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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Stubborn Psoriasis vs TWEEZERS! – Video

Posted: April 11, 2015 at 7:44 am

Stubborn Psoriasis vs TWEEZERS!
After lubing up with some coconut oil in my last video, I found this patch on my left ankle.

By: Huy Ngo

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Stubborn Psoriasis vs TWEEZERS! - Video

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Testimonios jaquecas y psoriasis – Video

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Testimonios jaquecas y psoriasis

By: Nutricin Inteligente

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Posted: at 7:44 am

In this video I explain how you can get rid of psoriasis naturally using a plant based vegan diet and alkalising regime. Things to remove or eliminate: Refined sugar Dairy Meat Eggs Nightshade...

By: Jon Maddison

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Psoriasis Revolution Treatment Does It Work – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Psoriasis Revolution Treatment Does It Work
Psoriasis Revolution by Dan Crawford download online: Restore your natural inner balance and prevent untreated Psoriasis-related health issues...

By: Gillevet Dilan

Psoriasis Revolution Treatment Does It Work - Video

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Download Handbook of Psoriasis PDF – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Download Handbook of Psoriasis PDF
Download Link : Login to the website and feel free to download the PDF. Please register first if you don #39;t have an account.

By: Gilda Sophia

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Epsom Salt Detox Bath Recipe: For Weight Loss, Sore Muscles, Psoriasis, Eczema & Flu 1 – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Epsom Salt Detox Bath Recipe: For Weight Loss, Sore Muscles, Psoriasis, Eczema Flu 1
WANT TO KNOW MORE? = Epsom salt detox bath recipe benefits for weight loss, sore muscles, psoriasis, eczema and flu. Epsom salt bath detoxes the body very effectively...

By: Jeanette Lalouree

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Epsom Salt Detox Bath Recipe: For Weight Loss, Sore Muscles, Psoriasis, Eczema & Flu 1 - Video

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Coffee Chat: 4-9-15 Q&A; Psoriasis, Spring Preps – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Coffee Chat: 4-9-15 Q A; Psoriasis, Spring Preps
Hey guys, just a quick coffee chat. Thanks for watching, and God bless. J.

By: jnull0

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Coffee Chat: 4-9-15 Q&A; Psoriasis, Spring Preps - Video

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CME Outfitters Two-Part Medical Simulation on Psoriasis Featuring Expert Faculty Commentary Now Available Online

Posted: at 7:44 am

Bethesda, Maryland (PRWEB) April 09, 2015

CME Outfitters (CMEO), a leading accredited provider in continuing medical education, announces its newest CMEO Medical Simulations, Not Just Skin Deep: Psoriasis Parts I and II. Faculty experts April W. Armstrong, MD, MPH, and Alan Menter, MD guide you through the simulations to improve your knowledge base and clinical management skills in patients with psoriasis, and improve your knowledge of psoriasis comorbidities and clinical strategies to improve long-term patient outcomes. Dermatologists, physicians, and other health care professionals, including pharmacists, nurses, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who have an interest in psoriasis are encouraged to participate.

Patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis are at risk for a variety of comorbidities. Dermatologists are in a unique position to screen for these comorbidities and counsel patients to be aware of early symptoms and risk factors. Prevention and early intervention can be achieved by appropriate treatment of psoriasis and reduction of other risk factors contributing to these complications. In this two-part medical simulation, you will meet Lisa, a 45-year-old woman who presents to you feeling very self-conscious about her skin condition, in part one, and has questions about the effects of her skin condition on her overall health, in part two. Navigate through the simulation and Lisas clinical challenges with Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Menter as your guides.

At the end of this activity, participants should be able to:

Click here for more information about the faculty, financial support, credit information, disclosures, and to participate today!

About CME Outfitters, LLC CME Outfitters develops and distributes live, recorded and web-based, outcomes- and evidence-based educational activities to thousands of clinicians each year and offers expert accreditation and outcome services for non-accredited organizations. CME Outfitters focuses on delivering education to specialty audiences, with strong expertise in neuroscience, inflammatory, infectious, and autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular disease. For a complete list of certified activities and more information, visit or call 877.CME.PROS (877.263.7767).

CME Outfitters Improving Clinical Behavior One Change at a Time


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CME Outfitters Two-Part Medical Simulation on Psoriasis Featuring Expert Faculty Commentary Now Available Online

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Ingredient in MS, Psoriasis Drugs Linked to Two Deadly Brain Infections

Posted: at 7:44 am

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter Latest Infectious Disease News

WEDNESDAY, April 8, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- An active ingredient in some psoriasis and multiple sclerosis medications has been linked to two cases of a rare and sometimes lethal brain infection.

The ingredient, dimethyl fumarate, appears to have contributed to the deaths of two European women. The women contracted progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, or PML, according to two letters published in the April 9 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

One case involved a 54-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis. She died in October 2014 from complications related to PML and pneumonia, following 4.5 years of treatment with a time-delayed form of dimethyl fumarate carrying the brand name Tecfidera, researchers reported.

The second case was a 64-year-old woman with psoriasis. She died in August 2014 from PML after being treated with a delayed-release dimethyl fumarate compound with the brand name Psorinovo for two years, according to the researchers.

These cases follow reports linking other drugs containing dimethyl fumarate with PML, including Tysabri and Fumaderm, the researchers said.

However, the latest case reports do not prove that dimethyl fumerate caused the PML infections.

And outside experts said cases of PML occur rarely enough that dimethyl fumarate should remain on the market, as an option for people with MS or psoriasis.

"It's something to be concerned about and something to pay attention to. But from what we know right now, the occurrence of PML appears to be pretty low for Tecfidera," said Bruce Bebo, executive vice president of research for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

PML is caused by the JC virus, which normally lies dormant in most people's bodies and causes no harm. But if a person's immune system becomes compromised, the JC virus can flare up and attack the white matter of the brain.

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Ingredient in MS, Psoriasis Drugs Linked to Two Deadly Brain Infections

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Gene loss creates eating disorder-related behaviors in mice

Posted: at 7:44 am

Study advances understanding of neurological circuits that might be targeted to treat anorexia nervosa

Building on their discovery of a gene linked to eating disorders in humans, a team of researchers at the University of Iowa has now shown that loss of the gene in mice leads to several behavioral abnormalities that resemble behaviors seen in people with anorexia nervosa.

The team, led by Michael Lutter, MD, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry in the UI Carver College of Medicine, found that mice that lack the estrogen-related receptor alpha (ESRRA) gene are less motivated to seek out high-fat food when they are hungry and have abnormal social interactions. The effect was stronger in female mice, which also showed increased obsessive-compulsive-like behaviors.

The study also shows that ESRRA levels are controlled by energy status in the mice. Restricting calorie intake to 60 percent of normal over several days significantly increased levels of ESRRA in the brains of normal mice.

"Decreased calorie intake usually motivates animals, including humans, to seek out high-calorie food. These findings suggest that loss of ESRRA activity may disrupt that response," Lutter says.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are common and severe mental illnesses. Lutter notes that although 50 to 70 percent of the risk of getting an eating disorder is inherited, identifying the genes that mediate this risk has proven difficult.

ESRRA is a transcription factor - a gene that turns on other genes. Lutter and his colleagues previously found that a mutation that reduces ESRRA activity is associated with an increased risk for eating disorders in human patients. Although ESRRA is expressed in many brain regions that are disrupted in anorexia, almost nothing was known about its function in the brain. In the new study, published online April 9 in the journal Cell Reports, Lutter's team manipulated ESRRA in mice to investigate the gene's role in behavior.

"This work identifies estrogen-related receptor alpha as one of the genes that is likely to contribute to the risk of getting anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa," Lutter says. "Clearly social factors, particularly the western ideal of thinness, contribute the remaining 'non-genetic' risk, and the increasing rate of eating disorders over the past several decades is likely due to social factors, not genetics," he adds.

Through a series of experiments with genetically engineered mice, Lutter and his team showed that mice without the ESRRA gene have behavioral abnormalities related to eating and social behavior. In particular, mice without ESRRA show reduced effort to work for high-fat food when they are hungry. The mice also exhibited impaired social interaction and female mice without the gene show increased compulsive grooming, which may mimic obsessive-compulsive-type behavior in humans.

In order to refine their understanding of the effects of ESRRA in the brain, the researchers selectively removed the gene from particular brain regions that have been associated with eating disorders. They found that removing the gene from the orbitofrontal cortex was associated with increased obsessive-compulsive-type behaviors in female mice, while loss of ESRRA from the prefrontal cortex produced mice that were less willing to work to get high-fat food when they were hungry.

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Gene loss creates eating disorder-related behaviors in mice

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