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Boko Haram fighters murdered women and girls they held as wives
Posted: April 8, 2015 at 5:40 pm
BERLIN The U.N.s human rights chief said Wednesday his office has received reports that Boko Haram fighters retreating from advancing military forces in Nigeria murdered women and girls they had taken as wives, along with other captives.
The recapture of parts of northeastern Nigeria in recent weeks has brought to light gruesome scenes of mass graves and further evident signs of slaughter by Boko Haram, Zeid Raad al-Hussein told a special session of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Zeid gave no further details of what he said were multiple reports of fighters killing their so-called wives in fact, women and girls held in slavery and other captives. Boko Harams reported use of children as expendable cannon fodder and human bombs would, if confirmed, constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity, he said.
Zeid said there also are persistent and credible reports of serious rights violations by Nigerian and other security forces responding to Boko Haram. He called for thorough and fully transparent investigations by authorities.
The Islamic extremist militants have terrorized northern Nigeria and also attacked towns in neighbouring countries, prompting nations in the region including Chad and Niger to put together a force to combat them.
Zeid said he is profoundly concerned about the growing ethnic and sectarian dimensions of the conflict.
Boko Harams original leader was from the Kanuri ethnic group, and the U.N. human rights office has received reports indicating that Kanuris are now considered suspect by some military personnel, resulting in arbitrary arrests and abuse, Zeid said.
Boko Haram, meanwhile, has begun targeting Nigerians of Shuwa Arab origin apparently in retaliation for their perceived support to the Nigerian armed forces, he said.
There is thus a high risk of escalating ethnic and religious violence, Zeid said. This can only be halted by principled leadership and clear instructions to military personnel, with appropriate accountability.
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Boko Haram fighters murdered women and girls they held as wives
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Zedd & Selena Gomez – I Want You To Know (Jorge Toscano Remix) – Video
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Zedd Selena Gomez - I Want You To Know (Jorge Toscano Remix)
Zedd Selena Gomez - I Want You To Know (Jorge Toscano Remix) TROPICAL HOUSE REMIX Subscribe to Futurism: SHOW MORE for the download link + more! Download ...
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Oasis – Wonderwall ft. Katy McAllister (Monkey Joker Edit) – Video
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Oasis - Wonderwall ft. Katy McAllister (Monkey Joker Edit)
Oasis - Wonderwall ft. Katy McAllister (Monkey Joker Edit) Subscribe to Futurism: SHOW MORE for the download link + more! Download Oasis - Wonderwall ft. Katy...
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Jeff Bezos' Space Company Begins Test Flights This Year
Posted: at 5:40 pm
Blue Origin, the commercial space company founded by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, announced yesterday that it had completed acceptance testing of its BE-3 rocket engine.
The BE-3 is capable of 110,000 pounds of thrust and his powered by liquid hydrogen. Its first use will be as the propulsion system for the companys proposed New Shepard space capsule, which will carry passengers and scientific payloads on suborbital flights into space. As the company moves into its eventual goal of orbital spaceflights, the engine will be used for upper-stage rockets.
The BE3 has now been fired for more than 30,000 seconds over the course of 450 tests, Jeff Bezos said in a statement. We test, learn, refine and then test again to push our engines. The Blue Origin team did an outstanding job exploring the corners of what the BE3 can do and soon well put it to the ultimate test of flight.
Blue Origins BE-3 rocket engine being tested. (Credit: Blue Origin)
Company President Rob Meyerson told reporters yesterday that Blue Origin was going to begin unmanned test flights of the New Shepard capsule later this year, although no date was specified. And unlike other commercial space companies like XCOR Aerospace or Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin has yet to sell any tickets or announce pricing for the cost of a flight on New Shepard.
In addition to the BE-3, Blue Origin is also developing a larger rocket engine, the BE-4, which will be capable of 550,000 pounds of thrust and fueled by a mixture of liquid oxygen and liquid natural gas. Last September, the company announced a partnership with the Boeing Boeing-Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance to develop the engine for use in ULAs next generation of launch vehicles.
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Jeff Bezos' Space Company Begins Test Flights This Year
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Health Futurist Gihan Perera at 34th #aphacongress – Video
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Health Futurist Gihan Perera at 34th #aphacongress
via YouTube Capture.
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[Glitch-Hop] Futurist – Synergy – Video
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[Glitch-Hop] Futurist - Synergy
DISCLAIMER: This video is uploaded for promotional purposes. No copyright infringement intended. Support the artist by dropping a LIKE and following them on social media (links given below)....
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[Glitch-Hop] Futurist - Synergy - Video
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Clown Invasion Space Station 13 – Video
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Clown Invasion Space Station 13
Hippie Station 13, took place a couple weeks before I uploaded.
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Hermitcraft FTB: SPACE STATION BUILD! Ep. 11 (Hermitcraft FTB Infinity) – Video
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Hermitcraft FTB: SPACE STATION BUILD! Ep. 11 (Hermitcraft FTB Infinity)
Video Info Today we start working on our new build. The space station! Hope you enjoy! Donation Info Paypal: Patreon: https://www.patreon....
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There Are No Politics on the International Space Station, with Astronaut Ron Garan – Video
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There Are No Politics on the International Space Station, with Astronaut Ron Garan
Former NASA astronaut Ron Garan explains how the cooperative lessons learned through space exploration are applicable in other realms of life. Garan is author of the new book The Orbital Perspectiv ...
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UFO Appears In Another NASA LIVE Video Feed Watch Now And Discuss! – Video
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UFO Appears In Another NASA LIVE Video Feed Watch Now And Discuss!
NASA has been accused of hiding UFOs by cutting its live feed from the International Space Station every time a UFO hovers in site. This month, conspiracy theorists, including UFO watcher Toby......
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