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Category Archives: Transhuman News
AW / 51-1 + DNA | Mein eigener Clan? – Video
Posted: April 5, 2015 at 9:44 am
AW / 51-1 + DNA | Mein eigener Clan?
Falls euch das Video gefallen hat, knnt ihr gern euer Dumchen nach oben drehen. Kommentieren und Abbonieren ist natrlich auch immer willkommen ;). Also nochmal zur Info beim nchsten...
By: xImNukee
Read the original here:
AW / 51-1 + DNA | Mein eigener Clan? - Video
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DLC "Ascendance" | DNA sur Climate ! Prsentation de la Map – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
DLC "Ascendance" | DNA sur Climate ! Prsentation de la Map
Description obligatoire Objectif : 180 "likes" pour ce week end de 3 jours ?! 😀 Seik : Perplex :
By: RaGe ZeubyMachine I Advanced Warfare !
The rest is here:
DLC "Ascendance" | DNA sur Climate ! Prsentation de la Map - Video
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Declan O’Rourke – Caterpillar DNA – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
Declan O #39;Rourke - Caterpillar DNA
Vicer Street.
By: Daniel Milton
Continue reading here:
Declan O'Rourke - Caterpillar DNA - Video
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My First DNA Bomb – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
My First DNA Bomb
Can I reach 15 likes for my first Dna Bomb? Subscribe and Like!
By: OnlyPlayNice
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My First DNA Bomb - Video
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SOLO 29-1 DNA Bomb Fail on Detroit in Call of Duty:AW – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
SOLO 29-1 DNA Bomb Fail on Detroit in Call of Duty:AW
Hey guys i hope you guys enjoyed the video. It was a DNA bomb fail cause my pace in game. I would have rushed but i did #39;nt want to ruin the chance of getting a DNA BOMB for the first.
By: MrSwaggFTW
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SOLO 29-1 DNA Bomb Fail on Detroit in Call of Duty:AW - Video
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Double DNA fails a L’Hbra3 carnage (PS4) – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
Double DNA fails a L #39;Hbra3 carnage (PS4)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare!/fr-fr/tid=CUSA00851_00.
By: MrWellow
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Double DNA fails a L'Hbra3 carnage (PS4) - Video
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#DnA talking about 9th Annual Vijay Awards – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
#DnA talking about 9th Annual Vijay Awards
9Th Annual Vijay Awards Launch in London By Dhanush and Anirudh #DnA.
By: Ganesh Gani
Follow this link:
#DnA talking about 9th Annual Vijay Awards - Video
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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 2nd DNA Bomb in a ROW – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 2nd DNA Bomb in a ROW
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!/en-us/tid=CUSA00803_00.
By: Breck L
Go here to see the original:
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 2nd DNA Bomb in a ROW - Video
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DNA Testing for Dog Poop on the Rise in Seattle Area
Posted: at 9:44 am
Frustrated with dog owners who refuse to clean up after their pets, an increasing number of apartments in Seattle are opting to use DNA testing to identify the culprits.
The Seattle Times reports ( ) that a company called BioPet Vet Lab from Knoxville, Tennessee, is providing its PooPrints testing kits to 26 apartment and condo complexes and homeowners associations in the region.
Erin Atkinson, property manager at Potala Village Apartments in Everett says the messes are all over.
"There was poop inside the elevators, in the carpeted hallways, up on the roof," Atkinson said. "They're lazy, I guess."
That's why, since February 2014, tenants have been paying a "one-time fee of $29.95 for DNA testing."
BioPet says in the past five years, the DNA test has been used in nearly 1,000 places around the country, and it's especially popular in Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles and other large cities.
The marketing took a little longer to reach the Northwest, but King-Snohomish-Pierce counties are opportune sites. They are home to about 811,000 dogs. Seattle has 50 percent more dogs than kids, the Times said. One study said the average dog poop weighs one-third of a pound and the dogs in that three-county region are responsible for about 268,000 pounds of droppings a day.
Atkinson says that after some initial fines, DNA testing is working at her complex, with two dozen or so dogs.
"One person was fined five times in one week," she said. "That's over $500. Now people clean up after their dogs."
The fines added up this way: $59.95 to have the poop tested, and $50 to the complex for the hassle of collecting the sample.
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DNA testing for dog poop on the rise
Posted: at 9:43 am
A group of dog oweners clean up after their pets. Source: AP
Frustrated with dog owners who refuse to clean up after their pets, an increasing number of apartments in Seattle are opting to use DNA testing to identify the culprits.
The Seattle Times reports that a company called BioPet Vet Lab from Knoxville, Tennessee, is providing its PooPrints testing kits to 26 apartment and condo complexes and homeowners associations in the region.
Erin Atkinson, property manager at Potala Village Apartments in Everett says the messes are all over.
"There was poop inside the elevators, in the carpeted hallways, up on the roof," Atkinson said. "They're lazy, I guess."
That's why, since February 2014, tenants have been paying a "one-time fee of $29.95 for DNA testing."
BioPet says in the past five years, the DNA test has been used in nearly 1,000 places around the country, and it's especially popular in Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles and other large cities.
The marketing took a little longer to reach the Northwest, but King-Snohomish-Pierce counties are opportune sites. They are home to about 811,000 dogs. Seattle has 50 percent more dogs than kids, the Times said. One study said the average dog poop weighs one-third of a pound and the dogs in that three-county region are responsible for about 268,000 pounds of droppings a day.
Atkinson says that after some initial fines, DNA testing is working at her complex, with two dozen or so dogs.
"One person was fined five times in one week," she said. "That's over $500. Now people clean up after their dogs."
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