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The True History of Libertarianism in America – Video
Posted: April 11, 2015 at 7:42 am
The True History of Libertarianism in America
Mark Ames, Senior Editor at Pando Daily and Author of #39;Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellion from Reagan #39;s Workplaces to Clinton #39;s Columbine and Beyond #39; joins Thom to talk about the real...
By: thomhartmann
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The True History of Libertarianism in America - Video
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Rand Paul, Media Darling
Posted: at 7:42 am
Five reasons why the Kentucky senator trails Ted Cruz in fundraising, but is still stealing the spotlight.
If youre a member of the Washington media, odds are youve spent at least some time over the past 48 hours discussing Rand Pauls entry into the presidential race and his testy exchanges about abortion with an Associated Press reporter. Reporters and pundits have covered Pauls debut for The Washington Post, NPR, The Huffington Post, and the Today Show. The Daily Beast offered space to the libertarian Cato Institutes David Boaz to argue that yes, Paul can do it. In The Hill, Dick Morris argued that he cant.
Meanwhile, the disclosure that Ted Cruzalso a declared candidate for presidentraised $31 million in a week, although certainly reported, seems to have aroused nothing like this kind of media excitement. Google News tallied half as many citations for Can Ted Cruz win? as for Can Rand Paul win? Chris Cillizza explained why Cruz chose to announce at Liberty University but had this to say about the candidates prospects: "Cruz badly needs social conservatives on his side if he wants to have any serious chance at being the Republican nominee in 2016and then went on to explain why that was unlikely to happen. Mark Halperin dismissed Cruz as a second-tier candidate.
Yet to the extent there are metrics, Cruz is outperforming Paul in the first phases of the presidential race. Not only has Cruz raised more money than Paul, but a National Journal survey of social media found that Cruzs presidential launch attracted dramatically more social media interaction than Pauls.
Neither man has an easy or obvious path to the nomination. Both men face powerful, perhaps insuperable, opposition within the party. Pauls path is probably even more emphatically foredoomed, but at a minimum it is surely no less foredoomed.
So why is Paul a favorite topic of media speculation, while Cruz cant make news?
Id offer five reasons. Theyre interesting in themselves, I think, but also interesting as examples of how news organizations can systematically mis-evaluate political realities.
1. Home-Court Advantage
If you live and work in Washington, D.C., its easy to imagine libertarianism as a powerful national movement. Washington is home to Reason magazine and the Cato Institute, and to dozens of hard-working and talented libertarian writers, commentators, and policy analysts. Its easy here to lose sight of the extreme marginality of the doctrine in the nation as a wholeespecially because libertarianism as we see it in the capital looks a lot more like the preferred politics of the institutional media (socially permissive, fiscally cautious) than like the Lincoln-hating, bullion-believing, conspiracy-mongering politics of libertarianism beyond the Beltway at the Ron Paul Institute,, or the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Journalists are consequently vulnerable to claims that libertarianism appeals to independents, Millennials, or some other demographically desirable groupno matter how overwhelmingly such claims are contradicted by the evidence. Meanwhile, the conservative Christian evangelicalism to which Ted Cruz looks for his base remains perhaps more underrepresented in D.C. media and culture than any other major American social group. D.C. journalists intellectually apprehend that evangelicals are important, but they have a hard time remembering that fact when they offer their commentary.
2. Media Management
Rand Paul, Media Darling
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Rand Paul's kinder, gentler libertarianism
Posted: at 7:42 am
Rand Paul used to be libertarian. Now he describes himself as libertarian-ish.
Its a slight distinction, but an important one.
Story Continued Below
The senator is using his presidential campaign kickoff tour this week, including a Thursday afternoon speech at the U.S.S. Yorktown aircraft carrier in Charleston, to present himself as a kinder and gentler version of his father, long the movements standard-bearer, while also showcasing a scaled-back, sanded-down form of libertarianism thats more palatable to the Republican rank-and-file.
Theres no talk from the Kentuckian about ending the Federal Reserve, no quoting Friedrich Hayek and no laments about how the U.S. deserves a share of blame for terrorism all hallmarks of Ron Paul presidential campaign rallies. Doom-and-gloom has been replaced by sunny optimism; the language of revolution has been supplanted by something that sounds a lot more incremental and a lot less edgy.
The focus now is on humanizing Rand Paul. Glossy videos at his campaign events show him coaching little league soccer, traveling to Guatemala to give free medical care and visiting with African-American college students. His stump speech includes a poignant story about how his ailing grandmother inspired him to become an eye doctor. As her vision began to fail, I became her eyes, he tells crowds. Those introducing Paul at events repeatedly describe him as compassionate.
Libertarians of all varieties understand why the 52-year-old is bowing to pragmatism and playing the inside game. Most are okay with what they see as a delicate balancing act; they recognize that not enough libertarians are out there to win the Republican nomination. But others, especially those who identify with the Libertarian Party, have a word for Paul: sellout.
There are a lot of libertarians who will sit down and talk with you for hours on end about the Fed and macroeconomic theory and Hayek and so forth, said Bob Barr, who represented Georgia in Congress for five terms before running for president as the Libertarian Partys nominee in 2008. Thats great, but the average voter doesnt know who Hayek was, doesnt know who Milton Friedman was and doesnt know what the Federal Reserve does.
Rand is much more founded in the real world than his dad was when he was a candidate, Barr continued. Rand understands that if you want to win a national election as a libertarian that is with a small l you have to appeal to a lot of Republicans. We have, after all, a two-party system period, end of argument.
Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee in 2012, chastises the younger Paul for supporting a budget that includes sizable increases in military spending and for cozying up to evangelicals. Paul continues to personally oppose gay marriage and does not call for the legalization of marijuana.
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Rand Paul's kinder, gentler libertarianism
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Transhumanist Party – Transcending human limitations – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Transhumanist Party - Transcending human limitations
Harnessing accelerating technology; sustainable, bright green policies; regenerative solutions for body, mind, education, society, and politics. A brief animated summary for the Transhumanist...
By: Transpolitica
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The Transhumanist (Original Mix) – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
The Transhumanist (Original Mix)
The Transhumanist Original Mix Third Eye (UK) Second City Records Released on: 2015-04-04 Unknown: Third Eye Auto-generated by YouTube.
By: #ThirdEyeBlind
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The Transhumanist (Original Mix) - Video
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Russian oligarch offers $1m to the first person that lives to 123
Posted: at 7:41 am
The large prize is being offered by businessman, Dmitry Kaminskiy He hopes money will help create a new group of 'supercenternarians' Jeanne Calment holds the record of oldest person, dying aged 122.5 He has made a $1m bet with Dr Alex Zhavoronkov on who will die first
By Zoltan Istvan For
Published: 17:02 EST, 10 April 2015 | Updated: 19:23 EST, 10 April 2015
Dmitry Kaminskiy is hoping his million dollar gift will trigger a new group of 'supercenternarians'
A Russian multi-millionaire whose dream it is to live forever has promised to give $1 million to the first person to reach the age of 123.
Dmitry Kaminskiy, a senior partner of Hong Kong-based firm, Deep Knowledge Ventures, is hoping his million dollar gift will trigger a new group of 'supercenternarians'.
He says research into stem cells, tissue rejuvenation and regenerative medicine will allow people to live beyond 120 - an age that has been quoted as the 'real absolute limit to human lifespan'.
'We live in the most exciting era of human development when technologies become exponential and transformative,' Kaminskiy told
'They may not realise it, but some of the supercentenarians alive today may see the dawn of the next century if they live long enough for these transformative technologies to develop.
'I hope that my prize will help some of them desire longer lifespans and make their approaches to living longer a little more competitive.'
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Russian oligarch offers $1m to the first person that lives to 123
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Transhuman: HOPE – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Transhuman: HOPE
Laura: The Idealist She sees the best in people. Transhuman has a rich and diverse cast. Various walks of life are represented by the characters. Subscribe, Like, Follow and Share to learn...
By: Transhuman Show
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Transhuman: HOPE - Video
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Transhuman Opening Titles (Example) – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Transhuman Opening Titles (Example)
By: Irving Green
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Transhuman: HUMOR – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Transhuman: HUMOR
Darrel: The Charmer Its all fun and games until he gets hurt. Transhuman has a rich and diverse cast. Various walks of life are represented by the characters. Subscribe, Like, Follow and...
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Yarycho Beats – Transhuman Ambient Horrcore (Beat #1) – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Yarycho Beats - Transhuman Ambient Horrcore (Beat #1)
Beat Name: Transhuman Made In Fl Studio 11 ( Beat #1) Facebook: ? Email: ?
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Yarycho Beats - Transhuman Ambient Horrcore (Beat #1) - Video
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