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Cybershaming and when it is OK to react to an offense
Posted: April 7, 2015 at 9:40 am
Some ideas are worth arguing about. But before you express outrage about that "offensive" social media post, remember the "offender" is a human being.
Internet outrage rages on, trampling victims as diverse as the conservative Christian owners of a small Indiana pizzeria who declared they would not cater a same-sex wedding to the hip, mixed-race South African comedian set to replace Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show."
Stewarts designated replacement, Trevor Noah, became center of controversy when people discovered some of the jokes he has made on Twitter were anti-Semitic and some mocked overweight women.
Noahs tweets, while inappropriate, raised questions about why politically incorrect statements create storms of outrage, especially on social media. The comedian defended himself via Twitter on March 31, writing, To reduce my views to a handful of jokes that didnt land is not a true reflection of my character, nor my evolution as a comedian.
Public shaming for unacceptable views doesnt come exclusively from the political left or right, and both liberals and conservatives engage in Internet outrage.
Christian blogger Timessa Lynn Leonard wrote for Relevant Magazine, In a world that encourages patience and acceptance, people sure can be touchy, particularly some Christians. Too many times, we can be like overeager watchdogs, sniffing out any morsel of what we deem as offensive, inappropriate or even heretical.
Its gotten to the point where its almost become trendy to be offended, Leonard wrote.
Christians offended by public discourse might remember Pauls statement about charity, found in Corinthians: Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity is not easily provoked.
Even within the Christian ideal of charity, Leonard acknowledges that sometimes speaking out about offenses is worthwhile.
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Cybershaming and when it is OK to react to an offense
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Facial Recognition Company Kairos Acquires Emotion Analysis Company IMRSV
Posted: at 9:40 am
(Credit: Kairos)
Miami-based facial recognition software company Kairos announced today that it has acquired emotion analysis company IMRSV for $2.7 million. IMRSV will be folded into Kairos business structure rather than existing as a separate entity.
Prior to the acquisition, Kairos was a customer of IMRSV, incorporating their technology of emotional analysis into their facial recognition offerings.
The impetus for emotional analysis, Kairos CEO Brian Brackeen told me. Came from our customers. One of them, for example, was a bank that was using our facial recognition as a means of authentication. They came back later and said that there were scenarios when access might be desired by the right person, with the right code, but we dont want them to have it. Like if theyre anxious, maybe thats because its the day theyre going to rob the bank.
Another reason for the acquisition, Brackeen told me, was the companys developer focus. As part of the acquisition announcement, the company has also introduced new APIs and an SDK for facial recognition, emotion analysis and crowd analytics. Being able to combine emotion analysis and facial recognition means there are fewer APIs for developers to deal with, allowing them to incorporate Kairos technology more quickly.
As an added benefit, Brackeen said, the company also expects the acquisition to enable them to develop better products more quickly.
Now well have one API and code base to work with, Brackeen said. But more importantly, the larger sciences of computer vision and machine learning build on each other. This allows the improvement of both our facial recognition and emotion analysis because the synergies between the two are very strong.
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The Large Hadron Collider Is Back In Action
Posted: at 9:40 am
(Credit: CERN - Photograph: Dominguez, Daniel; Brice, Maximilien)
Yesterday, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider successfully turned it on, injecting two proton beams moving in opposite directions into the massive particle accelerator. The particles will be travelling at a relatively low energy at first of 450 GeV so that the operators of the can ensure that everythings working as it should be. Once all systems are cleared, proton beams will be accelerated to 13 TeV, nearly twice the energy used to find the Higgs Boson.
And thats where the fun will start.
The Large Hadron Collider has been shut down for about two years as upgrades were made to its various systems. This included consolidating some of the electrical systems, adding magnet protection systems, and making improvements to its cryogenic and vacuum systems. The LHC will also be able to fire proton beams in bunches separated by 25 ms, half the time it used to take.
The improvements to the LHC along with the higher energies will allow thousands of physicists around the world including over 1,700 in the United States alone to conduct experiments to test theories that so far have only been the province of computer simulations.
We are on the threshold of an exciting time in particle physics: the LHC will turn on with the highest energy beam ever achieved, Fleming Crim, National Science Foundation Assistant Director said in a statement. This energy regime will open the door to new discoveries about our universe that were impossible as recently as two years ago.
The Large Hadron Colliders particle accelerator consists of a ring 27 km (about 16.7 mi) long. The protons are emitted into the ring (which is a vacuum), and then are accelerated using superconducting magnets that are cooled to near absolute zero: -271 degrees C. They are then sped up to nearly the speed of light and have energies added to them. The particles are then crashed together, which produces huge amounts of energies. By studying the byproducts of those collisions, physicists are able to discover new particles and learn other things about the physics of subatomic particles.
Some of the things that the Large Hadron Collider will be looking for during its next round of experiments will be more information about the Higgs boson and how it works. Scientists at CERN will also be trying to create the particles that are hypothesized to make up dark matter as well as evidence for the first supersymmetric particle.
Follow me onTwitterorFacebook. Read my Forbes bloghere.
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The Large Hadron Collider Is Back In Action
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Preparation Requires Knowledge of the Latest Future Trends
Posted: at 9:40 am
Orlando, FL (PRWEB) April 07, 2015
Safety doesnt happen by accident, neither does being prepared. Fire detectors. Smoke alarms. Heat detection and carbon monoxide alarms. Each of these devices helps allow businesses and individuals avoid some catastrophic event. In other words owning these devices equals being prepared. On a parallel front, preparation is what futurist Jack Uldrich does when he speaks to businesses about the top future trends and future-proofing their organizations.
Today, April 7th Uldrich will address Kidde Systems, a leader in smoke detection, heat detection and CO2 systems in Jacksonville, Florida.
Delivering his custom designed presentation, The Big AHA: How to Future-Proof Kidde Fire Systems Against the Trends Transforming Tomorrow Uldrich will discuss the top technological future trends affecting the industry that will transform Kiddes world of tomorrow. He will also identify concrete actions that his audience members can take today to future-proof themselves against the tides of tomorrow.
AHA is Uldrichs acronym for Awareness. Humility. Action. His work as an author and futurist has lead him to the conclusion that these three tenets make for great leadership. Hailed by Businessweek as Americas Chief Unlearning Officer he espouses, We live in a world where constant change is the only constant. New advances in technology bring forth exciting discoveries every day. But often lost in this new reality is the fact that organizations must unlearn old, obsolete knowledge and old ways of doing business, before they can seize tomorrows opportunities.
Uldrich speaks to a wide variety of organizations both large and small ranging from clients like Verizon Wireless Connected Technology Tour, ABB/Thomas and Betts New Product Launches, Emersons Global Users Exchange and the Vision Councils Executive Summit.
In his blog post: Addition is Greater than Subtraction: 11 is greater than 12 Uldrich encourages his readers to take a whole month of per year to just think. Ideation is the basis for creative endeavors and creative minds tend to produce at greater rates and the results are far more innovative. In addition to AHA, Uldrich urges his listeners take time to say ah and simply relax.
Can one relax and prepare in tandem? Jack Uldrich says the answer is yes, and as he explores the Big AHA with more and more organizations like Kidde and his upcoming clients of West Kendall Baptist Hospital, BCBS, Foth and Stiles the more it sounds like he is prepared to relax and help others succeed.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog can view his website here. Those interested in his speaking availability can contact Amy Tomczyk at (651) 343.0660.
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Preparation Requires Knowledge of the Latest Future Trends
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Leading futurist Daniel Burrus to teach CPAs how to anticipate future trends and game-changing opportunities
Posted: at 9:40 am
BALTIMORE, MD (PRWEB) April 07, 2015
May 4, 2015 The most important competency in the business world today the ability to anticipate future trends and position our organizations to take advantage of them is a mystery to most of the accounting and finance profession.
World-renowned technology forecaster, innovation expert, and New York Times best-selling author Daniel Burrus wants to change that.
Burrus will join forces with the Maryland Association of CPAs (MACPA) and the Business Learning Institute (BLI) on May 4 to launch The Anticipatory Organization: Accounting and Finance The event, part of the MACPA / BLI Speaker Series, will be held at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Hotel .
The need for future-focused strategies has never been greater. In a recent national survey, 76 percent of small business owners say their CPAs are not proactive, and 75 percent have changed firms because their CPAs are providing reactive services rather than proactive advice. Another recent survey found that only 6 percent of CFOs, controllers, and management accountants say they are future-ready.
The Anticipatory Organization model, created and developed by Burrus and Burrus Research, Inc., has changed how many of the worlds most successful businesses plan their future and accelerate growth.
Now, Burrus is bringing what he calls the greatest missing competency the ability to anticipate change to CPAs, CFOs, controllers and management accountants. This model represents a new way of thinking, planning, and acting a paradigm shift thats required in a world of accelerating change, competition, and uncertainty.
Competencies such as reacting and responding (crisis management), being lean and agile, and executing strategy well did not help Blockbuster, BlackBerry, Dell, HP, Sony, and many others avoid major problems. The ability to anticipate the future is a skill; it can be learned. In todays business landscape, it is the most important missing competency.
This special edition of the Anticipatory Organization is about anticipating problems, disruptions, customer needs, and new opportunities before they happen. Its about adjusting the way we approach our businesses, our profession, and our customers to see beyond the media-induced hype of today and identify actionable solutions that will be the catalysts for innovation and competitive advantage. It provides the confidence we need to make bold moves.
The Anticipatory Organization model teaches accounting and finance professionals to actively anticipate what will happen, identify related opportunities, and take action to shape the future by becoming an Anticipatory CPA. By learning how to identify and take action on fully predictable hard trends (trends that will happen) and more easily manipulated soft trends (trends that might happen), we can elevate our relevancy in a world of transformational change.
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Lift Off: Soyuz Spacecraft Launches for Space Station – Video
Posted: April 6, 2015 at 3:45 am
Lift Off: Soyuz Spacecraft Launches for Space Station
(Bloomberg) -- The Soyuz spacecraft launched from Kazakhstan bound for the International Space Station on Friday. American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian Mikhail Kornienko are expected to...
By: Bloomberg Business
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Space station crew docks safely – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Space station crew docks safely
NASA TV footage shows the successful docking of a Russian Soyuz craft to the International Space Station for a year-long mission. Rough cut (no reporter narration). Subscribe:
By: Reuters
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ISS Space Station flying over Europe and Russia [HD 1080p] – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
ISS Space Station flying over Europe and Russia [HD 1080p]
By: sebastiansz
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ISS Space Station flying over Europe and Russia [HD 1080p] - Video
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The ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment ~ Zero-Project Music (Full HD 1080p) – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
The ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment ~ Zero-Project Music (Full HD 1080p)
La Terre vue de l #39;espace ~ ISS: Station Spatiale Internationale. Earth from space ~ International Space Station (Full HD-1080p) Zero-Project Official Website: Zero-Proj...
By: MuxyToxy Relax Channel
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The ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment ~ Zero-Project Music (Full HD 1080p) - Video
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The 4th Space Science and Satellite Technology Applications workshop and conference – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
The 4th Space Science and Satellite Technology Applications workshop and conference
The All Nations University College is hosting the above named event. There would be renowed speakers such as; Prof. Yasuyuki Miyizaki (Japan) Dr. Ally M. Toure (NASA) and others. This meeting....
By: Senfe Gogan
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The 4th Space Science and Satellite Technology Applications workshop and conference - Video
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