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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Genome's Dark Matter

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 2:43 am

Evidence is growing that your DNA sequence does not determine your entire genetic fate. Joseph Nadeau is trying to find out what accounts for the rest.

Somethings missing: Geneticist Joseph Nadeau has been finding examples of what he calls funky genetic effects that could help explain the mystery of missing heritability.

What we know about the fundamental laws of inheritance began to take shape in a monastery garden in Moravia in the middle of the 19th century, when Gregor Mendel patiently cross-bred pea plants over the course of several years, separated the progeny according to their distinct traits, and figured out the mathematical foundations of modern genetics. Since the rediscovery of Mendels work a century ago, the vocabulary of Mendelian inheritancedominant genes, recessive genes, and ultimately our own eras notion of disease geneshas colored every biological conversation about genetics. The message boils down to a single premise: your unique mix of physiological traits and disease risks (collectively known as your phenotype) can be read in the precise sequence of chemical bases, or letters, in your DNA (your genotype).

But what ifexcept in the cases of some rare single-gene disorders like Tay-Sachs diseasethe premise ignores a significant portion of inheritance? What if the DNA sequence of an individual explains only part of the story of his or her inherited diseases and traits, and we need to know the DNA sequences of parents and perhaps even grandparents to understand what is truly going on? Before the Human Genome Project and the era of widespread DNA sequencing, those questions would have seemed ridiculous to researchers convinced they knew better. But modern genomics has run into a Mendelian wall.

Large-scale genomic studies over the past five years or so have mainly failed to turn up common genes that play a major role in complex human maladies. More than three dozen specific genetic variants have been associated with type 2 diabetes, for example, but together, they have been found to explain about 10 percent of the diseases heritabilitythe proportion of variation in any given trait that can be explained by genetics rather than by environmental influences. Results have been similar for heart disease, schizophrenia, high blood pressure, and other common maladies: the mystery has become known as the missing heritability problem. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, has sometimes made grudging reference to the dark matter of the genomean analogy to the vast quantities of invisible mass in the universe that astrophysicists have inferred but have struggled for decades to find.

Joseph H. Nadeau has been on a quest to uncover mechanisms that might account for the missing components of heritability. And he is finding previously unsuspected modes of inheritance almost everywhere he looks.

Nadeau, who until recently was chair of genetics at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and is now director of research and academic affairs at the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, has done studies showing that certain traits in mice are influenced by specific stretches of variant DNA that appeared on their parents or grandparents chromosomes but do not appear on their own. Transgenerational genetics, as he calls these unusual patterns of inheritance, fit partly under the umbrella of traditional epigeneticsthe idea that chemical changes wrought by environmental exposures and experiences can modify DNA in ways that either muffle a normally vocal gene or restore the voice of a gene that had been silenced. Researchers have begun to find that these changes are heritable even though they alter only the pattern of gene expression, not the actual genetic code. Yet its both more disconcerting and more profound to suggest, as he does, that genes an ancestor carried but didnt pass down can influence traits and diseases in subsequent generations.

Consider the results of an experiment Nadeau and his colleague Vicki R. Nelson published last August. They created an inbred strain of mice and then compared two sets of females that were genetically identical except for one small difference: one set had a father whose Y chromosome came from another strain of mouse and contained a different set of genetic variants. That shouldnt have affected the daughter mice at all, because females dont inherit the Y chromosome. But the presence of that uninherited DNA in the previous generation exerted a profound effect on many of the more than 100 traits tested in the two sets of female offspring, whose own DNA was exactly the same. These results, Nelson and Nadeau concluded, suggest that transgenerational genetic effects rival conventional genetics in frequency and strength.

In a separate but similarly unsettling line of experiments, Nadeau and his collaborators are finding that the impact of any given gene depends on all the other genes surrounding it. Nadeau is hardly the only scientist to identify these complex gene-gene interactions, but he and his colleagues have created a unique set of genetically engineered mice that is giving them and other scientists unprecedentedly precise tools for dissecting these situational genetics to show how the variants in a genes molecular neighborhood affect the way it behaves.

Findings like these, taken together, could shed light on the missing-heritability problem, but at the cost of upending the dominance of traditional Mendelian ideas about how inheritance works. Sitting on the outside deck of the Institute for Systems Biology one recent afternoon, munching on a sandwich as seaplanes descended toward the skyline of Seattle, Nadeau recalled giving a talk about all this at a conference several years ago and discovering afterward that a prominent Ivy League geneticist in attendance, whom he declined to name, simply couldnt get the heretical ideas out of his head. He came up to me after the talk, Nadeau recalled, and said, This cant be true in humans. I ran into him at breakfast the next day and he said, This cant be true in humans. And then when the meeting was over, I ran into him at the airport, and he came up to me and said, This cant be true in humans. Or as another leading genome scientist once told Nadeau at a meeting in Europe, If transgenerational effects happen in humans, were screwed.

The Genome's Dark Matter

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Researchers find a way to cut wine hangovers

Posted: at 2:43 am

If wine tends to give you a hangover, science may have a solution, and it starts with a "genome knife." The phrase refers to an enzyme called RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease that's able to knock down a longstanding hurdle to genetic engineering in fermented foods, a researcher at the University of Illinois explains in a press release.

It's a little complicated, but the strains of yeast that ferment wine (along with beer and bread) are "polyploid" strains. Those strains "contain multiple copies of genes in the genome," says Yong-Su Jin, whose study was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

The difficulty comes into play when you try to alter a gene in one copy of the genome. Essentially, you can't: "An unaltered copy would correct the one that had been changed." The enzyme fixes that problem.

It allows the genetic engineering of polyploid strains, specifically Saccharomyces cerevisiaewhich you're more likely to know as baker's yeast, Jove notes. Researchers are calling the engineered result a "jailbreaking" yeast.

Engineered yeast could make wine healthier by boosting the amount of a nutrient called resveratrol "by 10 times or more," Jin notes. As for post-booze headaches, the "genome knife" could act on what's known as malolactic fermentation, which can result in hangover-inducing toxic substances.

That's good news, though Medical Daily reports that the variety of factors leading to hangovers likely means such a product wouldn't get rid of them completely.

(It's not just the genetics involved in winemaking that affect your hangover risk: Your own genes do, too, according to research last year.)

This article originally appeared on Newser: Scientists Find a Way to Cut Wine Hangovers

Researchers find a way to cut wine hangovers

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Eczema with Jennifer Chaney, MD – Video

Posted: at 2:43 am

Eczema with Jennifer Chaney, MD
UK North Fork Valley Community Health Center For more information visit

By: UKHealthCare

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Eczema with Jennifer Chaney, MD - Video

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What Is Eczema | National Eczema Association

Posted: at 2:43 am

There is no cure for eczema, but, in most cases, it is manageable. The word eczema comes from a Greek word that means to effervesce or bubble or boil over. This website will help you answer the question What Is Eczema? and help you understand it. Its important to remember that many people have eczema. Over 30 million American may have it. There is no need to be embarrassed by your eczema. You are not alone. Atopic Dermatitis (which is often called eczema) is an itchy, red rash. It can appear all over the body. Many people have it on their elbows or behind their knees. Babies often have eczema on the face, especially the cheeks and chin. They can also have it on the scalp, trunk (chest and back), and outer arms and legs. Children and adults tend to have eczema on the neck, wrists, and ankles, and in areas that bend, like the inner elbow and knee. People with eczema are usually diagnosed with it when they are babies or young children. Eczema symptoms often become less severe as children grow into adults. For some people, eczema continues into adulthood. Less often, it can start in adulthood. The rash of eczema is different for each person. It may even look different or affect different parts of your body from time to time. It can be mild, moderate, or severe. Generally, people with eczema suffer from dry, sensitive skin. Eczema is also known for its intense itch. The itch may be so bad that you scratch your skin until it bleeds, which can make your rash even worse, leading to even more inflammation and itching. This is called the itch-scratch cycle.

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What Is Eczema | National Eczema Association

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Picking at dead psoriasis scales by hand (Part 2) – Video

Posted: at 2:42 am

Picking at dead psoriasis scales by hand (Part 2)
Other side of my calf!

By: Huy Ngo

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Picking at dead psoriasis scales by hand (Part 2) - Video

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#ModTalkLeaks: Censorship by Reddit Mods, More female character costume redesign critiques & Hotl… – Video

Posted: at 2:42 am

#ModTalkLeaks: Censorship by Reddit Mods, More female character costume redesign critiques Hotl...
We also discuss #changethecover, Ben Kuchera #39;s rant at Chris Mancil much more. -- Links of stories: Chris mancil Blog Post; More redesings: http://muddycolors.blogsp...

By: Roll Play Podcast

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#ModTalkLeaks: Censorship by Reddit Mods, More female character costume redesign critiques & Hotl... - Video

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CHINA INTERNET CENSORSHIP CRACKDOWN China To Crack Down on Social Media Accounts 2015 – Video

Posted: at 2:42 am

CHINA INTERNET CENSORSHIP CRACKDOWN China To Crack Down on Social Media Accounts 2015

By: Misha Winder

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CHINA INTERNET CENSORSHIP CRACKDOWN China To Crack Down on Social Media Accounts 2015 - Video

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The NDTV Dialogues: Censorship and Democracy – Video

Posted: at 2:42 am

The NDTV Dialogues: Censorship and Democracy
Censorship and democracy - are these two concepts mutually contradictory, or indeed is censorship in some form absolutely necessary to ensure the safe functioning of our democracy? We debate...


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The NDTV Dialogues: Censorship and Democracy - Video

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Video Game Censorship and Freedom of Speech an Interview with Jon Festinger, Q.C. – Video

Posted: at 2:42 am

Video Game Censorship and Freedom of Speech an Interview with Jon Festinger, Q.C.
In this video, Jon Festinger, Q.C. discusses Video Game Law, Video Game Censorship and the importance of Freedom of Speech. Below is a short summary about Jon Festinger: Jon Festinger is...

By: BasedGamer

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Video Game Censorship and Freedom of Speech an Interview with Jon Festinger, Q.C. - Video

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Censorship and shaming veterans needs to end

Posted: at 2:42 am

By Justin Evans

The Maneater reserves the right to edit letters and columns for style and length.

If movies like American Sniper can make a student feel threatened, then we have a problem. We have many veterans on campus. I am one, and I have many friends here at the law school that are veterans as well. Some of those veterans did jobs that were very similar to that of Chris Kyle personal friends of mine. Films like American Sniper are a good thing for those veterans, not because they tell a heroic story, but because they tell a more nuanced story than the John Wayne flicks of yesteryear. American Sniper isnt glamorizing war or colonialism. Its telling the real life story of someone who suffered a great deal because of the political decisions of this country, good or bad. "I feel unsafe" or "threatened" has become a weapon to use when someone with a bone to pick wants to get their way. Whether or not this student likes the wars in the Middle East (obviously she'd be in agreement with plenty of non-Muslims and even veterans in that regard), it's odd to me that we have such a problem with people giving an account of what a person actually went through in a conflict. As if this movie is contributing to something that isn't an immediate political reality anyway. Does the presence of our veterans on campus offend this student or make her feel threatened? Should those students be allowed to speak with pride about their service for fear that it would make a student feel threatened? It seems to me that the real problem here that this student simply doesn't like how positively Americans respond to stories like that of Chris Kyle. And if the presence of this movie on campus is somehow a threat to her, how does she ever make it anywhere outside of the confines of the University? It was a fairly big hit at the box office, after all.

Were living in a time when academics will write letters in support of taking down the U.S. flag at a federally funded university. Why? Because of colonialism, and because of shameful moments in American history. Many of the same excuses are used by this student. But despite moments in American history that are terribly shameful, are we really saying that we have to pack it in? Dismantle our pride in America as a nation? Take down the flags, get rid of the monuments, and tell our veterans that we are afraid of them for the jobs they did? Take a step back and think its okay to be proud of a flawed institution. Its okay to be proud of Chris Kyle as a veteran, while realizing that he was as flawed as any other human being.

Finally, and perhaps most sadly, this student has chosen to lecture the entire University on the boundaries of the First Amendment while attempting to censor a point of view that she simply doesn't like. What she's really saying is that the First Amendment only extends to points of view that everyone agrees are comfortable. Sorry, but I'm thinking she may not understand that the point of the First Amendment was to protect unpopular opinions and speech. Personally, I'm not in the business of avoiding truths because I don't agree with them, nor do I reshape reality and what other people can do or say to fit my "comfort zone."

What's funny to me is that students actually considered not showing the film. Whatever your political sensibilities, it should give you pause that "cultural inclusiveness" and "tolerance" are being used more and more as a mask for blatant attempts at silencing and censoring points of view that we disagree with. And that needs to stop. We should all be willing to let one another voice their opinions, no matter if we agree with them and no matter how politically popular they are. Thats a right that our veterans understand, and Ms. El-Jayyousi should too.


Justin Evans,

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Censorship and shaming veterans needs to end

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