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Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy – YouTube
Posted: October 24, 2015 at 12:41 pm
Excepts of Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) from the documentary "FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution." Dr. Paul discusses the origins, operations and results of the Federal Reserve System and fiat currency on the U.S. and global economy.
The entire film, Fiat Empire, can be accessed at or directly at Google Video at
"This Telly Award-winning documentary on the Federal Reserve System was inspired by the well-known book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin, and features presidential candidate, RON PAUL.
To order a high-quality DVD or VHS tape (by mail) with up to 160-minutes of additional interviews, go to To get instant downloads in a range of qualities, go to and select from the "Documentaries" menu.
Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve System is a "bunch of organized crooks" and others feel its practices "are in violation of the U.S. Constitution." Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers, their clients in need of easy money and a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt than raise taxes.
Produced by William L. Van Alen, Jr., the 1-hour documentary is a co-production between Matrixx Productions and Cornerstone Entertainment and features interviews by, not only G. Edward Griffin, but Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas); MOVIEGUIDE Founder, Ted Baehr; and constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira (4 degrees from Harvard). FIAT EMPIRE was written and directed by James Jaeger and narrated by Kris Chandler. Associate producers are Ted Pollard, author and former Commissioner of Radnor Township and James E. Ewart, well-known author of MONEY.
Use a DVD for personal screenings and a VHS tape for free public and private screenings.
For more information on FIAT EMPIRE visit or the mirror site at For various political, economic, sociological, media-related and philosophical essays by James Jaeger and others, visit UNIVERSAL ISSUES at
For new films and updates on Matrixx Entertainment's activities, visit
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Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy - YouTube
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Ron Paul Wikipedia
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Ronald Ernest Ron Paul (* 20. August 1935 in Green Tree, Pennsylvania) ist ein US-amerikanischer Arzt und Politiker. Er ist Mitglied der Republikanischen Partei und war zwischen 1976 und 2013 (mit Unterbrechungen) Abgeordneter im Reprsentantenhaus der Vereinigten Staaten. Paul war bei der US-Prsidentschaftswahl 1988 Kandidat der Libertarian Party und war ein Bewerber um die republikanische Kandidatur fr die US-Prsidentschaftswahl 2008 und 2012.
Ron Paul hat einige Vorfahren, die aus Hessen stammen.[1] Seine Eltern heirateten im Jahr 1929.[2] Er wurde als der dritte von fnf Shnen geboren und musste mit seinen Brdern im Milchladen der Familie mitarbeiten.[3] Nach dem Besuch der High-School in Dormont studierte er am Gettysburg College, an dem er 1957 mit einem Bachelor of Sciences in Biologie abschloss. Im gleichen Jahr heiratete er Carol Wells. Anschlieend studierte Paul an der Duke University Medizin. Als Arzt arbeitete er berwiegend in der Geburtshilfe und als Gynkologe in Lake Jackson, Texas.
Ron Paul hat mit seiner Frau Carol fnf Kinder, sein Sohn Rand Paul, ebenfalls Arzt, kandidierte bei den Wahlen im November 2010 fr die Republikaner in Kentucky erfolgreich fr den Senat der Vereinigten Staaten.
Paul begann 1971 sich aktiv in der Republikanischen Partei zu engagieren. Prsident Richard Nixon hatte den Goldstandard fr den Dollar aufgehoben eine Entscheidung, die Paul bis heute ablehnt.[4] 1974 kandidierte Paul erstmals fr den Kongress im 22. Wahlbezirk von Texas, verlor jedoch gegen den Demokraten Robert R. Casey. Von 1976 bis 1977 und von 1979 bis 1985 war er der Abgeordnete des 22. Wahlbezirks von Texas. Von seiner Wiederwahl 1997 an vertrat er bis zum 3. Januar 2013 den 14. texanischen Distrikt im US-Abgeordnetenhaus.
Bei den US-Prsidentschaftswahlen 1988 trat Paul als Kandidat der Libertarian Party an, nachdem er sich gegen den Sioux-Aktivisten Russell Means bei den Vorwahlen durchgesetzt hatte. Als Motivation fr die Kandidatur nannte Paul seine Unzufriedenheit mit der Finanzpolitik und dem hohen Defizit der Regierungen unter Prsident Reagan und Vizeprsident Bush. Am Ende erhielt er 431.750 (0,47%) Stimmen.[5]
Am 11. Januar 2007 gab Paul sein Interesse an einer Kandidatur fr die Prsidentschaftswahl 2008 bekannt und verkndete am 12. Mrz 2007 als Gast im Washington Journal des Senders C-SPAN offiziell seine Kandidatur.[6] Paul galt von Anfang an als Auenseiterkandidat, was sich im Echo der Printmedien und des Fernsehens niederschlug. Da Pauls Ansichten in mehreren Aspekten dem Mainstream der Republikanischen Partei widersprechen und er zudem weit weniger bekannt ist als Mitbewerber wie Rudolph Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson und John McCain, wurden ihm bei der parteiinternen Kandidatenwahl hufig wenig Chancen eingerumt. Entsprechend erreichte Paul bei den nationalen Wahlumfragen von Meinungsforschungsinstituten lediglich zwischen 1 und 6%.[7] Er hielt seine Kandidatur bis zum 12. Juni 2008 aufrecht, obwohl John McCain seit Anfang Mrz eine absolute Mehrheit der Delegierten hinter sich versammelt hatte.[8]
Paul hatte whrend des Wahlkampfes eine aktive Untersttzergemeinde gewonnen, die sich berwiegend ber das Internet koordiniert. Laut Serverdiensten wie Alexa Internet wurde Pauls Website weitaus hufiger besucht als die Seiten der republikanischen und demokratischen Topkandidaten wie Rudolph Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama oder John Edwards. Die groe Diskrepanz zwischen Popularitt im Internet und Berichterstattung in traditionellen Medien wird hufig von Kommentatoren bemerkt und ist bei Paul-Anhngern Anlass zu einer scharfen Kritik der Medien. Andere dagegen verweisen darauf, dass es sich dabei um informelle Umfragen handele (wie z.B. bei den Telefon- und Onlineumfragen, aus denen Ron Paul nach fnf der sechs TV-Debatten als Sieger hervorging), bei denen zum Beispiel mehrfaches Anklicken durch eine Person mglich sei und die daher wissenschaftlich nicht verwertbar seien. Bei serisen Umfragen hielten sich seine Werte im unteren einstelligen Bereich.[9]
Bei vielen der sogenannten Straw Polls Testwahlen, bei denen meistens eine Anwesenheit des Whlers erforderlich ist, der fr die Teilnahme Eintritt bezahlt schnitt Paul ebenfalls gut ab. So konnte Paul etwa Straw Polls in Regionen von Nevada, Alabama, Oklahoma, Oregon, Georgia, New Jersey, Maryland, New Hampshire, Texas, New York und Pennsylvania gewinnen. [10] Weitere Erfolge konnte Paul im Bereich des Fundraisings erzielen. So wurden im dritten Quartal 2007 gut fnf Millionen Dollar gespendet, was einen Anstieg von 114% gegenber dem zweiten Quartal bedeutete. Schlagzeilen machten zudem Berichte, dass Paul als einziger republikanischer Gegner des Irakkriegs mehr Spenden von Militrangehrigen erworben hat als jeder andere Bewerber, ob republikanisch oder demokratisch.[11]
Die uerst widersprchlichen Ergebnisse der Meinungsumfragen und die starke Zunahme von Spenden und Medienberichterstattung machten es schwer, im Vorfeld der Primaries das Abschneiden Pauls vorherzusagen. Bisweilen wurde Paul in den amerikanischen Massenmedien als dark horse (in etwa unbekannte Gre oder berraschungskandidat) beschrieben[12], allerdings hielten es die meisten Kommentatoren fr unwahrscheinlich, dass Ron Paul als Irakkriegsgegner die Vorwahlen in der republikanischen Partei gewinnen knnte.
Am 15. Mai 2007 rief Paul starken Widerspruch und ffentliche Reaktionen hervor, als er bei einer auf dem Fox News Channel ausgestrahlten Debatte der republikanischen Prsidentschaftskandidaten in Columbia (South Carolina) die amerikanische Auenpolitik mit fr die Terroranschlge am 11. September 2001 verantwortlich machte.[13][14]Rudolph Giuliani griff Paul daraufhin an, bezeichnete dessen Aussage als absurd und versuchte den Eindruck zu erzeugen, Paul htte die amerikanische Bevlkerung fr die Terroranschlge verantwortlich gemacht. In Interviews nach der Diskussion betonte Paul, dass er keineswegs die amerikanische Bevlkerung, sondern die Auenpolitik fr die Anschlge mitverantwortlich mache, und verwies auf das gleich lautende Urteil des Berichts der offiziellen Untersuchungskommission zu den Anschlgen am 11. September 2001.
Im September 2008 erklrte Paul, er werde keine Untersttzungserklrung (endorsement) der Kandidatur des republikanischen Prsidentschaftskandidaten McCain abgeben. Er begrndete dies mit grundlegenden inhaltlichen Differenzen, insbesondere in der Auen- und der Finanzpolitik.[15]
Siehe auch: Vorwahlergebnisse der Prsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten 2008
Am 13. Mai 2011 gab Ron Paul in der Sendung Good Morning America auf dem Sender American Broadcasting Company formell seine Kandidatur fr die Prsidentschaftswahl im Jahr 2012 bekannt.[16] Paul nahm daraufhin an verschiedenen Fernsehdebatten teil, wozu er im Gegensatz zu seiner Prsidentschaftskampagne 2008 bei allen greren Veranstaltungen eingeladen wurde. Einzig die Jewish Republican Coalition beschloss Paul von der Debatte auszuschlieen, da seine Positionen zum Verhltnis der USA mit Israel zu extrem seien. Paul hatte sich gegen die jhrliche Militrhilfe der USA an Israel in Hhe von 3 Milliarden US-Dollar ausgesprochen und angekndigt, sich im Konflikt zwischen Israel und dem Iran neutral zu verhalten.[17]
Mit den bereits aus 2008 bekannten Moneybombs konnte die Kampagne groe Spendenbetrge erzielen. Im dritten Quartal 2011 sammelte Paul Spenden im Umfang von 8 Millionen Dollar, von 100.000 verschiedenen Spendern. Der durchschnittlich gespendete Betrag ist somit 80 Dollar, sein Parteikollege Rick Perry, der wie Paul ebenfalls aus Texas stammt, sammelte im gleichen Zeitraum 15 Millionen Dollar, jedoch von nur 20.000 Spendern, was eine durchschnittliche Spendensumme von 750 Dollar ergibt. Daraus wird die groe Untersttzung der Graswurzelbewegung fr Paul deutlich.[18]
Groes Aufsehen erregte ein Beitrag der Daily Show mit deren Moderator Jon Stewart, worin Stewart die tendenzise Berichterstattung der groen Fernsehnetworks zum Ames Straw Poll satirisch verarbeitete. Paul schloss bei diesem Straw Poll mit 0.9% Rckstand als zweiter hinter Michele Bachmann ab, wurde aber bei den Kommentarrunden von CNN, MSNBC, CBS und Fox News nicht einmal erwhnt. [19]
Bei der wichtigen ersten Vorwahl in Iowa belegte Paul den dritten Platz mit 21.4% aller Stimmen. Bei der zweiten Vorwahl in New Hampshire erreichte Paul mit 22.9% der Stimmen den zweiten Platz, hinter dem Favoriten Mitt Romney.[20]
Seit am 10. April Rick Santorum und am 27. April Newt Gingrich ihre Rckzge verkndeten, waren nur noch zwei Bewerber im Rennen: Romney und Paul. Paul hatte wegen schwacher Wahlergebnisse kaum noch Chancen, von seiner Partei aufgestellt zu werden. Paul hat dennoch immer wieder erklrt, bis zum Ende des Nominierungsprozesses im Rennen bleiben zu wollen.[21] Am 14. Mai 2012 setzte er jedoch den Wahlkampf in den Primary-Staaten, die noch nicht gewhlt hatten, aus. Er werde lediglich weiter um Delegierte in den Staaten kmpfen, in denen die Vorwahlen stattgefunden hatten.[22] Paul beendete seinen Wahlkampf mit einer sechsstndigen Veranstaltung im Sun Dome in Tampa. Gem Ron Paul nahmen daran 11.000 Personen teil.[23]
Am 28. August 2012 wurde Mitt Romney offiziell zum republikanischen Prsidentschaftskandidaten gekrt; die Proteste Pauls, er sei beim Nominierungsparteitag bewusst an den Rand gedrngt worden, blieben folgenlos.
Innerhalb eines Tages, des 5. November 2007, mit Anlehnung an den Jahrestag des Gunpowder Plots, nahm Ron Paul durch eine von Graswurzelaktivisten gestartete, nicht mit der offiziellen Wahlkampagne abgestimmte Aktion[24] ca. 4,38 Mio. Dollar online ein.[25] Insgesamt spendeten rund 40.000 Untersttzer einen durchschnittlichen Betrag von 103 Dollar.[26] Dieses sogenannte Money Bomb Event fhrte zudem zu einer erhhten Aufmerksamkeit der TV-Nachrichtensender[27] und der Presse.[28][29]
Am 16. Dezember 2007, mit Anlehnung an die Boston Tea Party von 1773, konnte Ron Paul erneut durch eine weitere Graswurzel-Aktion[30] ca. 6,04 Mio. Dollar online einsammeln.[31] Diese Summe ist die hchste Summe, die weltweit ein Politiker innerhalb von 24 Stunden eingenommen hat.[32] Der bisherige Rekordhalter fr Off- und Online-Spenden war der ehemalige Prsidentschaftskandidat John Kerry im Jahr 2004 mit ca. 5,7 Mio. Dollar.[33]
Insgesamt spendeten rund 58.407 Untersttzer, wovon 24.915 erstmalige Spender waren, einen durchschnittlichen Betrag von 102 Dollar.[34] Erneut gelang es Paul, die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien auf sich zu ziehen.[35][36] Insgesamt betrugen 2007 die Spendeneinknfte von Paul ca. 28 Millionen Dollar, wovon ber 19,7 Millionen Dollar auf das vierte Quartal entfielen.
Nach Beendigung seiner Kampagne 2008 grndete Ron Paul mit den brigen Spendengeldern die Campaign for Liberty, eine Organisation welche sich gem eigner Beschreibung fr Individuelle Freiheit, eine verfassungsgeme Regierung, solides Geld, freie Mrkte und eine Auenpolitik des Nicht-Interventionismus mittels Bildung, Interessensvertretung und Mobilisierung einer Graswurzelbewegung einsetzt. Die Campaign for Liberty gab einen wichtigen Ansto zur Tea-Party-Bewegung.
Zusammen mit bekannten amerikanischen Anti-Kriegs-Politikern beider Parteien wie Dennis Kucinich und Walter B. Jones sowie weiteren Exponenten grndete Ron Paul 2013 das Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. [37] Unter akademischer Leitung von Gary North bietet Ron Paul eine Homeschooling-Platform fr die Stufen von Kindergarten bis High-School an. Seit August 2013 betreibt Ron Paul - nachdem er sich ber mangelnde Aufmerksamkeit in den US-Medien beklagt hatte - einen kostenpflichtigen Internetfernsehkanal unter dem Namen "Ron Paul Channel", welcher mehrmals wchentlich Interviews, News- und Kommentarbeitrge zu aktuellen Themen aus libertrer Perspektive bietet.[38] Sein Institut wurde whrend der Ukrainekrise 2014 ausgiebig von russischen Medien zitiert[39], wie er frher Kronzeuge der Friedensbewegung gegen einen "Krieg mit den Iran" war[40].
Pauls politische Einstellung wird von Beobachtern als palolibertr, konstitutionalistisch, isolationistisch und konservativ beschrieben. Grundlage der politischen Ansichten Ron Pauls ist ein strikter Konstitutionalismus, eine einflussreiche rechtspolitische Auffassung in den USA, der zufolge allen Verfassungsorganen nur genau diejenigen Handlungen erlaubt sind, die die Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten ausdrcklich erlaubt, im Gegensatz zu derjenigen Auffassung, die der Politik ausschlielich ausdrckliche Verbote auferlegt. Darber hinaus befrwortet Paul individualistische Freiheit, die auch beinhaltet, dass jeder Brger seine Vorsorge fr Alter, Krankheit, Arbeitslosigkeit etc. selbst regelt und jede staatliche Verantwortung fr Sozialversicherungen wie Rentenversicherung, Krankenfrsorge etc. abgeschafft wird. Sich selbst sieht Paul in der Tradition der Grndervter. Dabei versteht er sich selbst als Republikaner der alten Schule und grenzt sich aktiv vom Neokonservatismus und von der Bush-Regierung ab. Seiner Ansicht nach vertritt er die ursprnglichen Ideale der Republikaner und wirft anderen Parteimitgliedern vor, sie htten diese Linie verlassen, da die Grnder der republikanischen Partei die Ziele seiner Politik verfolgt htten.[41]
Paul war bekannt fr seine Ablehnung des Irakkrieges und die Idee einer isolationistischen, nicht-interventionistischen Auenpolitik in der Tradition von George Washington und Thomas Jefferson[42] (siehe auch Monroe-Doktrin). Paul stimmte gegen die Irak-Kriegs-Resolution[43] und setzt sich fr einen unverzglichen Abzug der US-Armee aus allen Lndern ein. Die Untersttzung libyscher Rebellen im Verlauf des Arabischen Frhlings lehnte er folglich ebenso ab.[44] Pauls nichtinterventionistische Haltung geht so weit, dass er einen Austritt der USA aus NATO, UN und WTO befrwortet,[45] eine Position, die ihm den Vorwurf des Isolationismus eingetragen hat. Jedoch spricht er sich selbst deutlich gegen das aus, was er selbst unter Isolationismus versteht, und fordert ein starkes Amerika, das mit anderen Nationen offenen Handel treibt, sie bereist, mit ihnen kommuniziert und diplomatische Beziehungen aufrechterhlt. Paul erklrt zu seinen Gunsten, dass es stets republikanische Prsidenten wie Eisenhower gewesen seien, die die Streitkrfte aus aussichtslosen Engagements befreit htten. Darber hinaus wies er darauf hin, dass George W. Bush im Prsidentschaftswahlkampf 2000 noch mit einer explizit nichtinterventionistischen Auenpolitik geworben und seine Ablehnung von Militreinstzen und Nation building zum Ausdruck gebracht habe. Der Prsident sei diesen Grundstzen untreu geworden.
Entsprechend seiner nichtinterventionistischen Haltung bevorzugt er eine diplomatische Lsung internationaler Spannungen. So lehnt er einen Krieg gegen den Iran kategorisch ab und sieht darin eine Wiederholung des 'sinnlosen' Irak-Krieges.[46]
2014 erklrte Ron Paul, dass es die westlichen Mchte (USA) sind, die fr die Unruhen in der Ukraine gesorgt haben und es sie sind, die fr die Aufrechterhaltung der Spannungen verantwortlich sind.[47] Er kritisierte, die USA htten Russland den Krieg erklrt.[48]
Pauls innenpolitische Positionen brachten ihn ebenfalls in Konflikt mit weiten Teilen der Republikanischen Partei und der Regierung Bush. Er stimmte schon 2001 gegen den USA PATRIOT Act und erklrte: Alles, was wir als Antwort auf die Angriffe vom 11. September getan haben vom Patriot Act bis zum Irakkrieg , hat nur die Freiheit in Amerika verringert. [49] Er befrwortet eine Auflsung des Department of Homeland Security. Paul setzt sich zudem fr ein Ende des sogenannten War on Drugs und aufgrund seines Verstndnisses individueller Freiheit fr eine liberalere Drogenpolitik sowie die medizinische Nutzung von Cannabis ein. Paul befrwortet auch den Schutz der Meinungsfreiheit von Julian Assange und WikiLeaks im selben Ausma wie fr Mainstream-Medien in Bezug auf die Verffentlichung von Informationen.[50]
Bei anderen innenpolitischen Themen stimmt Paul mit konservativen Republikanern berein und weicht weit von den Position der Demokraten ab. Teil der persnlichen Selbstbestimmung ist nach Paul etwa das Recht, Waffen zu tragen; die Lobbyorganisation Gun Owners of America vergab an Paul als einzigem Prsidentschaftskandidaten ein A+ Rating (1+-Bewertung). Paul tritt zudem fr eine striktere Migrationspolitik ein und hat fr den Secure Fence Act of 2006 gestimmt, der den Bau eines ca. 1100 km langen Zauns an der Grenze zu Mexiko vorsieht, wobei er hervorhebt, dass er gegen dieses Abkommen stimmen wrde, wenn es keine staatlichen Sozialprogramme gbe.
Paul lehnt nationale Regelungen der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe ab und erklrt, dass die einzelnen Staaten jeweils ber ihre Einfhrung entscheiden sollen. Auf die Frage, ob er gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen untersttze, erklrte Paul: Ich untersttze jede freiwillig eingegangene Bindung, wie immer die Leute sie dann nennen mgen. [51] Paul beschreibt sich selbst als pro-life, also als Abtreibungsgegner. Er hat einen Gesetzentwurf initiiert, der festlegen soll, dass menschliches Leben mit der Empfngnis beginnt. Auerdem kmpft er dafr, den Bundesgerichten das Recht zu entziehen, von Bundesstaaten erlassene Abtreibungsgesetze zu berprfen, was auf eine Annullierung des Roe v. Wade-Urteils des Supreme Courts hinauslaufen wrde.[52]
Paul nennt die amerikanischen Sozialprogramme ein Kartenhaus, da die demographische Entwicklung die Programme in einigen Jahrzehnten unbezahlbar mache. Da er zudem rztliche Behandlung nicht als Menschenrecht ansieht, setzt er sich dafr ein, dass Arbeitnehmer eine Teilnahme an Sozialversicherungen wie Medicare und Medicaid ablehnen knnen, mit der Folge, dass sie keine Sozialbeitrge (payroll-tax) mehr zahlen mssen und dafr keinerlei Ansprche mehr haben [53]. Er ist ein Kritiker des amerikanischen Gesundheitssystems. Dabei lehnt er sowohl universal healthcare nach europischem Vorbild als auch private Krankenversicherungen ab, da deren Kosten immer weiter steigen wrden, solange nicht der Patient, sondern eine dritte Partei die Rechnungen bezahlt.[54]
Paul versteht sich als Vertreter der freien Marktwirtschaft im Sinne der sterreichischen Schule der Nationalkonomie. Ziele seiner Politik sind Deregulierung und geringe Steuern. Entsprechend schlgt er eine Auflsung der nationalen Steuerbehrde IRS und der Federal Reserve Bank (unter gleichzeitiger Wiedereinfhrung des Goldstandard) vor und spricht sich fr einen schlanken Staat aus. Paul lehnt das Handelsabkommen NAFTA und die Mitgliedschaft in internationalen Institutionen wie der WTO als Bedrohung der Souvernitt der Vereinigten Staaten ab. Zudem mchte er die bundesweit erhobene Einkommensteuer abschaffen.[55]
Im Januar 2008 geriet Ron Paul unter Druck, als The New Republic Auszge aus Newslettern verffentlichte, die in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren unter seinem Namen verffentlicht worden waren.[56] Diese Publikationen (Ron Pauls Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report und The Ron Paul Investment Letter) enthielten Kommentare, die als rassistisch, schwulenfeindlich und verschwrungstheoretisch kritisiert wurden.[57] Ron Paul erklrte dazu, er habe die kritisierten Beitrge weder selbst verfasst noch gelesen und wisse nicht, wer sie geschrieben habe; auerdem knne er als Libertrer kein Rassist sein, weil Rassismus eine kollektivistische Idee sei.[58] Die libertre Zeitschrift Reason benannte unter Berufung auf Quellen in der palolibertren Bewegung Lew Rockwell, der von 1978 bis 1982 Pauls Stabschef in dessen Kongressbro war und heute das Webmagazin betreibt, als den Ghostwriter, der in erster Linie die Beitrge in den Newslettern verfasste. Auerdem zitierte Reason einen Steuerbescheid aus dem Jahr 1994, dem zufolge die jhrlichen Einknfte der Firma Ron Paul & Associates, die die Newsletter publizierte, $ 940.000 betrugen.[59]
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Ron Paul Wikipedia
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What’s Next: Top Trends | Diary of an accidental futurist …
Posted: at 12:40 pm
Heres my re-write of the chapter on money again. I must stress that this is now going into an edit process so it will come out looking slightly different. Quite a bit of material got dumped (which really hurts when you like it). Otherwise it was a matter of better signposting, starting with the economy and then moving into money and constantly teasing out the digital. Sorry about the layout, its gone rather haywire. (BTW, Ive added a few links, which obviously wont appear in any paper versions of this chapter).
The Economy and Money: Is digital money making us more careless? The idea of the future being different from the present is so repugnant to our conventional modes of thought and behaviour that we, most of us, offer a great resistance to acting on its practice. John Maynard Keynes, economist Networks of inequality A few years ago I was walking down a street in West London when a white van glided to a halt opposite. Four men stepped out and slowly slid what looked like a giant glass coffin from the rear. Inside it was a large shark.
The sight of a live shark in London was slightly surreal, so I sauntered over to ask what was going on. It transpired that the creature in question was being installed in an underground aquarium in the basement of a house in Notting Hill. This secret subterranean lair should, I suppose, have belonged to Dr Evil. To local residents opposing deep basement developments it probably did. A more likely candidate might have been someone benefiting from the digitally networked nature of global finance. A partner at Goldman Sachs, perhaps. This is the investment bank immortalised by Rolling Stone magazine as: a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity. Or possibly the owner was the trader known as the London Whale, who lost close to six billion dollars in 2012 for his employer, JP Morgan, by electronically betting on a series of highly risky and somewhat shady derivatives known as Credit Default Swaps. London real estate had become a serious place to stash funny money, so maybe the house belonged to a slippery individual dipping their fingers into the bank accounts of a corrupt foreign government or international institution. In the words of William Gibson, the former sci-fi writer, London is: Where you go if you successfully rip off your third world nation.
Whichever ruthless predator the house belonged to, something fishy was underfoot. My suspicion was that it had to do with unchecked financial liberalisation, but also how the digital revolution was turning the economy into a winner-takes-all online casino. The shift of power away from locally organised labour to globally organised capital has been occurring for a while, but the recent digital revolution has accelerated and accentuated this. Digitalisation hasnt directly enabled globalisation, but it certainly hasnt restrained it either and one of its negative side effects has been a tendency toward polarisation, both in terms of individual incomes and market monopolies.
Throughout most of modern history, around two-thirds of the money made in developed countries was typically paid as wages. The remaining third was paid as interest, dividends or other forms of rent to the owners of capital. But since 2000, the amount paid to capital has increased substantially while that paid to labour has declined, meaning that real wages have remained flat or fallen for large numbers of people.
The shift toward capital could have an innocent analogue explanation. China, home to an abundant supply of low-cost labour, has pushed wages down globally. This situation could soon reverse, as China runs out of people to move to its cities, their pool of labour shrinks, due to ageing, and Chinese wages increase. Alternatively, low-cost labour may shift somewhere else possibly Africa. But another explanation for the weakened position of human labour is that humans are no longer competing against each other, but against a range of largely unseen digital systems. It is humans that are losing out. A future challenge for governments globally will therefore be the allocation of resources (and perhaps taxes) between people and machines given that automated systems will take on an increasing number of previously human roles and responsibilities.
Same as it ever was? Ever since the invention of the wheel weve used machines to supplement our natural abilities. This has always displaced certain human skills. And for every increase in productivity and living standards thereve been downsides. Fire cooks our food and keeps us warm, but it can burn down our houses and fuel our enemys weapons. During the first industrial revolution machines further enhanced human muscle and then we outsourced further dirty and dangerous jobs to machines. More recently weve used machines to supplement our thinking by using them for tedious or repetitive tasks. Whats different now is that digital technologies, ranging from advanced robotics and sensor networks to basic forms of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, are threatening areas where human activity or input was previously thought essential or unassailable.In particular, software and algorithms with near-zero marginal cost are now being used for higher-order cognitive tasks. This is not digital technology being used alongside humans, but as an alternative to them. This is not digital and human. This is digital instead of human. Losing an unskilled job to an expensive machine is one thing, but if highly skilled jobs are lost to cheap software where does that leave us? What skills do the majority of humans have left to sell if machines and automated systems start to think? You might be feeling pretty smug about this because you believe that your job is somehow special or terribly difficult to do, but the chances are that you are wrong, especially when you take into account whats happening to the cost and processing power of computers. Its not so much what computers are capable of now, but what they could be capable of in ten or twenty years time that you should be worried about.
I remember ten or so years ago reading that if you index the cost of robots to humans with 1990 as the base (1990=100) the cost of robots had fallen from 100 to 18.5. In contrast, the cost of people had risen to 151. Der Spiegel, a German magazine, recently reported that the cost of factory automation relative to human labour had fallen by 50 per cent since 1990. Over the shorter term there wont be much to worry about. Even over the longer term therell still be jobs that idiot savant software wont be able to do very well or do at all. But unless we wake up to the fact that were training people to compete head on with machine intelligence theres going to be trouble eventually. This is because we are filling peoples heads with knowledge thats applied according to sets of rules, which is exactly what computers do. We should be teaching people to do things that these machines cannot. We should be teaching people to constantly ask questions, find fluid problems, think creatively and act empathetically. We should be teaching high abstract reasoning, lateral thinking and interpersonal skills. If we dont a robot may one day come along with the same cognitive skills as us, but costs just $999. Thats not $999 a month, thats $999 in total. Forever. No lunch breaks, holidays, childcare, sick pay or strike action, either. How would you compete with that?
If you think thats far fetched, Foxconn, a Chinese electronics assembly company, is designing a factory in Chengdu thats totally automated no human workers involved whatsoever. Im fairly sure well eventually have factories and machines that can replicate themselves too, including software that writes its own code and 3D printers that can print other 3D-printers. Once weve invented machines that are smarter than us there is no reason to suppose that these machines wont go on to invent their own machines which we then wont be able to understand and so on ad infinitum. Lets hope these machines are nice to us. Its funny that our obsessive compulsive addiction to machines, especially mobile devices, is currently undermining our interpersonal skills and eroding our abstract reasoning and creativity, when these skills are exactly what well need to compete against the machines. But who ever said that the future couldnt be deeply ironic. There are more optimistic outcomes of course. Perhaps the productivity gains created by these new technologies will eventually show up and the resulting wealth will be more fairly shared. Perhaps therell be huge cost savings made in healthcare or education. Technologically induced productivity gains may offset ageing populations and shrinking workforces too. Its highly unlikely that humans will stop having interpersonal and social needs and even more unlikely that the delivery of all these needs will be within the reach of robots. In the shorter term its also worth recalling an insightful comment attributed to NASA in 1965, which is that: Man is the lowest-cost, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labour. But if the rewards of digitalisation are not equitable or designers decide that human agency is dispensable or unprofitable then a bleaker future may emerge, one characterised by polarisation, alienation and discomfort. Money for nothing
Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, once responded to demands that Apple raise its return to shareholders by saying that his aim was not to make more profit. His aim was to make better products, from which greater financial returns would flow. This makes perfect sense to anyone except speculators carelessly seeking short-term financial gains at the expense of broader measures of benefit or value. As Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric once said: Shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world. It was Plato who pointed out that an appetite for more could be directly linked with bad human behaviour. This led Aristotle to draw a black and white distinction between the making of things and the making of money. Both philosophers would no doubt have been disillusioned with high frequency trading algorithms algorithms being computer programs that follow certain steps to solve a problem or react to an observed situation. In 2013, algorithms traded $28 million worth of shares in 15 milliseconds after Reuters released manufacturing data milliseconds early. Doubtless money was made here, but for doing what?
Charles Handy, the contemporary philosopher, makes a similar point in his book The Second Curve that when money becomes the point of something then something goes wrong. Money is merely a secure way to hold or transmit value (or frozen desire as someone more poetically put it). Money is inherently valueless unless exchanged for something else. But the aim of many digital companies appears to be to make money by selling themselves (or their users) to someone else. Beyond this their ambition appears to be market disruption by delivering something faster or more conveniently than before. But to what end ultimately? What is their great purpose? What are they for beyond saving time and delivering customers to advertisers? In this context, high frequency trading is certainly clever, but its socially useless. It doesnt make anything other than money for small number of individuals. Moreover, while the risks to the owners of the algorithms are almost non-existent, this is not generally the case for the society as a whole. Huge profits are privatised, but huge losses tend to be socialised. Connectivity has multiple benefits, but linking things together means that any risks are linked with the result that systemic failure is a distinct possibility. So far weve been lucky. Flash Crashes such as the one that occurred on 6 May 2010 have been isolated events. On this date high-speed trading algorithms decided to sell vast amounts of stocks in seconds, causing momentary panic. Our blind faith in the power and infallibility of algorithms makes such failures more likely and more severe. As Christopher Steiner, author of Automate: How Algorithms Came to Rule Or World writes: Were already halfway towards a world where algorithms run nearly everything. As their power intensifies, wealth will concentrate towards them. Similarly, Nicholas Carr has written that: Miscalculations of risk, exacerbated by high-speed computerised trading programs, played a major role in the near meltdown of the worlds financial system in 2008. Digitalisation helped to create the sub-prime mortgage market and expanded it at a reckless rate. But negative network effects meant that the market imploded with astonishing speed, partly because financial networks were able to spread panic as easily as they had been able to transmit debt. Network effects can create communities and markets very quickly, but they can destroy them with velocity and ferocity too. Given the worlds financial markets, which influence our savings and pensions, are increasingly influenced by algorithms, this is a major cause for concern. After all, who is analysing the algorithms that are doing all of the analysing?
Out of sight and out of mind Interestingly, its been shown that individuals spend more money when they use digital or electronic money rather than physical cash. Because digital money is somehow invisible or out of sight our spending is less considered or careful. And when money belongs to someone else, a remote institution rather than a known individual for instance, any recklessness and impulsiveness is amplified. Susan Greenfield, the neuroscientist, has even gone as far as to link the 2008 financial crisis to digitalisation because digitalisation creates a mindset of disposability. If, as a trader, you have grown up playing rapid-fire computer games in digital environments you may decide that similar thrills can be achieved via trading screens without any direct real-world consequences. You can become desensitised. Looking at numbers on a screen its easy to forget that these numbers represent money and ultimately people. Having no contact with either can be consequential. Putting controls on computers can make matters worse because we tend to take less notice of information when its delivered on a screen amid a deluge of other digital distractions.
Carelessness can have other consequences too. Large basement developments such as the one I stumbled into represent more than additional living space. They are symbolic of a gap thats opening up between narcissistic individuals who believe that they can do anything they want if they can afford it and others who are attempting to hang on to some semblance of physical community. A wealthy few even take pleasure seeing how many local residents they can upset, as though it were some kind of glorious computer game. Of course, in the midst of endless downward drilling and horizontal hammering, the many have one thing that the few will never have, which is enough. Across central London, where a large house can easily cost ten million pounds, it is not unusual for basement developments to include underground car parks, gyms, swimming pools and staff quarters, although the latter are technically illegal. Its fine to stick one of natures most evolved killing creatures 50 feet underground, but local councils draw a line in the sand with Philippino nannies. The argument for downward development is centred on the primacy of the individual in modern society. Its their money (digital or otherwise) and they should be allowed to do whatever they like with it. There isnt even a need to apologise to neighbours about the extended noise, dirt and inconvenience. The argument against such developments is that its everyone elses sanity and that neighbourhoods and social cohesion rely on shared interests and some level of civility and cooperation. If people start to build private cinemas with giant digital screens in basements this means they arent frequenting public spaces such as local cinemas, which in turn impacts on the vitality of the area. In other words, an absence of reasonable restraint and humility by a handful of self-centred vulgarians limits the choices enjoyed by the broader community. This isnt totally the fault of digitalisation, far from it, but the idea that an individual can and should be left alone to do or say what they like is being amplified by digital technology. This is similar, in some respects, to the way in which being seated securely inside a car seems to bring out the worst in some drivers behaviour toward other road users. Access to technology, especially technology thats personal and mobile, facilitates remoteness, which in turn reduces the need to interact physically or consider the feelings of other human beings. Remote access, in particular, can destroy human intimacy and connection, although on the plus side such technology can be used to expose or shame individuals that do wrong in the eyes of the broader community.
In ancient Rome there was a law called Lex Sumptuaria that restrained public displays of wealth and curbed the purchasing of luxury goods. Similar sumptuary laws aimed at superficiality and excess have existed in ancient Greece, China, Japan and Britain. Perhaps its time to bring these laws back or at least to levy different rates of tax or opprobrium on immodest or socially divisive consumption or on digital products that damage the cohesiveness of the broader physical community. Income polarisation and inequality arent new. Emile Zola, the French writer, referred to rivers of money: Corrupting everyone in a fever of speculation in mid-19th Century Paris. But could it be that a fever of digital activity is similarly corrupting? Could virtualisation and personalisation be fraying the physical bonds that make us human and ultimately hold society together? Whats especially worrying here is that studies suggest that wealth beyond a certain level erodes empathy for other human beings. Perhaps the shift from physical to digital interaction and exchange is doing much the same thing. But its not just the wealthy that are withdrawing physically. Various apps are leading to what some commentators are calling the shut in economy. This is a spin-off from the on-demand economy, whereby busy people, including those that work from home, are not burdened by household chores. But perhaps hardly ever venturing outside is as damaging as physically shutting others out. As one food delivery service, Door Dash, cryptically says: Never leave home again. Where have all the jobs gone? Id like to move on to consider some other aspects of digital exchange, but before I do Id like to dig a little deeper into the question of whether computers and automated systems are creating or destroying wealth and what happens to any humans that become irrelevant to the needs of the on-demand digital economy.
The digitally networked nature of markets is making some people rich, but also spreading wealth around far more than you might think. Globally, the level of inequality between nations is lessening and so too is extreme poverty. In 1990, for example, 43 per cent of people in emerging markets lived in extreme poverty, defined as existing on less than $1 per day. By 2010, this figure had shrunk to 21 per cent. Or consider China. In 2000, around 4 per cent of Chinese households were defined as middle class. By 2012, this had increased to two-thirds and by 2022, its predicted that almost half (45%) of the Chinese population will be middle class, defined as having annual household incomes of between US $9,000 and $16,000. This has more to do with demographics and deregulation than digitalisation, but by accident or design global poverty has been reduced by half in 20 years. Nevertheless, the gap between the highest and lowest earning members of society is growing and is set to continue with the onward march of digital networks. As the novelist Jonathan Franzen says: The internet itself is in an incredibly elitist concentrator of wealth in the hands of the few while giving the appearance of voice and the appearance of democracy to people who are in fact being exploited by the technologies. If you have something that the world feels it needs right now its now possible to make an awful lot of money very quickly, especially if the need can be transmitted digitally. However, the spoils of regulatory and technological change are largely being accrued by people who are highly educated and internationally minded. If you are neither of these things then you are potentially destined for low-paid, insecure work, although at least youll have instant access to free music, movie downloads and computer games to pass the time until you die. Theres been much discussion about new jobs being invented, including jobs we cant currently comprehend, but most current jobs are fairly routine and repetitive and therefore ripe for automation. Furthermore, its unrealistic to expect that millions of people can be quickly retrained and reassigned to do jobs that are beyond the reach of robots, virtualisation and automation. Losing a few thousand jobs in car manufacturing to industrial robots or Amazon wiping out a bookshop is one thing, but what happens if automation removes vast swathes of employment across the globe? What if half of all jobs were to disappear? Moreover, if machines do most of the work how will most people acquire enough money to pay for the things that the machines make, thereby keeping the machines in employment? Maybe we should tax robots instead of people?
In theory the internet should be creating jobs. In the US between 1996 and 2005 it looked like it might. Productivity increased by around 3 per cent and unemployment fell. But by 2005 (i.e. before the global recession) this started to reverse. Why might this be so? According to McKinsey & Company, a firm of consultants, computers and related electronics, information industries and manufacturing contributed about 50 per cent of US productivity increases since 2000 but reduced (US) employment by 4,500,000 jobs. Perhaps productivity gains will take time to come. This is a common claim of techno-optimists and the authors of the book, Race Against the Machine. Looking at the first industrial revolution, especially the upheavals brought about by the great inventions of the Victorian era, they could have a point. But it could be that new technology, for all its power, cant compete with simple demographics and sovereign debt. Perhaps, for all its glitz, computing just isnt as transformative as stream power, railroads, electricity, postage stamps, the telegraph or the automobile. Yes weve got Facebook, Snapchat and Rich Cats of Instagram, but we havent set foot on the moon since 1969 and traffic in many cities moves no faster today than it did 100 years ago. It is certainly difficult to argue against certain aspects of technological change. Between 1988 and 2003, for example, the effectiveness of computers increased a staggering 43,000,000-fold. Exponentials of this nature must be creating tectonic shifts somewhere, but where exactly?
Is efficiency a good measure of value? In its heyday, in 1955, General Motors employed 600,000 people. Today, Google, a similarly iconic American company, employs around 50,000. Facebook employs about 6,000. More dramatically, when Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion in 2012, Instagram had 30,000,000 users, but employed just 13 people full time. At the time of writing, Whatsapp had just 55 employees, but a market value exceeding that of the entire Sony Corporation. This forced Robert Reich, a former US treasury Secretary, to describe Whatsapp as: everything thats wrong with the US economy. This isnt because the company is bad its because it doesnt create jobs. Another example is Amazon. For each million dollars of revenue that Amazon makes it employs roughly one person. This is undoubtedly efficient, but is it desirable? Is it progress? These are all examples of the dematerialisation of the global economy, where we dont need as many people to produce things, especially when digital products and services have a near zero marginal cost and where customers can be co-opted as free click-workers that dont appear on any balance sheet. A handful of people are making lots of money from this and when regulatory frameworks are weak or almost non-existent and geography becomes irrelevant these sums tend to multiply. For multinational firms making money is becoming easier too, not only because markets are growing, but because huge amounts of money can be saved by using information technology to co-ordinate production and people across geographies. Technology vs. psychology If a society can be judged by how it treats those with the least then things are not looking good. Five minutes walk from the solitary shark and winner takes all mentality you can find families that havent worked in three generations. Many of them have given up hope of ever doing so. They are irrelevant to a digital economy or, more specifically, what Manuel Castells, a professor of sociology at the University of California at Berkeley, calls informational capitalism. Similarly, Japan is not far off a situation where some people will retire without ever having worked and without having moved out of the parental home. In some ways Japan is unique, for instance its resistance to immigration. But in other ways Japan offers a glimpse of what can happen when a demographic double-whammy of rapid ageing and falling fertility means that workforces shrink, pensions become unaffordable and younger generations dont enjoy the same dreams, disposable incomes or standards of living as their parents. Economic uncertainty and geo-political volatility, caused partly by a shift from analogue to digital platforms, can mean that careers are delayed, which delays marriage, which feeds through to low birth rates, which lowers GDP, which fuels more economic uncertainty. This is all deeply theoretical, but the results can be hugely human. If people dont enjoy secure employment, housing or relationships, what does this do to their physical and especially psychological state? I expect that a negative psychological shift could be the next big thing we experience unless a coherent we emerges to challenge some of the more negative aspects of not only income inequality, but the lack of secure and meaningful work for the less talented, the less skilled and less fortunate. A few decades ago people worked in a wide range of manufacturing and service industries and collected a secure salary and benefits. But now, according to Yochai Benkler, a professor at Harvard Law School, the on-demand digital economy is efficiently connecting people selling certain skills to others looking to buy. This sounds good. It sounds entrepreneurial. It sounds efficient and flexible and is perhaps an example of labour starting to develop its own capital. But its also, potentially, an example of mass consumption decoupling from large-scale employment and of the fact that unrestrained free-markets can be savagely uncompromising. Of course, unlike machines, people can vote and they can revolt too, although I think that passive disaffection and disenfranchisement are more likely. One of the great benefits of the internet has been the ease with which ideas can be transmitted across the globe, but ideas dont always turn into actions. The transmission of too much data or what might be termed too much truth is also resulting in what Castells calls: informed bewilderment. This may sound mild, but if bewilderment turns into despair and isolation theres a chance this could feed into fundamentalism, especially when the internet is so efficient at hosting communities of anger and transmitting hatred. There is also evidence emerging that enduring physical hardship and mental anguish not only create premature ageing, which compromises the immune and cardiovascular system, but that this has a lasting legacy for those people having children. This is partly because poorer individuals are more attuned to injustice, which feeds through to ill health and premature ageing, and partly because many of the subsequent diseases can be passed on genetically. But perhaps its not relative income levels per se that so offend, but the fact that its now so easy to see what you havent got. Social media spreads images of excess abundantly and exuberantly. Sites such as Instagram elicit envy and distribute depression by allowing selfies to scream: look at me! (and my oh so perfect life). Its all a lie, of course, but we dont really notice this because the internet so easily becomes a prison of belief.
A narrowing of focus In the Victorian era, when wealth was polarised, there was at least a shared moral code, broad sense of civic duty and collective responsibility. People, you might say, remained human. Nowadays, increasingly, individuals are looking out for themselves and digitalisation, true to form, is oiling the wheels of efficiency here too. Individualism has created a culture thats becoming increasingly venal, vindictive and avaricious. This isnt just true in the West. In China there is anguished discussion about individual callousness and an emergent culture of compensation. The debate was initiated back in 2011 when a toddler, Yue Yue, was hit by several vehicles in Foshan, a rapidly growing city in Guangdong province, and a video of the event was posted online. Despite being clearly hurt no vehicles stopped and nobody bothered to help until a rubbish collector picked the child up. Yue Yue later died in hospital. Another incident, also in China, saw two boys attempting to save two girls from drowning. The boys failed and were made to pay compensation of around 50,000 Yuan (about 5,000) each to the parents for not saving them. Such incidents are rare, but they are not unknown and do perhaps point toward a world that is becoming more interested in money than mankind a world that is grasping and litigious, where trust and the principle of moral reciprocity are under threat. You can argue that we are only aware of such events due to digital connectivity, which is probably true, and that both sharing and volunteering are in good health. But you can also argue that the transparency conjured up by connectivity and social media is making people more nervous about sticking their necks out. In a word with no secrets, ubiquitous monitoring and perfect remembering people have a tendency to conform. Hence we click on petitions online rather than actually doing anything. I was innocently eating my breakfast recently when I noticed that Kelloggs were in partnership with Chime for Change, an organisation committed to raise funds and awareness for girls education and empowerment through projects promoting education, health and justice. How were Kelloggs supporting this? By asking people to share a selfie to show your support. To me this is an example of internet impatience and faux familiarity. It personifies the way that the internet encourages ephemeral acts of belonging that are actually nothing of the sort. As for philanthropy, theres a lot of it around, but much of it has become, as one Museum director rather succinctly put it: money laundering for the soul. Philanthropy is becoming an offshoot of personal branding. It is buildings as giant selfies, rather than the selfless or anonymous love of humanity. One pleasing development that may offset this trend is crowd-funding, whereby individuals fund specific ideas with micro-donations. At the moment this is largely confined to inventions and the odd artistic endeavour, but theres no reason why crowds of people with small donations cant fund political or altruistic ideas or even interesting individuals with a promising future. I sometimes wonder why we havent seen a new round of revolutions in the West. Due to digital media we all know all about the haves and the have yachts. Its even easy to find out where the yachts are moored thanks to free tracking apps. Then again, we barely know our own neighbours these days, living, as we increasingly do, in digital bubbles where friends and news stories are filtered according to pre-selected criteria. The result is that we know more and more about the people and things we like, but less and less about anything, or anyone, outside of our existing preferences and prejudices. Putting aside cognitative biases such as inattentional blindness, which means we are often blissfully unaware of whats happening in front of our own eyes, theres also the thought that weve become so focussed on ourselves that focusing anger on a stranger five minutes up the road or on a distant yacht is a bit of stretch. This is especially true if you are addicted to 140 character updates of your daily existence or looking at photographs of cute cats online. Mugged by reality Is anyone out there thinking about how Marxs theory of alienation might be linked to social stratification and an erosion of humanity? I doubt it, but the fall of Communism can be connected with the dominance of individualism and the emergence of self-obsession. This is because before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 there was an alternative ideology and economic system that acted as a counter-weight to the excesses of capitalism, free markets and individualism. Similarly, in many countries, an agile and attentive left took the sting out of any political right hooks. Then in the 1990s there was a dream called the internet. But the internet is fast becoming another ad-riddled venue for capitalism where, according to an early Facebook engineer (quoted by Ashlee Vance in his biography of Elon Musk) the best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. The early dream of digital democracy has also soured because it turns out that a complete democracy of expression attracts voices that are stupid, angry and have a lot of time on their hands. This is a Jonathan Franzen again, although he reminds me of another writer, Terry Prachett, who pointed out that: real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. To get back to the story in hand, the point here is that if you take away any balancing forces you not only end up with tax shy billionaires, but income polarisation and casino banking. You can also end up with systemic financial crashes, another of which will undoubtedly be along shortly, thanks to our stratospheric levels of debt, the globally connected nature of risk and the corruption and villainy endemic in emerging markets. Its possible that connectivity will create calm rather than continued volatility, but I doubt it. More likely a relatively insignificant event, such as a modest rise in US interest rates, will spread panic and emotional contagion at which point anyone still living in a digital bubble will get mugged by reality. Coming back to some good news, a significant economic trend is the growth of global incomes. This sounds at odds with declining real wages, but I am talking about emerging not developed markets. According to Ernst & Young, the accountancy firm, an additional 3 billion individuals are being added to the global middle class. Thats 3 billion more smart-phone using, FitBit wearing, Linked-in profiled, Apple iCar driving, Instagram obsessives. In China, living standards have risen by an astonishing 10,000 per cent in a single generation. In terms of per capita GDP in China and India this has doubled in 16 and 12 years respectively. In the UK this took 153 years. This is pleasing, although the definition of middle class includes people earning as little as $10 a day. Many of these people also live behind the Great Firewall of China, so we shouldnt get too carried away with trickle down economics or the opening up of democracy. What globalisation giveth to jobs automation may soon be taketh away too and many may find themselves sinking downward towards working class or neo-feudal status rather than effervescently rising upward. According to Pew Research, the percentage of people in the US that think of themselves as middle class fell from 53 per cent in 2008 to 44 per cent in 2014, with 40 per cent now defining themselves as lower class compared to 25 per cent in 2008. Teachers, for example, that have studied hard, worked relentlessly and benefit society as a whole find themselves priced out of real-estate and various socio-economic classifications by the relentless rise of financial speculators. Deeper automation and virtualisation could make things worse. Martin Wolf, a Financial Times columnist, comments that intelligent machines could hollow out middle class jobs and compound inequality. Even if the newfound global wealth isnt temporary theres plenty of research to suggest that as people grow richer they focus more attention on their own needs at the expense of others. So a wealthier world may turn out to be one thats less caring. Of course, its not numbers that matter. What counts are feelings, especially feelings related to the direction of travel. The perception in the West generally is that we are mostly moving in the wrong direction. This can be seen in areas such as education and health and its not too hard to imagine a future world split into two halves, a thin, rich, well-educated, mobile elite and an overweight, poorly educated, anchored underclass. This is reminiscent of HG Wells intellectual, surface dwelling Eloi and downtrodden, subterranean Morlocks in The Time Machine and Tolkiens Mines of Moria. The only difference this time might be that its the global rich that end up living underground, cocooned from the outside world in deep basement developments. An upside to the downside Its obviously possible that this outcome is re-written. Its entirely possible that we will experience a reversal where honour, spiritual service or courage to country are valued far above commerce. This is a situation that existed in Britain and elsewhere not that long ago. Its possible that grace, humility, public spiritedness and contempt for vulgar displays of wealth could become dominant social values. Or perhaps a modest desire to leave as small a footprint as possible could become a key driving force. On the other hand, perhaps a dark dose of gloom and doom is exactly what the world needs. Perhaps the era of cheap money is coming to an end and an extended period of slow growth will do us all a world a good. A study led by Heejung Park at UCLA found that the trend towards greater materialism and reduced empathy had been partly reversed due to the 2008-2010 economic downturn. In comparison with a similar study looking at the period 20042006, US adolescents were less concerned with owning expensive items, while the importance of having a job thats worthwhile to society rose. Whether this is just cyclical or part of a permanent shift is currently impossible to say. These studies partly link with previous research suggesting that a decline in economic wealth promotes collectivism and perhaps with the idea that we only truly appreciate things when we are faced with their loss. There arent too many upsides to global pandemics, rogue asteroids and financial meltdowns, but the threat of impending death or disaster does focus the long lens of perspective, as Steve Jobs pointed out in his commencement speech at Stamford University. Digital Vs Physical trust Thats enough about the economy. How might the digitalisation of money impact our everyday behaviour in the future? I think it is still too early to make any definitive statements about particular technologies or applications, but I do believe that the extinction of cash is inevitable because digital transactions are faster and more convenient, especially for companies. Cash can be cumbersome too. Its also because governments and bureaucracies would like to reduce illegal economic activity and collect the largest amount of tax possible thereby increasing their power. In the US, for instance, its been estimated that cash costs the American economy $200 billion a year, not just due to tax evasion and theft, but also due to time wasting. A study, by Tufts University says that the average American spends 28 minutes per month traveling to ATMs, to which my reaction is so what? What are people not doing by wasting 28 minutes going to an ATM? Writing sonnets? Inventing a cure for cancer? But a wholly cashless society, or global e-currency, wont happen for a long time, partly because physical money, especially banknotes, is so tied up with notions of national identity (just look at the Euro to see how that can go wrong!). Physical money tells a rich story. It symbolises a nations heritage in a way that digital payments cannot. People in recent years have also tended to trust cash more. The physical presence of cash is deeply reassuring, especially in times of economic turmoil. In the UK, in 2012, more than half of all transactions were cash and the use of banknotes and coins rose slightly from the previous year. Why? The answer is probably that in 2012 the UK was still belt-tightening and people felt they could control their spending more easily using cash. Or perhaps people didnt trust the banks or each other. Similarly, in most rich countries, more than 90 per cent of all retail is still in physical rather than digital stores. We should also be careful not to assume that everyone is like ourselves. The people most likely to use cash are elderly, poor or vulnerable, so it would be a huge banking error, in my view, if everyone stopped accepting physical money. Its also a useful Plan B to have a stash of cash in case the economy melts down or your phone battery dies leaving you with no way to pay for dinner. This is probably swimming against the tide though and I suspect there is huge pent-up demand for mobile and automated payments. Globally cash is still king (85% of all transactions are still cash according to one recent study) but in developed economies this tends not to be the case. In the US about 60% of transactions are now digital, while in the UK non-cash payments have now overtaken physical cash. Money will clearly be made trying to get rid of physical money. According to the UK payments council the use of cash is expected to fall by a third by 2022. Nevertheless, circumstances do change and I suspect that any uptake of new payment technologies is scenario dependent. I was on the Greek island of Hydra in 2014 and much to my surprise the entire economy had reverted to physical money. This was slightly annoying, because I had just written a blog post about the death of cash based on my experience of visiting the island two years earlier. On this visit almost everywhere accepted electronic payments, but things had dramatically changed. Again, why? I initially thought the reason was Greeks attempting to avoid tax. Cash is anonymous. But it transpired that the real reason was trust. If you are a small business supplying meat to a taverna and youre worried about getting paid, you ask for cash. This is one reason why cash might endure longer than some e-evangelists tell us. Cash is a hugely convenient method to store and exchange value and has the distinct advantage of keeping our purchasing private. If we exchange physical cash for digital currency this makes it easier for companies and governments to spy on what were doing.
Countless types of cashless transactions There are many varieties of digital money. Weve had credit cards for a very long time. Transactions using cards have been digital for ages and contactless for a while. Weve grown used to private currencies, virtual currencies, micro-payments, embedded value cards, micro-payments and contactless (NFC) payments. Weve also learnt to trust PayPal and various Peer-to-Peer lending sites such as Zopa and Prosper, although one suspects that, like ATMs, we are happier taking money out than putting money in. Were also slowly getting used to the idea of payments using mobile phones. There are even a few e-exhibitionists with currency chips embedded in their own bodies and while this might take a while to catch on I can see the value in carrying around money in our bodies. A chip inserted in your jaw or arm is a bit extreme, but how about a tiny e-pill loaded with digital cash that, once swallowed, is good for $500 or about a week? Theres even digital gold, but to be honest I cant get my head around that at all. The key point here is that all of these methods of transaction are more or less unseen. They are also fast and convenient, which, I would suggest, means that spending will be more impulsive and less considered. We will have regular statements detailing our digital transactions, of course, but these will also be digital, delivered to our screens amid a deluge of other digital distractions and therefore widely ignored or not properly read.
Really thinking or mindlessly consuming? What interests me most here is whether or not attitudes and behaviours change in the presence of invisible money. There is surprisingly little research on this subject, but what does exist, along with my own experience, suggests that once we shift from physical to digital money things do change. With physical money (paper money, metal coins and cheques) we are more likely to buy into the illusion that money has inherent value. We are therefore more vigilant. In many cases, certainly my own, we are more careful. In short we think. Physical money feels real so our purchasing (and debt) is more considered. With digital money (everything from credit and debit cards to PayPal, Apple Money, iTunes vouchers, loyalty points and so forth) our spending is more impulsive. And as I said, earlier, when money is digital and belongs to someone else any careless behaviour is amplified. Quantitative Easing (QE) is perhaps a similar story. If instead of pressing a key on a computer and sending digital money to a secondary market to buy financial assets including bonds we saw fleets of trucks outside central banks being loaded with piles of real money to do the same I suspect that our reaction would be wholly different. We might even question whether a government monetising (buying) its own debt is a sensible idea given that the 2008 financial meltdown was caused by the transmission and obfuscation of debt. Of course, pumping money into assets via QE circles back to create inequality. If you own hard assets, such as real estate, then any price increases created by QE can be a good thing because it increases the value of your assets (often bought with debt, which is reduced via inflation). In contrast savers holding cash, or anyone without assets, is penalised. Its a bit of a stretch to link QE to the Arab Spring, but some people have, pointing out that food price inflation was a contributory factor, which can be indirectly linked to QEs effects on commodities. If one was a conspiracy theorist one might even suggest that QEs real aim was to drive down the value of the dollar, the pound and the Euro at the expense of spiralling hard currency debt and emerging economy currencies. Im getting back into macro-economics, which I dont want to do, but its worth pointing out that in The Downfall of Money, the author Frederick Taylor notes that Germanys hyperinflation not only destroyed the middle class, but democracy itself. As he writes, by the time inflation reached its zenith: everyone wanted a dictatorship. The cause of Germanys hyperinflation was initially Germany failing to keep up with payments due to France after WW1. But it was also caused by too much money chasing too few goods, which has shades of asset bubbles created by QE. It was depression, not inflation per se, that pushed voters toward Hitler, but this has a familiar ring. Across Europe we are seeing a significant rightwards shift and one of the main reasons why Germany wont boost the EU economy is because of the lasting trauma caused by inflation ninety years ago. If a lasting legacy of QE, debt, networked risk and a lack of financial restraint by individuals and institutions, all accentuated by digitalisation, is either high inflation or continued depression things could get nasty, in which case we might all long for the return of cash as a relatively safe and private way to endure the storm. Crypto-currency accounts The idea of a global digital economy thats free from dishonest banks, avaricious speculators and regulation-fixated governments is becoming increasingly popular, especially, as youd expect, online. Currencies around the world are still largely anchored to the idea of geographical boundaries and economies in which physical goods and services are exchanged. But what if someone invented a decentralised digital currency that operated independently of central banks? And what if that currency were to use encryption techniques, not only to ensure security and avoid confiscation or taxation, but to control the production of the currency? A crypto-currency like BitCoin perhaps?
In one scenario, BitCoin could become not only an alternative currency, but a stateless alternative payments infrastructure, competing against the like of Apple Pay and PayPal and against alternative currencies like airline miles. But theres a more radical possibility. What if a country got into trouble (Greece? Italy? Argentina?) and trust in the national currency collapsed. People might seek alternative ways to make payments or keep their money safe. If enough people flocked to something like BitCoin a government might be forced to follow suit and wed end up with a crytocurrency being used for exports, with its value tied to a particular economy or set of economies. More radically, how about a currency that rewarded certain kinds of behaviour? We have this already, in a sense, with loyalty cards, but Im thinking of something more consequential. What if the underlying infrastructure of BitCoin was used to create a currency that was distributed to people behaving in a virtuous manner? What if, for instance, money could be earned by putting more energy or water into a local network than was taken out? Or how about earning money by abstaining from the development of triple sub-basements or by visiting an elderly person that lives alone and asking them how they are? We could even pay people who smiled at strangers using eye-tracking and facial recognition technology on Apple smart glasses or Google eye-contact lenses. Given what governments would potentially be able to see and do if cash does disappear, such alternative currencies along with old-fashioned bartering could prove popular. At the moment, central banks use interest rates as the main weapon to control or stimulate the economy. But if people hoard cash because interest rates are low or because they dont trust banks then the economy is stunted. But with a cashless society the government has another weapon in its arsenal. What if banks not only charged people for holding money (negative interest rates) but governments imposed an additional levy for not spending it? This is making my head spin so we should move on to explore the brave new world of healthcare and medicine, of which money is an enabler. But before we do Id like to take a brief look at pensions and taxation and then end on considering whether the likes of Mark Zuckerberg might actually be OK really. If economic conditions are good, Id imagine that money and payments will continue to migrate toward digital formats. Alternatives to banks will spring up and governments will loosen their tax-take. However, if austerity persists, or returns, then governments will do everything they can to get hold of more of your money but they will be less inclined to spend it, especially on services. Taxation based upon income and expenditure will continue, but I expect that it will also shift towards assets and wealth and to a very real extent individual behaviour. One of the effects of moving toward digital payments and connectivity is transparency. Governments will, in theory, be able to see what youre spending your money on, but also how youre living in a broader sense. Hence stealth taxation. Have you put the wrong type of plastic in the recycling bin again? Thats a fine (tax). Kids late for school again? Fine (tax). Burger and large fries again? You get the idea Governments will seek to not only maximise revenue, but nudge people toward certain allegedly virtuous behaviours and people will be forced to pay for the tiniest transgressions. This, no doubt, will spark rage and rebellion, but theyll be a tax for that too. As for pensions, there are several plausible scenarios, but business as usual doesnt appear to be one of them. The system is a pyramid-selling scheme thats largely bust and needs to be reinvented in many countries. 1 in 7 people in the UK has no retirement savings whatsoever, for instance, and the culture of instant digital gratification would suggest that trying to get people to save a little for later wont meet with much success. What comes next largely depends on whether the culture of now persists and whether or not responsibility for the future is shared individually or collectively. If the culture of individualism and instant rewards holds firm, well end up with a very low safety net or a situation where people never fully retire. If we are able to delay gratification, well end up either with a return to a savings culture or one where the state provides significant support in return for significant contributions. The bottom line here is that pensions are set firmly in the future and while we like thinking about the future we dont like paying for it. So what might happen that could change the world for the better and make things slightly more sustainable?
An economy if people still matter In 1973, the economist EF Schumachers book Small is Beautiful warned against the dangers of gigantism. On one level the book was a pessimistic polemic about modernity in general and globalisation in particular. On the other hand it was possibly prescient and predictive. Schumacher foresaw the problem of resource constraints and foreshadowed the issue of human happiness, which he believed could not be sated by material possessions. He also argued for human satisfaction and pleasure to be central to all work, mirroring the thoughts of William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement. They argued that since consumer demand was such a central driver of the economy, then one way to change the world for the better would be to change what the majority of people want, which links directly back into money and our current voracious appetite for material possessions. On one level Schumachers book is still an idealistic hippy homily. On another it manages to describe our enduring desire for human scale, human relationships and technology that is appropriate, controllable and above all understandable. Physical money encourages the physical interaction of people, whereas digital cash is more hands off and remote. Digital transactions require energy and while any desire for green computing wont exactly stop the idea of a cashless society in its tracks it may yet restrain it. There are already some weak signals around this, which Schumacher may have approved of. Our desire for neo-Victorian computing (Steam Punk), craft sites like Etsy, the popularity of live music events and literature festivals and digital detoxing all point to a desire for balance and a world where humans are allowed to focus on what they do best. The partly generational shift toward temporary digital access rather than full physical ownership is also an encouraging development against what might be termed stuffocation. Schumacher also warned against the concentration of economic and political power, which he believed would lead to dehumanisation. Decisions should therefore be made on the basis of human needs rather than the revenue requirements of distantly accountable corporations and governments. In this respect the internet could go either way. It could bring people together and enable a more locally focussed and sustainable way or living or it could facilitate the growth of autocratic governments and monopolistic transnational corporations. But remember that the dematerialisation of the global economy the analogue to digital switch if you will is largely unseen and therefore mostly out of mind so very few people are discussing this at the moment. To some extent digital payments are a technology in search of a problem. Cash is easy to carry, easy to use and doesnt require a power source except to retrieve it from an ATM. Meanwhile credit and debit cards are widely accepted worldwide and online, so why do we need additional channels or formats? Maybe we dont. Maybe we dont even need money as much as we think. One of the problems with the digital economy from an economics standpoint is that digital companies dont produce many jobs. But maybe this isnt a problem. Once weve achieved shelter and security and managed to feed ourselves, the things that make us happy tend to be invisible to economists. The things that fulfil our deepest human needs are not to be physical things, but nebulous notions like love, belonging and compassion. This is reminiscent of Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs, but unfortunately self-esteem, altruism, purpose and spirituality dont directly contribute to GDP or mass employment. Perhaps they should. It pains me to say it, but maybe the digital dreamers are onto something after all. Maybe the digital economy will change our frame of reference and focus our attention on non-monetary value and human exchange even if this goes a little crazy at times. What would Schumacher make our current economic situation? Maybe hed see the present day as the start of something nasty. Maybe hed see it as the start of something beautiful. What I suspect he would point out is that many people feel that they have lost control of their lives, especially financially. Job insecurity, austerity, debt and a lack of secure saving and pensions make people anxious. This can have physical effects. According to a study published in the medical magazine The Lancet, economic conditions can make people and their genetic dependants sick. Putting to one side the increased risk of suicide, mental health is a major casualty of volatile economic and geopolitical conditions. Psychological stress means that our bodies are flooded with stress hormones and these can make us ill. Turbulent economic conditions can also make long lasting changes to our genes, which can be a catalyst for heart disease, cancer and depression in later generations. Another study, co-led by George Slavich at the University of California at Los Angeles, says that there is historical evidence for such claims and cites the fact that generations born during recessions tend to have unusually short lifespans. Research by Jenny Tung at Duke University in North Carolina also suggests that if animals perceive they have a lower social rank, the more active their pro-inflammatory genes become. This may be applicable to humans perceiving that they are becoming digital-serfs. Even the anticipation of bad news or negative events may trigger such changes, which might explain why I recently heard that the shark in Notting Hill is now on medication.
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What’s a Genome? – Genome News Network
Posted: October 23, 2015 at 12:47 am
A genome is all of a living thing's genetic material. It is the entire set of hereditary instructions for building, running, and maintaining an organism, and passing life on to the next generation. The whole shebang.
In most living things, the genome is made of a chemical called DNA. The genome contains genes, which are packaged in chromosomes and affect specific characteristics of the organism.
Imagine these relationships as a set of Chinese boxes nested one inside the other. The largest box represents the genome. Inside it, a smaller box represents the chromosomes. Inside that is a box representing genes, and inside that, finally, is the smallest box, the DNA.
In short, the genome is divided into chromosomes, chromosomes contain genes, and genes are made of DNA.
The word " genome " was coined in about 1930, even though scientists didn't know then what the genome was made of. They only knew that the genome was important enough, whatever it was, to have a name.
Each one of earth's species has its own distinctive genome: the dog genome, the wheat genome, the genomes of the cow, cold virus, bok choy, Escherichia coli (a bacterium that lives in the human gut and in animal intestines), and so on.
So genomes belong to species, but they also belong to individuals. Every giraffe on the African savanna has a unique genome, as does every elephant, acacia tree, and ostrich. Unless you are an identical twin, your genome is different from that of every other person on earthin fact, it is different from that of every other person who has ever lived.
Though unique, your genome is still recognizably a human genome. The difference is simply a matter of degree: The genome differences between two people are much smaller than the genome differences between people and our closest relatives, the chimpanzees.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updated on January 15, 2003
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Genome Journal – NRC Research Press
Posted: at 12:47 am
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Genome dictionary definition | genome defined
Posted: at 12:47 am
Genome is defined as all of a somatic cell's genetic information, or a set of haploid chromosomes.
An example of a genome is what determines the physical characteristics of a person.
Origin of genome
also genom
Origin of genome
Related Forms:
(plural genomes)
From German Genom; gene + -ome
SentencesSentence examples
But this (a listing of illustrations of how the genome can change other than by mutations) doesnt constitute a crisis its a very interesting finding that shows that variation in a genome can arise by processes other than mutation of an organisms own DNA. The disposition of that variation still must occur via either natural selection (it can be good or bad) or genetic drift (no effect on fitness). This hasnt really changed the theory of evolution one iota, though its changed our view of where organisms can acquire new genes. Jerry Coyne
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Genome | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Posted: at 12:47 am
A genome is the full set of instructions needed to make every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Almost every one of your cells contains a complete copy of these instructions, written in the four-letter language of DNA (A, C, T, and G). The human genome contains 3 billion of these "letters" or bases. This means that if your genome were written out on sheets of paper and stacked as books, the tower of tomes would be almost as high as the Washington Monument!
If you think of the human genome as an encyclopedia, the information it contains is divided into 23 volumes, called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains genes - "sentences" of genetic instructions that tell the cell how to make proteins. We know the human genome contains about 20,500 of these genes, but the meaning of much of the remaining text within it is a mystery.
Surprisingly, the human genome is not static. Throughout life, exposure to certain substances - such as X-rays, sunlight, chemicals, and more - can begin to subtly change the genome in some cells. If a cell acquires a set of genomic changes that allows it to grow out of control, invade surrounding tissue, and spread to other sites in the body, cancer develops. A cancer patient is thought to harbor two distinct human genomes - the version contained in normal cells, and an altered one contained in tumor cells.
But ours is not the only genome on the block. All organisms have genomes - not just humans and animals, but also bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause diseases. Studying microbial genomes as well as the genomes of their hosts (including humans) can shed light on the nature of infectious diseases. Moreover, analyzing the genomes of our closer relatives - primates, mammals, and vertebrates - and comparing them to our own genome can help researchers determine what parts of the human genome have remained unchanged over time and are therefore likely to be essential.
In 1990, researchers set out to sequence (determine the order of As, Cs, Ts, and Gs in) the human genome. The effort, known as the Human Genome Project, was an international collaboration that concluded in 2003. However, sequencing the human genome was just a first step - now scientists face the challenge of using the tools and knowledge gained from the Human Genome Project to better understand human health and improve disease diagnosis and treatment.
Want to learn more?
You can learn more about some of the efforts to decipher important information in the human genome and other genomes by reading about the Broad's Genome Biology Program. You can also read about how Broad researchers are applying genomics to the study of infectious diseases like malaria and tuberculosis by visiting the Broad's Infectious Disease Program page and the Genomic Sequencing Center for Infectious Diseases. In addition, scientists involved in the Broad's Cancer Genome Projects are working to document all of the genome-based abnormalities in tumor genomes.
The Human Genome Project website will give you more insights into the public effort to sequence the human genome. You can also watch a NOVA program on "Cracking the Code of Life" to find out more about the race to complete the sequence.
Interested in where the word "genome" comes from? Joshua Lederberg and Alexa T. McCray offer a brief history of the word, as well as a "lexicome" of terms ending in "-ome."
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Longevity and Human Evolution | Emily Deans M.D. vs Ron …
Posted: October 22, 2015 at 8:41 am
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About the speaker : Dr. Emily Deans :
Emily Deans, M.D., is a board certified adult psychiatrist practicing in Massachusetts. She graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in 2000 and from the Harvard Longwood Psychiatry Residency in 2004, and was a Chief Resident at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. She is currently a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
The overarching theory she explores is that our bodies and brains do best in conditions for which they are evolved. She digs up scientific information and presents it in that context. She feels that by studying evolutionary medicine, we come closer to the answers for optimal conditions for health and vitality. The dietary basics of evolutionary medicine are simple: don't eat very much fructose, omega-6 rich industrial vegetable oils, grains (such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt, quinoa, oats, corn, etc.), or processed "fake" food in general. Eat as much local, farmstand, grassfed, pastured, wild-caught as you care for. That's vegetables, meat, fish, nuts, eggs, and fruits. In her opinion, if you have no serious medical conditions, it's perfectly healthy to have high-fat dairy, safe starches such as white rice or potatoes, red wine, and dark chocolate in moderation. Also, get plenty of sleep and play.
Visit Emily at : http://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspo...
About the speaker : Dr. Ron Rosedale :
Dr. Ron Rosedale is an Internationally known expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine whose work with diabetics is truly groundbreaking. Very few physicians have had such consistent success in helping diabetics to eliminate or reduce their need for insulin and to reduce heart disease-both without drugs or surgery.
Dr. Rosedale was founder of the Rosedale Center, co-founder of the Colorado Center for Metabolic Medicine (Boulder, CO USA) and founder of the Carolina Center of Metabolic Medicine (Asheville, NC). Through these centers, he has helped thousands suffering from so-called incurable diseases to regain their health. One of Dr. Rosedale's life goals is to wipe out type II diabetes in this country as a model for the world. He also has written a book, "The Rosedale Diet", covering his proven treatment methods for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases of aging.
Visit Dr. Rosedale at :
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Triggers of Eczema | Causes of Eczema | National Eczema …
Posted: October 21, 2015 at 1:42 pm
The exact causes of eczema are unknown. You might have inherited a tendency for eczema. You may have a family member who has eczema or who has hay fever (allergic rhinitis) or asthma. Many doctors think eczema causes are linked to allergic disease, such as hay fever or asthma. Doctors call this the atopic triad. Many children with eczema (up to 80%) will develop hay fever and/or asthma.
There are many triggers of eczema that can make it flare or get worse. Below are some of the common triggers. You should learn what triggers your eczema to flare, and then try to avoid it.
Irritants can make your symptoms worse. What irritates you may be different from what irritates someone else with the condition, but could include:
If your genes make you more likely to develop atopic eczema, the condition will develop after you are exposed to certain environmental factors, such as allergens.
Allergens are substances that can cause the body to react abnormally. This is known as an allergic reaction. Some of the most common allergens that can be causes of eczema include:
Some types of microbe can be triggers of eczema:
Atopic eczema can sometimes be caused by food allergens, especially before the age of one.Some studies of children and young people with atopic eczema found that one-third to nearly two-thirds also had a food allergy.Food allergies associated with eczema causes are typically:
Stress is known to be associated with eczema but it is not fully understood how it affects the condition. Some people with eczema have worse symptoms when they are stressed. For others their eczema symptoms cause them to feel stressed.
Read more about how stress and eczema are related
Hormones are chemicals produced by the body. They can cause a wide variety of effects. When the levels of certain hormones in the body increase or decrease some women can experience flare ups of their eczema.
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Ron Paul
Posted: October 20, 2015 at 10:41 am
Dont mention the wars, the empire, or the welfare state, says Ron Paul.
While being shocked, shocked about shootings here, says Ron Paul.
I wish no one were doing it, says Ron Paul.
No, blame neocons, says Ron Paul.
As they crash the economy, says Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on the crimes of empire.
The guilty party is the Fed, not China, says Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on the libertarian response.
Watering it down hurts the cause, says Ron Paul.
The military-police state complex sure wants them. Aricle by Ron Paul.
What could be better? Article by Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on the frightening economic future of the US.
End US interventionism, says Ron Paul.
Blacked-robed dictators and Republicans, says Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on coming market turmoil.
By bullying China and Russia, says Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on the death penalty.
Ron Paul on making money off war.
The only way to reform the PATRIOT Act is to repeal it, says Ron Paul.
You know its evil. Article by Ron Paul.
Thus the war to impoverish them. Article by Ron Paul.
To support more political murders. Article by Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on the merchants of death.
So does the whole regime. Article by Ron Paul.
And put it in the same grave as the Fed. Article by Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on why the US wants it.
The US government must just march home, says Ron Paul.
Or are they not enemies? Article by Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on when the US sank its claws into the whole planet.
Ron Paul on the DHS police state.
Since the violent US coup in Ukraine. Article by Ron Paul.
Ron Paul on governments signature occupation.
And the Merchants of Death. Article by Ron Paul.
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Ron Paul
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