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JAMES POULOS: For the GOP, fusionism is back
Posted: March 29, 2015 at 8:44 pm
In recent years it has been fashionable to think that fusionism, once the Republicans dominant ideological framework, is dead. (The key to that framework, forged by Frank S. Meyer and William F. Buckley at National Review, was that mainstream libertarianism and mainstream conservatism work hand in hand, animating a coherent political program.)
In fact, until very recently, it has also been reasonable to hail the death of fusionism. Although both libertarians and conservatives think of themselves as constitutionalists, on key issues, they differ sometimes profoundly.
And throughout Barack Obamas presidency, the differences have often attracted more attention than the similarities. Despite Tea Party solidarity among grassroots activists, libertarians have been seen to pull the GOP to the left on security and social issues. In the run-up to a presidential election year, thats seen by most mainstream conservatives as a big problem. Its an article of faith among the party faithful that when Republicans become more like Democrats, they lose elections. The desire to stay fused with libertarians has been greatly weakened by the perceived leftward lurch of the libertarian base.
But today, despite all odds, fusionism is back. And its probably here to stay. Surprisingly enough, the reason for that is simple: foreign policy. Even more surprising, theres one presidential candidate in the whole Republican field whose quiet advantages sum up why. Its not Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, or even former Florida governor Jeb Bush. Its Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
What does Marco Rubio have to do with the power of foreign policy to resurrect a political coalition? To be sure, Rubio falls squarely in line with a long tradition of Republicans who whatever their domestic agendas voice a robust and assertive view of Americas role in the world. In that sense, he would seem, at first glance, to drive libertarians even further away from the fusionism of the past.
Today, however, Republican and American anxieties over foreign policy are reaching a critical point. Midway through the Obama presidency, the global outlook was murkier than it is now. Mitt Romney couldnt effectively use foreign policy as a cudgel against the president, try as he might. What a difference a few years make. Rubio has a unique opportunity to steer the GOP back toward old-style fusionism. Some disagree, of course. From the standpoint of a candidate like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Rubios domestic agenda is far too establishmentarian to satisfy the constitutionalist yearnings of libertarians or conservatives.
But Cruz himself is proof that you can establish a reputation for being tough on security without sounding, to put it crudely, like an old-style neoconservative. Like voters more broadly, Republicans are increasingly nervous about the libertarian approach to foreign policy.
Theyre torn between the versions of Reaganism offered by Cruz on the one hand and, say, Mitt Romney on the other. The grassroots idea of Reagans legacy differs from the establishments so sharply that its easy to see how each is a bit too out of step with the times. On domestic issues, the sort of viewpoint offered by Sen. Paul has a broader appeal than Cruzs, yet deeper appeal than Romneys. In sum, they want a more libertarian domestic policy than Reaganauts offer but a more Reaganesque foreign policy than the libertarians offer.
At this moment, its easiest to see how Rubio could position himself in that way. Hed simply have to move to the alleged left on domestic issues libertarians tend to care about.
Rubio doesnt need to shift on foreign policy in order to do this. Its still unclear exactly where to find Rubios center of gravity on domestic policy. He rode into power as a Tea Party favorite. Now, hes much cozier with the establishment.
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JAMES POULOS: For the GOP, fusionism is back
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Transhuman: RESPONSIBILITY – Video
Posted: at 8:43 pm
Lidia: The Nurturer She won #39;t let those she loves suffer. Transhuman has a rich and diverse cast. Various walks of life are represented by the characters. Subscribe, Like, Follow and Share...
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New York Explosion: Body Found At Site Of East Village Fire: Report
Posted: at 8:43 pm
UPDATE 4:25 p.m. EDT: A second body reportedly was pulled from the rubble Sunday of three buildings that collapsed following a suspected natural gas explosion and fire in New York City's East Village. WABC, New York, quoted city officials as saying two bodies have now been recovered, possibly the two men reported missing in Thursday's disaster.
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Human remains have been discovered in the rubble of a building that caught fire following an apparent gas explosion in New York Citys East Village, the New York Post reported. The remains were discovered Sunday afternoon at the site of the fire that brought down the building at 121 Second Ave. and two adjacent buildings. It was unclear if the remains belonged to a male or female. The remains were moved to the city medical examiners office for identification.
Two men, Nicholas Figueroa and Moises Locon, were reported missing following the explosion and fire that brought down the structures. Figueroa, 23, was on a date at the Sushi Park restaurant that was at the heart of the disaster and Locon, 27, worked at the restaurant and is believed to have been standing nearby, the Post reported.
Authorities had previously suggested it was unlikely they would find anyone in the wreckage of the buildings. When asked about whether anyone in the buildings would have survived the explosion, New York City Emergency Management Commissioner Joseph Esposito told the Associated Press: I would doubt that very seriously.
It was reportedlate Saturday utility workers inspecting the site found dangerous gas line connections that created what a Consolidated Edison spokesman called a "hazardous situation. Con Ed spokesman Allan Drury said workers inspecting the building on Aug. 6 found leaks in hoses that were part of the building's gas infrastructure, and the company shut off the building's gas for about 10 days, until it was determined to be safe,Reuters reported.
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio said Friday the explosion -- which injured 22 people, four critically, and left two people missing -- could have been the result of someone having inappropriately accessed one of the building's gas lines.
Hyeonil Kim, the owner of Sushi Park told the New York TimesCon Ed employees told him gas intended for his premises was being siphoned off -- so-called illegal gas tapping -- for use in the newly renovated apartments upstairs in the five-story building.
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08 vs Anatamous Futurism Eclipse Edition – Video
Posted: at 8:43 pm
08 vs Anatamous Futurism Eclipse Edition
Legacy - In The Zone by No Qualms Records 1. Out The Front 08:21 2. In The Zone 07:07 3. Crop Circles 06:52 4. Rack Hawk Down 07:46 5. Black Marlin 06:54 6. Direct Intent 06:33 ...
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Kid Ink Ft. Chris Brown – Hotel (Tom Reev Remix) – Video
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Kid Ink Ft. Chris Brown - Hotel (Tom Reev Remix)
Subscribe to Futurism: SHOW MORE for the download link + more! Download Kid Ink Ft. Chris Brown - Hotel (Tom Reev Remix)
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Preterism vs. Futurism discussion with Pastors Michael Miano and Robert Iannuccilli 3/21/15 – Video
Posted: at 8:43 pm
Preterism vs. Futurism discussion with Pastors Michael Miano and Robert Iannuccilli 3/21/15
BLUE POINT, NY-- Pastors Michael Miano of Blue Point Bible Church and Robert Iannuccilli of Faith on Fire Ministries hold an informative discussion on Preterism and Futurism in biblical thought...
By: Mert Melfa
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Preterism vs. Futurism discussion with Pastors Michael Miano and Robert Iannuccilli 3/21/15 - Video
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Solving The Problem Of Scientific Reproducibility With Peer-Reviewed Video
Posted: at 8:43 pm
In a story published last week in the Boston Globe, Carolyn Johnson covered one of the quiet crises facing scientific research today: the fact that .
But talk to a scientist long enough, and youll probably hear a story like this: An intriguing new discovery was reported in a research journal, wrote Carolyn Johnson in an excellent article on this topic in the Boston Globe. Maybe it was a biologist describing a new Achilles heel in cancer cells, a psychologists profound insight into human behavior, or an astronomers finding about the first moments of the universe. The scientist read about the finding and tried to confirm it in her own lab, but the experiment just didnt come out the same.
Although in some instances the cause of this is outright fraud, far more often the causes are more proasic and mundane. Not being able to replicate an experiment may just mean there was something wrong with the instruments in the initial experiment. (This quite famously happened to the OPERA collaboration, when they infamously announced that they had measured neutrinos moving faster than light. After attempts to reproduce the experiment failed, it was later revealed that the measurements had been erroneous due to a bad data connection in their instruments.)
Sometimes, though, the reason why an experiment doesnt work is because important steps were left out of the original paper, making it impossible for other scientists to replicate the experiment. Sometimes this is oversight, and sometimes its just that a particular lab has common practices that dont carryover to the wider community. In these cases, the experimenters didnt find a false result its just hard for other people to demonstrate the same thing.
Journal of Visualized Experiments founder Moshe Pritsker (Credit: JoVE)
This particular aspect of day to day aspect of scientific research was deeply frustrating to Dr. Moshe Pritsker when he was engaged in research a towards his PhD a little over a decade ago. He would find himself unable to complete experiments working just off papers, but when he was able to meet with an experimenter or visit their lab, he was able to then replicate the experiment. But this experience made him frustrated about the way science was being done in the 21st century.
Why doesnt it work? he told me. Its text. Its not good for transfer of knowledge about complex experiments. When you see people do it, youll get small details you cant get from text.
Faced with the time consuming process of visiting original labs to see how experiments were performed led Pritsker to thinking that there had to be a better way for scientists to share information than the centuries-old process of publishing papers.
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‘This is About to Get Real’: Astronaut and Cosmonaut Will Be In Space For a Year – Video
Posted: March 28, 2015 at 11:45 am
#39;This is About to Get Real #39;: Astronaut and Cosmonaut Will Be In Space For a Year
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly will blast off for the International Space Station on a yearlong mission in which he #39;ll break the all-time record for the most cumulative time in space for any U.S....
By: wochit General News
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'This is About to Get Real': Astronaut and Cosmonaut Will Be In Space For a Year - Video
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RAW: Soyuz rocket blasts #NASA’s Scott Kelly, Russian comrades into space – Video
Posted: at 11:45 am
RAW: Soyuz rocket blasts #NASA #39;s Scott Kelly, Russian comrades into space
A Soyruz rocket on Friday launched NASA #39;s Scott Kelly and two Russian cosmonauts into space for what will be a year-long mission aboard the International Space Station. The rocket launched...
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RAW: Soyuz rocket blasts #NASA's Scott Kelly, Russian comrades into space - Video
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NASA launches Scott Kelly, Mikhail Kornienko into space – Video
Posted: at 11:45 am
NASA launches Scott Kelly, Mikhail Kornienko into space
NASA sends Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko to the International Space Station, starting their nearly year-long journey. Kelly #39;s twin brother Mark remains on Earth, where scientists will study...
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