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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Christian libertarianism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: April 16, 2016 at 1:49 pm

Christian libertarianism describes the synthesis of Christian beliefs concerning free will, human nature, and God-given inalienable rights with libertarian political philosophy. It is also an ideology to the extent its supporters promote their cause to others and join together as a movement. In contrast to the Christian left and the Christian right respectively, they believe that charity and enforcement of personal-level morality should be the purview of the (voluntary) church and not the state. These responsibilities must not be abrogated, though any non-governmental organization (NGO) not publicly financed is free to pursue them as well.

As with secular libertarianism, socialism, fascism, and crony capitalism are strongly opposed, as is theocracy. The latter does not include merely being influenced by Christian concepts; whereas in a theocracy, government derives its powers from a divine or religious authority directly exercising governmental control. The use of force is never justified to achieve purely political, social, or religious goals, but is reserved solely to uphold natural rights.

Individual freedom of religion without state interference is absolutely supported regardless of one's beliefs. Nevertheless, a majority religion in a given locale could display its faith on government-owned property if it had the popular votes to do so. Public sector discrimination is strictly forbidden, while in the private sector, it is permitted, though discouraged (excepting bona fide associated costs, such as insurance rates).

Christian libertarians believe these principles are supported by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, which are recorded in the Bible, and His criticism of the laws (Halakha) observed by the Pharisees. For example, in Jesus' day, it was prohibited to heal someone on the Sabbath, because this was considered doing actual work on the mandated day of rest and worship. He opposed the Pharisees due to their self-righteous, man-made regulations added to God's law, which they obeyed outwardly, but with the wrong inward motivation. Also, most Christians believe the ceremonial and civic laws found in the Old Testament have been superseded by the New Covenant. For these reasons, Christian libertarians may consider Jesus as the greatest libertarian in history.

According to Andrew Sandlin, an American theologian and author, Christian libertarianism is the view that mature individuals are permitted maximum freedom under God's law.[1] Alex Barron, an American blogger and podcast host, states that Christian libertarianism can be summed up like this: "I am as libertarian as my Christian faith allows."[2]

Christian (including Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic) libertarians are people who believe in maximum liberty for individuals, but recognize there are universal and objective moral truths, such as "murder is wrong." For Christian libertarians, an understanding and appreciation of these moral absolutes is formed in large part by their Christian faith. Christians in this school of political thought tend to describe such basic directives in terms of natural law or natural rights, or the law that "well formed" humans seem to come to on their own. The concept of maximum economic and political liberty under the limits of natural law as understood by theologically conservative Christianity is what forms the basis of Christian libertarian philosophy. The ideas of Christian faith and libertarian political and economic theory are somewhat in contention, but Christian libertarians are constantly trying to balance their desire for minimal involvement by the state in the affairs of individuals, and limits to behavior from Christian moral teaching.

In keeping with the fundamentals of libertarianism, laws of the state should be kept to the bare minimum. Acts that merely annoy others or slowly degrade their health might be dealt with at the local level, where the least amount of effort is needed to initiate or oppose change.

There is great concern that even in relatively free societies, laws and regulations are becoming increasingly numerous, irrelevant, and too complex for the average person to understand. While those on the Christian right may wish to outlaw what they see as immoral, this only makes the public more accustomed to having to deal with new laws. Thus, it "opens the floodgates" for social liberals, progressives, and non-libertarian secularists to pass their own laws when they are in control of the government, rather than having an aversion to all new laws.

As Jesus did not call upon the political and legal authorities to enforce piety or discourage sinful behavior, Christian libertarians do not believe in a political mandate to Christianize culture. Behavior considered sinful by the Churchbut which does not violate the lives, liberty, or property of othersmust be disciplined within the Church itself. (This includes family discipline in the case of minor children.) Even if such behavior warrants cultural opposition amongst the general public, it must not be prohibited by the state. Only actions which legitimately constitute various forms of physical assault, tangible theft (including destruction/desecration), or fraudulent schemes may be criminalized and prosecuted, as these alone infringe upon the natural rights of others. Due to the large taxpayer expense to house nonviolent offenders, and immoral "prison culture," Christian libertarians generally maintain that only violent criminals and those who have demonstrated a willingness to transgress the natural rights of their neighbors should be quarantined from society and incarcerated. On an international scale, non-interventionism is promoted based upon the principles of state sovereignty and self-determination. The right of people to immigrate (without public assistance) is fully supported, as is free trade.

While there may be a need for police, prosecutors, and prisons to uphold natural rights, these should not be so numerous and costly to enforce laws beyond natural rights. This becomes a burden for taxpayers, and affects churchgoers ability to give to their local church and support missions. The prohibition of drugs, for example, takes away funds from the church and gives them to the state, while greatly increasing violence due to the illicit drug trade. While drug abuse is considered immoral, it is within the realm of the church, and not the state. In addition, libertarians do not support civil asset forfeiture, as it can easily affect the innocent with very limited due process and costly legal fees.

Advocating legalization of what is sinful can put Christians in a difficult position. There is always the concern non-believers may misinterpret that whatever is being legalized is now permissible. While many on the Christian right believe that God still judges nations, Christian libertarians find no basis for this in the New Testament. Both agree nations were judged in Old Testament times, but is a matter of contention whether it applies to the present day. Inevitably, the Christian right becomes alarmed when moral laws are abandoned, as they feel their nation will suffer. Christian libertarians, on the other hand, believe that under the New Covenant, God judges only individuals. Nations become prosperous when they uphold and enforce the natural rights of the people. Maximum freedom from state interference must be preserved, and laws for the sole sake of morality need not exist.

Unlike the versions of socialism or welfare statism traditionally favored by the Christian left, libertarians generally see no need for government-provided social services. These activities are best entrusted to private nonprofit organizations, which include churches and faith-based charities. This does not mean libertarians want to see governmental services shut down overnight, but, rather, phased out as soon as possible when nonprofits become capable of doing this work. Voluntary giving is more just and efficient than forced redistribution of wealth through taxation as whatever is taxed, less of it will be produced. Christian libertarians believe public welfare is an ineffective means to lift the financially struggling out of poverty. This carries with it negative unintended consequences, such as people being less willing to obtain higher education or employment, or having more children than they would otherwise. Saving money beyond token amounts is often prohibited for those on public assistance, leading to unwise financial habits.

School choice including parochial schools for primary and secondary education is advocated over mandated government-run schools at taxpayer expense. The spontaneous order of the free marketplace is always preferable to central planning. Over-regulation of business reduces productivity and increases unemployment, while enabling new possible avenues of corruption. Similarly, minimum wage laws hurt younger, less qualified workers, and cause price hikes even on the poor. Free individuals are in a much better position to rationally pursue their own interests than those who are being dictated to by a strong-armed central government. The state should not prohibit unwise personal, financial, or medical decisions, nor prosecute those who encourage them (short of fraud), as this is within the realm of the church.

Other differences include the support of the individual right to keep and bear arms for defense. Being wealthy is not a problem for Christian libertarians. Only the love of money (not money in itself) is considered a sin.

With respect to environmental concerns, libertarians largely view regulatory policies and the politicization of Creation Care as only superficially "green" and essentially corporatist. Often, they cite the large-scale pollution and environmental degradation caused by governments as a reason to minimize the activities and role of the state in society (see also green libertarianism and free-market environmentalism).

Christian libertarians are generally opposed to relatively free countries relinquishing their sovereignty to international governing bodies such as the United Nations, as many in the movement believe this paves the way for authoritarian world government. Internationalism is perceived as a threat to free speech and expression, freedom of religion, self-defense rights, right to a fair trial, and the like. Among dispensationalist Protestants, this trend of political and economic centralization on a global scale tends to be cast in eschatological terms with connections being drawn to "the Beast" described in the Book of Revelation.

Arguably the greatest difference between Christian and secular libertarians concerns those who are not only libertarian, but also libertinethat is, they want to do the very things in which Christianity forbids. For example, Christian libertarians believe it is immoral to engage in recreational drug use, but also immoral to forcibly prevent others from doing so. On the other hand, a non-believer may espouse libertarian ideals so they need not fear such laws Christians have no intention of violating. Christians have to uphold Jesus' command of "love your neighbor as yourself," while non-believers might not be so inclined.

Essentially, Christian and secular libertarians share common goals, but disagree on the underlying objective of government. Christian libertarians believe that government is only valid if it helps to maintain and support Natural Law as understood through a traditional Christian moral code. Other significant differences lie with the nature and source of our rights. In the words of Thomas Jefferson:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. --United States Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776

Without invoking the name of God, secularists can only promise "government-granted" rights. Christian libertarians view these precariously, as they could be revoked. A famous example of this is the liberal democracy of the Weimar Republic in 1920s Germany. As the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler took power in the early 1930s during the Great Depression, the rights granted under Germany's constitution became irrelevant.

Christian libertarians agree with other libertarians on most issues. However, there are several issues that they often disagree to some extent:

Abortion. While many secular libertarians feel that the government must not have the power to compel a woman to maintain pregnancy and promote abortion as a human right, Christian libertarians often contend - on the basis of the belief that life begins at conception - that there are two lives involved in the decision. Thus, they argue that the government does have a role in protecting the life, liberty, and property of individuals, including unborn citizens. That said, there is still debate about who should be prosecuted, under what circumstances, and how to ensure safeguards against an unintentional miscarriage being confused with willful abortion.

Anarcho-capitalism. Another area, where Christian and secular libertarians disagree, is in restraining libertarian economic policies. Where many secular libertarians support few, if any, limits on economic activity or anarcho-capitalism, Christian libertarians often see the value in restraining anarcho-capitalism with agreed upon values that are Christian based. Values such as mandatory Christian holidays off from work including the Sabbath (Sunday), child labor laws, and utilizing Gods creation (the environment) in a responsible way are all valid community decisions.

Commercialized vices. Many secular libertarians would have a society where there would be no limit on vices such as pornography, prostitution, gambling and recreational drug use because these are open dealings between consenting adults. Often, Christian libertarians take the view that while secular governments tend to overreach, there could be reasonable limits if enacted at the local level, and aimed mainly at public (rather than private) settings. This includes restrictions on where it is available, attempting to separate its influence from young people, and allowing local communities to ban it from their jurisdiction. While viewed as being primarily in the realm of the Church to discourage these activities, nonetheless, government should not be promoting any such behavior that is self-destructing.

Same sex marriage. This can be a contentious issue among libertarians of all stripes, including Christian libertarians. Their decisions often come down to whether government is merely allowing this activity, or promoting something that is understood to be against moral norms from a traditional Christian viewpoint. Christian libertarians will often defend rights for same-sex couples to form contracts between each other (e.g. civil unions), have visitation rights in places such as hospitals, and the right to pass on property to each other. Nevertheless, many Christian libertarians stop short of support for same-sex marriage, and often contend that the state should have no authority to define the terms of marriage. In a Christian libertarian form of government, society as a whole may not have the ability to ban the vast majority of activities between consenting adults. However, it cannot advocate and promote anti-Christian morals either.

The Ten Commandments have varying enforceability under Christian libertarianism. Beliefs differ on whether to consolidate at the beginning or end to prevent forming more than ten commandments. This list (developed by John Calvin) consolidates coveting with the alternative numbering used by Catholics and most Lutherans (developed by Church Father St. Augustine) in brackets.

Not all specific crimes that the state can enforce are addressed directly. For example, kidnapping would be part of the eighth [seventh] commandment.

The origins of Christian libertarianism in the United States can be traced back to the roots of libertarianism. According to Murray Rothbard, of the three libertarian (anarchist) experiments begun during the European colonization of the Americas in the mid 17th century, all three of them were begun by Christian groups.[3]

Martin Luther, one of the authors of the Protestant Reformation, is referred to as libertarian In the introduction to "Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority." The term used here is something quite different than the political ideology of libertarianism. The book's editor, Harro Hopfl, says that libertarian, egalitarian, communal motifs were part of the texture of Luther's theology.[4]

Lord Acton was a theoretician who posited that political liberty is the essential condition and guardian of religious liberty. The Acton Institute, an American Christian libertarian think tank, is named after him.[5]

The quotes below come from the translation commonly referenced as the New King James Version.

From the last book of the Christian New Testament, called the Apocalypse or Revelation, chapter 22, verses 10-16; this passage references the principle of non-interference in the lives of others:

And he said to me, Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.

The New Testament book, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, addresses this same principle:

I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people.

Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.

But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner not even to eat with such a person.

For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore put away from yourselves the evil person.

From the first book of the Christian New Testament, called the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 15, verses 1-20; this passage references the simplicity of spiritual purity, and the non-necessity of a multitude of contradictory physical rules:

Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying,

Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.

He answered and said to them, Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honor your father and your mother; and, He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death. But you say, Whoever says to his father or mother, Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to Godthen he need not honor his father or mother. Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition.

Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:

When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, Hear and understand: Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.

Then His disciples came and said to Him, Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?

But He answered and said, Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.

Then Peter answered and said to Him, Explain this parable to us.

So Jesus said, Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.

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Mergel Transhuman – Free Download at Ektoplazm – Free …

Posted: at 3:41 am

Free Music|Psycore|June 16, 2012|Released by Akashik Record|Posted byBasilisk

01 - System Crash (vs Antagon) (155 BPM) 02 - Alkoholisches Travel (160 BPM) 03 - Morning Delirium (164 BPM) 04 - Maroderi Voodoo (Gamaliel Remix) (170 BPM) 05 - Blood Emo (175 BPM) 06 - The Indigenous Child From Hell (with Jesus Raves) (180 BPM) 07 - Drop Me Speed Dude! (184 BPM) 08 - Delete Live (190 BPM) 09 - I Do Not Like Speed (210 BPM) 10 - Journey In The Dark (vs OmniPresence) (200 BPM)

Mergel (Andrei Krasnoperov) makes a strong debut with Transhuman on Akashik Record, originally released in 2011. Mergels style is psycore, high-tech, and darkpsy with experimental mechanical sounds and crazy emotional melodies designed for peak experiences at extreme tempos. The label calls this quantum higher octave form of ascending vibration towards the omega point which just about sums it up. Artwork by Egnogra.

MP3 Download|FLAC Download|WAV DownloadDownload count: 7,966.

Released under a Creative Commons licence for noncommercial usage. Donations to keep underground music alive are welcome on Bandcamp.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Mergel Invisible Landscapes

Engrams: The Trilogy Vol. 2

Mergel Night On A CornfieLD

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James Bond 007 – Casino Royale (2006) –

Posted: April 15, 2016 at 11:43 pm

Comparison between the cut British DVD rated BBFC 12 and the uncut Australian DVD.

In November 2006 a new Bond movie was released. In spite of initial skepticism by the popular press and some fans, too, Daniel Craig could convince both critics and the audience in the graver and more serious Casino Royale, after the incredible stunts of his predecessor. Daniel Craigs introduction became the most successful Bond in history and topped Die Another Day easily.

The new toughness, rediscovered after Licence To Kill by the film makers, caused some problems for the movie, eventually leading to the release of 3 different versions of the movie in different parts of the world. While the previous movie only had a ridiculous and harmless sex scene being an overkill only for the USA, Casino Royale had a difficult time once again at its British home.

On the informative homepage of the British Censorship Board BBFC BBFC, whose censors were able to watch the movie prior to its premiere so that the movie makers could know how close they were to the desired "12 A" rating, one could learn about a torture scene which had to be cut for the English version.

It didnt take long to make clear that the cuts would be permanent for the English version of the movie, causing justified concerns that other countries would receive the same censored version. Fortunately that didnt happen. The censored version was only shown in English cinemas and was only released there on DVD. In Australia the scene remained intact.

The USA received a cut version of their own. There the torture scene turned out to be without difficulty for the important PG-13 rating but what usually is too much for Americans of this age bracket is realistic violence.

Exaggerated and cartoon-like violence hardly disturbs the MPAA or the American public than a realistic and matter-of-factly presented battle for life or death.

Of all things Casino Royale wanted to distinguish itself from the previous movies in that category in order to win back the adult audience which often doesnt like too much fantasy and extravagance in action movies anymore. Two scenes - the stylish black-and-white fight in the bathroom and the confrontation in the staircase - had to be mitigated considerably.

Interesting in this connection is that, besides the deletion of several scenes, there are some individual shots which are missing both in the English and in the Australian version. Whether these shots were deleted because of censorship reasons in the different countries or that they were added into the US version to compensate the deleted scenes (to get the desired PG-13 rating) and to keep the editing rhythm is unknown.

2 deleted und 1 alternative scenes in the English version with a total difference of 13 seconds.

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New York Genome Center NYGC Careers

Posted: April 13, 2016 at 9:44 am


The New York Genome Center (NYGC) is an independent, non-profit organization that leverages the collaborative resources of leading academic medical centers, research universities and commercial organizations. Our vision is to transform medical research and clinical care through the creation of one of the largest genomics facilities in North America; integrating sequencing, bioinformatics and data management, as well as performing cutting-edge genomics research.

Each faculty member of the NYGC leads a laboratory of post doctoral researchers, lab associates and scientific staff. They integrate their genomic expertise with the work that we are doing NYGC, working in collaborative research relationships both inside NYGC and with academic institutions. Our Faculty members hold joint appointments at our Institutional Founding Members while also managing their independent laboratories housed at the NYGC and conducting ground-breaking and collaborative genomic research.

We believe that every team member is crucial as NYGC works towards our mission, be it in a scientific, technical, or administrative position. Our administration team plays a huge role in driving transformative change in biomedical and clinical care. This group includes external affairs, finance, legal, business development, project management, sponsored research and facilities.

We are proud to boast a world-class bioinformatics and computational biology organization to support the cutting edge genomics research and integrated genomics services that we offer at NYGC. Our collaborative bioinformatics team is passionate about understanding and modeling human genetic variation and researching how it can be used to generate clinically actionable results.

This group develops and maintains the tools and infrastructure necessary to support our scientists as they tackle ground-breaking and large-scale data and genomic analysis. They are responsible for initiating and fostering external collaborations with technology partners, as well as ensuring that NYGC is a leader in the effective use of technology.

NYGC is committed to providing the most advanced sequencing an analysis possible. Our facility was designed to accommodate ever-improving technology, and we have more sequencing capacity than any other single institution in the Tri-State area. The Sequencing Operations group is responsible for understanding and interpreting sequencing and primary bioinformatics data, and is central to the transformative work of NYGC.

Our Software Engineers develop cutting edge tools to drive the services at NYGC. This team works closely with bioinformatics, sequencing lab, scientists, program management, and more to develop scientific applications for high-volume data processing, analysis and management.

Learn, grow and become part of the New York Genome Center team for a summer by participating in our 10-week paid internship program. Interns will have the opportunity to contribute towards the cutting-edge science being performed within our facilities. All interns will contribute towards a specific and meaningful project within their group which will culminate in an end-of-summer company presentation, ensuring our interns' professional and personal development. NYGC believes that our interns' summers should be both social and educational, and will offer a variety of lunch & learns, training seminars offered by team members across multiple functions of the organization, and organized social events.

Our Innovation Lab is currently testing several novel technologies with the potential to complement and enhance current technologies. Working with this group provides the opportunity to be on the cutting-edge of new technology and to perform innovative research that will shape the future of our industry.

The New York Genome Center provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religious creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, pregnancy, childbirth, physical disability, mental disability, age, military status or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran, marital status, registered domestic partner or civil union status, gender (including sex stereotyping and gender identity or expression), medical condition (including, but not limited to, cancer related or HIV/AIDS related), genetic information or sexual orientation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. In addition, the New York Genome Center complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the Company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training.

2016 New York Genome Center. All rights reserved.

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DNA – The New York Times

Posted: April 12, 2016 at 3:42 pm

Latest Articles

Most of the diversity outlined on the new tree has been hiding in plain sight.


In frank statements, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, the spiritual leader of 86 million Anglicans, and his mother talked of the shock of discovering the truth in the past month.


A number of recent genetic studies challenge the notion that mistaken paternity is commonplace, finding a rate of less than 1 percent.


A quest to create a state-of-the-art map of the Aedes aegypti mosquitos genome involves scientists from assorted disciplines who rarely collaborate.


A study of global genomes has found that our ancestors are even more varied than we thought.

Scientists hope to use a cellphone app to recruit 100,000 women to submit DNA samples to try to identify genes that may be markers for postpartum depression.


The interbreeding may have given modern humans better immunity to pathogens, according to the authors of the analysis of global genomes.


A diverse biotechnology company hopes its genetically engineered mosquitoes can help stop the spread of a devastating virus. But thats just a start.


A report in the journal Science reveals how evolution harnessed viral DNA to rewire humans own genetic circuitry and strengthen the immune system.


Cutting-edge technology has enabled analysis of ever-tinier genetic samples. But as the science pushes boundaries, some experts are raising reliability questions.


President Obama said the success of his initiative to collect genetic data so scientists can develop drugs and personalized treatments hinged partly on understanding who owns the data.


The suit, filed in State Supreme Court, seeks monetary damages from the hospital and Dr. David H. Newman, whom she says sexual attacked her last month.


Marina Stajic, the former director of the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory, sued the city Thursday, saying she was made to resign after she questioned the use of a novel form of DNA testing.


On top of abundant evidence that humans carry Neanderthal DNA, a new study shows that the interbreeding went both ways.


The recommendation by the influential Texas Forensic Science Commission is not legally binding, but is likely to carry great weight.

Jeremy Wilson, who is charged with forgery, says he is the son of a famed Irish Republican Army leader. His lawyer, a supporter of the group, said he could not take the chance he was being tricked.


When other researchers studied the 4,500-year-old-genome, they discovered that the conclusion that much of Africa has Eurasian ancestry was incorrect.


At a legendary dinner in 1951, the Explorers Club was said to have served its members mammoth, but DNA tests have revealed what the meat really was.


A surprising genetic diversity has been discovered among the citys bedbugs, which the scientists tracked through DNA samples that were taken from the subway system.


For years, the remains have been out of reach, the subject of a legal struggle that pitted 3 scientists against their own administration and the Kumeyaay.


Most of the diversity outlined on the new tree has been hiding in plain sight.


In frank statements, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, the spiritual leader of 86 million Anglicans, and his mother talked of the shock of discovering the truth in the past month.


A number of recent genetic studies challenge the notion that mistaken paternity is commonplace, finding a rate of less than 1 percent.


A quest to create a state-of-the-art map of the Aedes aegypti mosquitos genome involves scientists from assorted disciplines who rarely collaborate.


A study of global genomes has found that our ancestors are even more varied than we thought.

Scientists hope to use a cellphone app to recruit 100,000 women to submit DNA samples to try to identify genes that may be markers for postpartum depression.


The interbreeding may have given modern humans better immunity to pathogens, according to the authors of the analysis of global genomes.


A diverse biotechnology company hopes its genetically engineered mosquitoes can help stop the spread of a devastating virus. But thats just a start.


A report in the journal Science reveals how evolution harnessed viral DNA to rewire humans own genetic circuitry and strengthen the immune system.


Cutting-edge technology has enabled analysis of ever-tinier genetic samples. But as the science pushes boundaries, some experts are raising reliability questions.


President Obama said the success of his initiative to collect genetic data so scientists can develop drugs and personalized treatments hinged partly on understanding who owns the data.


The suit, filed in State Supreme Court, seeks monetary damages from the hospital and Dr. David H. Newman, whom she says sexual attacked her last month.


Marina Stajic, the former director of the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory, sued the city Thursday, saying she was made to resign after she questioned the use of a novel form of DNA testing.


On top of abundant evidence that humans carry Neanderthal DNA, a new study shows that the interbreeding went both ways.


The recommendation by the influential Texas Forensic Science Commission is not legally binding, but is likely to carry great weight.

Jeremy Wilson, who is charged with forgery, says he is the son of a famed Irish Republican Army leader. His lawyer, a supporter of the group, said he could not take the chance he was being tricked.


When other researchers studied the 4,500-year-old-genome, they discovered that the conclusion that much of Africa has Eurasian ancestry was incorrect.


At a legendary dinner in 1951, the Explorers Club was said to have served its members mammoth, but DNA tests have revealed what the meat really was.


A surprising genetic diversity has been discovered among the citys bedbugs, which the scientists tracked through DNA samples that were taken from the subway system.


For years, the remains have been out of reach, the subject of a legal struggle that pitted 3 scientists against their own administration and the Kumeyaay.


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DNA - The New York Times

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Posted: at 3:42 pm

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), of the shape of a double helix, found in the nucleus of a cell, is where genetic information is encoded and transferred. It has all the instructions needed for the development and functioning of an organism. DNA segments are known as genes. DNA research is a very complex scientific study which aids in finding complicated evolutionary information in humans and animals. It is a vast topic that has aided theories and discoveries in many diverse areas. The articles given below present DNA research in clearer light. They also tell you about the structure and composition of DNA, and also about DNA sequencing and replication.

What Does a Mutagen Mean in Biology?

Mutagens can cause disastrous effects on organisms.This Buzzle article explains what does the term mutagen mean. We have also explained different types of mutagens along with some examples of each type.

How to Make a 3D DNA Model Project

DNA - the blueprint of our life! Making a three-dimensional model, either for a school project or just because you want to understand DNA better, is very simple. This Buzzle write-up shows you how to make a 3D DNA model project...

Nucleoside vs. Nucleotide

Nucleoside and nucleotide are commonly used terms with regards to the molecular and structural components of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA. They are often used interchangeably, however, they are quite distinct entities. This...

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DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the fundamental molecular unit that is responsible for the existence of living things on our planet. DNA is a vital part of each and every organism; be it a plant, an animal, a human, or even a...

DNA Bases and Their Pairing Rules

The DNA of all the living beings is composed of just four bases i.e. Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). The various juxtapositions of these 4 bases give rise to the genetic codes of all the biota on the...

Best Microarray Data Analysis Software

High quality image processing and appropriate data analysis are important steps of a microarray experiment. This Buzzle article outlines some of the best microarray data analysis software available to extract statistically and...

Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic DNA Replication

DNA replication is a complex process comprising several co-ordinated activities of specific molecules. This Buzzle write-up provides a brief difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication processes.

Difference Between DNA and RNA

Technically, ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid sure sound alike. But let's face it, in the human body, redundancy does not exist. Check out this article to understand the difference between DNA and RNA.

DNA Replication Steps

The process of DNA replication comprises a set of carefully orchestrated sequence of events to duplicate the entire genetic content of a cell. The current article provides a short insight into the complex DNA replication steps.

Purines and Pyrimidines

The chemical properties of purines and pyrimidines, their structure & functions and other interesting facts are presented in the article.

Chromatin Function

If you are looking for information about chromatin function and structure, you've landed on the right page. This article explains the important role it plays in cell division and inheritance.

DNA Translation

In a nutshell, DNA translation can be defined as the process that "translates" information contained in the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) to facilitate polypeptide or protein synthesis.

What Makes up DNA?

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is known as the building block of life. Mainly composed of protein, the DNA has a key role in life and is considered to be the storehouse for genetic traits.

Nucleotides in DNA

DNA is a polynucleotide. The genetic information, consisting of thousands of codes is carried by the nucleotides in DNA. This genetic information helps a person to know about his ancestors. Let's discuss more about this most...

What is a Nucleotide

We may never have been able to find out about our ancestors if what is a nucleotide remained a question. It is known as the box of information which is carried through generations. So, let's go through some of its essential...

Why is DNA Important

The following article presents some points that are related to the subject of DNA studies, and which specifically describe the importance of DNA.

DNA Replication Enzymes

DNA replication, the basis of biological inheritance, is made possible by certain enzymes present in cells. In this article, I talk about these prime replication enzymes and their functions.

Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution

The evolution of man has always been a matter of great interest and a widely debated topic in recent times. DNA is present in each cell of the human body. The DNA of mitochondria in the cell, can be used to reconstruct the...

DNA Sequencing

DNA sequencing is a revolutionary concept in biological research that attempts to decode the human body and its working. The accurate mapping of genes and genomes is achieved through this technology.

Mitochondrial DNA Testing

Mitochondrial DNA testing is a process that helps us to trace and unravel our maternal ancestry. To know more about it, read on...

Structure of Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA is the genetic material that is found in mitochondria, the organelles which provide energy to cells and are hence called their powerhouses.

Functions of Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA is the deoxyribonucleic acid present in the mitochondria organelles. This DNA was discovered by Margit and Sylvan Nass via electron microscopy. The discovery enabled an understanding about the role it...

How is Mitochondrial DNA Used in Forensics

Mitochondrial DNA analysis is a boon in forensic studies, as it is used to solve difficult cases, especially in case of degraded samples that lack nuclear DNA. Here is some information on how mitochondrial DNA is used in forensics.

Who Discovered DNA

DNAs are a unique bond of molecules that determine our very beings. Read the following article to gain more information this subject.

Biochips Part 2

Breaker's invention opens the way for future RNA chips capable of revealing the molecular composition of complex mixtures like blood serum and industrial wastefar more comprehensively than current biochips.

Biochips Part 1

This article deals with biochips used in the latest technology sector. Though implanted biochips could easily become a tool of Big Brother, they are more likely to become the treatment of choice for the physician of the 21st century.

Originally posted here:

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homemade eczema cream – Kula Mama

Posted: April 11, 2016 at 5:43 am

Childhood eczema can be very uncomfortable for your little one. In my last article about eczema (holistic remedies for childhood eczema)I explained that the cause of eczema resides inside the body, and the cure for eczema does not come from an external cream. For eczema to heal on the outside, the digestive tract must first be healed on the inside. However, healing the digestive tract can take a bit of time and what should you do in the meantime while your little one is cranky, itchy and inflamed? Homemade Eczema Cream to the rescue! Made with shea butter, coconut oil and lavender and melaleuca (tea tree) essential oils, this cream contains healing properties to soothe your childs irritated skin and offer some relief.

My daughter is prone to eczema patches on her skin from time to time. We usually see them when we have been eating out at restaurants a bit (hello gluten bread bowl!) and she is tired and/or sick. To heal her skin, I focus on a gut healing protocol first (no inflammatory foods like gluten or dairy) and also lots of homemade bone broth and probiotics. She is currently healing a small patch of eczema on her face and after a week of our healing digestive protocol I decided to use this eczema cream for a few nights. This morning she woke up and the patch is nearly gone! When this cream is used in conjunction with a gut healing program, the results are dramatic!

The ingredients:

Shea butter: High in vitamin A, shea butter is healing for an array of skin conditions including eczema, dermatitis and even wrinkles. Make sure you use 100% pure shea butter like this one.

Coconut oil: Coconut oil is naturally tough on bacteria and fungi and this helps to keep the skin clean (source), while the medium chain triglycerides are wonderfully moisturizing and protective for the skin. I like this one.

Lavender and Tea Treeessential oil: We use these oils in our holistic medicine kit to help soothe cuts and scrapes and they both play an important role in supporting skin wellness.

1/4 cup shea butter

1/4 cup coconut oil

15 drops lavender essential oil, therapeutic grade only. (where to buy essential oils)

5 drops tea tree essential oil, therapeutic grade only. (where to buy essential oils)


Fill a saucepan halfway full with water. Heat the water over medium high heat (but do not boil). In a mason jar add the shea butter and the coconut oil. Place mason jar in the saucepan (like a makeshift double boiler) until the oils melt. Remove the mason jar and allow it to cool slightly on the counter before you add the essential oils. Its okay if the oil is warm when you add the essential oils, but it should not be hot. Mix the essential oil into coconut/shea mixture and put the jar in the fridge to get firm. You can use the eczema cream at this point, but if youd like more of a whipped body butter lotion then put the oil in a kitchen aid stand mixer and mix on high for several minutes until the eczema cream looks like whipped butter. You may have to scrape the sides of the mixer down a few times. Apply liberally to any affected area of the skin.

This cream will liquefy if your house is warm, so you may decide to keep it in the fridge. Keeping your eczema cream cool will also feel good to your little ones hot inflamed skin.

Want a regular lotion for your skin everyday? Try out this homemade lotion recipe from Oh Lardy!

Read more here:
homemade eczema cream - Kula Mama

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TCM Recipe | Best Homemade Herbal Eczema Cream

Posted: at 5:43 am

We have proof that TCM Recipe will heal your irritated skin. Countless eczema sufferers have experienced tremendous recovery by applying this all-natural nutrient extract made from traditional Chinese herbs. TCM Recipe will inspire new and healthy skin growth to help you outgrow your itchy Eczema for good!

Have you ever realized that most over-the-counter creams for your eczema need to be reapplied constantly, even when your skin appears healed, or else the irritation will return? Whats even worse is their effectiveness decreases the more often they are used. Thats why youre always forced to replace your remedy with stronger and stronger creams to maintain a clear complexion.

Believe it or not, youre suffering from a vicious cycle called the skin cream addiction and withdrawal. Are you aware that steroids are not the only creams that cause addiction? In fact, even the chemicals found in most moisturizers can lead to a serious and scary addiction too!

The more often you use them, the more dependent you become on them, and eventually you reach the point where you cant start your day without them. Do you remember the last day that you didnt need to lather moisturizer all over your skin?

Please read the following facts carefully

Its true that stronger pharmaceutical remedies may heal your Eczema initially, but they contain dangerous ingredients that will leave a long-term effect on your health. These so-called remedies can quickly turn into a fierce and potentially deadly addiction. An Ohio State University clinical study conducted by their professor of dermatology revealed numerous hazardous chemicals in many popular moisturizers:

These chemicals are not only harming your skin but they also flow into your blood stream and destroy your internal health. Your Eczema remedy will end up doing more harm than good if you cant break your addiction cycle.

Most people are careful about what they eat to avoid ingesting harmful toxins. These same health-conscious people fail to realize that they are consuming more toxic chemicals through their skin than their mouths. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and it has the greatest potential for absorbing harmful toxins.

This is especially dangerous to you as an Eczema sufferer because of your repeated exposure to hazardous chemicals. Most Eczema moisturizers contain countless of harmful chemicals and you are deliberately rubbing them into your skin each day.

If you are not worried now, think about how it will affect you 5 years from now.

What will happen 5 years down the road when your addiction reaches its maximum level? What will you do when the fiery flare-ups start taking over every inch of your skin from your scalp to your feet?

What if those toxic creams are no longer giving you any real relief?

Thats where TCM Recipe fits in.

We dont cause addiction. We beat your addiction!

TCM Recipe enables you to live independently without having to apply chemically based creams every single day for the rest of your life. And after youve established a great skin condition, you wont even need us to feel relief!

Youll experience and enjoy living a joyful life full of enthusiasm again. Youll soon forget the bad memories of Eczema like the rest of our happy customers! Thats what we at TCM Recipe called a REAL recovery.

Hows that possible?

Contrary to all those remedies youve tried, TCM recipe combines genuine herbs known by ancient skincare therapists to have superior skin healing properties. The specialized mixture of ingredients creates a remarkable formula designed to target the root cause of your Eczema and treat it.

Its very simple. TCM recipe will repair and strengthen your damaged epidermis and internal skin structure. Our effective remedy will restore your skins functionalities so it can heal by itself.

Dont you agree thats how healthy skin should be?

Plus, one of our special ingredients actually vanquishes your past addictions and leaves NO SIDE EFFECTS behind. TCM Recipe is a laboratory proven and time tested remedy thats 100% safe and natural. Weve worked hard to win our reputation and we work even harder to keep it.

Heres our official lab test approved and validated by the National Poison Centre, Malaysias most respected authority for lab testing.

We want to make this very clear. If you are looking for an instant cure that promises to solve all your Eczema symptoms overnight, this remedy is not for you. Cures that claim magical results will always have less than magical side effects.

This is for people who are serious about treating their Eczema naturally before it gets even worse. This is for sufferers who have lost hope in harmful conventional medication and want to pursue our traditional way of healing.

We have devoted our passion and time to healing your skin. Over the past 9 years, weve familiarized ourselves with every nuance of Eczema through case studies. No other authority honors the same crystal-clear understanding of this disease.

You see, Eczema is more than just a skin disease. It also indirectly affects your wellbeing, from your physical to mental health. The longer you leave it untreated, the more negative consequences you will suffer. The condition will eventually rob your health and keep you from enjoying the basic pleasures of life.

But luckily, we found the right solution to overcome your problems. Now, lets walk through how TCM Recipe can positively change your life today

Smile while you sleep!

Enjoy the luxury of a full night sleep once again. There will be no more insatiable scratching keeping you awake at night! You can now enjoy sweet dreams soundly until the sun rises without any interruptions. And once you get your sleep back, both your mental and physical health will recover.

Every expert agrees that quality sleep promotes faster healing, especially when it comes to treating your Eczema skin.Insomnia on the other hand will cause stress, stunt new skin growth, and increase your chance of developing depression.

Brings back the vitality in you

Triple your productivity and concentration. Finally! You will stay focused and perform better in your daily tasks when youre not distracted by annoying itching! The best part is that you will regain enough energy to handle your busy workload without feeling fatigued. You will never need to take histamine once you have TCM Recipe!

Stop taking those medicines that make you drowsy and start enjoying your life now! You will quickly realize how dramatic your appetite and mood can simultaneously improve once you are getting a good nights sleep.

Postpone no more, have fun!

Banish your never-ending flare-ups. TCM Recipe will stop your furious flare-ups by cooling down your skin inflammation. Once your inflammation cools down, you can just relax and allow TCM Recipe to stabilize your skin.

We created this remedy to strengthen your skins natural barrier and to prevent your Eczema from rebounding easily. By strengthening the barrier of your skin, it will become more resilient and wont breakout so easily even if you scratch it!

Thats how TCM Recipe actually works to rebuild the core foundation of your skin. It replenishes your radiant and youthful complexion one step at a time. This simply means that youll never need to put your important outings on hold because of unpredictable skin flare-up(s)!

Lets make your birthday party a memorable one!

The kind of vigorous skin youve been waiting for! What if you will never have to experience that painful sensation of water splashing on your skin during a shower again?

We know how hard simple daily tasks can be when you suffer from Eczema. Thats why we have developed this remedy to solve your external skin problems while alleviating your skins internal sensitivity.

We want you to enjoy a normal and healthy life where you can take a shower and swim in a pool without pain. You will never lose out on any precious moments with your friends and family again because of your Eczema! Sounds too good to be true? Let our customers vouch for our credibility.

Rise and shine!!

Put an End to Your Endless Oozing! Still frustrated with the pus oozing from your hives? TCM Recipe is the only remedy you will ever need to cover up your discoid wounds delicately.

Our remedy will help you to regenerate new skin tissue to seal all your wounded parts. And believe it or not, the day you wake up and realize that your pus and bloodstains have totally disappeared from your clean clothes and comfy bed is a day youll never forget.

Walk on the streets the way you are

Clearing Your Rashes Made Easy. Do you dream of you wearing short sleeve clothing confidently anytime anywhere? And just simply enjoying your social life with friends and family while feeling no embarrassment at all?

The good news is turning irritating rashes into pleasant-looking skin is what we do best. As you keep using TCM Recipe, you will witness your rashes subside into a light pinkish colour and then slowly begin to renew with a firm layer of smooth skin.

Are you ready to silence the rude remarks about your skin? Let us prove to you that we can help you to end all the gossip and weird staring youve been enduring right now!

Absorb, retain and moisturize your skin

Ensure your skins comfort and moisture all day long! We know your skin still remains rough and flaky after numerous applications of other moisturizers. Apparently theyre just making your skin wet NOT moisturized.

Consider this fact: people without Eczema dont need moisturizers and they are still comfortable with their skin. This is what we are delivering to you! TCM Recipe will gently soothe your dry skin and quench its thirst! Its the only way to retain all the moisture in your skin.

As a result, youll experience the joy of living the lifestyle everybody else is talking about. Never again you will need to bring a bag full of creams along with you every time you travel.

Everybody is born with beautiful skin

Revive your skins breathability. Getting your skin moisturized is only half the battle. Breathability is vital to keep your skin healthy long term. Without the ability to breathe, your skin cant sweat and you wont be able to excrete toxins from your body.

TCM Recipe encourages the excretion of toxins and waste materials that clog your skin pores. After the detoxification process, you will see your skin pores grow vibrantly. You CAN actually feel your skin breathing! Its that refreshing!

Dont let your scars ruin your day!

Removing your scars is our specialty! Truth be told, TCM Recipe is not perfect. We cant remove your scars instantly or even within days. Lets face it, everybodys skin condition is different and eczema scars are extremely stubborn.

Normally it takes 5-8 weeks to separate your scars from your skin so they exist just on the surface. Once there, you can simply remove them manually with your bare hands in 2 quick and easy steps. Well show you how once you buy TCM Recipe today.

Even though it has to be done by hand, there is no doubt that youre going to love this amazing experience of removing your ugly scars for good! Get your hands on our remedy today. The sooner you try TCM Recipe, the sooner you can get rid of those unwanted scars!

The key is treating your Eczema from the root

Why is removing your scars so important? Did you know that scars are a big part of the reason why your Eczema spreads like wild fire from one area to another?

Eczema scars occur after you suppress your Eczema rashes with inappropriate medication. The tricky part is that they may look benign. In reality, they are like those inconspicuous weeds that spread their roots and pollen all over the place.

Remember the last time you pulled the weeds in your garden? They grew back again in weeks, even tougher and more resilient! The same principle applies here. Your eczema lies just underneath your scars waiting to infect the next wound that you scratch.

Unlike other remedy companies, we insist on providing you with sunshine fresh herbs the way nature made them. Dont fall for those saturated advertising tactics such as Dermatological Tested or 100 % Natural. Many employees who work for these companies dont even dare to use their creams on their own skin long-term! Why should you?

Call us old fashioned but we remain dedicated to protecting you from all those commercial fragrances, artificial colours and wicked chemicals.Your skin is your asset! Why pay money to harm it?

Dont worry! Now your valuable asset is fully protected by us. We care about the longevity of our remedy and the wellbeing of your skin. We are also proud to say that you cant find any complex or weird chemical names on our active ingredient list. We searched far and wide for these rare herbs to ensure the highest quality. See for yourself:

Natural Ingredient #1: Glycyrrhiza Uralensis(Chinese Licorice)

Ancient Egyptians drank Licorice and used it as a pharmaceutical ingredient to treat skin diseases, loss of hair, stomach bleeding and even bronchitis. In TCM, Licorice act as a potent antiviral and anti-allergic agent to fight fungal infections, treat canker sores, herpes, Eczema, and psoriasis.

The book, The Way of Chinese Herbs refers to Licorice as the great detoxifier because of its ability to remove various toxins from the body and for its nature of harmonizing the qualities of other herbs. It also contains an amazing moisturizing component called Glycyrrhizinate.

The amazing anti-inflammatory actions of licorice root extend to the entire surface area of the body, both outside and inside. Not only the skin, but the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract yield to the soothing and healing action of licorice root. The plant reinforces the bodys ability to withstand attack from virtually any kind of pathogen, and should therefore be considered a tonic for the musculoskeletal system. If one is looking for a broad-spectrum tonic to protect, maintain health, and heal injuries, there is no herb better than licorice root. Dr. John R. Christopher-Americas foremost herbalist, Founder of the School of Healing

Natural Ingredient #2: Ruellia Tuberosa Linn (Lu Li Hua)

This pretty lilac-colored flower originates from tropical America, but is naturalized in South East Asia (Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Java), as well as the tropics of India, Sri Lanka and Africa. Traditionally used to prevent stomach problems, Ruellia Tuberosa also reduces fever and alleviates pain. As a matter of fact, this plant also produces sun and salt spray that acts to reduce sensitivity, painful stimulus, and as an anti-inflammatory for skin problems. It has been scientifically proven to possess anti-microbial, anti-cancer properties as well as the ability to counteract the effect of poisons.

Natural Ingredient #3: Fritillaria Cirrhosa (Chuan Bei Mu)

In the West, Fritillaria is most commonly known as an ornamental garden plant. However, in Nepal and China, this plant has traditional value as an herbal remedy. For thousands of years, Asians have used Fritillaria to clear away heat, disperse the accumulation of pathogens and to moisten lung dryness due to Yin deficiency. Using medications prepared with Fritillaria helps counter the effects of toxic exposure. Its also very effective in treating influenza and lupus (a deadly skin disorder).

Natural Ingredient #4: Bambusa Tuldoides Munro (Zhu Qing)

The cooling nature of bamboo shavings acts as a great calming agent for dispersing constrained Qi. It calms the mind, eliminates irritability, and soothes the skin when applied directly through lotions. Modern analysis of bamboo indicates that it contains 88.8 % moisture, 3.9 % protein, 0.5 % fat, 11 % minerals, and 5.7 % carbohydrates. The minerals found in bamboo include calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C, making it very valuable as a curative for your Eczema skin.

The flavone and lactone in bamboo shavings extract offer powerful anti-oxidants that help minimize wrinkles and boost youthful radiance. As you may know, a layer of natural wax lies on the green outer skin of bamboo shavings. We use this wax as the base of our ointment. Now you know why our remedy is 100% genuine. Even our wax is made from a natural herb.

Natural Ingredient #5: Angelica Dahurica (Bai Zhi)

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TCM Recipe | Best Homemade Herbal Eczema Cream

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PI-NEWS NOTFALL-BLOG | Politically Incorrect

Posted: at 5:43 am

Posted on 3. April 2016 by newpi

Der Mrz ist wie erwartet gegenber Februar 2016 stabil geblieben, mit einem leichten Rckgang der Besucherzahlen von 0,15% und einer leichten Steigerung der Zugriffszahlen von 0,84%. Zum Vorjahresmonat Mrz 2015 ist es allerdings eine 24% Steigerung und gegenber dem Mrz 2014 eine 70% Steigerung! Die durchschnittlichen tglichen Besucher- und Zugriffszahlen belaufen sich auf 104.534 Besuchern (nach altem Besucherzhler ca. 150.000) und 289.496 Zugriffen.

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Posted on 16. Mrz 2016 by newpi

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Posted on 1. Mrz 2016 by newpi

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Trotz des anhaltenden DDos-Angriffs konnte sich PI-News vom Dezember-Tief deutlich erholen. Nach drei Monaten Minus-Statistik war der Januar wieder positiv. Der tgliche Besucherdurchschnitt liegt bei ber 100.000 (+19,5% zum Vormonat) und der tgliche Zugriffsdurchschnitt bei ber 300.000 (+36,1% zum Vormonat).

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Posted on 10. Januar 2016 by newpi

Update 25.01.2016: PI-News wird immer noch unverndert massiv attackiert. Derzeit haben wir nur die Wahl zwischen Offline gebracht zu werden oder wie aktuell mit den Erreichbarkeitsproblemen. Es wird aber an einer dauerhaften Lsung gearbeitet. Vielen Dank, Ihr PI-Team.


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Posted on 31. Oktober 2015 by newpi

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Stand 01.11.2015 18:30 Uhr: Leider unverndert. Hauptseite zwar berwiegend ohne Einschrnkung zu erreichen, drber hinaus funktioniert alles eher nicht.

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Posted on 15. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Grundstzlich ist fr alle PI-News wieder erreichbar. Fr weit ber 100.000 ist dies der Regelfall. Tatschlich haben aber wohl noch einige Zugriffsprobleme? Das knnen aber nur individuelle Probleme sein. Es existiert auch seit Tagen keine Umleitung mehr zu diesem Notfallblog.

Update 17.10.2015: 9:30 Uhr Seit Freitag Nachmittag ldt PI wieder mehr schlecht als Recht, Kommentare und Artikel schreiben sind nur schwer mglich. Der Grund dafr ist, dass unsere Gegner wieder massive DDoS-Attacken gegen den PI-Server fahren. Wir arbeiten gerade an einer Lsung, diese Angriffe abzuwehren und bitten unsere Leser um etwas Geduld. Weiterlesen

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Posted on 10. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Update 14.10.2015: 01.30 Uhr Immer noch Zugriffsprobleme und immer noch DDos-Angriff! Aktuell aber auch wieder ber 100.000 Besucher tglich.

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Posted on 8. Oktober 2015 by newpi

Liebe Leser, seit gestern etwa 20.30 Uhr wird PI-news massiv attackiert, die Attacken halten bis zur Stunde unvermindert an. Die Bundesregierung hat dem deutschen Volk den Krieg erklrt und Medien und Asyllobby als tatkrftige Verbndete. Auf sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook soll die Meinungsfreiheit de facto abgeschafft werden, die Brger drfen aber seitens der Politik als Mischpoke, Ratten und Pack bezeichnet werden. PI ist damit als Schlachtschiff der Meinungsfreiheit nicht nur den von uns seit vielen Jahren verbal attackierten und real dargestellten Koranhrigen und ihren Verbnden und den linken Meinungsfaschisten ein Dorn im Auge, sondern nun auch vermehrt dem Establishment einer derzeit in Installation befindlichen Diktatur. Wir sind zuversichtlich, PI wird aber auch diese Angriffswelle, wie schon viele der vergangenen Jahre, berstehen und bemhen uns so rasch wie mglich wieder online gehen zu knnen. Wir danken im Voraus fr Ihre Geduld. Bleiben Sie uns gewogen.

Update 9.10.2015:11.00 Uhr PI news kmpft weiter mit erheblichen Schwierigkeiten Update: 20.20 Uhr Erneut Ausfall wegen massiver Attacken, bitte um Gedud Update:13.20 Uhr PI-news ist wieder online!

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Posted on 7. Oktober 2015 by newpi

No panic on titanic!

Ursache unbekannt, deswegen leider aber auch vermutlich langfristiger. Das PI-News-Team sucht nach Ursache und Abhilfe.

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Aktualisierung 22:40 Uhr -> Ganz ehrlich? Aktuell sind wir platt! Wir kommen aber wieder, haltet die politisch unkorrekte Stellung aufrecht bis dahin! Danke. Nicht PI-News ist wichtig, sondern Menschen

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Aktualisierung 08.10.2015 8:15 Uhr -> Situation unverndert. Wir bitten um Geduld.

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Posted on 20. September 2015 by newpi

Wie im September-Zwischenbericht schon angedeutet, ist fr PI der Monat September statistisch der erfolgreichste seit Bestehen des Blogs. Leider ist er aber auch seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik der erfolgreichste Monat in Bezug auf die Masseninvasion fremder Vlker, die Abschaffung von Recht und Ordnung und der derzeitige Hhepunkt fr die Linken auf dem Weg zur Endlsung der Deutschenfrage.

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Posted on 16. September 2015 by newpi

Wie auf dem PI-News Notfall-Blog in der Statistik August 2015 angekndigt, hat PI-News nun die 100.000er Schwelle berschritten. Und zwar sehr deutlich: Der aktuelle Tagesdurchschnitt der Besucherzahlen liegt bei 137.593 und der Zugriffszahlen bei 371.163. In fast allen Werten ist dieser Monat der Rekordmonat seit bestehen von PI-News. Der Tag mit der hchsten Besucherzahl ist nun der 14.09.2015 mit 161.245 Besuchern (nach altem Besucherzhler ca. 240.000). Der Tag mit der hchsten Zugriffsrate ist mit 458.641 allerdings weiterhin der 12.01.2015 (bei 130.351 Besuchern).

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Posted on 30. August 2015 by newpi

PI-News steuert stark auf die 100.000 Besuchermarke zu. Der Monat August war der zweitbeste Besucher- und Zugriffsmonat seit bestehen von PI-News. Im Anfang des Monats gab es einen zweitgigen PI-News-Server-Ausfall der in die Statistikerhebung nicht einfliet. Schon in diesem Monat wurde 14mal die 100.000er Besuchermarke berschritten. PI-News geht davon aus, dass noch in diesem Jahr sich die tgliche Besucherzahl auf monatlich ber 100.000 verfestigen wird. Sicherlich trgt zum Erfolg von PI-News die anhaltende und unverantwortliche kopf- und ziellose Asyl-Politik der Bundesregierung bei, aber auch und besonders die daraus resultierenden Konflikte im Alltagsleben der Normalbrger, vor der immer weniger selber noch flchten knnen. Schon zum Winter hin wird bei der deutschen Bevlkerung die Verdrngungsnot bei Wohnung, Arbeit und Soziales ein zunehmendes Konfliktpotential entfalten. Auch drfte die dunkle Jahreszeit fr erhhte Sicherheitsngste sowohl im ffentlichen wie im privaten Bereich fhren.

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Posted on 8. August 2015 by newpi

Dieser Zustand ist nur vorbergehend und kann bis zu 24 Stunden dauern. Aktualisierung 1: +24 Stunden Aktualisierung 2: Grundstzlich wieder online, Aktualisierung 3: Noch Probleme und eine Bitte! Aktualisierung 4: Probleme behoben und aktuelle Besucherzahl


Filed under: PI | 115 Comments

Posted on 2. August 2015 by newpi

Trotz Ferienzeit konnte PI-News sich nicht nur statistisch gegenber dem Vormonat deutlich steigern, sondern sogar das drittbestes Ergebnis seit bestehen von PI-News erreichen. Das ist insoweit erstaunlich, da in den frheren Ferienzeiten ein allgemeiner Einbruch von ca. 10-15 % blich war. Das anhaltende, ungelste und stetig sich verschlimmernde Dauerthema der unkontrollierten Zuwanderungsstrme (Stichwort: Asyl-Irrsinn), mit immer drastischeren Einschrnkungen und Gefhrdungserhhung gegenber den einheimischen europischen Vlkern, drfte der Grund hierfr sein. Die durchschnittliche Besucherzahl beluft sich im Monat Juli auf 84.075 (nach altem Zhler ca. 125.000) und die durchschnittliche Zugriffszahl betrgt 252.790 und liegen im oberen Drittel des prognostizierten Erwartungsrahmens.

(Verantwortlich fr Statistikbericht WSD) Weiterlesen

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Posted on 1. Juli 2015 by newpi

PI-News endlich wieder auf statistischen Erfolgskurs! Der Monat Juni 2015 war gegenber dem katastrophalen Monat April eine deutliche Verbesserung und ohne technischen Problemen. Am Anfang des Monats gab es leider bis zum 03.06. unabhngig von PI-News keine Erhebung von Daten durch den Counter, die statistisch einbezogen werden knnen. Die durchschnittliche Besucherzahl beluft sich im Monat Juni auf 78.006 (nach altem Zhler knapp 120.000) und die durchschnittliche Zugriffszahl auf 225.784 und liegen somit wieder im prognostizierten mittleren steigernden Erwartungsrahmen.

(Verantwortlich fr Statistikbericht WSD) Weiterlesen

Filed under: PI | 4 Comments

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Transhuman Archives – Page 2 of 4 – Technocracy News

Posted: April 9, 2016 at 2:48 pm

Home Transhuman

Transhuman January 31, 2016

An experiment by University of Washington researchers is setting the stage for advances in mind reading technology. Using brain implants and sophisticated software, researchers can

Technocracy, Transhuman January 20, 2016

A new DARPA program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and

Transhuman January 19, 2016

January is a month for renewal and for change. Many of us have been gifted shiny new fitness trackers, treated ourselves to some new gadget

Transhuman January 14, 2016

The first genetically-modified human embryos could be created in Britain within weeks according to the scientists who are about to learn whether their research proposal

Transhuman January 11, 2016

Braving a funding ban put in place by Americas top health agency, some U.S. research centers are moving ahead with attempts to grow human tissue

Technocracy, Transhuman January 10, 2016

Tiny vials of recently repaired blood cells are thriving in a Stanford incubator, proof that a powerful new gene-editing technique is fixing errant genes that

Transhuman January 7, 2016

A mind-reading device that can decipher words from brainwaves without them being spoken has been developed by Japanese scientists, raising the prospect of telepathic communication.

Transhuman January 4, 2016

Entrepreneur Josh Bocanegra attracted a lot of attention when he announced his new artificial intelligence company Humai. Why? Because he claims that by 2045, theyll

Transhuman December 31, 2015

Thats the firm belief of Zoltan Istvan, a third-party presidential candidate who wants to not only beat Trump at the polls, but also cheat death

Technocracy, Transhuman December 31, 2015

Erica enjoys the theatre and animated films, would like to visit south-east Asia, and believes her ideal partner is a man with whom she can

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