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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Human Life Span Defined – Longevity Advice from

Posted: January 1, 2016 at 10:42 pm

Updated December 15, 2015.

The human life span is themaximum number of years an individual from the human species can live based on observed examples. Though this definition of life span may seem simple enough, it is often confused for other common concepts in the study of the aging, life, and death of living organisms. In order to better understand the human life span, let's dive a little deeper into the concept and its important distinctions from other commonly used terms.

The term life span is most commonly confused with another important concept: life expectancy. While both terms relate to the number of living years, they actually define very different concepts.While the term life span refers to the maximum number of years an individual can live, life expectancy refers to an estimate or an average number of years a person can expect to live.

Most simply put, life expectancy can be attributed to and impacted by an individual and their personal health history, genetics, and lifestyle, whereas life span holds for all living humans.

For example, my life expectancy is affected by personal factors like my family history, my environment, my diet, and even my age and sex. My life expectancy might be different for your life expectancy and it may even change over time. Our life spans, however, are one in the same. We share it as members of the same species. So what is the human life span?

Given that the human life span is defined by the longest observed human life from birth to death, it is a figure that has changed over the years.

For humans, the current accepted maximum life span is 122 years. This age was achieved by Jeane LouiseCalmentof France. Calment lived from February 21, 1975 to August 4, 1997 until she was exactly 122 years and 164 days old. Remarkably, Calmentremained relatively healthy and mentally intact until her 122 birthday.

Though there have certainly been claims of longer lives, none of the claims were acceptably documented and verified. Calment remains the first verified person to reach any age between 116 and 122 and the only verified person to reach the age of 122.

With the United State's average life expectancy currently hovering at around 78.88 years, the age to which most Americans can expect to live is still forty-four years younger than the human life span. So how do we close that gap and elongate our lives? There will always be factors that are out of our individual control like our inherited genes, but we shouldn't discount the impact of those that we can control. It is generally understood that closing the gap between life expectancy and life span can be done through healthier living, less exposure to toxins, the prevention of chronic illnesses, and a little bit of luck.

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The Human Life Span Defined - Longevity Advice from

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Psoriasis – In-Depth Report – NY Times Health

Posted: at 10:41 pm

In-Depth From A.D.A.M. Background

An estimated 7.5 million Americans (2.2% of the population) have psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder in which there are periodic flare-ups of sharply defined red patches, covered by a silvery, flaky surface. The main disease activity leading to psoriasis occurs in the epidermis, the top five layers of the skin.

The process starts in the basal (bottom) layer of the epidermis, where keratinocytes are made. Keratinocytes are immature skin cells that produce keratin, a tough protein that helps form hair, nails, and skin. In normal cell growth, keratinocytes grow and move from the bottom layer to the skin's surface and shed unnoticed. This process takes about a month.

In people with psoriasis, the keratinocytes multiply very rapidly and travel from the basal layer to the surface in about 4 days. The skin cannot shed these cells quickly enough, so they build up, leading to thick, dry patches, or plaques. Silvery, flaky areas of dead skin build up on the surface of the plaques before being shed. The skin layer underneath (dermis), which contains the nerves and blood and lymphatic vessels, becomes red and swollen.

Various forms of psoriasis exist. Some can occur alone or at the same time as other types, or one may follow another. The most common type is called plaque psoriasis, also known as psoriasis vulgaris.

Plaque psoriasis leads to skin patches that start off in small areas, about 1/8 of an inch wide. They usually appear in the same areas on opposite sides of the body.

The patches slowly grow larger and develop thick, dry plaque. If the plaque is scratched or scraped, bleeding spots the sizes of pinheads appear underneath. This is known as the Auspitz sign.

Some patches may become ring-shaped (annular), with a clear center and scaly raised borders that may appear wavy and snake-like.

As the disease progresses, eventually separate patches may join together to form larger areas. In some cases, the patches can become very large and cover wide areas of the back or chest. This is known as geographic plaques because the skin lesions resemble maps.

Plaque psoriasis may persist for long periods of time. More often it flares up periodically, triggered by certain factors such as cold weather, infection, or stress.

Patches most often occur on the:

They may also be seen on the:

Psoriasis of the scalp affects about 50% of patients. In some cases, the psoriasis may cover the scalp with thick plaques that extend down from the hairline to the forehead.

Psoriasis patches rarely affect the face in adulthood. In children, psoriasis is most likely to start in the scalp and spread to other parts of the body. Unlike in adults, it also may occur on the face and ears.

Psoriasis Form

Description of Skin Patches


Guttate Psoriasis

The patches are teardrop-shaped and appear suddenly, usually over the trunk and often on the arms, legs, or scalp. They often disappear without treatment.

Guttate psoriasis can occur as the initial outbreak of psoriasis, often in children and young adults 1 - 3 weeks after a viral or bacterial (usually streptococcal) respiratory or throat infection. A family history of psoriasis and stressful life events are also highly linked with the start of guttate psoriasis.

Guttate psoriasis can also develop in patients who have already had other forms of psoriasis, most often in people treated with widely-applied topical (rub-on) products containing corticosteroids.

Inverse Psoriasis

Patches usually appear as smooth inflamed areas without a scaly surface. They occur in the folds of the skin, such as under the armpits or breast, or in the groin.

Inverse psoriasis may be especially difficult to treat.

Seborrheic Psoriasis

Patches appear as red scaly areas on the scalp, behind the ears, above the shoulder blades, in the armpits or groin, or in the center of the face.

Seborrheic psoriasis may be especially difficult to treat.

Nail Psoriasis

Tiny white pits are scattered in groups across the nail. Toenails and sometimes fingernails may have yellowish spots. Long ridges may also develop across and down the nail.

The nail bed often separates from the skin of the finger and collections of dead skin can build up underneath the nail.

Over half of patients with psoriasis have abnormal changes in their nails, which may appear before other skin symptoms. In some cases, nail psoriasis is the only symptom.

Generalized Erythrodermic Psoriasis (also called psoriatic exfoliative erythroderma)

This is a rare and severe form of psoriasis, in which the skin surface becomes scaly and red. The disease covers all or nearly all of the body.

About 20% of such cases evolve from psoriasis itself. The condition may also be triggered by certain psoriasis treatments, and other medications such as corticosteroids or synthetic antimalarial drugs.

Pustular Psoriasis

Patches become pus-filled and blister-like. The blisters eventually turn brown and form a scaly crust or peel off.

Pustules usually appear on the hands and feet. When they form on the palms and soles, the condition is called palmar-plantar pustulosis.

Pustular psoriasis may erupt as the first occurrence of psoriasis, or it may evolve from plaque psoriasis.

A number of conditions may trigger pustular psoriasis, including infection, pregnancy, certain drugs, and metal allergies.

Pustular psoriasis can also accompany other forms of psoriasis and can be very severe.

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory condition that leads to stiff, tender, and inflamed joints. Estimates on its prevalence among people with psoriasis range from 2 - 42%. AIDS patients and those with severe psoriasis are at higher risk for developing PsA.

About 80% of PsA patients have psoriasis in the nails. Arthritic and skin flare-ups tend to occur at the same time. It is not clear whether psoriatic arthritis is a unique disease or a variation of psoriasis, although evidence suggests they are both caused by the same immune system problem.

PsA is often divided into five forms. The forms differ according to the location and severity of the affected joint:

People who start to smoke after developing psoriasis may delay the onset of psoriatic arthritis. However, research has also linked smoking to an increased risk of psoriasis, and because smoking causes serious health problems, it should not be considered as a way to delay this type of psoriasis.

The precise causes of psoriasis are unknown. It is generally believed to be caused by damage to factors in the immune system, enzymes, and other materials that control skin cell division. This prompts an abnormal immune response, which causes rapid production of immature skin cells and inflammation.

The Normal Immune System Response. The inflammatory process is the result of the body's immune response, which fights infection and heals wounds and injuries:

The Infection Fighters. The primary infection-fighting units are two types of white blood cells: lymphocytes and leukocytes.

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell designed to recognize foreign substances (antigens) and launch an offensive or defensive action against them. Lymphocytes include two subtypes known as T cells and B cells:

A type of T cell called a helper T cell stimulates B cells and other white blood cells to attack a foreign substance. In psoriasis, however, the helper T cell appears to direct the B cells to produce autoantibodies ("self" antibodies), which attack skin cells. In psoriatic arthritis, cells in the joints also come under attack.

In psoriasis, helper T cells also release or stimulate the production of powerful immune factors called cytokines. In small amounts, cytokines are very important for healing. However, the high level of these cytokines that occurs in psoriasis can cause serious damage, including inflammation and injury during the psoriasis disease process.

A combination of genes is involved with increasing a person's susceptibility to the conditions leading to psoriasis. However, researchers are still unsure as to exactly how the disease is inherited.

HLA Molecules. The processes leading to all autoimmune diseases involve the human leukocyte antigens (HLA), a group of protein markers found on cells. Most immune disorders are associated with problems in how the body reacts to these different protein markers or antigens. However, other genetic and environmental factors are required to actually trigger the disease.

Four key genes (named PSOR 1 - 4) seem to be involved with psoriasis. Certain variations or changes in these genes may increase the risk of psoriasis. These same variations linked to psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are also associated with four autoimmune diseases: type 1 diabetes, Grave's disease, celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that all of these diseases have the same genetic basis.

The presence of a recently identified variation in a group of genes known as LCE can protect against the development of psoriasis.

Weather, stress, injury, infection, and medications, while not direct causes, are often important in triggering the disease process that initiates and worsens psoriasis.

Weather. Cold, dry weather is a common trigger of psoriasis flare-ups. Hot, damp, sunny weather helps relieve the problem in most patients. However, some people have photosensitive psoriasis, which actually improves in winter and worsens in summer when skin is exposed to sunlight.

Stress and Strong Emotions. Stress, unexpressed anger, and emotional disorders, including depression and anxiety, are strongly associated with psoriasis flare-ups. Research has suggested that stress can trigger specific immune factors associated with psoriasis flares.

Infection. Infections caused by viruses or bacteria can trigger some cases of psoriasis. For example:

Skin Injuries and the Koebner Response. The Koebner response is a delayed response to skin injuries, in which psoriasis develops later at the site of the injury. In some cases, even mild abrasions can cause an eruption, which may be why psoriasis tends to frequently occur on the elbows or knees. However, psoriasis can develop in areas that have not been injured.

Medications. Drugs that can trigger the disease, worsen symptoms, or cause a flare-up include:

Severe flare-ups may occur in people with psoriasis who stop taking their steroid pills by mouth, or who discontinue the use of very strong steroid ointments that cover wide skin areas. The flare-ups may be of various psoriatic forms, including guttate, pustular, and erythrodermic psoriasis. Because these drugs are also used to treat psoriasis, this rebound effect is of particular concern.

Medications that cause rashes (a side effect of many drugs) can trigger psoriasis as part of the Koebner response.

Risk factors for psoriasis include:

A microscopic examination of tissue taken from the affected skin patch is needed to make a definitive diagnosis of psoriasis and to distinguish it from other skin disorders. Usually in psoriasis, the examination will show a large number of dry skin cells, but without many signs of inflammation or infection. Specific changes in the nails are often strong signs of psoriasis.

The severity of psoriasis ranges from one or two flaky inflamed patches to widespread pustular psoriasis that, in rare cases, can be life threatening. To help determine the best treatment for a patient, doctors usually classify the disease as mild to severe. The classification depends on how much of the skin is affected:

The palm of the hand equals 1% of the body.

The severity of the disease is also measured by its effect on a person's quality of life.

The National Psoriasis Foundation has proposed a new classification method. The group suggests a two-tiered system that classifies patients as needing either local or body-wide (systemic) treatment.

In general, severe or widespread psoriasis is harder to treat. However, some forms of psoriasis can be very resistant to treatment, even though they are not categorized as severe. They include:

Many creams, ointments, lotions, and pills are available to treat psoriasis. Some patients require only over-the-counter treatment, or even no treatment.

Many patients with psoriasis, however, do not respond to over-the-counter remedies and lifestyle changes, and require aggressive treatments. In some cases, such treatments need to be lifelong.

In general, there are three treatment options for patients with psoriasis:

Individual needs vary widely, and treatment selection must be carefully discussed with the doctor.

Giving treatment in a stepwise order can help provide quick symptom relief and long-term maintenance. It involves three main steps:

Choices for transitional or maintenance treatments depend on the severity of the condition.

In severe chronic cases, the doctor may recommend rotational therapy. This approach alternates treatments. The goal is to prevent severe side effects or the build-up of resistance from long-term use of a single medicine. An example of a rotational schedule may be the following:

Doctors increasingly use combinations of pills, creams, ointments, and phototherapy instead of single medications. Combinations of oral treatments are particularly useful, because the doses of each drug can be reduced. This lowers the risk of severe side effects. Thousands of combinations are possible, and patients should discuss with their doctors the best treatment for their individual needs.

Topical medications are those applied only to the surface of the body. They come in the following forms:

In general, topical treatments are the first line for mild-to-moderate psoriasis, but they may also be used, alone or in combination, with more powerful treatments for moderate-to-severe cases. Topical medicines rarely clear up symptoms completely, however.

Topical corticosteroids are the mainstay of psoriasis treatment in the United States. These drugs work for most patients because they:

Corticosteroids are available in a wide range of strengths, and are generally given as follows:

Topical steroids are often rated by how strong or potent they are:

In the past, topical steroids were used twice a day. For some patients, certain drugs may work just as well if taken once a day. Both high-potency steroids, and possibly medium-strength steroids, such as triamcinolone (Aureocort, Tri-Adcortyl), may be as beneficial as a once-daily treatment.

However, corticosteroids used alone are not enough for most patients. Combining topical steroids with other topical drugs (see below) is often needed. Many patients also need oral medicines.

Side Effects. The more powerful the corticosteroid, the more effective it is. But more powerful steroid drugs also have a higher risk for severe side effects, which may include:

Loss of Effectiveness. In most cases, patients become tolerant to the effects of the drugs, and the drugs no longer work as well as they should. Some experts recommend using intermittent therapy (also called weekend or pulse therapy). This type of treatment involves applying a high-potency topical medication for 3 full days each week.

A topical form of vitamin D3, calcipotriene (Dovonex) is proving to be both safe and effective. It is now available in a foam preparation, which makes using it even easier. Several other topical vitamin D3-related drugs that are showing promise include maxacalcitol (Oxarol), tacalcitol, and calcitriol (Silkis).

Calcipotriene appears to:

It works just as well as moderate topical corticosteroids, short-term anthralin, and coal tar in improving mild-to-moderate plaque psoriasis. But unlike with steroids, patients do not develop thinning of the skin or tolerance to the drug.

Using the drug in combination with other topical and body-wide treatments may improve its effectiveness. Calcipotriene doesn't work as well as the highest potency corticosteroids, but combining both medications is proving to be more effective than taking either one alone. Taclonex, an ointment containing both calcipotriol and betamethasone, is available for the treatment of adults with psoriasis. Studies show the combination works better than either drug alone.

Combining vitamin D ointments with systemic medicines, notably methotrexate, acitretin, or cyclosporine, increases its effectiveness. Because combining medications allows patients to use lower doses of both medications, it reduces side effects.

Studies also report success in some patients who use vitamin D ointments in combination with phototherapy treatment.

Side Effects. Calcipotriene may cause the following side effects:

Calcipotriene appears to cause greater skin irritation than potent corticosteroids. Diluting the drug with petrolatum or applying topical corticosteroids to sensitive areas may prevent this problem.

Coal tar preparations have been used to treat psoriasis for about 100 years, although their use has declined with the introduction of topical vitamin D3-related medicines. Crude coal tar stops the action of enzymes that contribute to psoriasis, and helps prevent new cell production. Tar is often used in combination with other drugs and with ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy.

Side Effects. Preparations have the following drawbacks:

Anthralin (Dritho-Scalp, Drithocreme, Micanol) slows skin cell reproduction and can produce remissions that last for months. It is recommended only for chronic or inactive psoriasis, not for acute or inflamed eruptions. People with kidney problems should use anthralin with caution.

As with tar, anthralin's use has also declined since the introduction of the topical vitamin D-related medicines, but newer formulations, such as Micanol, have made its use more tolerable. Micanol (Psoriatec) is an anthralin formulated in microcapsules, which dissolve and allow the drug to be delivered directly to the target skin areas. It is particularly useful for scalp psoriasis, and it is less likely than other formulations to stain.

Side Effects. Anthralin may cause the following side effects:

Patients should not use anthralin on the face. Fair-skinned people should generally avoid it. Triethanolamine (CuraStain) is a chemical that can neutralize anthralin and help reduce irritation from short-contact anthralin treatment. It should be applied 1 or 2 minutes before washing off the anthralin. It is then reapplied after drying the skin.

Go here to read the rest:
Psoriasis - In-Depth Report - NY Times Health

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The Multiverse: Is There Evidence For It? – Futurism

Posted: at 10:40 pm

Image collected whilst scouring the CMBR (Source)

Some of you may recall a popular article we posted several months ago, dealing with voids and super-void. These celestial regions (which are devoid of stars, galaxies, planets, clusters, and other forms of matter) were initially discovered while physicists were busy mapping the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). This radiation is a relic from the big bang; it originated during the opening chapter of our universe, when the cosmos was a mere 380, 000 years in age. This background radiation should be evenly dispersed throughout the universe. Instead, physicists noted a huge cold spot stretching across an expanse of space almost one billion light-years in diameter. This cold spot is located in the constellation of Eridanus, and the discovery baffled astronomers.

Credit: Scientific American (Source)

Since then, many theories have surfaced in an attempt to explain the discrepancy; some of these theories argue that this area might be occupied by auniverse-in-mass black hole or perhaps, it is a leftover souvenirfrom a change in the texture of spacetime. There is also the super-void hypothesis, and some have even suggested that the void is evidence of a parallel (or a sister) universe -meaning that both our universe and our sister-verse belong to a larger multiverse.

The last controversial idea one than many physicists want to believe in was cooked up by Laura Mersini-Houghton, who subsequently made five predictions about the nature of this cold spot in hopes of vindicating the existence of a multiverse. The idea proposed was essentially a landscape multiverse idea. This is something that is believed to be inherently tied to the multiple dimensions of string theory, which gives us an idea of the principles that must be met in order for life to develop in any given universe. In this scenario, our universe is but one in a massively huge number of universes perhaps its just one in an INFINITE number of infinitely large universeshurts your head, doesnt it? (it does mine too)

Out of the five predictions made in Mersini-Houghtons paper, entitled Cosmological Avatars of the Landscape I: Bracketing the SUSY Breaking Scale, 4 have been verified, or at least they havent been ruled out. Here they are as follows:

Lets say our universe is a part of a larger number of multiple universes, our universe most likely formed through a bubble in another universe, created through quantum fluctuations within the vacuum energy (maybe an infinite number of them formed this way too), spawning a universe equipped with its own laws of physics, energy levels, matter concentrations, arrow of time, and entropy level. Some of these said bubbles could collapse in on themselves before undergoing something similar to inflation, with only a certain number of them progressing beyond that point, depending on the characteristics the baby bubble developed early on.

After the bubble stabilizes, it would effectively be cut off from the universe it was born into, losing all of the information from it. However; it could hypothetically interact gravitationally with other universe, which is exactly what Houghton thinks happened in the cold spot in the CMBR an area of space seemingly containing an imprint of another universe apart from our own. Its even possible that in theory, another bubble is developing in our universe.

Though I remain highly skeptical (and so should you. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, after all) This could very well help explain why our universe appears to be fine-tuned for life from our perspective. After all, if an infinite number of universes exist, an infinite number of them would have each and every characteristic our universe has, with an infinite number of them that are radically different than ours. Can you imagine living in a universe where the arrow of time runs backward, with gravity acting as a repellent force? (basically, a universe where dark energy is the the norm)

Whilst living in a multiverse, its conceivable that such a universe can and does exist. In fact, its quantum mechanics in action. When internal inflation, string theory, Copenhagen interpretation, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle are thrown into the mix, we get a universe (our universe) created at the whim of a wave function, collapsing with the properties our universe has.

Again with just about everything skepticism is key.Mersini-Houghton, the main proponent of the landscape multiverse idea, is also a fan of string theory. Many of you may know of it as a discombobulated mess that belongs with the crackpot models of the universe instead of acting as if its even plausible to explain the properties of the universe. Were still in the beginning stages of uncovering many universal mysteries so more data is needed.

See the article here:
The Multiverse: Is There Evidence For It? - Futurism

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A cure for eczema, is it really posible?

Posted: December 28, 2015 at 2:41 pm

This is not just a temporary treatment for eczema.

I suffered from moderate to severe eczema, pompholyx, pruritus, psoriasis, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis,... for almost forty years. That was until seven years ago when I came across a cure for my eczema. Not a treatment for eczema, but for me, a cure for eczema.

If you are reading this, I am going to assume that you also have some form of skin rash. Whether you have dry skin, eczema, psoriasis or any of the several types of eczema skin symptoms, my heart goes out to you.

I know how frustrating and debilitating this skin disease can be and I want to help you with a cure for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, or whatever skin disorder you are struggling with through "My Story, Your Cure".

"My Story, Your Cure" chronicles my experiences and struggles with eczema, and then describes in detail how I cured myself of this awful affliction.

February 16, 2010Until very recently I have lived with severe eczema and for those of you who share this condition I have a very good idea of what you may be going through. I also have been free from eczema for six years, a fact I attribute to a significant change in my eating habits.

I started showing symptoms of eczema, according to my mother, when I was two years old. My earliest recollection of having eczema is when I was four. For many years I had almost permanent scabs in the folds of my forearms, behind my knees, my groin and the front of my neck. I was especially self-conscious about the neck rash. It looked like a very nasty rope burn. At night it would get so itchy that I would scratch each spot clean. My mom suffered from eczema also and certainly understood what I was going through. She did everything to try to figure out what was causing the rash. We went for allergy tests which were completely useless. I learned at a very young age that I was allergic to almost everything, including cats, dogs (& all furry or hairy critters), dairy, chocolate, oranges and house dust. House dust? Seriously, where do we go from here? Well, we got rid of the cat. I settled for a turtle, instead of the kindergarten chick. I drank goats milk and ate goats cheese (for a six year old this was a real treat) and for added humility, no more chocolate. None of these remedies made much, if any, difference. We abandoned future efforts to find the root cause of my eczema and focused more on treating the symptoms. I continued my daily regimen of cortisone cream and at times would go for weekly cortisone shots. Every once in a while my skin would clear up for a few days or weeks and I would be the happiest kid on the block. (Summertime was the best). But it always came back as ugly as ever.

When I was thirteen I got a lot better. I used very little cortisone cream and became almost symptom free for five or six beautiful years.

As magical as it disappeared at age thirteen, at nineteen it reappeared without warning and with different symptoms. The eczema was no longer in my joints, but more on the outsides of my arms, chest, legs and face. Yes, face. Why not on the bottoms of my feet or something? Not the face. This left my face raw, red, itchy and stinging, all the time. Oh and my hands would break out with a million of these tiny little blisters (fronts and backs of my hands completely covered). The next few years were a real struggle with my skin and my confidence. The cortisone cream wasnt nearly as effective as it was when I was younger. The only thing that would clear my skin up, even temporarily, was a wonderful little steroid called prednisone. But this was a short term fix and doctors were careful not to prescribe this very often. At one visit to my dermatologist in Edmonton, I asked him if there was anything I could do to improve my eczema, could it be brought on by diet or smoking? (Yes, I was a smoker, started when I was thirteen). I will never forget his reply, You have Atopic Dermatitis and there is nothing you can do except put on more cream. And as I questioned him further he softly replied again, more cream. Of all the dermatologists I saw over the years, this physician was my favorite dermatologist but the only advice that I got from him, from a cure standpoint, was more cream. Though, at the time, I would not have survived without it. I knew there had to be someone out there with the answer.

I listened to any advice that people had to offer and put it to the test. I tried every type of lotion, mineral oil, baby oil, and natural oil that I could possibly find. I even tried a tar-like ointment, and synthetic amniotic fluid cream. Nothing worked, some of it even made it worse. One doctor prescribed a stand up tanning bed treatment, which actually helped a little. I tried acupuncture from a Chinese gentleman who also prescribed a mixture of several roots and herbs, which I had to cook in water to form this highly noxious potion that he called tea. Oh my goodness, it stunk up the house something fierce. After eight or so visits it didnt make even a little bit of difference.

So for many years I stuck with the cream and this little green pill (APO-HYDROXYZINE) at nighttime. The little green pill was great. If I took it a couple of hours before I went to bed it kept me from scratching and I would fall asleep right away. The only problem was that it made me very sleepy the next day. Every few years I would go on prednisone for a week or two to clear things up. I would often coincide this with any holidays that I would take.

I know that my favorite Dermatologist said that smoking was not the cause of my eczema, but I had to rule it out anyway so I quit smoking for a year and a half. I was really hoping this would end my battle with eczema (and apparently psoriasis as well, according to another doctor). Although I felt much healthier, it had no effect on my skin. I tried to stay positive. I told myself that there are people who suffer from far worse conditions than I. As long as I dont let my prescription for the cream and the little green pills run out, I would be okay. Hey, I have dealt with this my whole life and I was going to be okay. I took solace in the fact that it couldnt get any worse. My favorite Dermatologist said to an intern during one of my visits that I was one of the worst cases of eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) that he had ever seen. So how can it get any worse? Well, it can get worse, much worse.

I was in my late thirties and felt as though I was being tested by some higher beings and I am sure they were saying How much pain and discomfort can we put this poor guy through?

I developed eczema all over my entire body. It was so incredibly itchy all of the time, even during the day now. And when I say my entire body, I really mean just that. The worst was on my back. It was one large open wound which covered every square inch of my back. Even by upping the little green pill dosage to two at bedtime, I was often up until three or four in the morning scratching and tearing at my body. With only three or four hours left to sleep, I would get up and shower in the hottest water I could stand. Really, you might think cold would be better, but the hot water was the only thing that lessened the itch. It probably didnt help to heal my skin though. At this time of the night I would often sob with frustration. After showering I put the cream on all over and I would wake my wife to put some on my back. She was not fond of being woken up in the middle of the night. (Much like a bear or similar wild animal) but she got up without hesitation to do this for me. Peggy helped me keep my sanity through this trying time and for that I am truly grateful. By the time the weekend came, I was exhausted. At times turning offers down to go golfing. Okay, now I have to really get this figured out.

I went on steroids (prednisone) twice over the next six months, this offered only temporary relief and then I would break out again.

When I was forty one, a friend of ours introduced me to some material on pH balancing (or alkalizing) diets. I thought, okay, this will probably be very helpful, thank you. What I didnt realize at the time was that I had finally found the answer. As I read through the information, it began to make perfect sense to me. I got on the computer and searched Alkalizing Diets. What I found was amazing. There was so much information on this topic. How could I have missed this?

The following is how I have become to understand pH balance within our body and the effect that our diet has on that critical balance. PH is quite simply (okay, maybe not quite so simply) parts hydrogen. The blood has a pH balance of 7.365 (slightly alkaline). Any significant variance to this pH balance in our blood would mean that we are very ill and likely would not survive. Fortunately our body does everything it can to maintain the pH in our blood. For example, if we become too acidic, our body creates extra fat which is a means of storage for the extra acidity. This in turn leaves our skin too acidic and prone to many challenging diseases (eczema and psoriasis for example) In fact, when our bodies become too acidic, there is a myriad of resulting diseases. The cells that make up our bodies must have a healthy pH balanced environment in order to function without disease. These cells are constantly dying and being recreated. So after a few years our bodies completely renew themselves. So if our bodies are completely made from these little things we call cells, and these cells require a certain pH balance to function properly, then we had better make sure we give the cells what they need.

I really got hooked on this and started learning more and more about the Alkalizing Diet. I quit smoking (this time for good). I started running everyday for twenty minutes, drank lots of water (avoid tap water with chlorine) and followed the Alkalizing Diet to the letter for three months. After one month my eczema cleared right up. And after three months I didnt need any cortisone cream, prednisone or the little green pill. I had so much energy and felt so good, but above all I had normal skin for the first time in my life. As you could imagine, I was so grateful for this. Over the next three months I slowly veered away from the diet and stopped running due to a badly sprained ankle while golfing.

I am still very much amazed by this cure. I was on this diet and exercise regimen for only three months. That was seven years ago and my eczema is gone.

This event has absolutely proven to me that this is the cure for eczema and psoriasis. The pH balanced (acid/alkaline) diet works on the principle of consuming 20 30% healthy acidic foods. These have a pH value of <7 and typically include meats, fish, & most fruits, (except grapefruit, lemons and limes) and 70 80% healthy alkalizing foods. These have a pH value of >7 and typically include all green leafy vegetables, cucumber, celery, tomatoes, onion, garlic, almost all raw vegetables, raw almonds, seeds, sprouts, avocado. It is extremely difficult to determine the exact percentage of acidic versus alkaline foods you are eating, so, dont sweat it too much. However, if you are eating pizza with a slice of tomato on it, you arent quite there yet.

When I was on the diet a typical breakfast would be tomatoes with avocado cut up with ground pepper and sea salt, and a handful of raw almonds. I learned later that it is well worth your while to soak the almonds in water for a couple of minutes and to limit the amount you eat to avoid an upset stomach. Other meals would typically include raw vegetables, raw almonds, chicken breast, or fish and at least one big mixing bowl size salad with raw vegetables and sprouts every day. I know I could have improved my diet a lot with maybe some more beans, lentils or maybe some more research but I never put anything that was not completely healthy into my body for three months. Only eat pure foods. Eliminate all processed foods e.g. sandwich meats, bread, cereal, sugar, table salt. Do not cook your vegetables. They are designed to eat raw. From my reading I learned that If you cook vegetables, this can create an acidic effect in your body and that would defeat the whole purpose of this exercise. Yes, that includes potatoes. Try a few thin slices of raw potato with sea salt if you really insist on potatoes. Do not eat red meat. Lets look at a typical bad meal to understand why to avoid it. A typical bad meal includes meat, potatoes and maybe a cooked vegetable. Okay, to start with, all three items are acidic. If it is red meat then its even more acidic. Red meat can take up to 3-4 hours to digest. If you mix red meat with a carbohydrate or a starch, it can take up to 10 hours to digest that meal. This creates an unhealthy state in your body. If you have to have a steak (only after three months) a bit of fruit 20 minutes before will aid in digestion and then just add a steak and salad for the meal. If you can continue on the alkalizing diet for the rest of your life, I hope you will find that you will be incredibly healthy. Some researchers with PhDs have professed that no known virus can survive in a body that is ph balanced. I am not asking you to believe that though. The only research that I know for certain to be accurate is my own experience with eczema and the effect the alkalizing diet had on me. The effect was so dramatic that it could not be called anything but a Cure. If you want to be a little more cautious than I was have your doctor or nutritionist approve a diet for you using these principles. Just be smart about it. For instance, too much grapefruit can be harmful if on certain medication. So if you are on any medication, or have any health concerns get your diet approved by your doctor.

Look, I am not a doctor, or researcher, or scientist of any kind, but what I have been is my own test subject in my life-long search for a cure for eczema. And in my search I, in fact, found a cure. A cure that worked for me, anyway, and I am hoping will work for you also. So, please, do as I did and follow the diet and a twenty minute daily aerobic exercise (consult your Doctor to approve an exercise that is right for you) for at least three months and then please let me know how you did. Just remember not to put anything into your body that is not completely healthy for you or doesnt fit into the alkalizing diet.A nice steady pleasant aerobic workout every single day is absolutely essential in order to, lets say, rinse your skin of any toxins. Aerobic exercise also releases endorphins (which have a profound effect on your well being). By keeping your workout nice and easy, it keeps you motivated. Trust me on this, all you want to do is break a sweat for 20 minutes every day. I predict that your skin problems will subside and you will feel absolutely amazing. Please do not form your opinion until three months is over, as you may experience initial flu-like symptoms as built-up toxins leave your body. This should happen within the first week or two though.So prepare yourself mentally, and commit yourself to three months on the pH diet. I will definitely say that this requires some discipline but I will also say that this changed my life and I am hoping it will do the same for you. Commit yourself to this diet, dont do it half way. Consider everything you put into your body and make sure it fits into the diet. Yes, I am sorry; this does mean no good things for at least three months. Trust me it will be well worth it. Your skin will clear up, your eyes will be brighter and you will have way, way more energy. If you can think of eating as a way of delivering nutrients to your cells, this might help in eating only the best of foods.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my story. If you suffer from eczema or psoriasis I would be humbled if this story helps you. I strongly believe that if you follow the pH diet, drink lots of water (moderate amounts regularly throughout the day) and engage in twenty minutes of easy aerobic exercise (approved by your Doctor of course) for at least three months you will see improvement in your symptoms, if not completely cure yourself from this awful affliction. So plan your meals and make sure you have all the groceries you need on hand. Commit yourself 100% to the diet and aerobic exercise. Then create an image of yourself with clear, beautiful skin.

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A cure for eczema, is it really posible?

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Everything For Eczema | Prevent the itch stop the scratch

Posted: at 2:41 pm

Today we have a guest post from Christina, who suffered from eczema from childhood all the way through to her adult years. Christina only finally managed to control her eczema when she addressed the health of her digestive system.

The gut is a very important organ in your body, and much more complex than most people think. I never thought that something as seemingly unconnected as the gut could have an impact on my eczema or skin issues in general.

But before I go deeper, let me give you a little background about me

Christina as a child

Ive had eczema ever since I was a kid, about 8 years old. I remember it would just randomly appear on various places on my body, specifically my arms and legs and sometimes on my chest and neck. I was often brought in to see dermatologists and skin doctors, but the diagnosis was always the same thing: Its just eczema, its normal for kids to have. The doctors would prescribe some creams and ointments to relieve the itchiness and help dry it up, but it never got rid of it completely.

As a teenager it was rough. I wasnt able to do other normal things, like wear shorts or sleeveless shirts or go swimming in the summer. I was so embarrassed of my eczema that I even made up stories to the friends I did have, telling them it was bug bites or that it was a rash from something I ate. Most of the time I would try to just change the subject whenever my peers or adults would ask me what it was -because I didnt really know myself.

I remember hoping it was an age factor and that it would get better as I got older. I had read testimonies of people who had horrible breakouts that miraculously disappeared once they hit their 20s. Even my dad told me that he had really bad eczema when he was younger, and that it had gone away eventually. I desperately hoped this would apply to me! Unfortunately, the hope of it only being teenage eczema wasnt the case, and my eczema followed me through my 20s and after.

An adult with a crisis

As an adult I became so frustrated at this never-ending problem that I considered just giving up trying to find solutions. I had doctors tell me that since it seemed hereditary, there was a big possibility it would never go away. I was prescribed steroid creams, corticosteroid creams, antibiotics, and medicines that just didnt work! I was spending lots of money and not seeing any of the results I wanted.

Eczema flare-up

Because I had to use the creams and medications regularly, I was at the point where if I DIDNT use them my eczema would get out of control. (The picture is how my eczema looked when I was using creams) When I would have a flare up, I hid it the best I could. Out came the creams, topical ointments, gauze, tape, and band aids. I would apply and re-apply until it went away, then repeat the process when it came back. At some point my eczema was returning as fast as it was clearing. It would flare, I would apply the cream for 2 or 3 weeks, and then it would go away-only to return 2 weeks later.

I was so frustrated and unhappy. Even having a physical relationship was uncomfortable, and some nights it was so bad I would cry out of frustration because I couldnt sleep. When I was on vacation or traveling I couldnt enjoy myself because I always had this very literal itch.


Just like many of you struggling with eczema, I spent a lot of time online. I would browse new medications and look on forums for peoples experiences with eczema, trying to find a new solution to an age old problem. It surprised me to see how many people were suffering from the same issue that I was, and getting near to no help from their doctors either.

It was one of these days that I stumbled across an article on gut healthrelated to adult skin problems. The article talked about how gut health could be critical in healing skin conditions like adult acne, psoriasis, and eczema. It talked about gut health as the key to revolutionizing the way dermatologists treat eczema.

Now from what I knew, eczema was an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, and so far the only reasonable way for me to treat it was to use medicines or creams to help my body fight against it. I would use antibiotics and medicines (to help my bodys immune system), anti-inflammatory creams (to lessen inflammation), and so on. I never considered that I could go natural and try to heal my body from the inside-out!

Consequences of an Unhealthy Gut

For years I had been addressing my eczema as just a surface problem, never realizing it went way beyond that. As I did more research,I realized that in order to heal your skin you had to go a lot deeper than just lotions and topical creams.

As I mentioned before, the human gut is something so overlooked, but very important as it is responsible for so many different functions in our body. It promotes normal gastrointestinal function, provides us protection from infections, regulates our metabolism and comprises more than 75 percent of our immune system. Most importantly, its home to over 100 trillion micro-organisms, (bacteria) both good and bad. Research has shownthat in order to maintain a healthy gut, there should be a ratio of around 80 percent good bacteria vs 20 percent bad bacteria.

This balance of bacteria in particular has a lot to do with skin and our overall health. Medical researchers and experts in mucosal biology have shown that that the gut was a key factor in autoimmune diseases, like coeliac, diabetes, obesity, and more. Their conclusion was that an unhealthy gut was the main cause for a wide range of autoimmune diseases, including eczema, psoriasis, and other chronic skin issues.

The gut-skin connection

I started to better understand that the link between the gut and overall health was in fact, very strong. In my case, the consequences of an unhealthy gut showed up through my skin. From research and studies, heres what I discovered:

The gut is a big part of the digestive system. What ever goes in, goes out or at least this is how its supposed to work. Now remember how in order to maintain a happy healthy gut, there has to be IDEALLY a 80-20 balance of good to bad bacteria? Well, studies have shown that if you continually consume certain inflammatory foods or toxins, these types of foods can cause the bad bacteria to grow at a rapid pace, outgrowing the percentage of good bacteria.

This is a problem because when the balance is thrown out of proportion, the overgrowth of bad bacteria starts to create toxins that are damaging to our gut lining. These toxins then hit the walls of the gut lining, creating spaces and holes between the cells.

These holes are dangerous because they allow the guts bacteria (remember theres a lot of bacteria in there!), toxins, as well as incompletely digested proteins and fats, to leak out of the gut and into the bloodstream.

This is what is commonly referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome or increased intestinal permeability. Instead of going straight OUT (like it should), its going back INTO your body (where it shouldnt).

So how does eczema come into play?

Well, because the damaged gut is no longer up to the job of dispensing these bad bacterias and toxins, the body has to use another method of eliminationthe skin.

The skin is the bodys largest elimination organ, so its not surprising why a myriad of skin diseases come into play during this clean-up process. Because of this bacterial breach into our bloodstream via our leaky gut, the body now has no other choice but to react by pushing the toxins out through our skin. Our body is simply trying to eliminate the bacterial problem the best way it can and rid us of the escaped toxins in our blood.

Unfortunately for us, it essentially puts our skin under assault, resulting in multiple breakouts in skin rashes, acne, eczema, pimples, acne and psoriasis. Along with these effects, you may also experience gas, bloating, fatigue, sinus congestion, and foggy thinking.

How to heal your gut and help clearyour eczema

Now that I understood how the gut-skin connection worked, I wanted to do something about it. Looking into my diet was important in helping me clear my skin. I realized that using creams and taking medicines to heal my eczema wasnt the way to heal my bodyI needed to focus on gut health in order to heal my eczema.

Here a few things I did to start healing my gut:

1) Get rid of inflammatory foods. When I first started to heal my gut, I stopped eating inflammatory foods like wheat(gluten), dairy, soy, and high amounts of sugar. Many people think that just because they arent allergic to these types of foods that it means they can eat them all they like. The fact is, however, that these kinds of inflammatory foods can create problems in your gut that cause the bad bacteria to grow. Sugar, for example, actually feeds bad bacteria in your gut, causing them to grow at a really fast pace.

2) Increase the amounts of probiotics. Just getting rid of inflammatory foods isnt enough for your gut to fully heal. If youve been on medications, and especially antibiotics, youre going to need to grow good bacteria. The fastest way to grow good bacteria is to increase probiotic foods and even supplement if necessary. Foods that contain good probiotics are things like sauerkraut, kimchi (marinated cabbage), kombucha (fermented drink), and kefir.

3) Add Omega 3s to your diet. Another thing that greatly helps build gut-lining are healthy fats that contain high amounts of Omega 3s and essential fatty acids. Fish oil, extra virgin coconut oil, and avocado oil are all good sources of essential fatty acids that will help rebuild your leaky gut lining.

How I healed my eczema through healing my gut

Christina's skin before and after she changed her diet.

In my experience, I had never tried anything more revolutionary than using gut-health to clear eczema. As I learned more about the gut-skin connection and went off the creams and antibiotics that were inflaming my gut, I began to see my eczema heal.

After over 12 years of suffering from eczema, trying creams, medications, fad diets, artificial methods, and spending hundreds of dollars and having none of them work, I was finally able to see new skin! Through gut health I found the REAL, inexpensive, natural way to heal my skin, clear my eczema and keep it off permanently.

Ever since I healed my gut, my eczema hasnt returned and Im no longer hiding or covering my body. Instead I feel healthier, more confident, and Ive even gotten rid of some other issues that I thought would never go awaylike my chronic canker sores and dandruff problem.

Doctors told me it was something I couldnt get rid of, and that I would have eczema and be reliant on creams and medications for the rest of my lifebut Im proud to say I proved them wrong..and you can too!

Creams, steroids, and medications are not long-term solutions. It all starts with the gut.


Christina Reeves is the Author and Creator of The Flawless Program: a program focusing on gut health as a way to permanently clear skin issues.

Her website, gives insightful information for anyone looking to heal their gut and fix their skin, naturally and forever!

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Everything For Eczema | Prevent the itch stop the scratch

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NRC Research Press

Posted: December 24, 2015 at 1:42 pm

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NRC Research Press

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Itchy bumps on elbows psoriasis or eczema? – Dermatology …

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Since my last posts, I've had improvement with my foot.I've made several changes to my diet which have changed my overall feeling of well being as well.There's still some other things with the lower GI, but we'll figure them out soon enough.One step at a time, and a little trial and error.

Things I have done that have given me some health improvement.

I significantly cut back on junk food such as snack cakes, candy (especially chocolate it's a double whammy food allergy nut & made with dairy), chips.

I cut out as much food made with/from nuts as possible.No more peanut butter, almond milk, walnut chips, etc.

I've known I was lactose intolerant for a long time, but pizza is pretty hard to resist, as is chocolate.

I reduced my caffeine intake by at least 50%, and increased my water intake.

I avoid foods that contain hydrogenated, and exotic oils such as palm kernel (again a kinda a nut), and seed oils such as cottonseed, sesame, and sunflower.

I also increased my fiber intake to help push out some of the rotting food that was stagnating in my body.

I've attempted to take a more positive outlook, and removed as many stressors from my life as possible.I talk to people more, and I try to smile even when I don't feel like it.Stress will exasperate any condition.

Visualization of my body's own healing powers helps me cope with the pain too.When it gets tough, I picture my white blood cells riding around in police cars, or driving tanks, or other such silly 'non-sense' to arrest/ward off the bad cells.I also visualize damaged parts being repaired, and my personal mantra of healing is the keep telling my body "poisons out".

Breathing exercise helps with stress, and releases my own body's chemicals that make me feel better.

I stopped working with/touching the compounds listed in the above posts, and my foot improved, but it wasn't going away.

With a lot of trial and error, label reading, and persistence I feel like a new person.

My psoriasis on my elbows has all but disappeared too.

Try it if you want, I still feel that the eczema is an allergic reaction.

Remember, natural food is medicine.Processed food is often poison in disguise.Conventional medicine is great for trauma, and stabilizing serious disease, but concentrated medicine can also kill you too.Organic foods, and natural plants & minerals can contain some of the same compounds, in safer doses.

Do your homework on what you put in your body, you may be aghast at what you find out too.

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Itchy bumps on elbows psoriasis or eczema? - Dermatology ...

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Schuppenflechte Wikipedia

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Klassifikation nach ICD-10 L40 Psoriasis L40.0 Psoriasis vulgaris L40.1 Generalisierte Psoriasis pustulosa L40.2 Akrodermatitis continua suppurativa L40.3 Psoriasis pustulosa palmoplantaris L40.4 Psoriasis guttata L40.8 Sonstige Psoriasis L40.9 Psoriasis, nicht nher bezeichnet ICD-10 online (WHO-Version 2013)

Schuppenflechte bzw. Psoriasis (altgr. ; im Altertum flschlicherweise gleichgesetzt mit der psra Krtze) ist eine nicht-ansteckende, entzndliche Hautkrankheit (Dermatose), darber hinaus eine mglicherweise auch andere Organe betreffende Systemerkrankung, dies betrifft vor allem die Gelenke und zugehrigen Bnder und angrenzenden Weichteile, die Augen, das Gefsystem sowie das Herz. Auerdem kann sie zu Diabetes und Schlaganfall fhren.[1]

Sie zeigt sich im Wesentlichen durch stark schuppende, punktfrmige bis handtellergroe Hautstellen (hufig an den Knien, Ellenbogen und an der Kopfhaut, auch am Anus) oft mit starkem Juckreiz sowie Vernderungen an den Ngeln.

Weltweit leiden etwa 125 Millionen, in Deutschland ca. zwei Millionen Menschen unter der Krankheit.[1]

Die tiologie der Psoriasis ist vermutlich multifaktoriell (erbliche Disposition, Autoimmunreaktion) und noch nicht abschlieend geklrt.

2004 wurde der 29. Oktober von der International Federation of Psoriasis Associations erstmals als Welt-Psoriasistag ausgerufen.

Eine schuppende Hautkrankheit, bei der es sich wahrscheinlich um Psoriasis handelte, wurde bereits vom griechischen Arzt Hippokrates (ca. 460370 v.Chr.) beschrieben. Der Ausdruck Psoriasis wurde zum ersten Mal vom Arzt Galenus verwendet, der damit eine Schuppenbildung im Augen- und Hodensackbereich umschrieb. Bei dieser handelte es sich jedoch dem heutigen Forschungsstand nach vermutlich um Ekzeme.

Lange Zeit wurde Psoriasis nicht von der durch Milben verursachten Krtze (Scabies) unterschieden. Vermutlich wurde Psoriasis auch hufig mit Lepra verwechselt; es wird angenommen, dass viele Ausstzige nicht unter Lepra, sondern unter Schuppenflechte und anderen Dermatosen litten.

Psoriasis zeigt sich im Wesentlichen durch stark schuppende, punktfrmige bis handtellergroe Hautstellen (hufig an den Knien, Ellenbogen und der Kopfhaut) sowie Vernderungen an den Ngeln.

Die Betroffenen haben in typischer Weise monomorphe, rtliche, meist rundliche, inselfrmige, scharf begrenzte und leicht erhabene Herde. Diese Effloreszenzen finden sich bevorzugt an Kopfhaut, Ellbogen, Kniescheiben sowie um den Bauchnabel und den After, ber dem Steibein und den Fingerkncheln und unter den Ohrlppchen. Allgemein werden vor allem Hautpartien befallen, die oft gedehnt werden (wie die genannten Gelenke, aber auch z.B. die Waden) oder sonst mechanisch gestresst werden (z.B. unter dem Grtel).

Dabei nimmt die Kopfhaut-Psoriasis eine Sonderstellung ein. Der behaarte Kopf ist sowohl bei juvenilen Formen als auch bei Erwachsenen das am hufigsten befallene Hautareal der Psoriasis. Nach Angaben der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft in der Leitlinie zur Psoriasis des behaarten Kopfes schwanken statistische Angaben zur Hufigkeit des Kopfhautbefalls bei Psoriasis zwischen 50 und 80 Prozent.[2] Die Kopfhaut zhlt u.a. aufgrund ihrer Sensibilitt und der dichten Behaarung zu den schwierig zu behandelnden Arealen.

Die Oberhaut (Epidermis) eines gesunden Menschen erneuert sich innerhalb von 26 bis 27 Tagen. In dieser Zeit werden neue Hautzellen gebildet und die gealterten (verhornten) Hautzellen (Keratinozyten) vom Krper nahezu unsichtbar abgestoen. Bei der gesunden Haut dienen die Keratinozyten dem mechanischen, mikrobiellen und chemischen Schutz der Haut. Der Transkriptionsfaktor STAT3 wird normalerweise nur nach Hautdefekt aktiviert und lst dann ber eine Vermehrung der Keratinozyten und eine Aktivierung der kutanen T-Zellen den Reparaturvorgang aus.

Bei der Psoriasis dagegen erfolgt die Verhornung an den befallenen Stellen sowohl beschleunigt die Hautschicht erneuert sich vorzeitig innerhalb von nur drei bis sieben Tagen als auch vermehrt (hyperkeratotisch) und unter Verlust des Stratum granulosum nach Aufbau und Funktion gestrt (parakeratotisch). Grnde sind die erhhte DNS-Synthese und die gesteigerte mitotische Aktivitt der Basalzellen der Epidermis. Es kommt auch ohne Hautdefekt zur Aktivierung des STAT3 und damit fortlaufend zu unangepassten Umbauvorgngen in der Epidermis.[3]

Die gealterten Hautzellen bilden bei der Psoriasis aufgrund der beschleunigten Erneuerung silbrig glnzende grob-lamellse Schuppen, die eine talgartige, silbrige Konsistenz haben, welche an Kerzenwachs erinnert (Kerzenwachsphnomen). Das darunter liegende Gewebe, die unterste Zellschicht der Oberhaut, die Grenze zur Lederhaut (Dermis), ist auf Grund des vermehrten Wachstums stark durchblutet und erscheint daher unter den leicht entfernbaren Schuppen als krftige Rtung. Es lsen sich leicht auch noch tiefere Zelllagen (Phnomen des letzten Hutchens). Kann dieses dnne Hutchen abgelst werden, gilt dies fast immer als sicheres Zeichen von Schuppenflechte. Nach der Entfernung kommt es zu einer punktfrmigen Blutung (Phnomen des blutigen Taus, Auspitz-Phnomen).

Ebenfalls typisch ist die Infiltration von Neutrophilen, was zu Mikroabszessen (Munro-Abszess) unter der Hornschicht fhrt.

Der Schweregrad der Erkrankung wird vor allem fr die Bewertung von Therapie-Ergebnissen mit dem PASI-Score ermittelt.

Die seelischen Belastungen Psoriasiskranker werden allgemein stark unterschtzt; nach neueren Studien liegen sie aber in der Grenordnung von Herzinfarkt-Patienten. Viele Betroffene erfahren ihre Erkrankung als starke Beeintrchtigung der persnlichen Lebensqualitt. Sie fhlen sich gesellschaftlich isoliert, leiden unter mangelndem Selbstbewusstsein und hufig auch unter Depressionen.[4] Dass die Rate an Alkoholmissbrauch bei Psoriasis deutlich ber der der Allgemeinbevlkerung liegt, kann sowohl eine Folge als auch einen verschlimmernden unspezifischen Reiz der Hauterkrankung darstellen.

Psoriasis vulgaris:

Typ I (6070% der Flle) Manifestiert sich vor dem vierzigsten Lebensjahr, weist eine familire Hufigkeit auf und ist in ihrem Verlauf als schwerwiegender einzuordnen als Typ II. Zu 95% ist diese Form mit dem Histokompatibilittsantigen HLA-Cw 6 und HLA-Dr 7 sowie mit HLA-B 17 und HLA-B 57 gekoppelt. Alle Gene liegen auf dem kurzen Arm von Chromosom6.

Typische Erstmanifestation der Psoriasis vulgaris ist die Psoriasis guttata, die hufig nach Kontakt mit Triggerfaktoren wie Medikamenten (-Blocker, Lithium, Antimalariamittel etc.) oder einer Streptokokkeninfektion auftritt. Sie kann jedoch wieder abklingen oder in eine Vulgaris bergehen. Lokalisationsstellen der Psoriasis vulgaris sind die Kopfhaut (psoriasis capilitii), die intertriginsen Rume, die Beugenflchen (psoriasis inversa), die Handinnenflchen und Fusohlen (psoriasis palmarum et plantarum), die genitale sowie die anale Lokalisation (bei der eine Rhagade in der Analkerbe als typisches Zeichen gilt).

Typ II (3040% der Flle) Sptmanifestation hufig erst nach dem vierzigsten Lebensjahr. Sie geht meist mit Nagelpsoriasis oder Gelenkbeschwerden (Psoriasisartrithis) einher. Die HLA-Koppelung ist nur gering, und es gibt keine familire Hufung. Es handelt sich meist um leichtere Verlufe.

Typ Zumbusch. (0,52,5% der Flle) Hautbefall mit Pustelbildung und einer erhhten Koppelung mit HLA-B27, vor allem ab dem 50. Lebensjahr zu beobachten, selten frher.

Die Ursachen fr diese meist generalisiert auftretende Psoriasis-Form sind noch weitestgehend ungeklrt. Man geht davon aus, dass ungewhnlich groe Mengen des neutrophilen-chemotaktischen Interleukin-8 einstrmen, wodurch sich die massenhafte Einwanderung neutrophiler Granulozyten in das Stratum corneum erklren liee. Das Einstrmen fhrt zu sterilen Pusteln. Eine wesentliche Bedeutung kommt neben dem IL-8 dem Tumornekrosefaktor- (TNF) zu, der zu kutanen Entzndungsreaktionen und der systemischen Symptomatik fhrt.

Der klinische Verlauf kennzeichnet sich durch einen akuten Fieberschub. Innerhalb weniger Stunden entwickeln sich zunchst an den Berhrstellen der Haut (z.B. unter der Brust) und spter generalisiert flchige Erytheme mit Pusteln, die in schweren Fllen konfluieren knnen.

Innerhalb von 24 Stunden steigt die Zahl der Leukozyten, der Calciumgehalt sinkt, ebenso der Gehalt an Albumin im Blutplasma. Im weiteren Verlauf kommt es immer wieder zu neuen Fieberschben und generalisierten Pusteln.

Psoriasis pustulosa generalisata:

Diese spezielle Form der Psoriasis kann ohne Therapie einschlielich innerlicher Anwendungen (s. u.) tdlich verlaufen und wird auch durch kosmetische Produkte ausgelst (s. u.).

Psoriasis pustulosa palmaris et plantaris

Typ Barber: Bei gutem Allgemeinbefinden befinden sich die Pusteln nur an Hnden und Fen.

Akrodermatitis continua suppurativa

Typ Hallopeau: Die Pustelbildung befindet sich an den Akren (das sind: Finger, Zehen, Hnde, Fe, Nase, Kinn, Augenbrauen- und Jochbgen), besonders an den Fingern. Nagel- und Haarverlust sind mglich.

Bei massivem Befall der Kopfhaut knnen die Haarfollikel beeintrchtigt werden, was als besondere Form des inselfrmigen Haarausfalls eine Alopecia psoriatica zur Folge hat.

Vernderungen an den Ngeln von Zehen und Fingern stellen manchmal das einzige Symptom dar. Es kommt zur Nagelmatrix-Psoriasis (Tpfel- oder Grbchenngel, lflecken bzw. gelblich verfrbte lngel), zur Nagelbett-Psoriasis (distale Onycholyse) und zur subungualen Onychodystrophie (Krmelnagel, Nagelverdickungen).

Mit und ohne (wesentliche) Beteiligung der Haut kann die Psoriasis auch andere Organe betreffen:

Hauptartikel: Psoriasisarthritis: Entzndliche Vernderungen an den Gelenken und zugehrigen Bndern und angrenzenden Weichteilen, mit und ohne gleichzeitige Vernderungen der Haut sowie mit und ohne berschneidung zur Bechterewschen Krankheit mit Nachweis von HLA-B27.

Entzndungen des Augeninneren (Uveitis) kommen bei Psoriasis gehuft vor, sind gehuft mit Entzndungen auch der Netzhaut verbunden und haben weitere Eigentmlichkeiten gegenber anderen Formen der Uveitis.[5]

Psoriasis ist ein eigenstndiger erheblicher Risikofaktor fr arterielle Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems. Ein Vergleich ber 14 Jahre von etwa 127.000 Psoriasis-Kranken mit ber 550.000 vergleichbaren Patienten ohne Psoriasis ergab 2006, dass es je 1000 Personenjahre bei Patienten mit schwerer Psoriasis der Haut zu 5,13, bei milder Psoriasis zu 4,04, dagegen bei den Patienten ohne Psoriasis nur zu 3,58 Herzinfarkten kam. Das grte Risiko hatten junge Patienten mit schwerer Psoriasis der Haut.[6]

Ein Vergleich zwischen Schuppenflechte-Patienten und in Alter und Geschlecht vergleichbaren Gesunden ergab, dass Psoriasis-Patienten eine vermehrte Knochenproliferation bei gleichzeitigem nicht unterschiedlichen Erosionsumfang aufweisen. [7]

Die tiologie der Psoriasis ist vermutlich multifaktoriell; Zusammenhang, Ausma und Wirkung von erblicher Disposition und Autoimmunreaktion sowie weiterer mglicher Auslser sind noch nicht abschlieend geklrt.

Schuppenflechte ist zu einem erheblichen Anteil erblich bedingt, daher wird familire Hufung beobachtet, wobei gelegentlich mehrere Generationen bersprungen werden. Bis heute ist allerdings nicht bekannt, ob die Psoriasis dominant oder rezessiv vererbt wird. Man geht davon aus, dass sie durch das Zusammenwirken von Varianten verschiedener Gene und Umwelteinflssen ausgelst wird. Das Risiko eines eineiigen Zwillings eines Betroffenen, ebenfalls zu erkranken, liegt bei 6572%.[8] Etwa 23% der Bevlkerung in Mitteleuropa sind von der Krankheit betroffen, whrend der Anteil in den USA bei ca. 45% liegt. Bei Inuit, Indianern, Schwarzafrikanern und Aborigines kommt die Psoriasis so gut wie nicht vor; in Japan und der Volksrepublik China liegt die Prvalenz zwischen 0,025 und 0,3%, am hufigsten ist sie unter Kasachen (bis 12%). Nicht bei allen Erbmaltrgern kommt die Schuppenflechte zum Ausbruch; zu der Erbanlage mssen vermutlich noch weitere, meist noch unbekannte Faktoren hinzukommen.

Dass bei Erbkrankheiten ber Jahrtausende hinweg eigentlich nachteilige Gene erhalten bleiben, wird durch anderweitige Selektionsvorteile der Betroffenen zu erklren versucht. Fr die Psoriasis wird postuliert, dass zu Psoriasis neigende Personen weniger unter Hautinfektionen leiden, weil sie mehr Defensine (antibakterielle Proteine, enthalten in den Zellen des Stratum corneums der Haut) besitzen.[9]

Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es sich um eine autoimmune T-Zell-mediierte Immunreaktion handelt, bei der das Immunsystem krpereigenes Gewebe als krperfremd erkennt und angreift. In den betroffenen Geweben entsteht ein proinflammatorisches Milieu.

berraschend fand eine italienische Studie eine Prvalenz von 18 Prozent mit latenter Tuberkuloseinfektion unter gut 400 an Schuppenflechte-Erkrankten. Ob dabei die Infektion einen Risikofaktor fr Psoriasis darstellt, oder ob sowohl Infektion als auch Psoriasis durch den gleichen Defekt im Immunsystem begnstigt werden, muss weiter untersucht werden.[10]

Reitersche Erkrankung: Hauptartikel: Reaktive Arthritis

Von den zahlreichen Erkrankungen, welche hnlich einer Psoriasis verlaufen knnen, sei hier nur diese genannt. Das Vollbild mit der Trias aus Gelenkentzndung (Arthritis), Bindehautentzndung (Konjunktivitis) und Entzndung der Harnrhre (Urethritis) wird vermutlich durch eine Autoimmunreaktion nach bakterieller Infektion ausgelst, wenn diese auch nicht immer erinnerlich ist. Wenn sich zudem nahe den entzndeten Gelenken sichtbare Hautvernderungen zeigen, die denen der Psoriasis hneln, ist die Reitersche Erkrankung eine Differentialdiagnose zur Psoriasisarthritis.

Bei jedem Patienten verluft die Krankheit anders: So heilt sie bei einigen scheinbar aus und tritt nur einmal im Leben auf (rund 25%), bei anderen dagegen wechseln Phasen mit starker und geringer oder fehlender Aktivitt der Erkrankung.

Viele Betroffene berichten ber schwerwiegende physische oder psychische Belastungssituationen als initialen Auslsefaktor, wie z. B. einen schweren grippalen Infekt, eine Operation oder auch einschneidende private Erlebnisse, wie den Tod eines nahen Angehrigen. Gerade bei Frauen haben oft auch starke hormonelle Vernderungen, wie sie u. A. bei Schwangerschaften vorkommen, erstmals einen Ausbruch und einen Psoriasis-Schub zur Folge. Dass die Schuppenflechte hufig das erste Mal in der Pubertt ausbricht, knnte auch in diesen Zusammenhang gehren.

Am hufigsten zeigt sich die Erkrankung aber erst zwischen dem 20. und 30. Lebensjahr (TypI, s.o.). In einzelnen Fllen tritt die Psoriasis bereits im Kindesalter auf und stellt dann eine zustzliche und meist unterschtzte psychische Belastung fr das Kind dar. Vor allem in der Herbst- und Winterzeit kommt es aufgrund der zustzlichen Hautbelastungen durch trockene Heizungsluft und nasskalte Klimabedingungen und wohl auch wegen geringerer UV-Einstrahlung vermehrt zu Krankheitsschben.

Auerdem kann die Psoriasis bei bereits bestehender Veranlagung durch zahlreiche Medikamente wie: Betablocker, ACE-Hemmer, Lithium-Salze, Antimalariamittel, Interferone, Tetracycline, Terbinafin, NSAIDs und Folsure ausgelst oder auch der Krankheitsverlauf verschlimmert werden.

Risikofaktoren sind auch kosmetische Prparate des tglichen Lebens, insbesondere, wenn sie die Haut austrocknen (beispielsweise alkoholhaltige Lotionen) oder sie chemisch irritieren, wie Rasierschaum, Haarspray und Handwaschprparate. Selbst kosmetische Produkte, die eigentlich der Linderung psoriatrischer Symptome dienen sollen, knnen zu deren Verschlechterung bis hin zur gefhrlichen Psoriasis pustulosa generalisata fhren, so die zahlreichen Shampoos, die Zink-Pyrithion enthalten.[12][13]

Als Auslsefaktoren einer Psoriasis werden auch unspezifische Reize, wie Verletzungen, Reibung, Operationen, Sonnenbrnde oder hnliches beobachtet. Die Psoriasis gehrt daher auch zu den Erkrankungen, bei denen das Kbner-Phnomen nachweisbar ist. bergewicht, Alkoholmissbrauch sowie Stress knnen eine Psoriasis ebenfalls verschlechtern.

Anlsslich des Welt-Psoriasistags 2013 teilte der Deutsche Psoriasis Bund mit, dass nach Schtzungen von Experten etwa ein Viertel (24%) der an Psoriasis Leidenden aufgrund von Unzufriedenheiten mit der Behandlung nicht mehr zu einem Arzt gehen. Aufgrund mangelnder Kenntnisse bei rzten und Patienten ber Ausma und Therapien der Krankheit immer weiter stattfindende zu spte, falsche oder nicht ausreichende Behandlungen seien nicht mehr hinnehmbar.[1]

Ausgehend vom Verstndnis der Psoriasis als einer genetisch mitbedingten Erkrankung und der Tatsache, dass eine Gentherapie bisher nicht verfgbar ist, ist durch andere Arten von Behandlung keine Heilung, sondern lediglich eine Linderung der Symptome zu erwarten. Hinzu kommt, dass wie bei allen Erkrankungen mit phasenhaftem Verlauf und spontanen Besserungen die Wirksamkeit von Behandlungsverfahren hinsichtlich dieser Linderung schwer einerseits vom Placebo-Effekt und andererseits von spontaner Besserung (Remission) unterschieden werden kann. Das gilt sowohl fr Behandlungen auf medizinischer wie alternativmedizinischer Grundlage. Je nach Schweregrad der Erkrankung und Einbeziehung mglicher Organe wird die Behandlung abgestuft:

In einigen Fllen besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen Psoriasis und Zliakie. Der bei Zliakie ohnehin gebotene Verzicht auf Lebensmittel mit dem Klebereiwei Gluten kann dann auch die Psoriasis-Symptome lindern.

Da sich die Psoriasis in vielen Fllen durch negative psychische Einflsse verschlechtert, knnen Behandlungen, die Stress verhindern und/oder die Einstellung zur Krankheit verndern, positive Wirkungen auf die Psoriasis haben. Selbsthilfegruppen fr Menschen mit Psoriasis helfen nicht nur, eine geeignete Behandlungsmethode fr die eigene Schuppenflechte zu finden, sie geben dem Betroffenen auch die Gewissheit, mit der Krankheit nicht alleine auf der Welt zu sein. Insgesamt ist Akzeptanz ein wichtiger Faktor im Umgang mit der Psoriasis.

Auf solche psychologischen Faktoren knnen eventuell auch die oft berichteten Erfolge mit Auenseitermethoden zurckgefhrt werden. Patienten, die fr solche naturwissenschaftlich nicht anerkannten Methoden empfnglich sind, knnen durch Untersttzung ihrer Psyche indirekt auch profitieren.

Bei klinisch weniger schweren Haut-Erscheinungen beschrnkt man sich in der Regel auf uerliche Anwendungen (topische Therapie). Bei den meisten Behandlungsmethoden muss sich der Patient auf eine lngere Dauer von Wochen oder gar Monaten einstellen:

Eine Lichttherapie kann in der Praxis des Hautarztes oder, wenn man sich die entsprechenden Gerte angeschafft hat, zu Hause durchgefhrt werden. Sonnenlicht bewirkt ebenfalls eine Linderung, die Bestrahlung mit knstlichem Licht bestimmter Wellenlnge ist jedoch vorteilhafter.

Es werden verschiedene Formen und Kombinationen angewandt:

Eine Badetherapie mit schwefelhaltigem Natur-Fango und Vulkanwasser, wie sie in den argentinischen Anden im Thermalbad Copahue angeboten wird, kann Linderung, jedoch keine Heilung bewirken. Positive Erfahrungen gibt es auch mit Badetherapien in der Blauen Lagune (Bla Lni) in Island, sowie solchen am Toten Meer in Israel.

Die Balneophototherapie ist hauptschlich als Sole-Photo-Therapie bekannt. Diese Methode soll die Bedingungen am Toten Meer simulieren. Zwischen 60 und 90% der Patienten sprechen auf diese Behandlungsart gut bis sehr gut an. Hierbei badet der Patient zunchst etwa 2030 Minuten in einer stark solehaltigen Lsung, um im Anschluss mglichst mit noch nasser Haut kurzzeitig. d.h. im Bereich von wenigen Minuten mit einer intensiven UVB-Lichtquelle bestrahlt zu werden.

Diese wird mit rtlichen Saugbarben (auch Kangal- oder Knabberfische) durchgefhrt: Die Patienten baden drei Wochen lang etwa zwei Stunden tglich mit ca. 200 Saugbarben in speziellen Therapiewannen. Die Fische (Kangalfische) entfernen dabei die Hautschuppen der betroffenen Patienten. Anschlieend erhalten die Patienten eine kurze UV-Bestrahlung im Solarium sowie Hautpflegecremes. Ein bekannter Ort dafr ist die Kangal Thermalquelle in der Nhe des trkischen Dorfes Kavak. Behandelte Patienten berichten auf der kommerziellen Homepage der Einrichtung ber eine deutliche Befundbesserung. ber die Behandlung in dieser heien Quelle wurde bisher in zwei kleinen klinischen Studien mit positiven Ergebnissen berichtet, ihre Aussagekraft ist jedoch aufgrund des retrospektiven Designs und des Fehlens von Kontrollgruppen eingeschrnkt. Seit 2000 sind fr diese Therapie die Fische auch bei Zchtern in Deutschland erhltlich.[17][18]

Der Excimer-Laser stellt eine der neuesten Entwicklungen in der Lasertherapie dar. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Xenon-Chlorid-Gas-Laser. Er erzeugt monochromatisches Licht der Wellenlnge 308nm. Der Laser arbeitet im UV-Schmalband-Spektrum. Anders als beim aufgefcherten Lichtkegel von Lichtkabinen erzeugt der Laser einen gebndelten Strahl. Mit dem kleinen optischen Fenster des Laser-Kopfes ist es mglich, innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine therapeutisch hohe Strahlendosis gezielt auf erkrankte Hautgebiete anzuwenden, ohne die umliegende gesunde Haut der Strahlung auszusetzen. Der Laser bietet sich besonders zur Behandlung von kleinen, hartnckigen Entzndungsherden auf der Haut an. Der Laser hat sich bei der Behandlung von verschiedenen Erkrankungen bewhrt, die auf eine UV-Therapie ansprechen. Zum Einsatz kommt er vor allen bei der Psoriasis und der Vitiligo. Die bentigte Therapiezeit ist durch die hohe Bestrahlungsstrke des Lasers gegenber konventionellen Lichtkabinen deutlich geringer. Schwer erreichbare Regionen der Haut, etwa Hautfalten oder Gelenkbeugen, knnen einfacher erreicht werden als bei einer Therapie in Lichtkabinen. Je nach Empfindlichkeit des erkrankten Haut-Areals kann die therapeutisch notwendige Dosis gezielt angepasst werden.

Diese Methode (Psoralen + UVA) gibt es in drei Formen zur uerlichen (als Creme oder Bad) und innerlichen Anwendung (mittels Tabletten). Die Wirkstoffe sind Psoralene (z.B. Methoxsalen), die in Prparaten wie Psoralen oder Meladinine enthalten sind. Diese steigern die Lichtempfindlichkeit der Haut und erhhen so die Wirksamkeit der UVA-Strahlen. Durch die PUVA-Therapie kommt es vermutlich zu einer Photoinaktivierung der hyperreaktiven T-Zellen, da Psoralen, ein Furokumarin, molekulare Bindungsreaktionen an Nukleinsuren und Proteinstrukturen eingeht.

Die Schmalspektrum-UVB-Therapie ist nach den Bestrahlungsgerten mit 311nm Licht-Wellenlnge benannt. Die Psoriasis reagiert am empfindlichsten im Bereich zwischen 310 und 313nm, daher ist die 311nm Bestrahlung heute das Mittel der Wahl fr Ganz- und Teilkrperbestrahlungen. Durch die geringere Erythemwirkung ist die Vertrglichkeit besser als bei Breitband-UVB- und SUP-Strahlern. Diese Therapie wird oft kombiniert mit topischen Behandlungen, zur weiteren Steigerung der Wirksamkeit.

Eine Kombination von UVA und UVB. Sie wirkt rasch und intensiv, muss aber optimal an die Hautverhltnisse der Personen angepasst werden, um Sonnenbrnde zu vermeiden. Dies gilt allerdings fr alle Bestrahlungstherapien.

Diese neue Lichttherapie macht sich blaues Licht einer Wellenlnge von 453 Nanometer (nm) zu Nutze. Dieser Lichtbereich gehrt zum sichtbaren Lichtspektrum und ist somit frei von Ultraviolettstrahlung (UV-Strahlung). Leuchtdioden (LEDs) sind sichere, energieeffiziente und langlebige Lichtquellen. Das blaue LED-Licht hat wie durch Studien gezeigt wurde anti-proliferative Eigenschaften, die die bermige Vermehrung bestimmter Hautzellen (Keratinozyten) bei Psoriasis vermindern knnen.[19] Auch die Entzndung in betroffenen Hautstellen kann durch die Inaktivierung von T-Zellen reduziert werden.[20] Diese Effekte fhren laut klinischen Studien zu einer Linderung der Symptome der Schuppenflechte-Herde, wie Schuppung, Rtung und Dicke.[21][22]

Die Elektrotherapie mit schwach dosiertem Interferenzstrom zur Behandlung wurde am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe weiterentwickelt, wo man in einer kleineren Studie Behandlungserfolge nachweisen konnte.[23][24] Die Behandlung sei praktikabel und gut vertrglich. Zur Behandlung mssen die psoriatischen Areale mit Elektroden abgedeckt werden. Hnde, Fe oder Ellbogen knnen auch in Wannen behandelt werden, die mit Leitungswasser gefllt sind. Die Behandlungen mssen regelmig zweimal tglich fnf Minuten lang durchgefhrt werden, bis der Befall abgeheilt oder deutlich gebessert ist. Je nach dessen Schwere dauert dies bis zu zwlf Wochen. Da die Behandlungen regelmig erfolgen mssen, werden sie in der Regel vom Patienten selbst durchgefhrt. Die Behandlung erfordert spezielle Therapiegerte, die gekauft oder geliehen werden knnen. Zurzeit laufen mehrere Studien.[25] Bei der Psoriasis-Arhritis sind zwar analgetische Effekte beschrieben, ein Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf ist jedoch nicht beobachtet worden.[26]

Innerliche Anwendungen (systemische Therapie) ist bei mittelschweren bis schweren Fllen der Haut und bei Beteiligungen anderer Organe indiziert. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass es sich bei der Schuppenflechte um eine Autoimmun-Erkrankung (s.o.), also eine entzndliche, systemische Erkrankung mit dem zustzlichen Risiko assoziierter Co-Morbiditten handelt, spielt die systemische Behandlung eindeutig die grere Rolle. Eine kosmetische (topische) Behandlung kann fr eine systemische Erkrankung keine zufriedenstellende Lsung sein. Neuere Daten legen nahe, dass eine frhe systemische Therapie nicht nur die Schuppenflechte selbst verbessert, sondern auch das mit Schuppenflechte assoziierte kardiovaskulre Risiko vermindert.[27]

Die folgende Liste orientiert sich an der Hufigkeit der Verschreibung in Deutschland laut dem deutschen Psoriasis-Register:[28]

Eine Mischung aus unterschiedlichen Fumarsureestern (Fumarsuredimethylester und Fumarsuremonoethylester-Salze) ist als Medikament unter dem Handelsnamen Fumaderm seit 1994 verfgbar.[29] Behandlungen mit diesem Medikament werden bei mittelschwerem bis schwerem Befall vorgenommen, wobei es zu einer Abnahme des Schweregrades der Erkrankung im Mittel um 50-80% kommt.[30] Nach Empfehlung der deutschen S3 - Leitlinie zur Therapie der Psoriasis vulgaris eignen sich Fumrsureester besonders zur Langzeittherapie. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Therapie mit Fumarsureestern liegt in den geringen Arzneimittelinteraktionen.[30] Fumarsuredimethylester wirken immunmodulatorisch (antientzndlich) und sind die Antipsoriatika mit der lngsten Erfahrung im Einsatz (nmlich seit 1959).[31] Dadurch, dass die Entzndung zurckgeht, gehen auch die Schuppen zurck.

Die wichtigsten unerwnschten Arzneimittelwirkungen sind vorbergehende Magen-Darm-Beschwerden, Diarrhoen, kolikartige Bauchschmerzen und Hitzewallungen.[32] Ferner kann die Zahl der weien Blutkrperchen im Blut abnehmen (Leuko-/Lymphozytopenie). Sollte die Anzahl der weien Blutkrperchen stark abfallen, muss die Dosis reduziert oder die Therapie unterbrochen werden. Wenn die Therapie trotz stark reduzierter Anzahl weier Blutkrperchen fortgefhrt wird, besteht das Risiko opportunistischer Infektionen, wie beispielsweise der progressiven multifokalen Leukenzephalopathie (PML), die mitunter sogar tdlich verlaufen kann. rzte kontrollieren daher das Blutbild in regelmigen Abstnden. Es gibt keine wissenschaftlichen Hinweise auf ein DMF-assoziiertes Risiko fr PML. Das vorteilhafte Nutzen-Risiko-Verhltnis von Fumaderm bei der oralen Behandlung der mittelschweren bis schweren Psoriasis insbesondere fr die Langzeiterhaltungstherapie wurde in den entsprechenden Leitlinien zur Therapie der Psoriasis hervorgehoben.[29] Die Effekte bei Psoriasisarthritis sind nicht ausreichend untersucht, es gibt aber Hinweise auf eine Wirksamkeit[33] und in aktueller klinischer Praxis werden Fumarsureester bei Patienten mit Plaque Psoriasis und milder Psoriasisarthritis eingesetzt.[34] Fumarsureester sind die am hufigsten verschriebene systemische Psoriasis-Therapie in Deutschland.[28]

In niedriger Dosis (bis zu 25 mg/Woche) verwendet ist Methotrexat (MTX, zahlreiche Generika) weltweit das am hufigsten verwendete Medikament zur innerlichen Behandlung der Psoriasis. In Deutschland wird es am zweithufigsten eingesetzt.[28] Es unterdrckt das Immunsystem. Unerwnschte Arzneimittelwirkungen betreffen die Leber, Nieren und das blutbildende System des Knochenmarks. Lange galt, dass MTX besonders gut bei Psoriasisarthritis wirksam ist, allerdings konnte eine im Jahr 2012 publizierte randomisierte placebokontrollierte Studie keinen solchen Effekt zeigen.[35]

Bei den Biologicals unterscheidet man zwei Typen: Die TNF-Blocker - Adalimumab (Humira), Infliximab (Remicade), Etanercept (Enbrel) und den p40 Interleukin 12/23-Hemmer Ustekinumab resp. den monoklonalen Antikrper Secukinumab (Cosentyx von Novartis), der Interleukin-17A neutralisiert.[36] Es handelt sich dabei um biotechnologisch hergestellte Substanzen, die entweder zur Gruppe der monoklonalen Antikrper (Adalimumab, Infliximab, Secukinumab und Ustekinumab) oder der Gruppe der Fusionsproteine (Etanercept) gehren. Diese Substanzen werden bei Patienten eingesetzt, bei denen die klassischen systemischen Therapien (Methotrexat, Ciclosporin, Fumarsureester) oder eine Lichttherapie nicht in Frage kommen oder unzureichend wirksam sind. Es gibt Hinweise, dass bei Psoriasisarthritis die TNF--Antagonisten ein Fortschreiten der Gelenkschden verhindern knnen. Besonders die TNF-Blocker erhhen das Infektionsrisiko unter der Therapie, auch das Risiko opportunistischer Infektionen, wie beispielsweise der PML.[37] Unter Ustekinumab kann eine besonders schwerwiegende Abschlung der Haut eintreten.[38] Da Adalimumab die Immunabwehr unterdrckt, ist auch hier das Risiko erhht, an opportunistischen Infektionen zu erkranken.[39] Adalimumab wird in Deutschland zur Behandlung der Psoriasis am dritthufigsten eingesetzt.[28] Die drei Proteine Adalimumab, Etanercept und Infliximab gelten - unter wirtschaftlichen Aspekten - als besonders erfolgreiche Medikamente und sind daher so genannte Blockbuster. Sie werden aber auch in anderen Indikationen eingesetzt (z.B. Psoriasisarthritis, Rheuma und Morbus Crohn.)

Der Phosphodiesterase-Hemmer Apremilast ist seit Januar 2015 zur Behandlung der mittelschweren bis schweren chronischen Psoriasis zugelassen. Apremilast ist der erste fr diese Indikation zugelassene orale (PDE4)-Inhibitor und wird zur Behandlung von Patienten eingesetzt, bei denen andere systemische Therapien nicht angesprochen haben oder nicht vertragen wurden. Die Substanz wurde ebenfalls zur Behandlung von Psoriasis-Arthritis bei Erwachsenen zugelassen.[36][40]

Die Vitamin-A-Abkmmlinge wie zum Beispiel Acitretin werden gerne mit UV-Bestrahlungen kombiniert, fr synergistische Effekte dieser Kombinationstherapie gibt es jedoch keine ausreichenden Belege.[30] Wichtig ist, dass diese Stoffe bei Frauen bis zu zwei Jahre nach der Behandlung zu einer Missbildung des Kindes in der Schwangerschaft fhren knnen.

Die hier verwendeten Tabletten oder Spritzen wirken kurzfristig lindernd. Es knnen jedoch auch ein Rckschlag (ein sog. Rebound-Phnomen) und weitere gravierende Nebenwirkungen auftreten. Die innerliche Therapie der Psoriasis mit Kortikoiden wird heute nicht mehr empfohlen.

Die immunsuppressive Substanz Ciclosporin ist zur Behandlung von schwersten therapieresistenten Formen einer Psoriasis zugelassen. Eine Langzeittherapie (lnger als maximal ein bis zwei Jahre) ist auf Grund der potentiellen Nebenwirkungen wie Nierenschdigung und Bluthochdruck, aber auch aufgrund der Mglichkeit eines erhhten Krebsrisikos nicht indiziert.[30]

Fr die Nagel-Psoriasis gibt es bislang keine zugelassene Behandlungsmethode. Allerdings hat sich die fixe Kombination von Calcipotriol und Betamethason im Off-Label-Use bewhrt. Dies wird auch durch Studienergebnisse untermauert, die eine deutliche Reduktion der Nagel-Psoriasis und positive Effekte auf Hyperkeratose und Onycholyse zeigen konnten.[41]

Die Befragung einiger Psoriasiskranker ergab, dass sie vor allem Kruter und Dit-Regeln anwenden, auerdem Methoden der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin, meist in Ergnzung zu medizinischen Verfahren.[42][43] Einige Untersuchungen sprechen fr eine Wirksamkeit der Akupunkturbehandlung bei Psoriasis und anderen Hauterkrankungen.[44] Fr eine ber einen Placeboeffekt hinausgehende Wirksamkeit liegen derzeit allerdings noch keine belastbaren Belege vor.[44][45][46][47] Umgekehrt knnen Hautreize z.B. durch Akupunkturnadeln aufgrund des Kbner-Phnomens zu Psoriasis-Plaques fhren.[48]

Auch bei der Homopathie wird von den Anwendern immer wieder ber Erfolge berichtet. Fr eine ber den Placeboeffekt hinausgehende Wirksamkeit der Homopathie bei Psoriasis liegen allerdings bisher keine belastbaren Belege vor.[49][50]

2014 wurde eine ayurvedische Creme getestet mit den Inhaltsstoffen Gelbwurz, Niem, Frberwurzel und Sweet Indrajao. Die Probanden behaupten, dass Juckreiz umgehend reduziert wird und Hautrtungen und -schwellungen substanziell vermindert werden.[51]

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Your skin and appearance are the first things someone notices about you. To ensure you are making a good first impression, let Dr. Lawrence Jaeger and our team at Advanced Dermatology Associates help. With more than 100 years of combined experience, we are committed to helping you look and feel your best. From surgical procedures to quality acne products, our dermatologists have a lot to offer you.

We offer a variety of treatments for the following conditions:

For your convenience, we have four offices in the Bronx and one in Manhattan. Our dedicated and caring staff in each of our locations will answer any questions you may have and will thoroughly explain our recommended plan of action. Contact us at one of our phone numbers listed below!

New Yorks Leading Dermatologists

The secret is out. Our hard work and quality performance has been discussed on the national television show Live with Regis and Kelly. Additionally, we have been recognized by a variety of professional organizations including the American Osteopathic Association, American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, American Medical Association, American Phlebotomy Association, and the Internal Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons. Our physicians are board certified and teach in some of New York Citys finest hospitals.

The following represent some of the qualities we possess that separate us from our competitors:

Contact one of our five locations today!

If you, or someone you know, can benefit from the help of a certified dermatologist, consider visiting our team at Advanced Dermatology Associates. Contact us today at one of the following numbers to schedule your next appointment:

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Advanced Dermatology Associates,New York Dermatologist

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Diseases and treatments | American Academy of Dermatology

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Acne and rosacea

Is it acne or rosacea? One of the most common signs of rosacea, bumps, and pimples, is also one of the most common causes of confusion about the skin condition.

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There are a number of skin conditions that cause bumps and growths to appear on the surface or just below the skin.

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Irregular areas in which there are changes in skin color are a common problem with a wide array of potential causes.

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Learn which types of skin diseases are contagious.

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From chemical peels, botox, and fillers, find out which cosmetic treatment is right for you and what questions you should ask before getting a cosmetic treatment.

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Do you have really dry or excessively sweaty skin? Find out the causes of your symptoms and learn how you can manage your condition.

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Eczema and dermatitis are terms for a group of skin conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. Learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of these common skin conditions.

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Many people have hair or scalp problems. Their hair may be thinning or falling out, break off, or grow slowly. Dandruff or an itching or peeling scalp may cause discomfort.

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Are you suffering from itchy skin? Find out the possible causes that are making you want to scratch.

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Learn about the diseases and conditions that may cause painful skin and joints.

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Learn about rash types, treatments, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention.

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There are many reasons why your skin might look scaly. Learn about the diseases and conditions that may cause scaly skin.

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Find skin cancer information and treatment options and learn how you can prevent and detect the disease.

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Diseases and treatments | American Academy of Dermatology

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