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NASA Wants Your Ideas For A Mars Colony | Fast Company …
Posted: May 7, 2015 at 7:42 pm
Mars has been the next frontier for humans since astronauts first bounced around the moon in 1969, and while we work on rockets that will get us to our red neighbor, scientists are thinking hard about how to build a sustainable colony on Mars. What would we need to bring to survive? That's the question NASA is asking the public through a new competition. The challenge asks for written submissions detailing what astronaut-explorers will need to colonize a new planetand the space agency is offering a total of $15,000 in prize money, to be split between three winners.
The competitions prompt is broad, but so are the challenges facing planet colonization: NASA lists "shelter, food, water, breathable air, communication, exercise, social interactions and medicine" as potential topics areas for participants to tackle. And since theres only so much space and weight on the rockets that will propel humans to Mars, NASA is pushing for innovative solutionsnot just solutions available today, but solutions from years in the future when those Mars rockets will be ready.
"Were not going to get humans to Mars until at least the mid-2030s, and the world is going to change by then," NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan told Fast Company in a recent interview. "So how do we make sure that the path were choosing has enough flexibility, so that as technology develops we can adapt what were doing? That way, if someone figures out how to do something much better, you can adapt without starting from square one or making costs go way up."
Though a manned Mars mission is decades away, NASA is making significant progress toward that goal now. Mars rovers and orbiting probes are feeding information back every day, and NASAs Orion astronaut capsule is inching closer to space readiness, Stofan says. And while NASA battles governmental budget cuts, it has been turning to private companies and international partners to fill the gaps. But other countries do not need much of a push to collaborate on a mission to Mars, says Stofan:
"With the mission to Mars, the whole world wants to get involved," Stofan told Fast Company. "So we actually have 13 different space agencies from around the world working on the global exploration road map. That helps us because we dont have unlimited resources. And its a benefit to all the other countries that want to participate."
Just as turning to the international community makes the journey to Mars an international mission, NASA turning to the public for Mars colony ideas makes the project a collective effort.
"Every time I give a talk," Stofan told Fast Company, "I ask the audienceespecially if its kidshow many want to go to Mars. At least half raise their hands. I dont think theres going to be any shortage of volunteers."
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Regenerative medicine trends , the quest for immortality …
Posted: at 7:40 pm
Allens remark that I dont want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying echoes true for most humans. Unfortunately for you, Allen and Tumotech, immortality is still far away. At present there are approximately 150,000 people dying per day worldwide, of which two thirds are dying of ageing[1]. Immortality has however moved from the realm of madness, to that of possibility due to the disruptive emergence of regenerative medicine briefly explained below.
We will be covering today:
-What is regenerative medicine and how is the industry structured?-Whats driving the interest in regenerative medicine? -What challenges does regenerative medicine face?
We then conclude that despite the excitement surrounding regenerative medicine, it is not a near term prospect.
Ok I understand what regenerative medicine is, but how is the industry structured?
The industry can be split into the following four key sectors 1.Therapeutics& Devices-This refers to a variety of technologies including cell-based therapies, small molecule and biologic based therapies. Thearputerics and devices represent the biggest and most mature regenerative medicine sector at 40%.
2. Cell &tissuebanks- A tissue bank refers to an establishment that collects and harvests human cadaver tissue for the purposes of medical research and education. A tissue bank may also refer to a location where biomedical tissue is stored under cryogenic conditions. This is the second largest sector at 33% and is crucially for providing the data for the research.
3.Tools & reagent companies- This group of regenerative medicine companies develop tools such as stem cells for drug discovery and toxicity testing, as well as clinical tools.
4.Service companies- Service companies specialize in clinical trial management, manufacturing, characterization, engineering and quality control, among others.
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Regenerative medicine trends , the quest for immortality ...
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Prelude to Terror [Alien Isolation Part 1] – Video
Posted: April 14, 2015 at 9:46 pm
Prelude to Terror [Alien Isolation Part 1]
In space no one can here you scream! But on this space station there is plenty of screaming. I just can #39;t shack the feeling that I #39;m being hunted. Enjoy the first installment of Alien:Isolation....
By: Half-time Hero
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Prelude to Terror [Alien Isolation Part 1] - Video
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Let’s Play Dead Space 2 – Part 13 – Leaving the Ishimura – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
Let #39;s Play Dead Space 2 - Part 13 - Leaving the Ishimura
The references Isaac, they #39;re over. FINALLY Subscribe Today! Twitter: Twitch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Game Description] In Dead Space...
By: IndomitableFox
Let's Play Dead Space 2 - Part 13 - Leaving the Ishimura - Video
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T-minus 3 hours until liftoff! – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
T-minus 3 hours until liftoff!
Planetary Resources is on their way to the launch pad in Cape Canaveral at the Kennedy Space Center to see our Arkyd 3 Reflight technology demonstration spacecraft launch to the International...
By: Planetary Resources
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T-minus 3 hours until liftoff! - Video
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HD GoPro Footage of Astronauts Spacewalking outside ISS (EVA-30) – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
HD GoPro Footage of Astronauts Spacewalking outside ISS (EVA-30)
NASA released footage from a GoPro camera during the US Spacewalk 30 that took place on February 25th 2015 outside the International Space Station. NASA astronauts Barry Butch Wilmore...
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HD GoPro Footage of Astronauts Spacewalking outside ISS (EVA-30) - Video
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3-D Printing the Space Colonies of the Future – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
3-D Printing the Space Colonies of the Future
Astronaut Barry Wilmore aboard the International Space Station, engineers and scientists are turning to 3-D printing as a way to build tools, spare parts, and one day, perhaps, even shelters...
By: Wall Street Journal
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3-D Printing the Space Colonies of the Future - Video
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SpaceX Counts Down to Coffee Delivery and Rocket Landing – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
SpaceX Counts Down to Coffee Delivery and Rocket Landing
SpaceX is counting down to a Falcon 9 rocket launch that could provide a double shot of space history: delivery of the first zero-G espresso machine to the International Space Station, and...
By: wochit Tech
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SpaceX Counts Down to Coffee Delivery and Rocket Landing - Video
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Weather Forces Delay for SpaceX Cargo Delivery – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
Weather Forces Delay for SpaceX Cargo Delivery
SpaceX had to delay the launch of a Dragon cargo capsule to the International Space Station on Monday, due to threatening clouds that came too close to the pad. The two-stage Falcon 9 was ...
By: Nirvana News
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Space Station Live1 – Video
Posted: at 9:46 pm
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