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Election 2016: Rand Paul Inherits Father Ron Paul's Political Network

Posted: April 8, 2015 at 4:41 am

WASHINGTON --Rand Paul's campaign slogan is "Defeat the Washington machine." The Kentucky senator is running as an outsider, but even in this legacy-laden field, he may be the ultimate insider.

It's been less than three years -- not even one full presidential election cycle -- since former Rep. Ron Paul gave up his last presidential campaign, his third run for the White House. Now his son is set to make his own run. Rand Paul begins the daunting task of building a presidential campaign with unique advantages: the network his father built, the experience of running a modern campaign and the potential to tap into a loyal base of supporters. He enjoys name recognition that rivals that of his likely opponents. Rand Paul will seek to position himself as his own candidate and bring in some of his own political team. But the foundation of his father's campaign is intact-- for better and for worse.

While Ron Paul was never able to translate his core of supporters -- more than a million votes -- into primary victories, he ran well in several states and remained in the race longer than many GOP competitors. He even placed second in New Hampshire in 2012, with 23 percent of the vote.

If he can inherit his fathers network up here, that will be at least a significant initial advantage, University of New Hampshire political science Professor Dante Scala said. A crowded field might be good for Rand Paul. Maybe this will be a year like 1996, where 30 percent is enough to do not just well but really well in New Hampshire. (Pat Buchanan won the state's primary that year, with around 27 percent of the vote.)

While Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are widely seen as dynastic candidates, Rand Paul is actually the only one who'll inherit an up-to-date campaign operation.It's been 15 years since a Bush appeared on a ballot -- before Facebook or Twitter, before donations could be made via website, before candidates posted YouTube videos.

Paul doesn't get just an extensive network. There is family knowledge that comes with the campaign. Jesse Benton -- who is married to Rand Paul's sister -- was a senior adviser for Ron Paul's two previous presidential runs, managed Rand Paul's Senate campaign and will now runa super PAC supportingthe 2016 campaign.

Ron Paul pursued a smart strategy by targeting states that held caucuses instead of or in addition to a primary. Aside from Iowa, which draws disproportionate attention as the first presidential test, most states that opt to use that process have very low turnout. Voters are required to attend a meeting at a specific time and place, driving down the number of participants and allowing a small but passionate group to tip the outcome.

Rick Santorum won the Iowa caucus in January 2012. Hardly anyone remembers that Ron Paul won the second, less publicized Iowa caucus, giving himmore delegates from the state than any other Republican -- a testament to his organizational power. He did the same in Louisiana and Nevada, picking up delegates at later caucus events after not winning on the main primary day.

The Republican field is unlikely to produce another candidate who appeals to the Ron Paul fan base. He built a coalition of voters who didn't traditionally participate in GOP primaries. It's unlikely that Bush or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio could make strong inroads with those voters. "Add in any number of other possible candidates, and I dont see any having a better 'claim' on the Ron Paul vote than Rand Paul," said Eric Herzik, the chair of the political science department at the University of Nevada, Reno. "Rand Paul might not be a clear favorite in Nevada, but he will, like his father, have a base from which to build his campaign."

Ron Paul was virtually an isolationist who opposed foreign aid to almost every nation, wanted to drastically cut defense spending, and was one of only a handful of Republicans to vote against the war in Iraq.Rand Paul is the least hawkish Republican in the Senate, but he has tried to shed the isolationist label; he supports some foreign aid and hasn't fought funding the Pentagon. But he's still out of step with his party.South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has been outspoken in criticizing Rand Paul's foreign policy positions.

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Election 2016: Rand Paul Inherits Father Ron Paul's Political Network

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Why Does Media Think Ron Paul So Relevant to Son Rands Campaign?

Posted: at 4:41 am

If you watched cable news at all this morning, you saw that all eyes were trained on Sen. Rand Pauls (R-KY) entrance into the 2016 presidential race. But what you might not have expected to hear was all the hoopla about Pauls father, the libertarian firebrand Ron Paul.

The elder Paul, a former congressman and GOP presidential candidate himself, pioneered the same appeal to young conservatives and libertarian-minded voters for which his son is currently known. While the two differ on policy in many areas, the general message remains the same: Less government, fewer foreign entanglements, criminal justice reform, and an end to NSA surveillance.

Ron will obviously not be irrelevant to Rand the elder libertarians hardcore fan base will be an important asset for the campaign. But unlike his father, the senator is more openly attempting to court traditional conservatives, as indicated by his recent rhetoric about radical Islam, same-sex marriage, and other wedge issues. To be blunt: Rand is not Ron.

And yet the media fixates on their connection, as if Rand isnt his own person. According to a TVEyes search of Fox News, CNN and MSNBC from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. today, Ron was mentioned 29 times during discussions and reports about his sons candidacy.

Just today, CNNs David Gergen said the younger Paul has daddy issues. MSNBCs Jos Daz-Balart declared the shadow of Ron Paul is looming large over his son. NBCs Kelly ODonnell said Rand was trying to create distance between him and his father by staging Ron off to the side, ensuring there is no hand-raising moment between father and son at the speaking podium. And CNNs Dana Bash suggested Rand has to be more mainstream than Ron in order to win.

Why is Ron so relevant when reporting or commenting on Rands presidential bid? Is it because of the seemingly outlandish things the elder Paul has said of late? Or is it because of his positions on the relevant issues?

Either way, his name comes up in a way that suggests Rand needs to answer for his father.

Meanwhile, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has yet to announce her presidential run, but how often will the media harp on the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, might have on her?Will they mention Bills potential influence close to 29 times during a six-hour period on the morning of her announcement?

Lets explore that possibility. Has anyone thus far argued that Hillary has husband issues? Or that Bill is looming large over Hillary? Would Hillary be at the whims of her husband if she were president? Such rhetoric could be considered sexist and yet, its perfectly rational to treat Rand as if hes not his own person, inseparable from his fathers more radical beliefs and words.

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Why Does Media Think Ron Paul So Relevant to Son Rands Campaign?

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Rand Paul: 'I'm putting myself forward as a candidate for president'

Posted: at 4:41 am

Watch "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" Wednesday at 5 p.m. ET for an interview with Rand Paul.

Since riding the tea party wave into the Senate in 2010, Paul has carefully built a brand of mainstream libertarianism -- dogged advocacy of civil liberties combined with an anti-interventionist foreign policy and general support for family values -- that he bets will create a coalition of younger voters and traditional Republicans to usher him into the White House.

The test of that theory began Tuesday when the Kentucky senator made official what has been clear for years: He's running for president.

"Today I announce with God's help, with the help of liberty lovers everywhere, that I'm putting myself forward as a candidate for president of the United States of America," Paul said at a rally in Louisville.

Paul immediately hit the campaign trail for a four-day swing through New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada -- the states that traditionally vote first in the primaries and caucuses.

A poster from the Rand Paul for President campaign.

READ: Can Rand Paul escape his father's shadow?

In his speech, he called for reforming Washington by pushing for term limits and a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. He argued that both parties are to blame for the rising debt, saying it doubled under a Republican administration and tripled under Obama.

"Government should be restrained and freedom should be maximized," he said.

The line-up of speakers who introduced Paul sought to paint the senator as a nontraditional candidate with diverse appeal, and by the time he got on stage, he was the first white man to address the crowd.

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Rand Paul: 'I'm putting myself forward as a candidate for president'

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Rand Paul launches presidential campaign

Posted: at 4:41 am

For Rand Paul, it's all led to this moment.

Since riding the tea party wave into the Senate in 2010, Paul has carefully built a brand of mainstream libertarianism -- dogged advocacy of civil liberties combined with an anti-interventionist foreign policy and general support for family values -- that he bets will create a coalition of younger voters and traditional Republicans to usher him into the White House.

The test of that theory began Tuesday when the Kentucky senator made official what has been clear for years: He's running for president.

"Today I announce with God's help, with the help of liberty lovers everywhere, that I'm putting myself forward as a candidate for president of the United States of America," Paul said at a rally in Louisville.

Paul immediately hit the campaign trail for a four-day swing through New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada -- the states that traditionally vote first in the primaries and caucuses.

In his speech, he called for reforming Washington by pushing for term limits and a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. He argued that both parties are to blame for the rising debt, saying it doubled under a Republican administration and tripled under Obama.

"Government should be restrained and freedom should be maximized," he said.

The line-up of speakers who introduced Paul sought to paint the senator as a nontraditional candidate with diverse appeal, and by the time he got on stage, he was the first white man to address the crowd.

The speakers included J.C. Watts, a former congressman who's African-American; state Sen. Ralph Alvarado, who's Hispanic; local pastor Jerry Stephenson, who's African American and a former Democrat; and University of Kentucky student Lauren Bosler.

"He goes everywhere. It doesn't matter what color you are. Rand Paul will be there," Stephenson said, firing up the crowd.

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Rand Paul launches presidential campaign

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Kentucky senator announces plans during rally

Posted: at 4:41 am

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (CNN) -

For Rand Paul, it's all led to this moment.

Since riding the tea party wave into the Senate in 2010, Paul has carefully built a brand of mainstream libertarianism -- dogged advocacy of civil liberties combined with an anti-interventionist foreign policy and general support for family values -- that he bets will create a coalition of younger voters and traditional Republicans to usher him into the White House.

The test of that theory began Tuesday when the Kentucky senator made official what has been clear for years: He's running for president.

"Today I announce with God's help, with the help of liberty lovers everywhere, that I'm putting myself forward as a candidate for president of the United States of America," Paul said at a rally in Louisville.

Paul immediately hit the campaign trail for a four-day swing through New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada -- the states that traditionally vote first in the primaries and caucuses.

In his speech, he called for reforming Washington by pushing for term limits and a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. He argued that both parties are to blame for the rising debt, saying it doubled under a Republican administration and tripled under Obama.

"Government should be restrained and freedom should be maximized," he said.

The line-up of speakers who introduced Paul sought to paint the senator as a nontraditional candidate with diverse appeal, and by the time he got on stage, he was the first white man to address the crowd.

The speakers included J.C. Watts, a former congressman who's African-American; state Sen. Ralph Alvarado, who's Hispanic; local pastor Jerry Stephenson, who's African American and a former Democrat; and University of Kentucky student Lauren Bosler.

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Kentucky senator announces plans during rally

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Rand Paul: 'Outsider' candidate running for US president

Posted: at 4:41 am

Video will begin in 5 seconds.

CERN restarts 'Big Bang' Hadron Collider

Kenyan survivors recount university attack

Stunning views of Earth from space

UN seeking consensus on Yemen resolution

Castro in public for first time in over a year

RAW VIDEO: US Senator Rand Paul launches his 2016 presidential campaign with a combative address against both Washington and his fellow Republicans, declaring "we have come to take our country back."

Washington: As supporters cheered and waved banners reading "Defeat the Washington Machine", Rand Paul, a senator and son of a congressman and presidential candidate, announced his own candidacy for the Republican nomination for the White House at a rally in Kentucky on Monday.

Despite his long and powerful ties to the capital and its politics, Senator Paul insisted he would be an outsider candidate.

Senator Rand Paul, in Kentucky on Tuesday, announces he would like to be president of the US. Photo: AP

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Rand Paul: 'Outsider' candidate running for US president

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Rand Paul: 'I will run for president'

Posted: at 4:41 am

Video will begin in 5 seconds.

CERN restarts 'Big Bang' Hadron Collider

Kenyan survivors recount university attack

Stunning views of Earth from space

UN seeking consensus on Yemen resolution

Castro in public for first time in over a year

RAW VIDEO: US Senator Rand Paul launches his 2016 presidential campaign with a combative address against both Washington and his fellow Republicans, declaring "we have come to take our country back."

Washington: As supporters cheered and waved banners reading "Defeat the Washington Machine", Rand Paul, a senator and son of a congressman and presidential candidate, announced his own candidacy for the Republican nomination for the White House at a rally in Kentucky on Monday.

Despite his long and powerful ties to the capital and its politics, Senator Paul insisted he would be an outsider candidate.

Senator Rand Paul, in Kentucky on Tuesday, announces he would like to be president of the US. Photo: AP

Excerpt from:
Rand Paul: 'I will run for president'

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May Cover Revealed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Posted: at 4:40 am

The original Deus Ex is one of the most critically acclaimed shooter/RPG hybrids of all-time. In 2011, Eidos-Montreal resurrected the dormant franchise with Human Revolution, giving the series an updated look while remaining true to the player choice-driven gameplay. Eidos-Montreal knew its game wasnt perfect, and has worked to improve the series' combat systems and boss encounters for the latest entry in the series Mankind Divided.

Set in 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution, Adam Jensen returns and joins forces with an Interpol-funded task force aiming to hunt down and capture augmented terrorists in a world that now hates and fears transhumans. Jensen has a new suite of augmentations that allow him to cleverly navigate stealth, combat, and social interactions, but how Jensen chooses to solve every problem is entirely up to you.

At the end of Human Revolution, the Illuminati caused every transhuman to go into a fight-or-flight response and attack anyone near them. In the next issue of Game Informer, you can find out how this event caused humanity to hate and fear those with augmentations. We spent two days in Eidos-Montreal's studio, talking with the team and learning about how they build a realistic future. We go in depth on some of Jensen's new augmentations that help improve the stealth and combat systems, such as the ability to remote hack electronic objects, fire off his nano blade from a distance, and surround himself with a nearly indestructible nanoshield. We also got some great examples on how the game will be as open ended as ever, allowing players to carve their own path through the world. You can only get these details in the latest issue of Game Informer.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided doesn't yet have a release date, but it's headed to PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Click the above image to see the full cover spread

In addition to our 12-page look at Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, we also dive into the history of Mortal Kombat's fatalities, provide a look forward at this coming years VR products, and examine the history of the Cyberpunk genre and its influence on games. We also have interviews with Microsoft Studios vice presidentKudo Tsunoda, who gave us some insight into the company's development process, and Turtle Rocks co-founder Phil Robb, who provides an insightful postmortem on Evolve.

The rest of our May issue is packed with more great gaming coverage. In addition to rounding up the best indie games from GDC, we take an extended look at Sword Coast Legends, a new Dungeons & Dragons game based on the fifth edition ruleset. For previews, we get hands-on time with Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, Final Fantasy XV, and Rainbow Six Siege.

Print subscribers should see their issues arriving in the next week or two, but you can access it now if you subscribe digitally (available onPC/Mac,iPad,Android, andGoogle Play). You can also get the latest issue through third-party apps onNook,Kindle, andZiniostarting tomorrow. To switch your print subscription to digital,click here, or to create a new subscription to the digital edition,click here.

Throughout the month, we're revealing all manner of video interviews, written features on the world of Deus Ex, a special edition podcast, and much more. Click on the banner below to visit our Deus Ex: Mankind Divided hub and follow our coverage as it rolls out throughout the month.

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May Cover Revealed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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New anti-terrorism law a shocking onslaught against human rights: Amnesty

Posted: at 4:40 am

A new law that would allow terrorism suspects in Malaysia to be held indefinitely without charge, trial or judicial review, is a shocking onslaught against human rights and the rule of law, said Amnesty International.

Indefinite detention without trial is contrary to human rights law and it will not stop terrorism. Abandoning people to rot in a cell for years on end without a judicial process and proof that they have committed a crime is just like aimlessly stabbing in the dark. Authorities must ensure that human rights and fair trial guarantees are respected and protected, said Hazel Galang-Folli, Malaysia Researcher at Amnesty International.

Under the newly enacted Prevention of Terrorism Act (Pota), a board will be established to approve detention or restriction orders for individuals in the interest of security of Malaysia. A suspect can first be detained for 59 days without charge before being presented to the board.

This body, which will be appointed by the King and will be outside of the jurisdiction of any court, will have the power to renew detention orders indefinitely. Its decisions cannot be appealed.

The Pota is reminiscent of Malaysias Internal Security Act (ISA), abolished in 2012, which also allowed for indefinite detention without trial. The new law has not included the necessary safeguards to ensure fair trials and respect of human rights so it could be just as susceptible to abuse as the widely condemned ISA, which was used to unjustly detain government critics and created a climate of fear in the country for decades.

With the stroke of a pen, Malaysia has managed to get one step closer to becoming a human rights black hole where fundamental rights to a fair trial or freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, even if enshrined in the Malaysian constitution, are increasingly being undermined in the name of national security, said Hazel Galang-Folli.

Today, the Malaysian government also tabled amendments to the colonial-era Sedition Act, including increasing jail terms from three years to up to seven years on conviction and up to 20 years if a suspect is convicted of sedition with causing bodily harm or damage to property. The proposed amendments could also disallow bail for those charged.

In recent months, the Sedition Act has been used to arbitrarily arrest government critics including opposition leaders, human rights defenders, activists, journalists and human rights lawyers.

Authorities in Malaysia must immediately repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Sedition Act and release all those who have been detained under it only for expressing their opinions peacefully, said Hazel Galang-Folli.

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New anti-terrorism law a shocking onslaught against human rights: Amnesty

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Calvin Harris – Summer (Filous & Kitty Gorgi Cover) – Video

Posted: at 4:40 am

Calvin Harris - Summer (Filous Kitty Gorgi Cover)
Calvin Harris - Summer (Filous Kitty Gorgi Cover) Subscribe to Futurism: SHOW MORE for the download link + more! Download Calvin Harris - Summer (Filous ...

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