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Pulling the strings of our genetic puppetmasters
Posted: April 7, 2015 at 9:44 am
IMAGE:This is Charles Gersbach, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Duke University. view more
DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke researchers have developed a new method to precisely control when genes are turned on and active.
The new technology allows researchers to turn on specific gene promoters and enhancers -- pieces of the genome that control gene activity -- by chemically manipulating proteins that package DNA. This web of biomolecules that supports and controls gene activity is known as the epigenome.
The researchers say having the ability to steer the epigenome will help them explore the roles that particular promoters and enhancers play in cell fate or the risk for genetic disease and it could provide a new avenue for gene therapies and guiding stem cell differentiation.
The study appears online April 6 in Nature Biotechnology.
"The epigenome is everything associated with the genome other than the actual genetic sequence, and is just as important as our DNA in determining cell function in healthy and diseased conditions," said Charles Gersbach, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Duke. "That becomes immediately obvious when you consider that we have over 200 cell types, and yet the DNA in each is virtually the same. The epigenome determines which genes each cell activates and to what degree."
This genetic puppetmaster consists of DNA packaging proteins called histones and a host of chemical modifications -- either to these histones or the DNA itself -- that help determine whether a gene is on or off.
But Gersbach's team didn't have to modify the genes themselves to gain some control.
"Next to every gene is a DNA sequence called a promoter that controls its activity," explained Gersbach. "But there's also many other pieces of the genome called enhancers that aren't next to any genes at all, and yet they play a critical role in influencing gene activity too."
Timothy Reddy, assistant professor of biostatistics and bioinformatics at Duke, has spent the better part of a decade mapping millions of these enhancers across the human genome. There has not, however, been a good way to find out exactly what each one does. An enhancer might affect a gene next door or several genes across the genome -- or maybe none at all.
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Pulling the strings of our genetic puppetmasters
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Going deep on life extension investments and human genetic engineering (Morning Read)
Posted: at 9:44 am
Bayers Marijn Dekkers (Christof Koepsel/Getty Images)
Endure if you must The Washington Posts takeout on tech gurus and venture capitalists with too much time on their hands trying to extend life (though most of the possible stuff they talk about are simply medical treatments not invented). Accompanying the story is a somewhat interesting game The Post created in which you drag stem cells into your brain and so on to extend your life.
I know its a week away but you should probably start watching the HIMSS 2015 hashtag now.
A long but worthwhile read on a moratorium and proper path toward human genetic engineering.
In the long run, I believe the permissibility of using germline genomic modification to make babies will be, and should be, a political issue. Right now, I suspect I would opt for regulating it on a safety/benefit basis, allowing it only when the potential benefits outweighed the risks. But I might change my mind, either because of newly discovered facts or well-made arguments. Importantly, though I do not think that my view should govern. The people, through their governments, should govern.
Medtronic has invested $2 million in DreaMed Diabetes and will be using its artificial pancreas technology in is insulin pumps.
I hope you didnt miss The Wall Street Journals look at Bayer and its continued focus on its health and agriculture businesses. Bayer is dumping its $10 billion specialty plastics business.
Still, some analysts are skeptical that Bayers drug pipeline is strong enough to deliver many new products with selling power like the current wave. But Bayer expects at least three new drugs in midstage clinical testing, including two for chronic heart failure, to advance this year. Strong data is expected for those trials, said Ali Al-Bazergan, an analyst at Datamonitor Healthcare in London.
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Going deep on life extension investments and human genetic engineering (Morning Read)
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New Genetic Clues Emerge on Origin of Hirschsprung's Disease
Posted: at 9:44 am
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Newswise Genetic studies in humans, zebrafish and mice have revealed how two different types of genetic variations team up to cause a rare condition called Hirschsprungs disease. The findings add to an increasingly clear picture of how flaws in early nerve development lead to poor colon function, which must often be surgically corrected. The study also provides a window into normal nerve development and the genes that direct it.
The results appear in the April 2 issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics.
About one in every 5,000 babies is born with Hirschsprungs disease, which causes bowel obstruction and can be fatal if not treated. The disease arises early in development when nerves that should control the colon fail to grow properly. Those nerves are part of the enteric nervous system, which is separate from the central nervous system that enables our brains to sense the world.
The genetic causes of Hirschsprungs disease are complex, making it an interesting case study for researchers like Aravinda Chakravarti, Ph.D., a professor in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicines McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine. His research group took on the condition in 1990, and in 2002, it performed the first-ever genomewide association study to identify common variants linked to the disease.
But while Chakravartis and other groups have identified several genetic variants associated with Hirschsprungs, those variants do not explain most cases of the disease. So Chakravarti and colleagues conducted a new genomewide association study of the disease, comparing the genetic markers of more than 650 people with Hirschsprungs disease, their parents and healthy controls. One of their findings was a variant in a gene called Ret that had not been previously associated with the disease, although other variations in Ret had been fingered as culprits.
The other finding was of a variant near genes for several so-called semaphorins, proteins that guide developing nerve cells as they grow toward their final targets. Through studies in mice and zebrafish, the researchers found that the semaphorins are indeed active in the developing enteric nervous system, and that they interact with Ret in a system of signals called a pathway.
It looks like the semaphorin variant doesnt by itself lead to Hirschsprungs, but when theres a variant in Ret too, it causes the pathway to malfunction and can cause disease, Chakravarti says. Weve found a new pathway that guides development of the enteric nervous system, one that nobody suspected had this role.
Chakravarti notes that the genetic puzzle of Hirschsprungs is still missing some pieces, and no clinical genetic test yet exists to assess risk for the disease. Most of the genetic variants that have so far been connected to this rare disease are themselves relatively common and are associated with less severe forms of the disease. The hunt continues for rare variants that can explain more severe cases.
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New Genetic Clues Emerge on Origin of Hirschsprung's Disease
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2016 Chevrolet Malibu Leverages Impala DNA – New York Auto Show 2015 – Video
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2016 Chevrolet Malibu Leverages Impala DNA - New York Auto Show 2015
John Cafaro is the Global Executive Director for Chevrolet Passenger Cars. He talks with John McElroy about the 2016 Chevrolet Malibu, just shown at the New York Auto Show, and explains how...
By: Autoline Network
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2016 Chevrolet Malibu Leverages Impala DNA - New York Auto Show 2015 - Video
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DNA: Arsenic in rice threatening your health? – Video
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DNA: Arsenic in rice threatening your health?
Rice contains arsenic which is poisonous and causes health worries. Arsenic in rice threatening your health? Watch Daily News And Analysis only on Zee News.
By: Zee News
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DNA: Arsenic in rice threatening your health? - Video
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DNA , 31st March 2015, MQM Haar Se Dar Rahay Hain : Imran khan – Video
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DNA , 31st March 2015, MQM Haar Se Dar Rahay Hain : Imran khan
Khara Sach with Mubasher Lucman ,ARY News, Kal Tak with Javed Chaudary on, Express, Capital Talk on, Geo News, Off The Record with Kashif Abbasi ARY News, On the Front With Kamran Shahid ...
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DNA , 31st March 2015, MQM Haar Se Dar Rahay Hain : Imran khan - Video
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DNA What is the future of MQM 1st April 2015 – Video
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DNA What is the future of MQM 1st April 2015
Latest Hasb e Haal Mazaaq Raat, Khabarnaak, Headlines, Bulletin 1st April 2015 Subscribe for us 2nd April 2015 Hasb E Haal , Khabar Naak, for more go to 1th... What is the future of MQM Watch...
By: Barbara Carlson
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DNA What is the future of MQM 1st April 2015 - Video
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DNA 2nd April 2015 – Video
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DNA 2nd April 2015
DNA - 2nd April 2015 Arif Nizami presents a fresh episode of DNA on 24 Channel and talk with Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain. Subscribe Pakistani Talk Shows Channel -----------------... Watch DNA...
By: Jeannette Brown
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BACK2EDEN 528 Hz Meditation DNA Repair – God – Harmonic LOVE Frequency – Video
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BACK2EDEN 528 Hz Meditation DNA Repair - God - Harmonic LOVE Frequency
Definition of the Love Frequency 528 is known as the #39;Miracle #39; tone which brings remarkable and extraordinary changes. Dr. Joseph Puleo analyzed the meaning of the tone using Latin dictionaries...
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BACK2EDEN 528 Hz Meditation DNA Repair - God - Harmonic LOVE Frequency - Video
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DNA vaccine hunters aim to cure cancer
Posted: at 9:43 am
In 2007, VGX acquired Advisys for a combination of cash and equity. Luckily, Dr. Kim had been on a fundraising tear for the previous seven years, raising more than $40 million from a wide array of investors, including Japan's Softbank, Korea Development Bank, the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense. "We learned how to be very creative in utilizing our financial resources, saving cash and so on," he said. "So the Advisys acquisition was straightforward."
Two years later, VGX acquired Inovio, which allowed it to effectively corner the market on electroporation patents. "What Inovio had was the breadth and depth of patent portfolio of the delivery system," Dr. Kim said. Upon completion of the merger in 2011, VGX changed its name to Inovio Pharmaceuticals.
Today, Inovio vaccines for treating breast, lung, pancreatic cancer and Hepatitis C are in Phase I clinical testing, and next year its cervical cancer vaccine will begin phase III testing, the final step to FDA approval. And those are just the lead products. Inovio has a vaccine in the works for nearly every disease that hasn't been eradicated by traditional vaccines.
Read MoreA start-up that solved fracking's dirty problem
Not all of those will come to fruition, of course. But as a man who got two degrees when one would have sufficed, and who acquired two electroporation companies when most would have stopped at one, Dr. Kim knows the value of covering his bases. "We always wanted to have multiples shots on goal," he said. "Not every product is going to work, so we want to make sure our shareholders' risks and benefits are well managed and that we ultimately bring the best therapies to patients."
By Douglas Quenqua, special to
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DNA vaccine hunters aim to cure cancer
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