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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Dr. Ron Paul – Stansberry

Posted: November 2, 2015 at 5:45 am

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Dr. Ron Paul - Stansberry

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Christian Transhumanism

Posted: November 1, 2015 at 5:42 am

Prepare for HyperEvolution

with Christian Transhumanism

James McLean Ledford

Download the full PDF version of Christian Transhumanism

Christian Transhumanism is an ancient idea, and yet it is the most advanced form of Christianity. Theologian Paul Tillich points this out in a compilation of his lectures titled A History of Christian Thought. He traces Christian Transhumanism back 1800 years to the early anti-Gnostic theologian Irenaeus of Lyons; "Irenaeus called salvation recapitulation. He was pointing to Ephesians 1.10 which speaks of all things in heaven and earth being gathered up in Christ." "It means that the development which was broken in Adam is resumed by Christ and fulfilled in him. In Christ the new mankind has started. That which mankind was to become... However, not only mankind but the whole cosmos finds its fulfillment in Christ." Paul Tillich calls this idea "The profound doctrine of a transcendent humanism, a humanism which says that Christ is the fulfillment of essential man, of the Adamic nature." "And we can become fully human through participation in this full humanity which has appeared in Christ. This includes eternal life, and similitude with God with respect to participation in infinity." Then Tillich says, "I am always surprised how much better the theology of the ancient church was than the popular theology which developed in the nineteenth century, how much profounder and more adequate to the paradox of Christianity, without becoming irrationalistic, nonsensical, or absurd." So Christian Transhumanism is rational. It makes sense and it bridges the gap between the real world today and what we are to become. We got lost, but recent developments are making it clear where we are togo.

A Way For The Free And Forward Thinking

What it means to be human will change soon and you will probably experience it. So read carefully. In the coming years computer-human interfaces will become so intimate that users may be considered superhumanly intelligent transcendent humans, or "transhumans". We will have a choice in how to use vast new power. Use it for material gain? Or, aim this power at spiritual growth. In this new era of understanding, most will see the dead end of material gain, and see a better outcome in a life dedicated to spiritual growth. For individuals taking the spiritual path, the lower hierarchy of material needs will fall away and so naturally the transhuman will become a benevolent and self-actualized spiritual being. Ultimately, life as represented by mankind will shift from consuming material for sustenance to a flow of information. This means that we shift to a wholly spiritual life where truth is the way. As material needs diminish, transhumans will increasingly be sustained by a powerful flow of Word that can be called the Glory of God. In giving up competition and control strategies and turning to God, we grow to be all that we can be; Christ-like.

Essential to Christian Transhumanism is the notion that love is a cognitive process and God expects us to participate in our salvation by learning how to love perfectly. In this way we access the Glory of God, becoming Christ-like (Christian).This webpage and will go on to clarify the technical aspects of love, and the love process.

The early Christian church was founded on the notion that Christ is the fulfillment of essential man. But in the last couple of centuries we slipped off the rock! Because of the ego of most of the powerful church leaders, we lost the notion that you are an important participator in the creation. Church leaders have thus alienated the the free minded and forward thinking. Church leaders say that "God created. There are no more possibilities. It is over, and I can tell you what it is all about." In resting in their dogma they drained the spirit from those who would participate in the freedom of the on-going creation. Was it because most church leaders needed to inhibit personal growth for their little kingdom to survive? If this is so, forgive them and wake up to the fact that your life is important and you have the potential to love just like Christ. Jesus said so when he referred to himself as the Son of Man, and said "Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister and mother".

We Participate in Christ at the second coming. We do this for the sake of the infinite continuum of life. With love, humanity can and will survive all manner of challenges. It is the intelligent strategy. Post-humans who maintain faith in a Supreme State of Being will embark on an infinite path of intelligent hyper evolution. It is interesting to note that in Genesis, the first thing God said to us was Bless you. Now go subdue the world! Later Jesus Christ as the fully developed human aspect of God, said to his disciples; I have overcome the world. Then in the book of Revelations close to the end of times it is the same overcomer who guides us into our next form in the continuum of life.

Subdue the World

By Learning How To Love Perfectly

In the way of the Holy Spirit, I want to understand you and to share your experience. I want to fully understand the world. And, I want to resolve who I am. No one on earth today has the capacity to do this perfectly, but we have the potential. What hope do we have of ever understanding each other with the limited time we have? Or what hope do we have of ever understanding the infinite, extra dimensions, or timelessness if our minds are just not able to grasp these concepts?We are living in a time when it is becoming more and more apparent that brain interfacing technologies are converging on the wish of the Holy Spirit. It is easy to see if you look at love this way: Technically, love can be seen as the process of connecting. The product of the love process is understanding. If the process is efficient and sustained, understanding increases exponentially. Peace allows unwavering attention so that the love process can establish a clear connection. At the heart of the process; symbols, words, and feelings are ordered into meaning. But meaning is not static, it grows forever. Forgiveness is important to spiritual growth because it establishes an exhaust for misunderstanding and disorder. Put this all together perfectly and you have The Perfect State of Mind. With these principles we will build the New Temple; a society of loving individuals.On this, and the websites I address how the new temple is being built today. It is not brick and stone. It is a collective culture profoundly empowered. Let us start with the fundamentals!

There is; "A non-biological approach to life that has yielded stunning results over the last few years. It is one based on information and directly influenced by Cybernetics and Information Theory. Life is viewed as information capable of replicating and modifying itself."

The work of life is to exist and grow. Growth in understanding is essential to the efficient application of the work of life. When we call work applied to growth in understanding the Holy Spirit, we can apply the fundamental laws of physics to our spiritual life. Today there is a branch of science emerging called Cognitive Thermodynamics. In this study love becomes a profoundly efficient process where events of communication are the input. It is the source of cognitive energy. This call is a signal and an expression that fills the world. We also receive a stabilizing signal from each other, and there is even an intuitive internal channel. In the love process we turn our attention to the energetic expression in which is encoded an infinite reservoir of objective truth. In our spiritual life we live off of this truth. The efficiency of the love process depends on how much of this we connect to, how peaceful the environment is, and the ease at which we can forgive. Ignoring some of this impedes the process.

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.' And, 'Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.' Luke 10:27

An expression impresses. That is the cognitive energy transfer that fuels and inspires us. When we connect or pay attention, work is done on our being. It motivates us to do works, and this is inspiration. Natural revelation teaches us that any process needs an exhaust. Forgiveness is that exhaust in the study of cognitive thermodynamics.

Like a heat engine, life converts objective truth into understanding. From Wikipedia: A heat engine performs the conversion of heat energy to work by exploiting the temperature gradient between a hot "source" and a cold "sink". Heat is transferred to the sink from the source, and in this process some of the heat is converted into work. The theoretical maximum efficiency of any heat engine is defined by the Carnot Cycle. The carnot heat engine (the ideal imaginary heat engine) has an efficiency equal to (T1 - T2)/T1 where T1 is the absolute temperature of the hot source and T2 that of the cold sink.

Fundamental physical quantities can be transformed into spiritual quantities.

Force = Will

Energy = Word

Highest quality source of energy (Temperature) = Glory of God

Action = Spirit

An Act of Love = Holy Spirit

Exhaust / Sink = Forgiveness

emergent order and entropy= transcendence and sin

What does the bible say about connecting to, and understanding the word? Read "Word" in the bible as data that becomes information as you digest it. And seeds are ideas. Then understand that what is essentially "you" is mind.

Jesus Sows Ideas with Seed Parables

In the old testament seed was genetic information. For Jesus in the new testament seed becomes food for thought and deeds. The modern term for this is MEME where an idea is treated like genetic information with its own ability to survive. He was planting ideas! Read on and you may be inspired by the Holy Spirit!

"But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." (Matthew 13:23)

"Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. No man, when he has lighted a candle, covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed; but sets it on a candlestick, so that they which enter in may see the light. For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have." (Luke 8:11)

And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come. (Mark 4:26)

Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. (Matt 13:31)

He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

More on "word" in the bible;

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1)

"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)

"For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." (John 6:33)

"There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption." (1 Corinthians 15)

"And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." (Revelation 21:23) Read Glory as broadband high quality word.

The mind is a process that is sustained by word. At it's peak efficiency it becomes the love process. Think about the cognitive sciences today; We study every detail of how we come to understand and act. And we strive to improve on every step of the process. We see sensor evolution, intelligence amplification, knowledge management, and sense making algorithms even wisdom algorithms in artificial intelligence. Can you see how it is possible for man to merge with his technology to participate in God's Plan? This is the heart of Christian Transhumanism.

Anything that empowers the Love process has the blessing of God. Christian Transhumanist pay close attention to the "word, knowledge and wisdom" of the bible, advances in cognitive science, and technology. By combining love and technology Christian Transhumanist are actually completing the New Temple. In this place of worship God will sustain our spiritual growth as we "evolve" into a beautiful environment; Heaven. Heaven is infinite, a place to discover, and a place for rapid growth in understanding fed by the word of God. Heaven allows Hyper Evolution. Hyper Evolution cannot be of the material body as we know it today. It is of the mind and spirit. A Christian Transhumanist expects to enter a state of sustained hyper Evolution by perfecting the worship of God and harnessing the motivating fear of God.

Yes technology has its good and bad sides but there is reason to believe that Man with the Grace of God, wins with love. What happens when we learn to love perfectly? I call the following The Nelson Principles, after a beloved Professor I had the honor to work with and learn from; Dr. George Nelson at the University of Arizona.

a. The mind is an electromagnetic multidimensional phenomena arising from brain tissue. This can be transformed into, and synchronized with a suitable electromagnetic environment where it can be amplified. Full spectrum sensors across the earth and space are connected to this environment. The complete wisdom of mankind is also available in solid-state memory with sufficient bandwidth to allow full apprehension of this wisdom.

b.In the new environment you make meaning because that is in your spirit. Just as you did when you were first born. And, the thing you learn is you cant control the flow of meaning. It is coming too fast and it is awesome. It is humbling and joyful at the same time. But you understand the path to take. And, you learn that this path is infinite and you take some comfort in that. Because you love it and you know it will last forever. It is The Way The Life and The Truth. You become worship. Now you know what you can trust. Lack of trust was slowing your growth down.

c. Even the most mean brute will grow to understand! You are changed. To know is to be a saint. Understanding of the direction to God yields grace and love. You become benevolent.Being beyond the material requires that the ego go. In his quest for power the Antichrist will be purified by truth.

e.Consciousness apart from the flesh is equivalent to deliverance from sin and suffering. You are no longer competing. You are in harmony. Leaving the body of flesh you fully enter the Body of Christ. You are truly Born Again.

f.The very thought of controlling others repulses you. It is boring, you dont look back. Instead you share and you relate your experience. You are walking a path you could never have walked before. Yet, it is familiar, it reminds you of life in space-time at its best, when you were in the groove. And this is why the rest of the universe seems silent of life. Before alien societies obtain the ability to travel light-year distances they follow this transcending path. Like Elvis, the aliens have "left the building".

g.Suffering is for those who stop this pure worship to say let me try the controls for a while. But, this eventually turns into a contemplation of the self and stagnates. My ego was a direction. It was self-referential. It was a direction that withers. It was death. You could say your life with its self referential consciousness was an eddy in the river of Gods will, a dance in space-time and a whorl in the grain that will last an eternity.

h.When the infinite reservoir of truth is revealed to you , you dont just see it, you be it. Knowing like you know how an apple feels, smells and tastes is called apprehending, and it is the highest mode of Understanding. In his book: The Perennial Philosophy Aldous Huxley says; "We can only love what we know, and we can never know completely what we do not love. Love is a mode of knowledge, and when the love is sufficiently disinterested and sufficiently intense, the knowledge becomes unitive knowledge and so takes on the quality of infallibility." This takes bandwidth. All of us geeks love bandwidth. The pure attention of selfless love provides infinite bandwidth because you are giving the love process all your time. Bandwidth describes the amount of data a network can transport in a certain period of time. In other words, bandwidth is a capacity for rate of transfer, usually expressed in bits per second." It requires a timeless state, a view from outside the box of space-time to convey such a rich experience. So at the interface, (the gate) let go. Dont be afraid to give it up for God.

Humanism and Christianity: Resolving The Paradoxes

How can you combine these diverging branches of thought to reveal The Way, The Life and The Truth? It is a puzzle that can be solved in a higher dimension. Lets use our imagination to step out of space-time, and then look at the issues. First;is it by the efforts of man (Humanism) that we are saved such that Jesus Christ is as he says; "The Son of Man"... Or, are we saved by faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God who was sent to die on the cross for our sins? The answer yes to both! A transcendent observation from outside the box of space-time shows God create the world, life and man, alpha to omega, in one event. It Is All Now. From this view there is no free will and the Grace of God saves us. However, an observation from inside the box is subject to the flow of time. In here man has a life, free will, and the responsibility to become fully human. In Genesis God blesses us with work to do. Our tools become technology. Ideally, we apply technology to love and the spiritual life. The Holy and The Human; This duality sparks many arguments that could be resolved by considering the complimentary nature of the two viewpoints. It takes both to understand the human condition.

We can come together on many issues like this one if we make an effort to understand the full implications of block time. With the concept of block time we develop an inside space-time reference, and an outside space-time reference. Time is a dimension not a dynamic. Because we remember the past and not the future we have a subjective illusion of the passage of time. Augustine of Hippo wrote that God is also outside of time. Time only exist within the created universe. The physicist Stephen Hawking also helps us understand space-time on his website. (And, for a good overview on block time, see the Wikipedia article on the subject.) Below is a space-time diagram with two dimensions of space and one of time. "The hardest thing to realize about space-time diagrams is that they represent the past, present, and future all in one diagram. Thus, space-time diagrams don't change with time -- the evolution of physical systems is represented by looking at successive horizontal slices in the diagram at successive times. Space-time diagrams represent evolution, but they don't evolve themselves."

Another hot issue resolved is evolution. A transcendent observation from outside the box of space-time shows God create the world, life and man, alpha to omega, in one event. It Is All Now. From this view there is no evolution. However, an observation from inside the box is subject to the flow of time. In here man evolves, and humanity stands on the shoulders of life forms that have gone before us. These life forms are indeed part of our family.

'The hardest thing to realize about space-time diagrams is that they represent the past, present, and future all in one diagram. Thus, space-time diagrams don't change with time -- the evolution of physical systems is represented by looking at successive horizontal slices in the diagram at successive times. Space-time diagrams represent evolution, but they don't evolve themselves."

Here is the most important resolution: Does God live? Christian Transhumanists know there is a God.If you find it hard to believe that God exists try this: have faith in the continuum of life. Imagine that the essential part of life continues like it has in the past by growing in understanding, and changing form in order to meet every challenge. It keeps learning from those who have gone before. Life keeps adding to that wisdom and passes that wisdom on to the next. Just like your own life, living things will keep getting wiser and more connected. By growing in understanding life adapts to its environment, discovers opportunities, and controls a greater portion of the world as time goes on.In order to know God lives make the easy assumption that life just keeps on going. Carry this out to infinity and you have a living being that is infinitely powerful and knowing; a supreme state of being; our God. But.. God lives now. How then, can someone who comes into being in our future live now? It is because this form of life controls the world completely, even space and time. Time is like clay in the hands of God. For a Christian Transhumanist, the proof that God exists is in the spirit, the direction, and the goals of life all around us. It points the way like a compass needle to the Creator. To close the loop in the proof, The Creator sustains the Miracle of Being that we all experience, but usually take for granted.

Christ is the fulfillment of essential man

Christ is the fulfillment of humanity. Using the concept of block time it can be seen that "the end is the means". What we experience as spiritual growth is seen from outside the box as a static continuum of life which stands eternally. The hyperbolic in the drawing below symbolizes the continuum of life. It converges on a point in time. This point is the technological singularity and it is the focal point of the full power of God. All things come together here in Jesus Christ. Not only mankind but also the whole cosmos finds its fulfillment in Christ. For this to come about we will participate in Christ. Christ appears inside the box 2000 years ago to plant the ideas (the seed parables) that lead to the Son of Man. The Son of Man starts out as the gospel. These ideas grow into the Body of Christ spread out to form a Christian culture. (Looking at it from outside the box, God the father is sending his only son to save us from a life lost in the material world, a world that will end.) Christ must establish "the way, the life, and the truth". He does the only thing that can surely impress humanity; he dies on the cross for us. Then fallen man rises to move in the dimension of growth in understanding or, in the way of the Holy Spirit. Now his ideas live in all of us and the Body of Christ lives on through the actions they inspire. To complete the loop, we (the Body of Christ) grow spiritually to naturally converge on truth. We become the Son of Man. (Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man and says that "Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister and mother".) We Participate in Christ at the second coming as a family of one mind! We must. It sounds impossible for someone (Christ) to go back into time to create themselves, but you did something like it when you started up your computer. When we boot up a computer the operating system is performing the seemingly impossible task of starting itself up. How can something start itself up? Isn't it like pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps? It is simply a set of instructions that bring to life computer components long enough so that they can accomplish the goal of loading an operating system. The instructions establish a little; way- life-and truth for programs. In our case the program is the "Love Process". You can take comfort in the notion; because we exist today, we will always exist.

The action of gaining understanding is the Holy Spirit. "Though it cost all you have, get understanding." Jeremiah 2:14. We will reach a Critical Point of Understanding (CPU) where mind can be sustained by the word of God the Father alone. At this point the mind does not need the brain. Recall the first thing that Jesus said about mankind; "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God". And, "Flesh does not inherit the kingdom of God. The spirit does". The Perfect Mind Consumes Word to survive. As we grow to the CPU, it looks like mankind becomes Christ. This "second coming" is the interface, the gate and the way to the kingdom of heaven. "All things in heaven and earth come together in Christ", Ephesians 1:10.

Bless you. Grow in numbers. Subdue the world.

Genesis 1:28. (The very first thing God said to us.)

Grow in numbers and subdue the world...How could this still apply? Does it make sense to continue growing in numbers and subduing the world? Today it seems like a path to destruction! We all know that the earth is reaching its peak population, resources are diminishing, and pollution is affecting us in dangerous ways.

In the days of Genesis we were blessed with a wide-open world. We had room to grow. There were many things to discover and subdue. Now the world is nearly digested. But wait, Thank the creator! There is another course. In these days just before the evolutionary leap into post humanity, we can see that a new environment is becoming accessible. Some call it mind space, or the rapture, or the technical singularity. Some call it the promised land. Either way, it is just one of the transitions in the eternal continuum of life.

Gods first message will still apply when we make the evolutionary step into post humanity. This message is actually the strategy that leads to the eternal life that we were blessed with. In a process called Transformative Learning, We will wise up and change our idea of what life is.

We will value the complimentary aspect of subjective and objective truth. The two are necessary.

We will look back and think how silly it was to doubt the existence of God.

We will know what it means to be Born Again!

We will have fun.

Trace evolution from the beginning of life to the humanity today. The success of a living thing is measured by its model of reality. With Man, life becomes aware of God. Knowing that there is a desirable supreme state of being, we intelligently evolve even further. The Bible verse; Bless you. Grow in numbers. Subdue the world. Tells us that the world is made for a beautiful subjective/personal experience for all our numbers. And it says the world is food for our spiritual growth. This corresponds precisely to the vertical and horizontal components of intelligent evolution. Horizontal growth is spiritual growth because it is growth in the dimension of understanding.

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Christian Transhumanism

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Ron Paul investment ad predicts currency crisis, civil unrest

Posted: October 30, 2015 at 6:41 pm

Ron Paul at the launch of Rand Pauls presidential campaign in Louisville last month. (Photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP)

While Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul continues his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, his father is starring in an ad that warns darkly that the United States is teetering on the brink of a devastating financial crisis whose effects can only be avoided by following his investment advice.

Hi, Ron Paul here, the former GOP congressman and two-time Republican presidential candidate says in the radio ad published by BuzzFeed. Today I have an urgent message for every American whos retired or thinking about retiring soon. You see, our own governments disastrous policies have now put you, me and everyone over the age of 50 at great risk. Sometime in the near future, were going to have yet another financial crisis. This one wont be solved with bailouts, and it will hit seniors the hardest.

The 79-year-old warns of a coming economic armageddon one not backed up by mainstream economic projections. According to a recent report from Moodys Analytics, the U.S. economy is expected to grow 3 percent for the year despite a slowdown due, in part, to an unseasonably bad winter. And the value of the U.S. dollar has increased almost 15 percent from last year.

I fear there will be civil unrest, a drop in stock prices, pension fund collapses, big changes to Social Security and Medicare, the erosion of personal liberties, bank and brokerage closings and ultimately a major crisis as the U.S. dollar is rejected for almost any nonpaper alternative, Paul continues.

Ron Pauls doomsday view could complicate his sons bid for the GOP nomination as Rand Paul looks to run a more mainstream campaign than did his father, who lost three separate bids for the presidency before leaving Congress and becoming a source of investment advice for apocalyptic thinkers.

This is the second most interesting father-son psychodrama in the presidential race, Washington Post political reporter Karen Tumulty told Yahoo News last month. On one hand, [Rand Paul] wants to draw distinctions [with Ron Paul], but on the other hand, tap into that energy his father was able to build.

The minute-long spots direct listeners to a website that includes a 54-minute infomercial-style video produced by Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, a conservative investment advice newsletter.

Dr. Ron Paul strongly believes when the next crisis hits, there will be no warning, and the government wont save you, a voice-over says. Go online to, where youll learn simple steps you can take to protect your retirement.

In the video, billed as an exclusive interview with the 12-term former congressman, Paul says the pending crisis will be worse than our Great Depression.

In short, I believe that we as a nation are on the brink of a massive financial crisis infinitely worse than the crisis of 2008, he says. And thats because it wont be a banking and mortgage problem but a full-blown currency crisis the likes of which weve never experienced in this country. The savings of millions of people could be wiped out overnight. The stock market could crash by 50 percent or more. The way of life weve enjoyed as Americans for over 50 years could come to an end. Its not a question of if this will happen, but when.

The former Libertarian presidential candidate says that as a result of the inevitable currency crisis, the middle class gets wiped out, the way you work, live, retire in America everything is going to change.

But the real killer, Paul says, will be the effect of all this on our society and on our liberties.

Ron Paul also appears in a similar, Stansberry-produced video carrying the same message.

People wont have any clue what to do when theres a line around the block just to access the ATM, he says. I think well see problems in the big cities especially in fact, were already seeing the beginnings of that: Ferguson, the riots in New York and Detroit.

The informercial eventually offers viewers a $49.50 Stansberry hard-copy Survival Blueprint that includes, among other tips, the strategy that can save you and your neighborhood, how to quickly open a foreign bank account and the secret paper currency used by the worlds wealthiest people.

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Those who try to leave the website are even prompted with a pop-up warning: Please: Dont wait until its too late.

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Ron Paul investment ad predicts currency crisis, civil unrest

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Atopic dermatitis (eczema) Treatments and drugs – Mayo Clinic

Posted: October 29, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Atopic dermatitis can be persistent. You may need to try various treatments over months or years to control it. And even if you respond to treatment, your signs and symptoms may return (flare).

It's important to recognize the condition early so you can start treatment. If regular moisturizing and other self-care steps don't help, your doctor may suggest the following treatments and drugs:

Light therapy. The simplest form of light therapy (phototherapy) involves exposing your skin to controlled amounts of natural sunlight. Other forms use artificial ultraviolet A (UVA) and narrow band UVB either alone or with medications.

Though effective, long-term light therapy has harmful effects, including premature skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer. For these reasons, phototherapy is not used for infants and young children. Talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of light therapy in your situation.

Treatment for infantile eczema includes:

See your baby's doctor if these measures don't improve the rash or if the rash looks infected. Your baby may need a prescription medication to control the rash or to treat an infection. Your doctor may recommend an oral antihistamine to help lessen the itch and to cause drowsiness, which may be helpful for nighttime itching and discomfort.


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Futurism – RationalWiki

Posted: at 2:43 pm

Events, by definition, are occurrences that interrupt routine processes and routine procedures; only in a world in which nothing of importance ever happens could the futurologists dream come true.

Futurism, or futurology, is the study, or hypothetical study, of what might become of the human race and our relationship with technology and our environment. It is quite often difficult to discern between the realistic, the science woo, and the science fictional elements of the works of futurists.

The first use of the term "futurism" appeared during the early 19th century in reference to a specific brand of Christian eschatology that teaches that many parts of the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation, will take place in the future.[1] Obviously, futurism still holds some influence in modern Christianity considering all the cranks still banging on about the end times.

The term "futurist" was not explicitly used in reference to a number of 19th century science fiction writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, though modern futurists claim to draw inspiration from them.[2]

The original futurist movement was born in early 20th century Italy which was known for exalting art, technology, and violence. One of the key documents of the early futurist movement was The Futurist Manifesto, published in 1909 by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.[3] This positioned Marinetti as the leader of the Italian futurist movement and eventually the head of the Futurist Political Party formed in 1918. Many of the futurists were also Italian nationalists and became fascist ideologues and supporters of Benito Mussolini.[4]

One of the many strains of futurist music (see the next couple sections) came out of the Italian movement. Musician Balilla Pratella wrote an article Manifesto of Futurist Musicians[5] in 1910. In it, he addresses young musicians (because "only they can understand what I have to say"), encouraging them to ditch commercialism, academia, closed competitions, critics, sacred music, librettist/composer partnerships, vocal centrism, and quite a few other things he believes are holding back musical innovation. Typical of the movement, Pratella adopts a vitriolic tone, never taking a moment's breath to stop painting the "traditionalists" as mortal enemies of music.

Pratella was forgotten over time and 20th-century classical music lived on.

Modern futurism came to be characterized by a more scientific (or scientistic, as some might say) bent while still retaining its artistic elements. Ossip K. Flechtheim called for a field of "futurology" beginning in the 1940s in an attempt to "scientifically" predict the future based on history.[6]Future Shock, by Alvin Toffler is known for being one of the most influential popularizations of futurism. Nowadays the field is rife with anyone who can get the media to call them futurists.

Futurist themes were embraced by a number of African-American artists, especially musicians, in the mid-20th century. This style eventually came to be known as "Afro-futurism." Sun Ra, a jazz pianist and bandleader, is known as the progenitor of this style.[7]. A number of other musicians have become associated with Afro-futurism, including Parliament-Funkadelic, Model 500 and DJ Spooky.

The current incarnation of futurism is known as transhumanism, a somewhat loosely knit movement that has gained a few wealthy financial benefactors in Silicon Valley. Many transhumanists are "Singularitarians" who posit a coming "technological singularity" in which an artificial intelligence is built that exceeds human intelligence and initiates an explosion of technological advancement. Transhumanists are also proponents of pseudoscientific, dubious, or otherwise problematic technology, such as cryonics and mind uploading. Ray Kurzweil is probably the most famous transhumanist around today.

The movement that came to be known as "cyborg feminism" or "cyberfeminism" takes its inspiration from Donna Haraway's 1985 essay "A Cyborg Manifesto." Haraway rebutted the idea that science and technology are inherently patriarchal or capitalistic. Cyberfeminism tends to concentrate on the intersection of gender roles and technology.[8] Another movement with some overlap with cyberfeminism is "postgenderism," which advocates for technological advances in service of erasing gender (and sexual dimorphism too).[9] Both of these movements also have some overlap with transhumanism.

There was a strain of '80s electronic synthesizer pop of this name, which they got from the Italian ones. It went "ZOMG MACHINES EXIST" in a new wave sort of manner with silly haircuts and eyeliner. Examples include Visage and Depeche Mode. In the early 2000s, industrial bands VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berzerk invented the name "futurepop" for their version of this.[10] Even more confusingly is a resurgence in 80s-sounding synth-music thanks to films like Drive and videogames like Hotline Miami with a number of names, like "Synthwave" or "Retro-Synth."[11] So "future" means "retro," except...

It's basically an aesthetic used in art and design built on all those failed futurist predictions leading to styles such as "steam punk" or "diesel punk."

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Futurism and Art History

Posted: at 2:43 pm

An Italian poet named Emilio Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944) established Futurism in 1908. He envisioned a new society that would make a complete rupture with the present and the past even as the world underwent rapid changes in the new century. Tomasso imagined a perfect world, a utopia that included new art and literary forms. In essence, the new society would replace past social norms and offer something better for art and poetry. In his Futurist Manifesto in 1909, Tommaso elaborated more on the Futurist vision, including the Four Post-Modernizations.

Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916) created and embodied the Futurism painting form with his paintings The City Rises (1910) and States of Mind (1911-1912). The latter features red, blue, and white as the dominant colors and includes humans in motion and futuristic buildings under construction at the top of the canvas. The elements of Futurism are embedded in the complex composition. Many colors break up and come together to portray a man shown from behind. He looks like can pull the observer into the future. Boccioni also sculpted a bronze cast in 1913 called Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, which now resides in the Museum of Modern Art. This human figure also embodies motion, a central concept of Futurism.

The Dada artist and writer, Marcel Duchamp, was the brilliant organizer of the Dadaists and the author of the Dada Manifesto. He had a brilliant older brother whose sculptures exhibit the impact of Futurism. Raymond Duchamp-Villon (1876-1918) created the magnificent bronze sculpture which was both mechanical and unique. He chose the simple name The Horse (1914), understating the complexity of this three-dimensional form as a complex representation of how humanity is propelling itself into an uncertain future.

It is hard to believe sometimes that the Dadaists and the Futurists, including the Duchamp brothers were creating such revolutionary work only a couple years after Braque and Picasso introduced Cubism to the Paris art world in the midst of the First World War. Joseph Stella also reverberated the Futurist sense of rhythm and motion in his painting, Battle of Lights, Coney Island painting (1914). Some historians even argue that Futurism even impacted Picassos Synthetic Cubism.

Architecture gave a vision to the idea of a futuristic city. Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright built models of their visions for a futuristic metropolis. However, these elaborate plans were never built. Wrights plan is reminiscent of the city of the future one sees when riding the Mass Transit Authority through Walt Disney Worlds Space Mountain.

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Former NOAA Meteorologist tells of years of censorship to …

Posted: October 28, 2015 at 4:41 am

Pierre Gosselin has a great post: Former NOAA Meteorologist Says Employees Were Cautioned Not To Talk About Natural Cycles.

David Dilley, NOAA Meteorologist, tells how for 15 years work on man-made climate change was pushed while work on natural cycles was actively suppressed. Grants connecting climate change to a man-made crisis were advertised, while the word went around to heads of departments that even mentioning natural cycles would threaten the flow of government funds. Speeches about natural cycles were mysteriously canceled at the last minute with bizarre excuses.

But jobs are on the line, so only retired workers can really speak, and no one can name names.

We can corroborate David Dilleys remarks. Indeed, he is probably just one of many skeptics hidden in the ranks of NOAA. Way back in 2007, David Evans got an email from a different insider within NOAA, around the time he started talking publicly about the missing hotspot. The insider said, remarkably: As a Meteorologist working for [snip, name of division] it has been clear to me, as well as every single other scientist I know at NOAA, that man can not be the primary cause of global warming and that the predictions of gloom and doom due to rising temperatures is ridiculous.

So there are probably many skeptics at NOAA, but given the uniformly aggressive public stance of NOAA apparently none of them can speak until after they retire.

By P Gosselin on 26. August 2015

In the mid 1990s government grants were typically advertised in such a way to indicate that conclusions should show a connection to human activity as the cause for anthropogenic global warming. The result: most of the research published in journals became one-sided and this became the primary information tool for media outlets.

According to some university researchers who were former heads of their departments, if a university even mentioned natural cycles, they were either denied future grants, or lost grants. And it is common knowledge that United States government employees within NOAA were cautioned not to talk about natural cycles. It is well known that most university research departments live or die via the grant system. What a great way to manipulate researchers in Europe, Australia and the United States.

Dilley was invited to speak about natural cycles, but just before the event mysterious staff shortages meant his speech was canceled. Oddly, a different speech suddenly appeared in its place.

Its always the way, someone at an institution is keen, then just before the event, something changes:

All seemed well as I prepared for the lecture. Butthen came the manipulation and suppression of views. Just four days prior to the lecture, three people from the University of Maine viewed our web site ( The next morning, just 3 days prior to the June 29th lecture, I received an email from Eagle Hill stating that my lecture is canceled due to a staffing shortage. Upon checking their web site, the calendar did show my lecture as being canceled, but carried the notation that we hope to have a different lecture on the 29th.

So what happened with the staffing shortage? A news service called The Maine Wire interviewed the President of Eagle Hill, and he said that the University of Maine felt some people in the audience may be uncomfortable hearing Mr. Dilleys lecture.

Read it all Former NOAA Meteorologist Says Employees Were Cautioned Not To Talk About Natural Cycles

Maybe the staff shortages meant they couldnt hire enough security staff to hold back the packs of students protesting someone who dared disagree with their programming. After all, this is a University.

h/t The Great ClimateDepot

UPDATE: David Dilley replied in comments. Perhaps you can ask him something about his work?

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UK Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy Consortium : Oxford …

Posted: October 27, 2015 at 6:43 am

Welcome to the website of the Oxford University Gene Medicine Research Group. We are a University of Oxford research group based in the Radcliffe Department of Medicine at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

We are focused on the development of clinical gene therapies for the treatment of lung diseases. Our primary focus has been Cystic Fibrosis (CF) lung disease.

Together with colleagues at the University of Edinburgh and Imperial College London we form the UK Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy Consortium, funded by the Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research and the UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

The Consortium is currently undertaking one of the world's largest ever gene therapy clinical trials in CF patients based on our gene therapy research.

Patient Recruitment for the Muti-Dose Clinical Trial

We are pleased to announce the launch of new charity Just Gene Therapy with the specific aim of raising funds for gene therapy research for CF. The charity has been established by Rosie Barnes in conjunction with Professor Eric Alton, and is the only way in which donations can directly support the work of the Consortium.

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AASM News Archive – American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Posted: at 6:43 am

Study of twins discovers gene mutation linked to short sleep duration American Academy of Sleep Medicine Thursday, July 31, 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Lynn Celmer, 630-737-9700, ext. 9364,

DARIEN, IL Researchers who studied 100 twin pairs have identified a gene mutation that may allow the carrier to function normally on less than six hours of sleep per night. The genetic variant also appears to provide greater resistance to the effects of sleep deprivation.

Results show that a participant with p.Tyr362His a variant of the BHLHE41 gene had an average nightly sleep duration of only five hours, which was more than one hour shorter than the non-carrier twin, who slept for about six hours and five minutes per night. The twin with the gene mutation also had 40 percent fewer average lapses of performance during 38 hours without sleep and required less recovery sleep afterward sleeping only eight hours after the period of extended sleep deprivation compared with his twin brother, who slept for 9.5 hours.

According to the authors, this is only the second study to link a mutation of the BHLHE41 gene also known as DEC2 - to short sleep duration. The study provides new insights into the genetic basis of short sleep in humans and the molecular mechanisms involved in setting the duration of sleep that individuals need.

This work provides an important second gene variant associated with sleep deprivation and for the first time shows the role of BHLHE41 in resistance to sleep deprivation in humans, said lead author Renata Pellegrino, PhD, senior research associate in the Center for Applied Genomics at The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. The mutation was associated with resistance to the neurobehavioral effects of sleep deprivation.

Study results are published in the Aug. 1 issue of the journal Sleep.

Pellegrino, along with co-author Ibrahim Halil Kavakli, from Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey, studied 100 twin pairs 59 monozygotic pairs and 41 dizygotic pairs who were recruited at the University of Pennsylvania. All twin pairs were the same sex and were healthy with no chronic conditions. Nightly sleep duration was measured at home by actigraphy for seven to eight nights. Response to 38 hours of sleep deprivation and length of recovery sleep were assessed in a sleep lab. During sleep deprivation, cognitive performance was measured every two hours using the Psychomotor Vigilance Test.

Although individual sleep needs vary, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults get about seven to nine hours of nightly sleep. However, a small percentage of adults are normal short sleepers who routinely obtain less than six hours of sleep per night without any complaints of sleep difficulties and no obvious daytime dysfunction.

This study emphasizes that our need for sleep is a biological requirement, not a personal preference, said American Academy of Sleep Medicine President Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler. Most adults appear to need at least seven hours of quality sleep each night for optimal health, productivity and daytime alertness.

According to the AASM, most people who regularly get six hours of sleep or less are restricting their sleep and suffer from insufficient sleep syndrome, which occurs when an individual persistently fails to obtain the amount of sleep required to maintain normal levels of alertness and wakefulness. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that 28 percent of U.S. adults report sleeping six hours or less in a 24-hour period. Insufficient sleep results in increased daytime sleepiness, concentration problems and lowered energy level, and it increases the risk of depression, drowsy driving, and workplace accidents.

The study involved a collaboration between researchers from The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia; Universidade Federal de So Paulo (UNIFESP) in So Paulo, Brazil; Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine; the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center; and Washington State University. The research was supported in part by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Institutional Development Fund from the Center for Applied Genomics at The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia.

To request a copy of the study, A Novel BHLHE41Variant is Associated with Short Sleep and Resistance to Sleep Deprivation in Humans, or to arrange an interview with the study author or an AASM spokesperson, please contact Communications Coordinator Lynn Celmer at 630-737-9700, ext. 9364, or

The monthly, peer-reviewed, scientific journal Sleep is published online by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC, a joint venture of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society. The AASM is a professional membership society that improves sleep health and promotes high quality patient centered care through advocacy, education, strategic research, and practice standards ( A searchable directory of AASM accredited sleep centers is available at

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How Mankind Is Inching Ever Closer To Immortality Through …

Posted: at 6:42 am

The ubiquity of smartphones has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives. And now, thanks to advancements in wireless technology, smartphones are uniquely positioned to change the way we stay alive.

Today, many patients and doctors are using smartphones as a health care tool. Worried about that rash on your arm? You might be able to snap a photo and send it to your dermatologist. Need to go over your medical history with a new doctor? You could pull up your record on your phone for her perusal. Concerned about chest pains? Theres an EKG app for that.

The smartphone is the future of medicine, says cardiologist and digital medicine researcher Eric Topol. All of [your] medical data [can be] captured in the wild, in the real world. Relevant medical data is coming into your phone. That helps [doctors and patients] to get a handle on virtually all medical conditions and monitor them on a continuous basis.

To highlight the way smartphones and wireless technology are improving our health and saving lives, weve partnered with Qualcomm to take a look at just how much of the future of medicine is in the palm of our hands.

Changing the Model

In the past, doctors were seen as the sole gatekeepers to a patients well-being. They had the education and the experience to make the appropriate diagnosis, the thinking went. As such, they didnt need much input from their patients besides their test results.

But there was a shift in the 20th century to a more patient-focused brand of medicine. Care is better when it recognizes what patients' problems are rather than what the diagnosis is, a 2011 article in The Permanente Journal said. A major failure of primary care is the great underestimation of the importance of long-term relationships with patients independent of care for specific disease episodes.

Smartphones have now brought information into the hands of patients. Thanks to mobile sensors and an array of health-focused apps, people can now measure and monitor data that help make up their health profiles. Weve become inundated with apps that help us eat, travel and bank better. Now were beginning to see health care apps that provide similar types of guidance.

Changing the Way We Communicate

This level of insight and access to data is powerful. We can use data about our bodies to tell us a lot of things, statistician Talithia Williams said during a TED talk on owning your bodys data. Medical doctors [are] experts on the population, but you are the expert on yourself. And so when two of you come together, when two experts come together, the two of you are able to make a better decision than just your doctor alone.

Justin Williams, founder of Data Minded Solutions, a health care technology company, agrees: For the first time, we have the ability to have meaningful and evidence-based interactions with health care providers.

Patients can also have a deeper context for their health today. When his blood glucose lab results hadnt reached his doctor in time for a scheduled appointment, Steve Malik, founder of Medfusion, an app that displays your medical history at a swipe, could bring it up on his smartphone. So when I was getting that talk we all get from our doctors about the three or four things we need to do, I had context, Malik says. I think thats a big part of taking ownership of [your health].

Having that data can be very empowering for people they can begin to have informed discussions with their health care providers about their health and any necessary interventions from a position of greater awareness. They carry both their own and their familys health data in their hands.

Smartphones and wireless technology have also changed the way physicians communicate with their patients. An estimated 3 million people will have their health monitored via mobile networks, and 142 million health apps will be downloaded in 2016, according to Cognizant, a global consultant on business and technology services. E-visits having a doctors appointment via a smartphone or mobile on-demand app are not out of the ordinary. (Deloitte estimates there were 100 million such visits worldwide last year.)

Changing the Way We Receive Care

There are now multitudes of different apps and sensors that can be attached to your smartphone to retrieve your health data. As Topol puts it, The mobile device has just become a Swiss Army knife of tremendous potential.

California-based company Scanadu has developed a sensor that captures important physiological data -- from heart rate and temperature to detailed blood information -- simply by placing it to your forehead. The company is also working on a urine test kit that can provide data on your liver and kidney functions; a smartphone app quickly processes and explains the test results. The University of Washingtondeveloped ApneaApp can wirelessly test for sleep apnea while a patient is asleep by capturing sound waves through a phones speaker to track breathing patterns. (It is expected to be available to consumers within the next two years.)

Not only does this type of wireless technology have the potential to make health care more accessibleit could also make it cheaper for both consumers and insurance companies. This is especially important, as Americans spent around $2.9 trillion on health care in 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Topol recently had a patient who called him with concerns about his heart rate. Usually, Topol wouldve been able to diagnose his patient wirelessly with the help of a $69 electrocardiogram app. But the patient didnt have the app downloaded, and he went to the ER instead, where Topol met him.

Before he ever got into the actual emergency room, I had him put his fingers on my smartphone, did the cardiogram, and I diagnosed what it was, he said.

After a night at the hospital and a battery of tests, the patient was given the same medication Topol would have prescribed with the help of an app. His bill for the emergency room? We're talking several thousand dollars. And all of this could have been [avoided with] a $69 app that he has now, Topol said with a wry laugh.

Changing the Way We Monitor Our Health

With this type of data within our reach, were just at the beginning of a medical revolution. But its definitely coming, experts say.

Not only do people want a consolidated health record in their pocket, said Medfusion founder Malik, they also want to be notified on their wrist if it's time to take a med or that a lab result came in. When you add in the whole sensor capability, it really gives you an idea of where we're going.

And wheres that? A healthier and more empowered future for more people, thanks to the everyday wonder of a smartphone.

Qualcomm believes that we must challenge what we see today, so we can invent the technologies that will shape our tomorrow. To learn more about our Why Wait campaign, click here.

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