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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Eczema and Psoriasis – Video
Posted: April 6, 2015 at 3:42 am
Eczema and Psoriasis
Healing Eczema and Psoriasis: A Drug Free Alternative Medicine Approach. How to Treat Eczema and Psoriasis Naturally. Addressing the Root Cause of Illness.
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Eczema and Psoriasis - Video
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Ron Paul: Mandatory Voting…Be Like the Tyrants! – Video
Posted: at 3:41 am
Ron Paul: Mandatory Voting...Be Like the Tyrants!
What #39;s so great about democracy? Is liberty served when 50% + 1 can push the minority around? Ron Paul takes on President Obama #39;s suggestion that mandatory voting might be worth considering....
By: RonPaulLibertyReport
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Ron Paul: Mandatory Voting...Be Like the Tyrants! - Video
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Ron Paul: Is Yemen the Next Big War? – Video
Posted: at 3:41 am
Ron Paul: Is Yemen the Next Big War?
Big things often happen in small places, and the US-backed Saudi bombing and possible invasion of Yemen carries the possibility of a much more significant international clash. Here #39;s what happens...
By: RonPaulLibertyReport
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Ron Paul: Is Yemen the Next Big War? - Video
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Ron Paul Once Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows 10 27 14 – Video
Posted: at 3:41 am
Ron Paul Once Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows 10 27 14
Ron Paul Once Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows 10 27 14 Ron Paul Once Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows 10 27 14 Ron Paul Once Peaceful Canada Turns...
By: The World
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Ron Paul Once Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows 10 27 14 - Video
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PayPal creator Peter Thiel and tech titans search for immortality
Posted: at 3:41 am
Last updatedSun Apr 05 17:00:00 UTC 2015
Seated at the head of a table for 12 with a view of the city's soaring skyline, Peter Thiel was deep in conversation with his guests, eclectic scientists whose research was considered radical, even heretical.
It was 2004, and Thiel had recently made a tidy fortune selling PayPal, which he co-founded, to eBay. He had spent what he wanted on himself - a posh penthouse suite at the Four Seasons Hotel and a silver Ferrari - and was now soliciting ideas to do good with his money.
Among the guests was Cynthia Kenyon, a molecular biologist and biogerontologist who had garnered attention for doubling the life span of a roundworm by disabling a single gene. Aubrey de Grey, a British computer scientist turned theoretician who prophesied that medical advances would stop aging. And Larry Page, co-founder of an Internet search darling called Google that had big ideas to improve health through the terabytes of user data it was collecting.
The chatter at the dinner party meandered from the value of chocolate in one's diet to the toll of disease on the U.S. economy to the merits of uploading people's memories to a computer versus cryofreezing their bodies. Yet the focus kept returning to one subject: Was death an inevitability - or a solvable problem?
A number of guests were skeptical about achieving immortality. But could science and technology help us live longer, to, say, 150 years? Now that, they agreed, was a worthy goal.
Within a few months, Thiel had written checks to Kenyon and de Grey to accelerate their work. Since then he has doled out millions to other researchers with what he calls "breakout" ideas that defy conventional wisdom.
"If you think you can only do very little and be very incremental, then you'll work only on very incremental things. It's self-fulfilling,"
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PayPal creator Peter Thiel and tech titans search for immortality
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Critique #25 – Transhuman Space – Video
Posted: at 3:41 am
Critique #25 - Transhuman Space
Voil un excellent jeu de rle, malheureusment en GURPS v.3.
By: Drcritique
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Critique #25 - Transhuman Space - Video
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[SFM] Doctor Breen addresses an issue with Sector 17 Transhuman arm – Video
Posted: at 3:41 am
[SFM] Doctor Breen addresses an issue with Sector 17 Transhuman arm
I #39;ve been ask to say a few words to the Transhuman arm of Sector 17 Overwatch.
By: DrHTowers
The rest is here:
[SFM] Doctor Breen addresses an issue with Sector 17 Transhuman arm - Video
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Ford at His Finest (Nightmares of Womanhood and Futurism) – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Ford at His Finest (Nightmares of Womanhood and Futurism)
instillation piece by Grace E Bowen spray painted bottles, plastic backdrop, video projection installed at M I N T gallery March 2015.
By: Grace E Bowen
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Ford at His Finest (Nightmares of Womanhood and Futurism) - Video
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A history of ultra-long missions off planet Earth – Video
Posted: April 5, 2015 at 9:45 am
A history of ultra-long missions off planet Earth
An American astronaut and Russian cosmonaut are set to make history as the first crewmembers to spend a year onboard the International Space Station, but the two are not the first to log 12...
By: Myra Lee
Continued here:
A history of ultra-long missions off planet Earth - Video
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Star Citizen Sunday – Meet The Vanguard, Space Station Bases, Terra Sneak Peek + More – Video
Posted: at 9:45 am
Star Citizen Sunday - Meet The Vanguard, Space Station Bases, Terra Sneak Peek + More
Keep up with all the news over the past week from CIG #39;s upcoming epic space sim, Star Citizen. This week, The Aegis Vanguard is up for sale, we get 10 great questions answered plus more news...
By: SuperMacBrothers
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Star Citizen Sunday - Meet The Vanguard, Space Station Bases, Terra Sneak Peek + More - Video
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