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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Posted: October 6, 2015 at 5:41 am
National Geographic did a special on Forever Young: The Fountain of Youth, Who has it an what do U have to say. They came out to my Yoga Ashram in San Diego Mtns & I shared w/ them the age old secret to youthification. The Show did little to really share w/ the audience all the aspects to this practice. I shared 3 days an 12 hours!, of filming the truth I had to share. I'm disappointed that the show did not make the point I was sharing. They left out 95% of the yoga practices an teachings. Oh well U can't expect that they would want everyone to know the truth for example that your own urine can be the only medicine U will ever need as long as U accompany it w/ proper diet or FASTING. So I would like to share more information so SUBSCRIBE & I shall do more informative videos later.
Yogi Zen Facebook me: Yogi Zen Or Caveman Yogi
Call to speak to our team at the school. 310 266 5229
Email Yogi @ Yogaswinger
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Posted in Immortality Medicine
Astronauts Adapt to Life on Board the Space Station
Posted: October 5, 2015 at 8:42 am
Mary Helen Berg, for USA TODAY NASA Special Edition 3:45 p.m. EDT October 2, 2015
NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren corrals the supply of fresh fruit that arrived August 25, 2015 on the Kounotori 5 H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-5.) Visiting cargo ships often carry a small cache of fresh food for crew members aboard the International Space Station. Image Credit: NASA(Photo: NASA)
Astronauts aboard the international Space Station (ISS) live a life experienced by only 218 people in the world. Though part of their daily routine is familiar to all of us, even mundane tasks become extraordinary when your home is a high-tech microgravity lab hurtling through space at 5 miles per second, 250 miles above your home planet.
Orbiting Outhouse
For instance, imagine trying to do your business in zero gravity and floating away from the throne. Or worse.
You do occasionally get what we call a brown trout, where the fish get away and you have to corral them with a wet wipe and put them back where they need to go, revealed Barry Butch Wilmore, who served as ISS commander from November 2014 to March 2015.
The ISS toilet is much like a standard commode with a lid and seat, but since theres no gravity, crewmembers use various restraints and handles to keep themselves in the correct position.
Astronauts use a waste collection system, which includes a hose device to vacuum urine away from the body and keep solid waste in place as it is deposited into an individual plastic bag in the toilet can. Liquid waste is filtered, purified and recycled for use as drinking water.
NASA astronauts Kjell Lindgren and Scott Kelly take their first bites of red romaine lettuce that was grown on the International Space Station.(Photo: NASA)
Soups On
Sit-down dinners are for earthlings.
Meals on the ISS look more like space take-out, and dining is designed so feasts dont float away. Astronauts gather for meals but usually hover near each other and dip long-handled spoons into individually portioned pouches of pre-made food, Wilmore said.
Cooking consists of heating food packets in a briefcase-like apparatus fitted with a hot plate and springs to hold the package in place. The station also stocks dehydrated meals that are lighter to ship and stay preserved longer than military-style Meals Ready to Eat (MREs). Salt and pepper in liquid form help spice things up.
You can eat anything with the right condiments, said Wilmore, a fan of ISS meatloaf and chicken with peanut sauce.
An astronauts diet must prevent weight loss, which can damage bones and muscles and cause cardiovascular stress and other health complications, explained Scott Smith, lead scientist in the Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Crewmembers also take vitamin D supplements to offset months without sunlight and drink plenty of water to compensate for the stations dry environment, Smith said.
Since 2009, the ISS has processed condensation from the stations air and recycled astronauts urine to provide drinking water.
It is the best water I have ever tasted, Wilmore claimed. Its fantastic.
International Space Station Expedition 42 Commander Barry "Butch" Wilmore shows off a ratchet made with a 3-D printer aboard the vessel.(Photo: NASA)
Weightless Workout
Astronauts on the ISS barely break a sweat performing triple flips mid-air, but the weightless environment requires strenuous daily workouts to stay strong.
Without gravity to provide resistance, astronauts risk losing endurance, strength, power, coordination, balance and agility. Weakness and bone loss are equivalent to being in bed for six months, said Mark Guilliams, a NASA strength, conditioning and rehabilitation specialist.
Astronauts lose 1 percent to 2 percent of their bone mass during flight and can lose more than 10 percent of muscle strength during a six-month space station expedition.
To counteract these side effects, crewmembers follow strength training and cardiovascular protocols two hours a day, six days a week.
Their gym consists of three machines scattered amid the stations scientific experiments: a treadmill fitted with a harness and bungee cords to keep the user in place; a stationary bicycle that can be ridden without a seat or handlebars; and a type of weight resistance machine called the aRED, or advanced Resistive Exercise Device.
Astronaut Sunita Williams shook up her workout by running the Boston Marathon on the ISS treadmill in 2007 (unofficial time: 4:24) and completing the first space triathlon in 2012 (unofficial time: 1:48:33), using all three exercise devices to simulate the race.
Goodnight Moon
Sweet dreams can be elusive, especially when your head floats above your pillow and the sun rises every 45 minutes.
Astronauts often suffer insomnia as they adjust to strange light cycles, body fluid shifts and zero gravity, said Dr. Smith Johnston, who leads NASAs fatigue management program at the Johnson Space Center.
ISS astronauts sleep in small pods about the size of a phone booth that contain a sleeping bag and personal belongings. At bedtime, they crawl into their bag and float with their hands and head bobbing.
Sleep deprivation is a serious health concern. ISS astronauts average only about six hours of sleep even fewer during busy periods, such as when the shuttle docks, Johnston said.
Next year, NASA plans to replace the stations fluorescent lights with LEDs programmed to produce light that will help the astronauts bodies differentiate day from night.
Cutline for NASA COVER PHOTO: Find more great articles about NASA in USA TODAY's special publication, on newsstands now until Oct. 19.(Photo: Studio Gannett)
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‘The Martian’ Cast’s Q&A With Space Station Crew | Video
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Russia launches Progress supply ship to space station …
Posted: at 8:42 am
A Russian Progress cargo ship carrying 3.1 tons of supplies and equipment, visible at left, moves in for docking at the aft port of the International Space Station's Zvezda command module. Visible in the foreground are another Progress supply ship and the Soyuz TMA-17M crew ferry craft.
An automated Russian Progress supply ship docked at the International Space Station Thursday evening six hours after launch from Kazakhstan, bringing 3.1 tons of supplies and equipment to the outpost after a problem-free rendezvous.
"A flawless journey of six hours three minutes for the Progress 61 cargo craft," reported Rob Navias, NASA's mission control commentator. "All the pre-programmed engine firings to increase its altitude and to begin the journey to catch up to the International Space Station went by the book, with no issues whatsoever."
The mission began at 12:49:40 p.m. EDT (GMT-4; 10:49 p.m. local time) when the cargo ship's Soyuz booster roared to life and climbed away from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, two minutes after the space station passed overhead.
Lighting up the night sky, the rocket quickly arced away to the east, flying directly into the plane of the station's orbit to kick off a four-orbit rendezvous.
Just under nine minutes after liftoff, the Progress M-29M/61P spacecraft separated from the booster's upper stage and a few seconds after that, it's two solar panels and navigation antennas unfolded and locked in place as planned.
The Progress M-29M/61P cargo ship takes off atop a Soyuz booster from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Cosmonauts Sergei Volkov and Oleg Kononenko were standing by at a work station inside Zvezda, ready to take over by remote control if necessary. But there were no problems, and the cargo craft moved in for docking as planned at 6:52 p.m. as the two spacecraft sailed 252 miles above the north Atlantic Ocean.
The M-29M/61P vehicle is a welcome addition to the station, bringing 6,373 pounds of equipment and supplies to the lab complex: 1,940 pounds of propellant, 926 pounds of water, 110 pounds of oxygen and 3,397 pounds of dry cargo, including spare parts, crew supplies and other gear.
The station's six-man crew -- Expedition 45 commander Scott Kelly, cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko, Japanese astronaut Kimiya Yui, NASA astronaut Kjell Lindren, Volkov and Kononenko -- plan to open hatches and start unloading the spacecraft Friday.
NASA and its partners like to maintain a six-month reserve of critical supplies aboard the lab complex to protect against the possibility of a launch failure or some other mishap that might disrupt the supply train.
In a dramatic reversal of fortune, a Progress supply ship was lost in a launch failure last April followed by a SpaceX resupply mishap in June. Those back-to-back failures, along with the loss of an Orbital Science Cygnus cargo ship late last year, reduced the station's reserves to well under four months.
But NASA and Roscosmos, the Russian federal space agency, appear to be well on the road to recovery.
Since the SpaceX failure in June, the Russians successfully launched a Progress mission in July and Japan sent up its fifth HTV cargo ship in August. With the arrival of the M-29M/61P supply craft, another Progress scheduled for launch Nov. 21 and an Orbital Sciences Cygnus cargo ship set for launch Dec. 3, the station's reserves should be back to near-normal levels by the end of the year.
The next SpaceX station resupply mission is targeted for launch Jan. 3.
2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Eczemaderm | Eczema Treatment Cream | Excema
Posted: at 8:41 am
Eczemaderm is a naturally medicated treatment for eczema and dermatitis. Eczemaderm was developed by a team of dermatologists & pharmacists. It combines the properties of a specially formulated delivery vehicle base with maximum strength natural active ingredients.
Our formula has been medically proven to provide regeneration at the cellular level while controlling the overactive effects of the immune system. It also provides the additional benefits of intensely moisturizing dry damaged skin.
Eczemaderm is a non-steroidal cream that is safe for everyone including infants and small children.
As mentioned, Eczemaderm combines the best of traditional medicine with the best of natural medicine. The Eczemaderm formula is very complex, but to understand why it works, we give a description of its different components.
a. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) - MSM is considered to be a natural product. It occurs naturally in green plants such as field horsetail (Equiseturn Arvense), certain species of algae, fruits, vegetables, grains, and broth bovine and human adrenal glands, and milk. In the past few years MSM has become so popular that we consider it to be gaining mainstream acceptance. It is so popular that we have even seen physicians prescribing this compound. MSM is a precursor source of sulfur for cysteine and methionine production. Cysteine and methionine are amino acids, and amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Cysteine is one of the few amino acids that contains sulfur. This allows cysteine to bond in a special way and maintain the structure of proteins in the body. Methionine is just as important, as the body can synthesize cysteine from methionine.
Another vital role of cysteine is that it is a compound component of the antioxidant glutathione. Antioxidants serve to protect our skin from harmful substances called free radicals, and these free radicals have been known to trigger eczema. Antioxidants work is several ways: they may reduce the energy of free radicals, stop the free radicals from forming in the first place, or interrupt an oxidizing chain reaction to minimize the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that are created in the body during normal metabolic functions or introduced from the environment. Free radicals are inherently unstable, since they contain "extra" energy. To reduce their energy load, free radicals react with certain chemicals in the body, and in the process, interfere with the cells' ability to function normally. Free radicals are believed to play a role in more that sixty different health conditions, including eczema.
In addition, cysteine may play an important role in the communication between immune system cells. Instead of suppressing the body's immune system to treat eczema such as conventional corticosteroid therapies would do, MSM works with the body's immune system and amino acids to aid tissue repair and healing.
According to commonly used pharmacist reference, the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, MSM is an extremely safe ingredient. There are no known or documented allergies to the ingredient. There are also no known interactions with herbs, dietary supplements, or any other prescription or non-prescription drugs. There are also no known interactions with any diseases or conditions.
b. Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids - The disturbed epidermal barrier function seen in eczema has been linked to altered metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids. We've all been warned about how eating unhealthy fats can harm our bodies. Yet, some fats are essential to our health. These fats, appropriately called essential fatty acids (EFAs), play many critical roles in the body, but the two most important involve cellular function.
EFAs help form cell membranes that protect cells from attack by foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. They also allow nutrients to enter and waste products to exit the cells. In addition, EFAs are needed to make prostaglandins -- short-lived hormone like substances that function on the cellular level and regulate many body processes including circulatory, cardiovascular and immune functions. More specifically, our body manufactures the prostaglandin "PGE1". PGE1 has anti-inflammatory properties and this treats the pro-inflammatory condition known as eczema. If our diets are deficient in EFAs, cellular function deteriorates, gradually leading to the development of numerous health problems such as eczema.
There are two families of essential fatty acids: omega-6 and omega-3. Linoleic acid (LA) heads the omega-6 family, and alpha- linolenic acid (ALA) heads the omega-3 family. Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid can also be converted to its derivatives, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA is used to make the body's beneficial prostaglandin PGE1. Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are considered the only "true" essential fatty acids because the body can't manufacture them and must receive them from the diet. Omega-6 linoleic acid is widespread in our food supply; It's found in most plant foods and in virtually all vegetable oils. Sources of alpha-linoleic acid are harder to come by. The foods richest in alpha-linoleic acid are flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, dark leafy greens, and fish oils such as salmon and halibut oil.
Further benefits of essential fatty acids include reduction of leukotriene, a substance produced in the body that is linked to eczema. Essential fatty acids are quick to provide relief from eczema, and give the immediate benefits of relief from skin itching, redness, and dryness.
c. Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) - Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membrances and other fat soluble parts of the body. As mentioned previously when discussing the functions of MSM, antioxidants protect our skin cells from free radical damage. This free radical change of cells is speculated to be one of the causes of eczema. In the last ten years, the functions of vitamin E in the cell have been further clarified. In addition to its antioxidant functions, vitamin E is now known to act through other mechanisms, including direct effects on inflammation. Inflammation is one of the underlying processes involved in eczema.
Vitamin E is found in a variety of different substances. These include wheat germ oil, nuts and seeds, whole grains, egg yolks, and leafy green vegetables. Certain vegetable oils should contain significant amounts of Vitamin E. However, many of the vegetable oils sold in supermarkets have had the Vitamin E removed during processing.
d. Emollients - Emollients are semi-solid bases designed to control dryness. Emollients leave a film on the surface of the skin which retards evaporation of moisture and maintains hydration and flexibility. This is usually the foundation of all eczema treatments. We have chosen to incorporate an oil-in-water emulsion emollient. Its texture is non-greasy and this aids in ease of application. The evaporating water from the oil-in-water mixture produces a cooling effect which alleviates itching. A smaller amount of oil content is left as a residual film to protect hydration.
e. Hydrating Agents - Hydrating agents are emollients to which humectants have been added. These ingredients have hygroscopic (water-attracting) properties, enabling them to attract water into the stratum corneum and hydrate the skin. These agents provide tremendous relief from the dry skin associated with eczema.
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Research Trials – Psoriasis
Posted: at 8:41 am
Psoriasis can be found anywhere on the body and appears like:
These lesions can make the skin itch, burn, flake or bleed.
Psoriasis affects about 2-3% of the population or approximately 125 million people worldwide. The first signs of psoriasis usually occur between the ages of 15 and 35.
Psoriasis is the result of a misdirection of the immune system. Our immune system becomes confused and attacks our own skin leading to the inflammatory condition we see as psoriasis. The immune system reacts to a trigger which may be an injury to the skin or an infection. It is possible that the trigger for psoriasis is different in each person depending on their genes. Although many possibilities exist there are no genes that explain all the causes and types of psoriasis.
The most common type, plaque psoriasis, involves patches of raised, red skin covered with a silvery white flaky scale.
Another chronic type of psoriasis is pustular psoriasis. Typically pustular psoriasis affects the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
A precursor to plaque psoriasis is guttate psoriasis. It is usually temporary and can affect the trunk, arms, legs and face.
Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare but severe flare that usually affects the whole body.
In general psoriasis is
Psoriasis can appear at any age, can be unpredictable, and can vary in severity. This skin condition not only affects people physically, but emotionally as well.
There are a variety of treatments available, but because of its ongoing and often recurring nature, psoriasis is a challenge to treat.
For more information about psoriasis please visit
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Bubbles are all over the place: Ron Paul speaks to RT on …
Posted: at 8:41 am
The US 2016 presidential race is mass entertainment orchestrated by the media, three-time presidential candidate and former congressman Ron Paul told RT, as he discussed frontrunner Donald Trump, the government and the bubble-making US economy.
Paul told RTs Ameera David that billionaire presidential hopeful Trump, who earlier vowed to build a massive border wall and end birthright citizenship for babies born to undocumented immigrants, is nothing but an authoritarian.
He is an authoritarian and he brags about it: I'm the boss, I tell people what to do. The government happens to be a little different than that. The only thing that you want to do if you believe in the market is you want to get rid of the government. But he is talking about having strong taxes on imports, he wants to punish people, he is the boss. So I think hed be very dangerous to the economy.
He is getting a lot of attention right now, but he is an authoritarian. He wants to run peoples lives and run the world and run the economy, because thats the way he lives his life. On occasion he comes up with the correct idea, but an authoritarian is the opposite of a libertarian. A libertarian wants to release creative energy to the individuals. We want to get the government out of our lives, out of the economy, and out of all these places around the world. It's quite a bit different from the way an authoritarian would approach our problems, Paul said.
READ MORE: All wars paid for through deficit financing, debasing the currency Ron Paul to RT
The US economy is set to grow 0.9 percent in the third quarter after a bigger-than-expected widening of the trade gap for goods in August, accordingto the Atlanta Federal Reserves GDPNow. This appeared to be a much slower rate from the regional Fed bank's prior estimate of 1.8 percent last week, the Atlanta Fed noted.
Its just the beginning of a downturn, nothings really happened yet, Paul said. Everything is misdirected because of the price of money. There are bubbles every place. You have a stock market bubble, you have still bubblemaking in housing when you see houses selling for $500 million, and you have a bubble in student loans.
The bubbles are all over the place. This is the problem. I dont see an easy way out. I think the markets are going to go down a lot more when you realize how serious this is. Actually we are doing better than the rest of the world but were in for trouble too because the world has never had a situation like this where a whole world endorsed a paper currency and had pyramiding of debt around the world by the reserve currency which is the dollar.
Its the biggest bubble ever, so its going to big the biggest crash ever, but it remains to be seen exactly when that's going to hit.
The source of the trouble is the Federal Reserve System, which simply cannot work in a real market economy, Dr Paul said.
In a true free market economy you have to have people work, use what they need to live on and then save money, and that dictates interest rates and tells businessmen what they should do. Well, that isnt the way it works any more. The so-called capital comes from the Fed and they create it out of thin air. So everything is a mistake and everything is going to be volatile. You can do this for a while when the country is very very wealthy, and a currency is very very strong.
But eventually people mistrust the government. They dont pay interest, they have a huge amount of principal to pay, and corporations are deeply in debt, they borrow a lot of money practically for free and they buy up their stocks. Its a mess. Its artificial. It has nothing to do with freedom, has nothing to do with free markets, and the sooner we realize this, the sooner well get rid of central economic planning and especially look into the serious problems we get from the Federal Reserve System.
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Hotel offers $2,000-a-night ‘space station’ experience …
Posted: October 4, 2015 at 4:42 pm
Soon it'll be possible to (almost) indulge this fantasy without leaving Earth.
A hotel in Zurich, Switzerland, has just unveiled a new suite kitted out to look like the inside of a space station.
Grand Kameha's Space Suite comes equipped with a "zero gravity" bed -- built to look like it's floating above the ground -- and steam bath designed to simulate a view into the universe.
With Ridley Scott's "The Martian" hitting cinemas this month, It could be an ideal escape for someone inspired to seek interstellar isolation.
The suite was designed by German artist Michael Najjar, who for the last three years has been training for a civilian journey to space on board Virgin Galactic, and often uses it as inspiration for his work.
However, those who simply seek a restful place to lay their head at the end of the day might want to stay away.
"The intention was not at all to create a comfortable bedroom," says Najjar.
"It's more about creating an immersive environment which makes the hotel guest feel like living on a space station."
The "zero gravity" bed is designed to appear as if it is floating.
The artist was allowed to let his imagination run riot when designing the room, with the only caveat being that it had to have a bed and a toilet.
It features a two-screen video installation visualizing space debris in Earth's orbit, spotlights inspired by rocket engines, and a shelf shaped like a space glove to hold phones or key cards. The room also has a library of books, audiobooks and films related to space travel, with an automated female voice inspired by John Carpenter's science fiction film "Dark Star" welcoming the guests.
"They will forget that they are staying in a hotel room -- they will feel like being on board a space station," says Najjar.
While in most hotels guests can take a pick of rolling news channels, the Space Suite gets a live stream from the International Space Station and a direct link to NASA TV.
"Space is the final frontier for humankind," says Najjar. ''Current developments in space travel and exploration will have a huge impact on our life on earth in the future. One day we will see hotels floating in space. What we did here is a space station floating in a hotel."
With a price tag of nearly $2,000 a night and an unorthodox concept, who is the Space Suite designed to appeal to?
"A guest who is art loving, a collector, a visitor of Art Basel or someone who would like to have an overall art experience," says Carsten K. Rath, CEO of Kameha.
Patrons will also get to spend an hour in an Airbus A320 flight simulator and try body flying, a training technique used by skydivers which sees them suspended in a vertical wind tunnel.
And if they're curious to meet the man behind the design, they'll be given an opportunity to visit Michael Najjar's Berlin studio and see him there.
Kameha Grand Zurich offers the galaxy getaway two-night package from 1845 CHF ($1,890) per night. This includes bed and breakfast accommodation in the space suite, space amenities on arrival, 1.5 hours body flying /1 hour flight simulation in an A320, a signed book of Michael Najjar's work, a designer art gift, and an invitation to meet Najjar in his Berlin studio.
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Russian supply ship docks at space station
Posted: at 4:42 pm
An unmanned Russian cargo ship docked with the International Space Station (ISS) in a record time, officials said Thursday, taking just under six hours from launch to complete the journey.
Russia said an unmanned supply ship set for the International Space Station will fall back to Earth Friday and burn up in the atmosphere, after the spacecraft suffered a communications failure.
A Russian booster rocket on Friday successfully launched an unmanned cargo ship to the International Space Station, whose crew is anxiously awaiting it after the successive failures of two previous supply missions.
A Soyuz space capsule carrying a Russian, an American and a Japanese docked smoothly Thursday with the International Space Station.
Russia on Monday successfully launched a Proton rocket, carrying a Russian telecoms satellite, from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in the second successful launch since the disastrous loss of a Mexican satellite in ...
Russia successfully launched an unmanned cargo spaceship bound for the International Space Station (ISS) on Thursday night, redeeming itself after a string of failures that cast a shadow on its space programme.
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‘Space station’ hotel suite is nothing like the actual …
Posted: at 4:42 pm
The space suite at this hotel in Zrich was designed with all the classic space films in mind.
By Jessica Plautz2015-10-01 19:55:31 UTC
A hotel in Switzerland is capitalizing on our collective space craze.
The Grand Kameha Zrich hotel is offering guests the opportunity to stay in a space suite a space station-inspired accommodation with an elaborate astronaut motif for $2,000 a night.
German artist Michael Najjar designed the suite for the Grand Kameha.
Najjar hopes to be the first contemporary artist in space he has gone through cosmonaut training in Russia, spending the past three years preparing to become one of Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic Pioneer Astronauts.
"The idea behind this is to immerse guests or crew members in the atmosphere of a space station," the hotel said in a statement, "tapping into various elements of perception to enliven the experience."
While the suite is indeed space-y, it has little in common with the space station. For one thing, the hotel has not done away with gravity but that's nitpicking.
Instead, the suite is more of a sci-fi recreation of a luxurious future in space, even though Najjar's purpose was art and not comfort.
"The intention was not at all to create a comfortable bedroom," he told CNN.
Comfortable or not, here's a look at the suite along with the reality at the International Space Station (ISS).
The "zero gravity" bed at the Grand Kameha is designed to look as though it's floating. Unfortunately, it won't give you the feeling of being at zero gravity. Unlike astronaut Scott Kelly's bed on the ISS, which is designed to hold him to it while he catches some zzzzs.
An astronaut's glove is coming out of the wall in the space suite. In space, the gloves have a slightly different purpose than cellphone holder.
The spacious (get it) living room at the Grand Kameha is about as different from ISS as you can get. The hotel is outfitting the suite with an Apple TV; in space, the astronauts recently crowded around a screen to watch The Martian before it was out in theaters.
The overhead lights are meant to mimic jet engines luckily they only emit about 40 watts, though.
Najjar took his inspiration from several different movies, including Dark Star and 2001: A Space Odyssey. The flair for the dramatic is clear in the design, and will likely be a hit with (well to do) travelers who are eager for Virgin Galactic to become a reality.
But if you want a real space experience, the Grand Kameha is not your best bet.
"For [about the cost of] two nights in that hotel suite, you could just go on a zero-gravity parabolic flight," according to Mashable's space reporter Miriam Kramer. (A weightless flight with Zero G is $4,950 + tax.)
For a tour of the inside of the real ISS, check out this video:
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