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DNA testing for dog feces on the rise in Seattle area
Posted: April 5, 2015 at 9:43 am
SEATTLE Frustrated with dog owners who refuse to clean up after their pets, an increasing number of apartments in Seattle are opting to use DNA testing to identify the culprits.
The Seattle Times reports that a company called BioPet Vet Lab from Knoxville, Tennessee, is providing its PooPrints testing kits to 26 apartment and condo complexes and homeowners associations in the region.
Erin Atkinson, property manager at Potala Village Apartments in Everett says the messes are all over.
"There was poop inside the elevators, in the carpeted hallways, up on the roof," Atkinson said. "They're lazy, I guess."
That's why, since February 2014, tenants have been paying a "one-time fee of $29.95 for DNA testing."
BioPet says in the past five years, the DNA test has been used in nearly 1,000 places around the country, and it's especially popular in Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles and other large cities.
The marketing took a little longer to reach the Northwest, but King-Snohomish-Pierce counties are opportune sites. They are home to about 811,000 dogs. Seattle has 50 percent more dogs than kids, the Times said. One study said the average dog poop weighs one-third of a pound and the dogs in that three-county region are responsible for about 268,000 pounds of droppings a day.
Atkinson says that after some initial fines, DNA testing is working at her complex, with two dozen or so dogs.
"One person was fined five times in one week," she said. "That's over $500. Now people clean up after their dogs."
The fines added up this way: $59.95 to have the poop tested, and $50 to the complex for the hassle of collecting the sample.
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DNA testing for dog feces on the rise in Seattle area
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DNA testing for dog poop on the rise in Seattle
Posted: at 9:43 am
SEATTLE Frustrated with dog owners who refuse to clean up after their pets, an increasing number of apartments in Seattle are opting to use DNA testing to identify the culprits.
The Seattle Times reports that a company called BioPet Vet Lab from Knoxville, Tennessee, is providing its PooPrints testing kits to 26 apartment and condo complexes and homeowners associations in the region.
BioPet says in the past five years, the DNA test has been used in nearly 1,000 places around the U.S., and it is especially popular in Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles and other large cities.
Erin Atkinson, property manager at Potala Village Apartments in Everett, says that since February 2014, tenants have been paying $59.95 for DNA testing plus $50 to the complex for the hassle of collecting the sample. One person was fined five times in one week, she said. Thats over $500. Now people clean up after their dogs.
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DNA testing for dog poop on the rise in Seattle
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BT processes data for Genome Institute of Singapore
Posted: at 9:43 am
Anuradha Shukla | March 5, 2015
BT for Life Sciences Cloud Compute accelerates genetic analysis.
BT for Life Sciences Cloud Compute has accelerated genetic analysis for Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS).
The institute is focused on revolutionising global healthcare and BT's solution is helping them reach its goal.
Prior to BT, the institute was struggling with vast volumes of information that outstripped available computing resources.
Collaboration between the BT Life Sciences specialist team, GIS and BT Advise Compute resulted in the right BT Cloud Compute architecture to manage the institution's research requirements.
"The real challenge for GIS is no longer the analysis itself, but the vast amount of data produced during analysis that needs to be managed and stored. And this is where the cloud computing resources that BT provides really help us advance the science," said Niranjan Nagarajan, associate director, Computational and Systems Biology Genome Institute of Singapore.
Power of cloud
GIS decided to use the power of the cloud instead of on-premises infrastructure.
Virtual machines effectively scaled computing capacity to address fluctuating data throughput in real time.
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BT processes data for Genome Institute of Singapore
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How can I treat my baby’s eczema thats natural and safe – Video
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How can I treat my baby #39;s eczema thats natural and safe You could be chosen to receive a Home Security System at no cost to you. Your security system is ready to once we receive your details, please go here:
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How To Cure Psoriasis At Home Psoriasis Treatment How to Cure Psoriasis Naturally YouTube – Video
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How To Cure Psoriasis At Home Psoriasis Treatment How to Cure Psoriasis Naturally YouTube
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How To Cure Psoriasis At Home Psoriasis Treatment How to Cure Psoriasis Naturally YouTube - Video
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Psoriasis Revolution by Dan Crawford – Main pros & cons – Video
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Psoriasis Revolution by Dan Crawford - Main pros cons
Check our complete Psoriasis Revolution review at and find out all the things you need to know regarding Dan Crawford #39;s...
By: OneCareNow
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Psoriasis Revolution by Dan Crawford - Main pros & cons - Video
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Psoriasis On Face Treatmemt | AMAZING | Clear It Up Now – Video
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Psoriasis On Face Treatmemt | AMAZING | Clear It Up Now Psoriasis On Face Treament. Hello my name is Pablo Ledesma and in this video we will be talking about Psoriasis on Face. You will find out how to get rid of the Psoriasis...
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Valkyria Chronicles – No Censorship – Part 11 – Video
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Valkyria Chronicles - No Censorship - Part 11
Check out and support the game here: Press the Like button below if you liked it! Subscribe if you wanna subscribe! Recorded with Bandicam. Edited...
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Tag Archives: censorship
Posted: at 9:42 am
Business | tags: censorship, internet, venezuela February 24, 2014 by Nick Farrell.
The beleaguered Venezuela president, Nicolas Maduro, has shown he has absolutely nothing to hide as protestors take to the streets against his government. Hes turned off the internet and TV.
It would appear that Maduro is worried that protestors might be using the internet to organise their dissent, but shutting down the telly stations indicates that he is more worried about the world seeing what he is doing. Read the rest
US hacks, who have already sold their souls to corporations, are now self-censoring their copy to avoid upsetting the government.
Suzanne Nossel, executive director of the PEN American Centre, said that surveys from Pew Research indicate that the National Security Agency programsmes are actually supported by roughly half of Americans, even though many believe that their own personal e-mails and calls have been read. Read the rest
The crime and security minister, James Brokenshire has decided save the UK from sites which are not British by bringing in censorship.
He announced the end of the free internet in the UK by saying that he will order ISPs to block sites which he thinks are too dangerous to be seen by the great unwashed. Read the rest
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Ron Paul Nixons Vindication 9 8 14 – Video
Posted: at 9:41 am
Ron Paul Nixons Vindication 9 8 14
Ron Paul Nixon #39;s Vindication 9 8 14 Ron Paul Nixon #39;s Vindication 9 8 14 Ron Paul Nixon #39;s Vindication 9 8 14.
By: The World
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