conservative or liberal. This model applied machine learning techniques to the data, including a type of penalized regression method known as an elastic net algorithm. The results were then compared to the subjects self-evaluations of their own political leanings. [Research paper: DOI10.1016/j.cub.2014.09.050]

The researchers found that of all the images shown to the subjects, those which evoked disgust gave the biggest effects. From that class of images, one particular depiction, one showing decaying animal remains, clearly differentiated the subjects. The subjects that self-reported conservative on the evaluations had a significantly greater neural response to this image, particularly in certain region of the brain like the basal ganglia.

Read:Real-time emotion detection with Google Glass: An awesome, creepy taste of the future of wearable computers

Implicating any large brain area in personal idiosyncrasy from imaging data can be a tricky affair. For example, when early investigators of synesthesia (a condition that includes significant merging of different sensory perceptions) differential activation of the basal ganglia versus the cortex was reported. As more subjects were studied however, these kinds of sweeping conclusions proved difficult to corroborate.

The question remains as to what exactly thesescans are picking up on. For example, are they merely picking up on subthreshold motor plans to activate the muscular intimations of disgust? In other words, signals that if fully realized would wrinkle the nose and pull the corners of the mouth down in the near-universally recognized face of disgust? We reported previously on one technology, Motorolas smart tattoo, that might have the power to address these kinds of questions.

This electronic tattoo was originally designed to record subthreshold signals of your inner voice from a skin location near your throat. It would not be too hard to apply devices like these to the facial muscles as well, and listen in to covert political views. Clearly a simple label of conservative or liberal can not do justice to the full nuance and complexity of any individuals views. The potential role, if any, of physiologically-defined variables in politics still remains to be seen. To that point, we just reported on the political ambitions of the Transhumanist Party. Its proponents offer that our worldviews are actually partitioned at an even deeper level than the current parties pedal namely to either have the desire to persist indefinitely as technologically transformed individuals in a state of ever-increasing capability, or to have the desire to fight against those that do.

Now read:Human emotions mapped for the first time, shows where we feel love, fear, and shame

Your brains response to disgust can predict your political worldview, says new study

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Crysis 2: Challenge Ultra – Post Human Warrior Part 4 deutsch [HD] – Video

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Crysis 2: Challenge Ultra - Post Human Warrior Part 4 deutsch [HD]
Publisher: Electronic Arts In diesem deutschen Let*s Play von Crysis 2 rcken wir auf hchstem Schwierigkeitsgrad gegen Fiese Sldner und Starke Aliens vor.

By: Dr.scher

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Crysis 2 Walkthrough in 60fps, Post-human warrior difficulty – Part 11 – Corporate Collapse – Video

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Crysis 2 Walkthrough in 60fps, Post-human warrior difficulty - Part 11 - Corporate Collapse

By: unfragablegaming

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Crysis 2: Challenge Ultra – Post Human Warrior Part 2 deutsch [HD] – Video

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Crysis 2: Challenge Ultra - Post Human Warrior Part 2 deutsch [HD]
Publisher: Electronic Arts In diesem deutschen Let*s Play von Crysis 2 rcken wir auf hchstem Schwierigkeitsgrad gegen Fiese Sldner und Starke Aliens vor.

By: Dr.scher

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