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What is Plaque Psoriasis | STELARA (ustekinumab)

Posted: October 3, 2016 at 12:55 am

STELARA (ustekinumab) is a prescription medicine that affects your immune system. STELARA can increase your chance of having serious side effects including:

STELARA may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. While taking STELARA, some people have serious infections, which may require hospitalization, including tuberculosis (TB), and infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

You should not start taking STELARA if you have any kind of infection unless your doctor says it is okay.

After starting STELARA, call your doctor right away if you have any symptoms of an infection (see above).

STELARA can make you more likely to get infections or make an infection that you have worse. People who have a genetic problem where the body does not make any of the proteins interleukin 12 (IL12) and interleukin 23 (IL23) are at a higher risk for certain serious infections that can spread throughout the body and cause death. People who take STELARA may also be more likely to get these infections.

STELARA may decrease the activity of your immune system and increase your risk for certain types of cancer. Tell your doctor if you have ever had any type of cancer. Some people who had risk factors for skin cancer developed certain types of skin cancers while receiving STELARA. Tell your doctor if you have any new skin growths.

RPLS is a rare condition that affects the brain and can cause death. The cause of RPLS is not known. If RPLS is found early and treated, most people recover. Tell your doctor right away if you have any new or worsening medical problems including: headache, seizures, confusion, and vision problems.

Serious allergic reactions can occur. Stop usingSTELARA and get medical help right away if you have any symptoms such as: feeling faint, swelling of your face, eyelids, tongue, or throat,chest tightness, or skin rash.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and overthecounter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your doctor and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

When prescribed STELARA:

Common side effects of STELARA include: upper respiratory infections, headache, tiredness, joint pain, nausea, itching, vomiting, vaginal yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and redness at the injection site. These are not all of the possible side effects with STELARA. Tell your doctor about any side effect that you experience. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Please read the full Prescribing InformationandMedication Guidefor STELARAand discuss any questions you have with your doctor.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1800FDA1088.

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What is Plaque Psoriasis | STELARA (ustekinumab)

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Fascism and American Reactions, 1922 |

Posted: at 12:54 am


In the United States, Mussolinis March on Rome (1922) inspired self-reflection and visions for the near future; some mystically hopeful, others soberly scared.

In late October, 1922, Benito Mussolini followed a column of 30,000 Black Shirts into Rome, where he was greeted with an automobile furnished by the King of Italy himself, Victor Emmanuel III. The king refused a petition to declare martial law tendered by the existing government led by Prime Minister Luigi Facta, tacitly recognizing Fascisti rule in the personage of the new movements leader. In the following months, Mussolini and the Fascists terrorized their enemies throughout Italy and consolidated political power; the movement birthed in Mussolinis private circles of veterans only a few years earlier bloomed into an international curiosity, Fascism. In the United States, American opinion-makers exhibited reactions ranging from shocked disbelief to impartial curiosity and what can properly be described as jubilant and mystical support for a nation of people reclaiming their government from leftist radicals and feckless politicians alike. The Kansas City Star identified Mussolinis fascism with the by-then familiar concept of 100 per cent Americanism, while joining a host of other observers in praising the Fascists unmatched anti-communism and supposed returns to individualism, the rule of law, and respect for private control of property. Papers like the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reacted to Mussolinis rise to power with measured unease rooted in fears of another general European war sparked by Italian conquests along the Adriatic. Even many of those who supported his anti-communism feared Mussolinis militaristic rhetoric. Common to these accounts is the certainty that fascist success depended upon appeals to the Italian middle class and veterans of the First World War. As such, many American citizens positively identified with the fascist movement and found the events in Italy useful for interpreting their own more immediate, local world. In the years of its infancy, fascism provided Americans with either an image of what they could achieve as a united, 100 per cent American whole, or a portent of disruption, war, and desolation to come.

Anthony Comegna

Assistant Editor for Intellectual History

Fascisti Idea to SpreadExiled Russians Would Adopt Plan in Own CountryOne Million Men in Italy are Banded Together to Advance Nationalism and War on Socialists and Communists.

Rome. Aug. 9.


Fascism is not three and a half years old, having been founded in Milan by Sig. Mussolini, editor of Popolo dItalia in April, 1919. The first action took place April 19, immediately after its organization, when only 350 members, all distinguished war veterans, attacked and destroyed the offices of Avanti, a Socialist newspaper. Since then with each attack on anti-national forces, thousands of youths have flocked to Mussolinis banner, just as sixty-two years ago they flocked to the army of Garibaldi, who started the war of redemption for Italy in Sicili with one thousand men and by the time he reached Naples had nearly one hundred thousand followers.

The Fascistis ideals consist of 100 per cent nationalism. They believe in applying patriotism with force; they not only have no patience with 50 per-cent Italianism, but they believe also in clubbing 50 per centers. They have no special theory of government, but want the best government that is obtainable. For the time being they are monarchial, but if tomorrow they should see that a republic would be better for Italy they would be republicans. What they want is the greatest well being and the maximum prosperity for the nation, not by class struggle, but by co-operation among the various classes.


Fascism is not a secret organization like the Ku Klux Klan, for everybody knows its constitution, and its members wear uniforms which everybody can see. They use illegal means because the constitutional powers do not deal with the situation.

Sig. Mussolini is only 38 years old. Until the end of 1914 he was an ardent Socialist and director of Avanti. The world war converted him to nationalism. He founded the Popolo dItalia, fought bravely in the war, was elected a deputy at the last elections and is now considered the most powerful man in Italy. One million men obey him without ever questioning his orders.

Disciplineand Work Aim of Italys Man of Hour and Fascisti Head

By the United News.

Rome. Aug. 20.Benito Mussolini, Italys Man of the hour, is planning for the future, when the Fascisti, which he leads, comes into political power, according to him.

The Fascisti, at a word from Mussolini, have laid down their arms and are organizing as a political party. They came into existence in 1919, since when their chief object has been to combat Socialism and Communism.

Mussolini, who shies from interviewers, answered questions briefly.

What would be the first step you would take if in power?


And then

Discipline for all. That covers everything for a beginning.

And your foreign policy?

Equilibrium and conciliation.

What definite steps would you enforce to put Italy on a firm economic basis?

Work. Discipline and work. Fascism is great because it is a constructive, creative working force. Italy can be the same.

Italys three political parties will be Mussolinis, the Popolari and the Socialists.

Of the last named, Mussolini said:

They have become bourgeois. As soon as they are definitely removed from Bolshevism, need from extreme Fascism will be over.

Referring to the Popolari, or clericals, Mussolini said: Priests should celebrate mass and not mix in politics.

Fascisti Leader Backed by 1,000,000 Armed Men is Now Unchallenged Ruler of Italy

By Paul Scott Mowrer

Paris. Oct. 30.Benito Mussolini, leader of the Fascisti, seems to be the unchallenged dictator of Italy.

Owing to the severe censorship that has been established in Italy the news from that country must be taken with some allowance but it appears that the black shirts and army helmets of Benito Mussolinis nationalist reactionaries are already supreme. The Fascisti, of whom there are said to be 1,000,000, are mobilized. Barracks and armories have been occupied and arms seizedAlready masters of Piedmont and Lombardy fascisti hold Florence, Siena and Pisa. In Rome they occupied the railway stations and public buildings until they were taken over by the army, which is honeycombed with fascism.

Made Feeble Protest.

Before disappearing the Facta government made a faint show of resistance and ordered up a poster accusing the Fascisti of sedition and promising to preserve order at all costs. It also desired to proclaim martial law but the King refused to sign the decree. It is therefore Benito Mussolini who has proclaimed and is executing martial law. All the bourses have been closed and Parliament, which was to have reconvened Nov. 7, will probably be dissolved.

Italian Free Masonry has issued a proclamation recognizing the Fascisti movement and the Pope, through the bishop, has appealed for peace and union. The Fascisti have proclaimed loyalty to the King, who is apparently well disposed toward the Fascisti.

The Fascisti program is frankly nationalist and perhaps even reactionary. The Fascisti proclamation announces that military, political and administrative powers are transferred to a committee of action of four members with dictatorial positions.

The rights of workers of all categories will be respected, according to the proclamation, which adds that the new regime will be generous toward nonmilitant adversaries but inexorable toward others. The aim of the movement is declared to be the safety and grandeur of Italy.

The chief points of the interior program appear to be the exaltation of the army and a strong patriotric union of all Italy and especially of the north and south. Fascism originally sprang from the disgust of the moderate conservative elements at the governments failure to uphold the laws when the workmen seized the factories two years ago and at the apparent powerlessness of the government to repress the communist violence which followed.

Reds Were Fought.

Groups of Fascisti were first formed to combat the reds with their own weaponsassault and riot. They were so successful that communism seems to be effectively rowed in Italy. The army and navy are sympathetic; the organizations of war veterans are on their side and they also claim to have enrolled 800,000 workmen from the labor unions. Their professed desire is to put an end to the undignified feebleness and vaccilation which have marked the Italy policy, not only internal but especially external, ever since the armistice. They promise to insure respect for Italians and Italian interests all over the worldThey will insist on greater recognition of Italys claims in the Mediterranean and especially in the Adriatic. They demand that Jugo Slavia shall free Montenegro and they talk of annexing Dalmatia.

This program, unless modified, seems somewhat ominous for peace with Italys neighbors.

Men and Affairs

Washington, as well as the rest of the United States, has been struggling the past few days to get itself straight on Fascism, the Fascisti and the new Fascist government in Italy. It is not likely, however, that the Fascisti will ever have the vogue in this country that the Bolsheviki had. Americans soon go the idea that the Bolsheviki was somebody against the government, and against everything, so America adopted the word and it is now an indelible part of the English language. It is not so easy to classify or place the Fascisti and Fascist does not roll off the tongue like Bolshevik.

Mussolini, the Fascist premier of Italy, says that Fascism is a purely Italian question that as bolshevism is a purely Russian matter. It is possibly true that bolshevism is a purely Russian matter, but lots of American people have been officially classed by their friends or enemies as Bolsheviks and bolshevicks they will be until they die.

Fascism seems a bit more intricate. It means, as far as can be judged from this distance, Italy for the Italians. The Fascisti in this country call it America first. When it was said of Mr. Wilson that he kept us out of the war, it was a fascist sentiment that said it. When it is said of Mr. Harding that he kept us out of the League of Nations, it is again the fascist sentiment that speaks.

There are plenty of the Fascisti in the United States, it seems, but they have always gone under the proud boast of 100 per cent Americans. The English language appears to grow more and more inelastic. It is pitiful to have to say such awkward compound words as pro-leaguer and anti-leaguer, when in most of the foreign languages an expressive single word would suffice. Of course we have had in this country a faction known as the Wilsonites, but even that is not a pretty word like Fascisti or Bolsheviki.

Some of Premier Mussolinis political opponents recently accused him of flirting with the Germans and possibly with Russians with the idea of forming an international Fascisti, or a sort of reactionary international movement. He denounces this as absurd, the Fascisti are for Italy first, last and all the time, and the rest of the world can go hang. The Democrats say it was the American Fascisti won the election in 1920.

Revolt Against Socialism

Both the accession to power of the fascisti in Italy and the defeat of the labor party in the British municipal elections point the same wayrevolt against socialism and return to individualism as the way to bring cost of government within revenue and to reduce it further in order to reduce taxes

National ownership of railroads, telegraphs and telephones, municipal ownership of public utilities and government monopolies of such commodities as tobacco are common in EuropeFascism began in Italy as a revolt against socialism, and Mussolini evidently intends to go the whole way in restoring the public services and monopolies to private enterprise. That will relieve the government of enormous losses and will remove a horde of people from the public payroll. If the experience of France is an indication, all public services are greatly over-mannedHe evidently sees that hard work and economy from the head of the government down to the humblest workman must be combined with that efficiency that is possible only for private enterprise in order that Italy may pay its way, reduce its debts and regain prosperity.

The deplorable fact about this return to economic sanity is that it is undertaken by a distinctly militarist party. If the fascisti should attempt to make good the claim to all the territory that was once Italian, they will embark their country in wars that will destroy all the fruits of their economic reforms.

Middle Class Takes Fascism to Gain RightsRevolt in Italy Projected by Underpaid White Collar Folk, Says Writer

By J. W. T. Mason. (Written for the United Press)

The Fascisti success in Italy marks Europes turning toward the middle classes. If the young and untried men Premier Mussolini has taken into his cabinet show an ability to handle the technical machinery of government, there will be a full recovery of the economic ground lost by the middle classes during the war.

As Bolshevism was an attack against all classes by the Russian workingmen, so the Fascisti movement is an attack against both the idle rich and overpaid laboring classes by the white collar men.

Alliance Formed.

Mussolini has formed an alliance with various workingmen groups. But, this is for the purpose of using them against the capitalists who crush the middle classes. Mussolini supports the policy of syndicalism. That is to say, he wants the workingmen to have a voice in the management of the factories. By setting workingmen and capitalists thus at odds, Mussolini expects the middle classes to hold the balance of power and acquire more for themselves.

The gravest problem Europe has had to face since the war has been the plight of the white collar classes. The workingmen of Europe have never before had such high wages, measured either by a money standard or by purchasing power. Similarly, the capitalists reaped enormous profits when war prices reigned.

Middle Class Loses.

But, the middle classes have lost ground. Their wages have not kept pace with the increased cost of living. The problem is especially acute in Italy, where middle class technical education has far outrun working class education. Italy in consequence has too many doctors, lawyers and other professional men for the number of inhabitants who have been educated to the point of using their services.

This is the fundamental reason why the middle class revolt against postwar conditions has started in Italy rather than in any other country. There is that additional burden for the middle class Italians to bear. If Mussolini can solve his own middle class problem, therefore, other countries will be incited to taking action themselves, since their own difficulties are not so complicated.

Only Hope of Recovery.

Without a recovery of the European middle classes, it is hopeless to expect the world ever to get to right. The cultural responsibilities of the middle classes will not be assumed by the other classes. The white collar men alone among the Europeans are willing to make sacrifices for social progress as distinct from economic progress.

But, under the financial burdens imposed on them by the war, they have been unable to do much more than keep alive. They are wearing the same old clothes, concealing their poverty as best they can.

They are now reaching the end of their patience. The Fascisti movement represents to them the possibility of successful self-assertion. For that reason, Italy has suddenly become the middle class leader for all Europe.

The Cure for Bolshevism

Five years agoand lessEurope meditated in anguished accents the need of a defensive front against the advance of bolshevism. Today, communism, through its third international, searches fanatically for means to combat the tide of fascism. This is as it should be. The pendulum swings.

So long as communism is only the goal of a fraction of the worlds population it was inevitable that it should flow back to its mean limits. So long as fascism is only the goal of a part of the population, that, too, in time, must flow back to its boundaries. Fascism came into existence as a result of communism, the disease gave birth to the remedy.

Fascism is not far removed from normalcy; it is the existing order reduced to the terms of the small merchant and wage-earner who does not believe in millenniums but clings pathetically to the practical need of three meals a day. Bolshevism in Italy brought starvation and chaos, fascism drove out communism, which is in hiding, and reasserts popular authority. There is only one weapon bolshevism can use to repel advances against it and recapture its superficial influence, and that is to abandon communism. The majority, where not held in subjection as in Russia, inevitably asserts its desires.

Communism, on the fact of the facts, is not one of them.

Letter Tells of Conditions Now in Italy

An interesting letter has been received from Mrs. Gerda Hellberg Castelli of Romewritten of the conditions and especially the Fascisti in Italy, to Mrs. R. D. Campbell of this city. Mrs. Castelli and Captain Castelli will be remembered as residents here some years ago

The letter follows:

Favor Organization.

We, both my husband and I, are great Fascisti and bless Mussolini who swept away the clique of rotten and selfish and incompetent politicians! I do not marvel if the countries abroad do not understand all what this means and have to judge Fascisti, but one who has lived here for long and knows the Italians, feels that such a marvelous movement could not grow up so quick in any other country but Italy. It has been grand to witness, and I was sorry my husband way away at a congress in Bologna just the days of the revolution! Because such it was, but one where not a workman went on strike, not a peasant left off work; it was done before they had time to think and move. Both peasant and workman of the saner type were glad for and desired the change, as it was felt everywhere Italy had no government at all! And chaos cannot last for long. And really it is quite a spiritual movement as well as patriotic, and idealistic, and we needed that badly after all these years of demagogism and party Socialism, and the world everywhere needs a bit of Fascism, it seems to me.

Mussolini is marvelous, so far at least; he speaks in a manner quite new (and more honest) to diplomacy and commands respect just for his fearless outspokenness. It is quite a pleasure to read the papers, now. And to see some sixty thousand young, fine and handsome men between eighteen and thirty years go in cortege in the Corso the 31st of October was a sight not to be forgotten. Half a million young men dead in the war, and yet so many fine ones left! Really, this country is inexhaustible!

Wants G. F. News.

I am looking forward to seeing Ruth Carothers here a hear news about all in Grand Forks which we keep in such a good memory! I wonder if we ever shall come over to the United States again. I would like it very much, I assure you

And here in Rome the sun shines always this autumn; such lovely weather we are having.

Now I must stop, with best wishes for a happy Christmas and good New Year to Dr. Campbell and yourself from us both.

Always yours sincerely,

Gerda Hellberg Castelli.

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Fascism and American Reactions, 1922 |

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Futurism: Summary of Key Points – Radford University

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Futurism: Summary of Key Points - Radford University

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Cell Size and Scale – Learn Genetics

Posted: September 29, 2016 at 11:44 am

Some cells are visible to the unaided eye

The smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. That means that under the right conditions, you might be able to see an ameoba proteus, a human egg, and a paramecium without using magnification. A magnifying glass can help you to see them more clearly, but they will still look tiny.

Smaller cells are easily visible under a light microscope. It's even possible to make out structures within the cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Light microscopes use a system of lenses to magnify an image. The power of a light microscope is limited by the wavelength of visible light, which is about 500 nm. The most powerful light microscopes can resolve bacteria but not viruses.

To see anything smaller than 500 nm, you will need an electron microscope. Electron microscopes shoot a high-voltage beam of electrons onto or through an object, which deflects and absorbs some of the electrons. Resolution is still limited by the wavelength of the electron beam, but this wavelength is much smaller than that of visible light. The most powerful electron microscopes can resolve molecules and even individual atoms.

The label on the nucleotide is not quite accurate. Adenine refers to a portion of the molecule, the nitrogenous base. It would be more accurate to label the nucleotide deoxyadenosine monophosphate, as it includes the sugar deoxyribose and a phosphate group in addition to the nitrogenous base. However, the more familiar "adenine" label makes it easier for people to recognize it as one of the building blocks of DNA.

No, this isn't a mistake. First, there's less DNA in a sperm cell than there is in a non-reproductive cell such as a skin cell. Second, the DNA in a sperm cell is super-condensed and compacted into a highly dense form. Third, the head of a sperm cell is almost all nucleus. Most of the cytoplasm has been squeezed out in order to make the sperm an efficient torpedo-like swimming machine.

The X chromosome is shown here in a condensed state, as it would appear in a cell that's going through mitosis. It has also been duplicated, so there are actually two identical copies stuck together at their middles. A human sperm cell contains just one copy each of 23 chromosomes.

A chromosome is made up of genetic material (one long piece of DNA) wrapped around structural support proteins (histones). Histones organize the DNA and keep it from getting tangled, much like thread wrapped around a spool. But they also add a lot of bulk. In a sperm cell, a specialized set of tiny support proteins (protamines) pack the DNA down to about one-sixth the volume of a mitotic chromosome.

The size of the carbon atom is based on its van der Waals radius.

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Cell Size and Scale - Learn Genetics

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Politically Incorrect – /pol/ | Facebook

Posted: September 27, 2016 at 6:18 am

ID Badges will check that you are a productive good-goy You betta watch what you say goy > A new Orwellian ID badge developed by a Boston-based company will give employers the ability to monitor their employees exact location and record everything they say in realtime. > The new badge, which hangs from the employees neck, is equipped with two microphones that perform real-time voice analysis and sensors that track the employees movements. > Within three or four years, ev...ery single ID badge is going to have these sensors, said Ben Waber, chief executive of Humanyze, an employee analytics company based in Boston. We are only scratching the surface right now. Some people really want to make employment a living hell, don't they. If forced diversity+sensitivity training, having obese negresses runing the HR dept., and training your Pajeet replacement weren't enough, now you've got a listening device around you which will only be used against you, in the event someone needs an excuse to fire you. http://www. (just buy the filters and vitamins, I've got a family to feed kid).

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Politically Incorrect - /pol/ | Facebook

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Psoriasis Treatment Options | STELARA (ustekinumab)

Posted: September 25, 2016 at 7:18 am

STELARA (ustekinumab) is a prescription medicine that affects your immune system. STELARA can increase your chance of having serious side effects including:

STELARA may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. While taking STELARA, some people have serious infections, which may require hospitalization, including tuberculosis (TB), and infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

You should not start taking STELARA if you have any kind of infection unless your doctor says it is okay.

Before starting STELARA, tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms of an infection such as:

After starting STELARA, call your doctor right away if you have any symptoms of an infection (see above).

STELARA can make you more likely to get infections or make an infection that you have worse. People who have a genetic problem where the body does not make any of the proteins interleukin 12 (IL12) and interleukin 23 (IL23) are at a higher risk for certain serious infections that can spread throughout the body and cause death. It is not known if people who take STELARA will get any of these infections because of the effects of STELARA on these proteins.

STELARA may decrease the activity of your immune system and increase your risk for certain types of cancer. Tell your doctor if you have ever had any type of cancer. Some people who had risk factors for skin cancer developed certain types of skin cancers while receiving STELARA. Tell your doctor if you have any new skin growths.

RPLS is a rare condition that affects the brain and can cause death. The cause of RPLS is not known. If RPLS is found early and treated, most people recover. Tell your doctor right away if you have any new or worsening medical problems including: headache, seizures, confusion, and vision problems.

Serious allergic reactions can occur. Get medical help right away if you have any symptoms such as: feeling faint, swelling of your face, eyelids, tongue, or throat, trouble breathing, throat or chest tightness, or skin rash.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and overthecounter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your doctor and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

When prescribed STELARA:

Common side effects of STELARA include: upper respiratory infections, headache, tiredness, joint pain, and nausea. These are not all of the possible side effects with STELARA. Tell your doctor about any side effect that you experience. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1800FDA1088.

Please read the full Prescribing Informationincluding the Medication Guidefor STELARA, and discuss any questions you have with your doctor.

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Psoriasis Treatment Options | STELARA (ustekinumab)

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Mars Colonization: Elon Musks Plans And SpaceX …

Posted: September 22, 2016 at 7:46 pm

First Posted: Sep 22, 2016 06:04 AM EDT

In less than a week, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is reportedly going to explain his colonization plans for Mars, a goal close to his heart and one that he has championed for many years. According to speculations, Musk will talk about the technologies and vehicles needed to transport people to the Martian surface, and create a settlement there.

The Tesla cofounder is going to talk about his plans on September 27. Incidentally, the announcement coincides with an awkward time for SpaceX, after the company faced a major debacle when one of its Falcon 9 rockets exploded in the Cape Canaveral launch pad. However, going by Musk's talk schedule, it doesn't seem like the plan to discuss his Mars vision next week has changed.

"I think there is a strong humanitarian argument for making life multi-planetary in order to safeguard the existence of humanity in the event that something catastrophic were to happen,"Elon Musk had stated previously in 2014. However, the CEO of SpaceX has never absolutely cleared what his plans for Mars entail. Based on periodic information released by Musk and SpaceX, regarding various technologies, here is what can be gathered about the Mars colonization plan as of now, until the real picture is presented by the man himself.

The plan to reach the red planet, as forwarded by Musk, is based on two main elements that comprise of a rocket booster and a giant spaceship that will transport people and cargo. After being launched by the booster, the spaceship will continue on its long journey to Mars. The two vehicles have been referred to as the Mars Colonial Transporter (MCT); however last week the name was changed to Interplanetary Transport System, because Musk believes the vehicles can also make a journey beyond Mars. Over the past few years, Musk has indicated that rocket used to propel the spaceship will be reusable, and he hopes to launch the first manned spaceship in 2024. However, a test to launch a person into space has still not been conducted by SpaceX.

A key part of the rocket and spaceship will be the Raptor, a huge engine that the company has been working on since 2009. According to Musk, the Raptor will be capable of 500,000 pounds of thrust at liftoff, which implies it will be as strong as the main engines of the space shuttle. The component will reportedly be fueled with liquid methane, unlike the kerosene dependent Merlin engines used for powering the Falcon 9 rockets. Furthermore, a whole group of such raptors will power the Interplanetary Transport System, though their precise numbers are still unclear at the moment. Incidentally, the first full-scale Raptor was transported to the SpaceX testing facility in Texas earlier this year.

Musk had also revealed SpaceX's plan to launch a series of Red Dragon missions, starting in 2018 whose sole purpose will be to see if the vehicle can drop off supplies to the Martian surface to set up the framework of hardware and equipment in preparation for the people journeying from Earth. In addition, Musk has also revealed that his spaceship will be brought back to Earth and won't be on a one way journey like the Mars One project. "These spaceships are expensive, okay, they're hard to build. You can't just leave them there. So whether or not people want to come back or not is kind of - like they can jump on if they want, but we need the spaceship back," Elon Musk has stated.

At the moment, it is not clear how the spaceship is going to make a return journey or where exactly will the people, who travel to Mars, live. The details will only be revealed once Musk talks about his plans next week.

TagsMars, Elon Musk, spacex

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Mars Colonization: Elon Musks Plans And SpaceX ...

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National Space Society

Posted: at 7:44 pm

Our Vision: People living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Society publishes Ad Astra magazine and maintains an active global network of volunteers and local chapters. Membership and participation are open to all. Join the space movement, and help build a positive future for humanity!

Enterprise In Space: A Tutor for Every Child, video presentation for the MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Grant.

The President of the National Space Society describes how many children around the world lack access to a basic education and how ValueSpring Technology is developing an artificial intelligence that will be a tutor for each person, thus helping to bring about the world that Gene Roddenberry imagined, where everyone is able to contribute to his or her full potential. This project is being submitted in competition for a $100 million MacArthur Foundation grant to fund a single proposal that promises real and measurable progress in solving a critical problem of our time.

Elon Musk talk Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species to be webcast September 27

On Tuesday September 27, on the second day of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Guadalajara, Mexico, Elon Musk will deliver a special keynote presentationonMaking Humans a Multiplanetary Species.

Musk will discuss the long-term technical challenges that need to be solved to support the creation of a permanent, self-sustaining human presence on Mars. The technical presentation will focus on potential architectures for colonizing the Red Planet that industry, government and the scientific community can collaborate on in the years ahead.

The presentation is scheduled for one hour beginning at 2:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 1:30 PM Central Daylight Time (Guadalajara), 12:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time, and 11:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time.

This and other IAC plenary sessions will be webcast on thisdirect link to IAC webcasts on For a schedule of other sessionssee theIAC website plenaries and highlight lectures page.

National Space Society Congratulates NASA, ULA, and Lockheed Martin on the Successful Launch of OSIRIS-REx

(Washington, DC -- September 9, 2016) With the successful launch of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 411 on September 8 at 7:05 PM EST, 2016 from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, NASAs mission to travel to a near Earth asteroid and return a sample got underway. NSS congratulates the team who made this happen. OSIRIS-REx stands for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer.

OSIRIS-REx has NSS members really excited, said Bruce Pittman, NSS Senior Vice President. The craft will provide a complete map of the chemistry and mineralogy of a carbon based asteroid. Such asteroids will be critical for both the economic development and settlement of space. The TAGSAM sample collection device may provide a foundation for the development of future asteroid mining robots. Dante Lauretta, the OSIRIS-REx principal investigator, and his team at the University of Arizona have put together a really impressive mission.

See full press release.

National Space Society Urges Renewed Commitment to Competition and Reusability Following Falcon 9/Amos 6 Incident

(Washington, DC -- September 6, 2016) At about 9:07 AM September 1, 2016, during preparation for a routine static fire test of the SpaceX Falcon 9 on Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral, an explosion resulted in the loss of both the F9 and the satellite payload. At this time there are no reports of injuries in the incident. Although Elon Musk has reported that the explosion Originated around [the] upper stage oxygen tank the cause remains unknown.

Clearly this incident is a setback for SpaceX, said Dale Skran, NSS Executive Vice President. However, it emphasizes the wisdom of NASA in supporting multiple cargo and crew carriers to the International Space Station. NASA deserves the highest praise for holding fast to supporting multiple providers with dissimilar vehicles to provide both competition and redundancy. NSS looks forward to the return to flight of the Orbital ATK Antares rocket hauling cargo to the ISS later this year, and welcomes the addition of Sierra Nevadas Dreamchaser to the list of ISS cargo haulers.

See full press release.

National Space Society Book Project: Space 2.0

(Washington, DC -- July 25, 2016) The National Space Society has contracted with space historian and author Rod Pyle to write a new book entitledSpace 2.0. This new book will embark on a compelling narrative about the future development, exploration and settlement of the final frontier. NSS plans to use the finished volume as a primary tool for outreach and STEM/STEAM educational efforts, as well as supporting the organization in the broader marketplace. See full announcement.

The National Space Society Applauds Alan Stern Winning the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal

(Washington, DC -- July 19, 2016) The National Space Society congratulates Dr. Alan Stern on winning the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal. This award is the highest honor that NASA can bestow. NSS has also awarded one of our highest honors to Dr. Stern, the NSS Wernher von Braun Award, which he received at our International Space Development Conference last May in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dr. Stern was Principal Investigator of NASAs New Horizons mission to Pluto. See full press release.

National Space Society Applauds SpaceX Launch of IDA to the ISS and successful RTLS of the Falcon 9 First Stage

(Washington, DC -- July 18, 2016) With a successful launch on July 18 at 12:45 AM EST, 2016 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, SpaceX achieved several dramatic milestones on the Commercial Resupply Services 9 mission (CRS-9). In addition to supplies and experiments in the pressurized part of the Dragon, an unpressurized trunk houses the 1,028 lb (467 kilogram) International Docking Adaptor (IDA), manufactured by Boeing. The IDA, once attached to the International Space Station (ISS) will be the connecting point for Boeings CST-100 Starliner and SpaceXs Crewed Dragon 2 spacecraft as they bring American astronauts to the ISS on American-built and operated vehicles for the first time since the end of the Space Shuttle program. See full press release.

The National Space Society Congratulates Boeing on 100 Years of Aerospace Excellence

(Washington, DC -- July 16, 2016) NSS congratulates the Boeing Company on reaching its 100th anniversary, and doing so while continuing to be the world leader in the aerospace business. NSS was very happy to view the recent Boeing You Just Wait commercial (below), and to hear the words of Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg, who said Friday, In another 100 years, we might make daily trips to space, fly across the globe in less than an hour, or receive unlimited clean power from solar satellites. See full press release.

The National Space Society Pays Tribute to the Space Policy Leadership of Former FAA Leader Patricia Grace Smith

(Washington, DC -- June 14, 2016) The National Space Society celebrates the life and contributions of a visionary champion of the commercial space industry and human space settlement, the Honorable Patricia Grace Smith. Ms. Smith unexpectedly passed away on June 5th, after quietly fighting pancreatic cancer over the last year.

The commercial space industry owes a huge debt to Patti Grace Smith whose years of determined and well-reasoned advocacy combined with her natural charm and grace won over many converts in government and fostered the birth of a new industry. There might not be a commercial space flight industry were it not for Pattis leadership, said Bruce Pittman, Senior Operating Officer of the National Space Society.

See full press release.

Smithsonian Science Education Center and NSS Team Up for Next-Generation Space Education Program Enterprise In Space

(Washington, DC -- May 11, 2016) Enterprise In Space (EIS), an international program of the National Space Society, is excited to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC). EIS and SSEC plan to collaborate on two projects dedicated to space education. The first is a mission patch design challenge in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education to present at Space Day at the National Air and Space Museum, tentatively set to occur this summer. The second is the development of a space science summer course for the Smithsonian Science Education Academies for Teachers (SSEATs) that will enrich and enhance space education in the participating educators classrooms. See full press release.

NSS Applauds SpaceX for Successful Drone Ship Landing and Launch of CRS-8/BEAM

(Washington, DC -- April 8, 2016) With a successful launch on April 8, SpaceX achieved several dramatic milestones. In this mission it is hard to know what to be the most excited about, said Dale Skran, NSS Executive Vice President. SpaceX continues to break new ground in lowering the cost of going into space, and the drone ship landing is key to maximizing the amount that can be lifted into space by a first stage that is flying back to Earth. BEAM will pave the way for more affordable future commercial and deep space stations. See full press release.

The Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act of 2016

(Washington, DC -- March 25, 2016) The Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act of 2016 (H.R. 4752) has been introduced by Congressman DanaRohrabacher to require the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to investigateand promote the exploration and development of space leading to humansettlements beyond Earth, and for other purposes.

The National Space Societyurges you to call or write your Congressional Representative today and request that he or sheco-sponsor H.R. 4752 (the Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act of 2016). Youshould specifically ask that the space staffer for yourRepresentative should contact Tony DeTora in Congressman Rohrabachers office to become a co-sponsor.

The full text of the bill can be found More information on the NSS Blog.

Space Solar Power Team Breaks Through at D3 Innovation Summit

(Washington, DC -- March 7, 2016) The National Space Society congratulates the Space Solar Power D3 (SSPD3) team on sweeping the awards in a March 2 multi-departmental competition to find promising new technology ideas that could simultaneously advance diplomacy, defense and development (D3). The SSPD3 team proposal was titled Carbon-Free Energy for Global Resilience and International Goodwill. See full press release and video of the 11-minute presentation below.

The Gravity of the National Space Societys Vision

(Washington, DC -- February 15, 2016) We are very proud and honored to congratulate the amazing achievement of our NSS member Dr. Kip Thorne for his leading involvement in the creation of the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) project. LIGOs recent world-changing detection of the existence of gravitational waves predicted by Einstein a century ago in his General Relativity Theory.

Regarding the grand NSS vision, Dr. Thorne remarked, I think that its clear that it is attainable to colonize the solar system. Getting beyond the solar system is going to be exceedingly difficult. We are going to either require a lot of brute force over a period of several centuries or else a brilliant idea that none of us has grasped yet. The first thing is the solar system, but we have not been moving at anything like the pace that we could or we should. See full press release.

NSS Pays Tribute to Late NSS Governor Dr. Marvin Minsky, A Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence

(Washington, DC -- February 11, 2016) The National Space Society pays tribute toDr. Marvin Minsky, who was very involved in early NSS activities and was part of many NSS space policy projects such as the 1981 Citizens Advisory Council on National Space Policy. He died on January 14 in Boston from a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 88. Hugh Downs, Chair of the NSS Board of Governors, said, Marvin Minskywas a bright light in the arena of accelerating knowledge in modern physics. Where many of us plodded along to keep up with these changes, he seemed to always manage tobe evenwith them. He will be sorely missed by those who worked with him and knew him well. See full press release.

Settling Space Is the Only Sustainable Reason for Humans to Be in Space

(Washington, DC -- February 1, 2016) Dale Skran, NSS Executive Vice President, has published the following article in The Space Review:

As robotic and artificial intelligence technologies improve and enable increasingly robust exploration without a human presence, eventually there will be only one sustainable reason for humans to be in space: settlement. Research into the recycling technology required for long-term off-Earth settlements will directly benefit terrestrial sustainability. Actively working toward developing and settling space will make available mineral and energy resources for use on Earth on a vast scale. Finally, space settlement offers the hope of long-term species survival that remaining on Earth does not. SEE FULL ARTICLE.

National Space Society Congratulates Blue Origin on First Reflight of New Shepard Rocket

(Washington, DC -- January 23, 2016) On January 22, 2016, two months after Blue Origins New Shepard rocket first successfully flew to the edge of space and returned to its launch site intact, Blue Origin again made history by re-flying the same vehicle. Jeff Bezos stated Though wings and parachutes have their adherents and their advantages, Im a huge fan of rocket-powered vertical landing. Why? Becauseto achieve our vision of millions of people living and working in spacewe will need to build very large rocket boosters. And the vertical landing architecture scales extraordinarily well.

Blue Origins successful re-use of the New Shepard booster after reaching the edge of space represents a major step toward a fully re-usable sub-orbital vehicle, said Bruce Pittman, NSS Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. SEE FULL PRESS RELEASE AND VIDEO on the NSS Blog.

National Space Society Applauds Selection of Dream Chaser, Dragon 2, and Cygnus for ISS Cargo Services

(Washington, DC -- January 16, 2016) NSS congratulates Orbital ATK (Cygnus), Sierra Nevada (Dream Chaser), and SpaceX (Dragon 2) for being selected to provide cargo services to the International Space Station as part of the Commercial Resupply Service 2 (CRS-2) contract. The CRS contract covers the delivery of supplies to the ISS, disposal of ISS waste, and the return of scientific samples from the ISS. The new contract provides a minimum of six missions to each of the three winners during the period 2019-2024. A NASA spokesperson said, NASAs service contracts to resupply the space station have changed the way the agency does business in low-Earth orbit. With these contracts, NASA continues to advance commercial spaceflight and the American jobs it creates.

This announcement represents a major forward advance for NASA and the CRS program, said Dale Skran, NSS Executive Vice President. Both Orbital ATK and SpaceX added significant new capabilities over the first contract. In the new contract, the up-sized Cygnus with new solar panels will be used, and the Dragon 2 offers options for both berthing and docking, along with a rapid return to Earth capacity via propulsive landing. However, the selection of Sierra Nevada and the Dream Chaser means that for the first time since the retirement of the Space Shuttle reusable winged vehicles will be returning from space and landing at Kennedy Space Center.

NSS congratulates NASA on adding a third CRS provider, said Mark Hopkins, Chair of the NSS Executive Committee. The CRS-2 program now has triple redundancy in both orbital components and launch vehicles. NSS members look forward to the Dream Chasers first return from space. See full press release.

Interviews of NSS Chairman Mark Hopkins

Mark Hopkins, Chairman of the NSS Executive Committee, was interviewed on The Space Show on January 4 on the subject of space settlement in general and interstellar space settlement in particular. You can downloadthe 90-minute program here:

You can hear other interviews of Mark conducted byDr. Karl Hricko on the show Contours on member-supported public radio station WNTIoperated by Centenary College in Hackettstown, NJ: Mark Hopkins interview August 23, 2015 (14 minutes) and Mark Hopkins interview May 28, 2015 (21 minutes).

Mark was also on a special edition of The Space Show in March 2007:

National Space Society Partners with Voices From L5: A Space Settlement Podcast

(Washington, DC -- January 6, 2016) The National Space Society is proud to announce its partnership withVoices From L5. This exciting new podcast will open new discussions on space settlement, focusing on the humanities and social sciences, and educate the public on the science of space settlement. Space settlement is the concept of humankind moving our economy into space, with people living and working in space.

NSS vice president for Public Affairs Lynne Zielinski said, We are thrilled to strengthen our online community and outreach by branching into the vibrant world of podcasts, and we are very excited to be working withVoices From L5. This podcast project will explore topics such as law, art, politics and sociology to generate excitement among a whole new generation of space settlement enthusiasts.

To learn more aboutVoices From L5visit:

For previous podcasts visit:

Made In Space Teams with Enterprise In Space to 3D Print First Space-Bound Airframe

(Washington, DC -- December 18, 2015) Enterprise In Space (EIS), an international project of the non-profit National Space Society, is excited to announce a partnership with Made In Space, Inc. to extensively use 3D printed components in a spacecraft to be launched into Earth orbit. This educational spacecraft will be the first real spacecraft bearing the Enterprise name. Once in orbit, the NSS Enterprise will not only be the first 3D printed airframe in space, but it will also carry more than 100 passive and active student experiments into space and back to Earth.

See full press release.

The National Space Society Pays Tribute to Dr. Kalam One of Our Leading Lights Has Joined the Stars

(Washington, DC -- July 31, 2015) On 27 July 2015, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, eleventh President of India and a friend and inspiration to the National Space Society (NSS), passed away. NSS would like to convey our condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Kalam, and to all of India. His death is a great loss not only to India, but to the whole of humanity, said Mark Hopkins, chair of the NSS Executive Committee. In his honor, a permanent part of the online NSS library will be dedicated to his visionary space legacy. He was a true friend to NSS giving his name to our shared Kalam-NSS Space-based Solar Power Initiative.

One of the true statesmen of our generation, Dr. Kalam was regarded as one of the greatest minds, visionaries, and peacemakers of the early 21stcentury. Dr. Kalam was a towering spacefaring advocate. His passing is a deep loss to NSS. Loved and admired by the masses of India, he was loved and admired by us as well. We were honored to work with him and to present him with our 2013 Wernher von Braun Memorial Award (photo) for leading India into space and for being a global leader in space development. He will be missed terribly by all around the world who share a common vision of humanitys future in space.

See full press release.

NASA-Funded Study Reduces Cost of Human Missions to Moon and Mars by Factor of Ten

(Washington, DC -- July 20, 2015) The National Space Society (NSS) and Space Frontier Foundation (SFF) today announced their support for NASAs funding of the newly released NexGen Space study, illustrating how to cut the cost of human space exploration by a factor of 10. The study, Economic Assessment and Systems Analysis of an Evolvable Lunar Architecture that Leverages Commercial Space Capabilities and Public Private Partnerships, finds public-private partnerships are able to return humans to the Moon for approximately 90% less than the previously estimated $100 billion, allowing the United States to ensure national security in a new space age.

NSS congratulates NASA for funding the team at NexGen that discovered how such cost reductions are possible, said NSS Executive Committee Chair, Mark Hopkins. A factor of ten reduction in cost changes everything.

See full press release and video of press conference.

Read more here:
National Space Society

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Worlds Leading Genomics Conference | Global Meetings …

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ConferenceSeries LLC provides the perfect platform for global networking and we are truly delighted to invite you to attend our 6thInternational Conference on Genomics & Pharmacogenomics, during July 13-14, 2017 Chicago, USA. Genomics-2017 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Genomics & Pharmacogenomics and its allied areas Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering.

Track 1:Cancer Genomics

TumorGenomicsis the investigation ofhereditarytransformationsin charge of malignancy, utilizinggenomesequencingandbioinformatics. Diseasegenomicsis to enhance growth treatment and results lies in figuring out which sets of qualities and quality associations influence diverse subsets of tumors. UniversalCancer GenomeConsortium (ICGC) is a deliberate experimental association that gives a discussion to joint effort among the world's driving growth andgenomic analysts.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConference onNext Generation Sequencing, July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 4th InternationalConferenceonIntegrativeBiology, July 18-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany, InternationalConferenceonClinicalandMolecularGenetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; InternationalConferenceonMolecularandCancerBiomarkers, September 15-17 2016, Berlin, Germany; 5th InternationalConferenceonCellandGeneTherapy, May 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA;CancerGenome(Q1), February 7-11, 2016, Alberta, Canada; 18th InternationalConference onCancer Genomics, January 26 - 27, 2016, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Enhancer Malfunction in Cancer (Q6), February 21-24, 2016, New Mexico, USA;DNA Damage, Mutation & Cancer, March 13-18, 2016, Ventura, USA; Chromatin andEpigenetics, 20 March 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia;

Track 2:Functional Genomics

UtilitarianGenomicsuse incomprehensible abundance of information created bygenomic transcriptomictasks to portray quality capacities and cooperations. Patterns inFunctional Genomicsare Affymetrix developed as an early trend-setter around there by imagining a commonsense approach to examine quality capacity as a framework.

RelatedConferences: WorldCongressonHumanGeneticsOctober 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 4th InternationalConferenceonIntegrativeBiology, July 18-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany; InternationalConference onMolecularBiology, October 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE; InternationalConferenceonGeneticCounselingandGenomicMedicine August 11-12, 2016 Birmingham; 5th InternationalConferenceonCellandGeneTherapyMay 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA; InternationalSymposiumon RiceFunctionalGenomics, Sept 21-24, 2015, China;Ribosome structureand function 2016, 610 July 2016 | Strasbourg, France; 5thGeneticsand Genomics Conference, June 1-3, 2016, Nanjing, China; Chromatin,Non-codingRNAsandRNAPIIRegulationinDevelopmentandDiseaseConference,29 March 2016, Austin, USA;Maintenance ofGenome Stability2016, March 7-10, 2016, Panama, Central America

Track 3:Next Generation Sequencing

Cutting edge sequencing(NGS) is regularly alluded to as greatly parallel sequencing, which implies that a large number of little parts ofDNAcan be sequenced in the meantime, making a gigantic pool of information. Cutting edge sequencing (NGS), hugely parallel or profound sequencing is connected terms that portray aDNA sequencinginnovation which has upsetgenomic research.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConference onNext Generation Sequencing, July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 4th InternationalConference onIntegrative Biology, July 18-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 6th InternationalConferenceonGenomicsandPharmacogenomics, September 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany; InternationalConferenceonGeneticCounselingandGenomicMedicineAugust11-12,2016 Birmingham; InternationalConferenceonMolecular Biology, October 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE; 6thNext GenerationSequencingConference, May 25-26, 2016, Boston, USA;GeneticsinForensicsCongress, 14-15, March 2016, London, UK; ICHG 2016, April 3-7, 2016, Japan;GenomeEditingandGene ModulationCongress, 6-8 April, 2016, Oxford, UK; 4th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsand Computational Biology, February 2-3, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Track 4:Biomarkers & Molecular Markers

Biomarkerscan be trademark organic properties or particles that can be distinguished and measured in parts of the body such as the blood or tissue.Biomarkerscan be particular cells, atoms, or qualities, quality items, chemicals, orhormones.Atomicmarkeris a section of DNA that is connected with a specific area inside of thegenome. Atomic markers are utilized as a part of sub-atomic science andbiotechnologyto distinguish a specific grouping of DNA in a pool of obscure DNA.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonMolecularandCancerBiomarkersSeptember 15-17, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 4th InternationalConference onIntegrative Biology, July 18-20, 2016 Berlin; 7th InternationalConferenceonBiomarkersandClinicalResearch, November 28-30, 2016 Baltimore, USA; InternationalConferenceonBiochemistryOctober 13-15, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; InternationalConference onProteinEngineering, October 26-28, 2015 Chicago, USA;BiomarkerSummit, 2123 March 2016, San Diego, United States; 18th InternationalConference on Biomarkers andClinical Medicine, 16-17 May, 2016, Paris, France;Circulating Biomarkers World Congress2016, 21-22 March, 2016, Boston, USA;The Biomarker Conference, 18 - 19 February 2016, San Diego, USA;CancerMolecular Markers, 7-9, March 2016, San Francisco, USA

Track: 5Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine

Pharmacogenomicsis a piece of a field called customized solution that means to tweak human services, with choices and medications custom-made to every individual patient inside and out conceivable.Pharmacogenomicsandpharmacogenomicsmanages new developments in the field of customized meds and advancements in modified medication revelation utilizingproteomeinnovation.

RelatedConferences: 5th InternationalConferenceonMetabolomics, May 16-18, 2016 Osaka, International Conference onGeneticCounselingandGenomicMedicineAugust 11-12, 2016 Birmingham; Japan; 5th InternationalConferenceonTissueScienceandRegenerativeMedicine September 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany; InternationalConferenceonRestorativeMedicine October 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA; InternationalConferenceonMolecularGenetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; Golden Helix Symposium, January 14-16, 2016, Mansoura, Egypt;ThePersonalized Medicine, World Conference 24-27 January, 2016, San Francisco, USA; 14thAsia-PacificFederationforClinicalBiochemistryand LaboratoryMedicineCongress, November 26-29, 2016,Taipei, Taiwan;Personalized Medicine, July 10-15, 2016, Hong Kong, China; 18th InternationalConferenceonPharmaceuticalEngineeringandPharmacogenetics, March 30 - 31, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

Track 6:Clinical Genomics

Clinical Genomicsis the utilization of genome sequencing to educate understanding analysis and care.Genome sequencingis relied upon to have the most effect in: portraying and diagnosinghereditary infection; stratifying patients for fittingmalignancytreatment; and giving data around an individual'simaginable reactionto treatment to lessen antagonistic medication responses.

RelatedConferences: ThePersonalized Medicine, World Conference24-27 January, 2016, San Francisco, USA; InternationalConferenceonClinicalandMolecularGenetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; 5th InternationalConferenceandExhibitiononMetabolomics, May 16-18, 2016 Osaka, Japan; InternationalConference onRestorativeMedicine October 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA; 5th InternationalConferenceonTissue ScienceandRegenerativeMedicineSeptember 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany;AmericanCollege ofMedicalGeneticsandGenomics(ACMG)Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, March 8-12, 2016, Tampa, USA; BelgianSocietyofHumanGeneticsandDutchSocietyforHumanGeneticsJoint Meeting 2016 (NVHG BESHG 2016), February 4-5, 2016, Leuven, Belgium; An International theAssociation ofBiomolecularResourceFacilities, February 20-23, 2016, Florida, USA; 14th Asia-PacificFederation forClinicalBiochemistryandLaboratoryMedicineCongress, November 26-29, 2016,Taipei, Taiwan;Personalized Medicine, July 10-15, 2016, Hong Kong, China

Track 7:Micro RNA

MicroRNAscomprise a novel class of small, non-coding endogenous RNAs that regulategene expressionby directing their targetmRNAsfor degradation or translational repression. miRNAs represent smallRNA moleculesencoded in thegenomesofplantsand animals. These highly conserved 22 nucleotides longRNA sequencesregulate the expression of genes by binding to the 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTR) of specific mRNAs. A growing body of evidence shows that mRNAs are one of the key players in cell differentiation and growth, mobility andapoptosis.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonClinicalandMolecularGenetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; InternationalConferenceonNextGenerationSequencingJuly 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th InternationalConferenceandExpoonProteomicsOctober 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy; InternationalConferenceonStructuralBiologyJune 23-24, 2016 New Orleans, USA; InternationalConference onTranscriptomicsAugust 18-20, 2016 Portland, Oregon USA; InternationalConferenceonMolecular BiologyOctober 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE; 18th InternationalConferenceon ExtracellularBiomarkers, 22 23 April, 2016, London, United Kingdom; The 21st Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, June 28-June 2, 2016, Kyoto, Japan;NoncodingRNAsinHealthandDisease, February 21-24, 2016, New Mexico, USA;Small RNASilencing: Little Guides, Big Biology, January 24-28, 2016, Colorado, USA;MicroRNAas Biomarkers and Diagnostics, Positive-Strand RNAViruses, May 1-5, 2016, Texas, USA

Track 8:mRNA Analysis

mRNAis a subtype of RNA. AmRNAatom conveys a segment of the DNA code to different parts of the cell for preparing.mRNAis made amid interpretation. Amid the translation handle, a solitary strand ofDNAis decoded by RNA polymerase, and mRNA is incorporated. Physically, mRNA is a strand of nucleotides known asribonucleiccorrosive, and is single-stranded.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonClinicalandMolecularGenetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; InternationalConferenceonNextGenerationSequencingJuly 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th InternationalConferenceandExpoonProteomicsOctober 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy; InternationalConferenceonStructuralBiologyJune 23-24, 2016 New Orleans, USA; InternationalConference onTranscriptomicsAugust 18-20, 2016 Portland, Oregon USA; InternationalConferenceonMolecular BiologyOctober 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE; FromCellBiologytoPathology, January 24-27, 2016, New Mexico, USA; Complex Life of mRNA, 58 October 2016, Heidelberg, Germany;Genome Editingand Gene ModulationCongress2016, 6-8 Apr 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom;NGS2015 Sheffield Conference, 18-19 November, 2015, Sheffield, USA;QuantitativemethodsinGeneRegulation-III, 7-8 December, 2015, Cambridge, UK


Bioinformaticsis the exploration of gathering and breaking down complex organic information, for example,hereditary codes. Sub-atomic solution requires the joining and examination of genomic, sub-atomic, cell, and additionallyclinical informationand it in this way offers a momentous arrangement of difficulties to bioinformatics.

RelatedConferences: 5th InternationalConferenceonComputationalSystemsBiologyAugust 22-23, 2016 Philadelphia, USA; 6th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsMarch 29-30, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 7th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsOctober 27-28, 2016 Chicago, USA; 2nd InternationalConference onTranscriptomics August 18-20, 2016 Portland, Oregon USA; InternationalConferenceonNext GenerationSequencingJuly 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; The FourteenthAsia PacificBioinformaticsConference, 11th-13 January 2016, San Francisco, USA; 18th InternationalConferenceonBioinformatics andBiotechnology, 19 20 May 2016, Berlin, Germany; IEEEconference onComputationalIntelligenceinBioinformaticsandComputationalBiology, October 5-7, 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 7th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsModels,MethodsandAlgorithms, 21- 23 Feb, 2016, Rome, Italy;Bio banking2016, 57 January 2016, London, United Kingdom

Track 10:Comparative Genomics

SimilarGenomicsandgenomicmedicinenewfieldofnaturalexaminationinwhichthegenomegroupins of variousspecies- human, mouse and a wide assortment of different life forms from yeast to chimpanzees-are looked at. The assessment of likenesses and contrasts betweengenomesof various life forms; can uncover contrasts in the middle of people and species and also transformative connections.

RelatedConferences: WorldCongressonHumanGeneticsOctober 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 4th InternationalConferenceonIntegrativeBiology, July 18-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany; InternationalConference onMolecular Biology, October 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE; InternationalConferenceonGenetic Counseling andGenomicMedicineAugust 11-12, 2016 Birmingham; 5th InternationalConference onCellandGeneTherapyMay 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA; 20th Annual InternationalConferenceonComputationalMolecularBiology, April 17-21, 2016, Santa Monica, USA; 8th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsandComputationalBiology, April 4-6, 2016, Nevada, USA; Visualizingbiological data, 911 March 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; Chromatin andEpigenetics, March 20-24, 2016, British Columbia, Canada; Game ofEpigenetics,April 24-28, 2016 in Dubrovnik

Track 11:Plant Genomics

Late mechanical headways have generously extended our capacity to dissect and comprehendplantgenomesand to diminish the crevice existing in the middle of genotype and phenotype. The quick advancing field of genomics permits researchers to dissect a huge number of qualities in parallel, to comprehend the hereditary building design ofplant genomesfurthermore to separate the qualities in charge oftransformations.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonPlantPhysiologyJune 09-11, 2016 Dallas, USA ;GlobalSummit onPlant ScienceNovember 28-30, 2016 Baltimore, USA; 5th InternationalConferenceonAgricultureand HorticultureJune 27-29, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa ; 6th InternationalConferenceonGenomicsand PharmacogenomicsSeptember 22-24, 2016 Berlin, Germany; InternationalConferenceonGreen Energy& ExpoNovember 28-30, 2016 Baltimore, USA;PlantGenomes andBiotechnology: from genes to networks Dec ember 02-05, 2015 Berlin, Germany; Plant Genome Evolution 2015 September, 6 - 8 2015 Amsterdam, The Netherlands; The 3rdPlant GenomicsCongressSeptember 14-15,2015 Missouri, USA; ProkaGENOMICS EuropeanConferenceonProkaryoticandFungalGenomics29 September-2 October 2015 Gttingen, Germany; InternationalMeetingonBioinformaticsand OMICs October 27- 30,2015 Varadero, Cuba; The 2ndPlant GenomicsCongress: September 14-15, 2015 MO, USA; GETGlobal ConferenceSeptember17-19, 2015 Vienna, Austria

Track 12:Personal Genomics

Individualgenomicsis the branch of genomics worried with thesequencingand examination of the genome of a person. Thegenotypingstage utilizes diverse strategies, includingsingle-nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) examination chips or incomplete or fullgenome sequencing.

RelatedConferences: 4th InternationalConferenceonIntegrativeBiology, July 18-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 2nd InternationalConferenceonTranscriptomicsAugust 18-20, 2016 Portland, Oregon USA; InternationalConferenceonNextGenerationSequencingJuly 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;WorldCongress onHumanGeneticsOctober 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 18th InternationalConference onHuman Genetics, February 25 - 26, 2016, London, United Kingdom;Visualizing biological data, 911 March 2016, Heidelberg, Germany; 1st Annual InternationalCongressofGenetics, April 25-28, Dalian, China;ChromatinandEpigenetics, March 20-24, 2016, British Columbia,Canada;GameofEpigenetics, April 24-28, 2016 in Dubrovnik

Track 13:Microbial Genomics

MicrobialGenomicsappliesrecombinantDNA,DNAsequencingroutines,andbioinformaticsto succession, gather, and dissect the capacity and structure of genomes in organisms. Amid the previous 10 years, genomics-based methodologies have profoundly affected the field ofmicrobiologyand our comprehension of microbial species. In view of their bigger genome sizes,genome sequencingendeavors on growths and unicellular eukaryotes were slower to begin than ventures concentrated on prokaryotes.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonMolecular BiologyOctober 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE; 4th InternationalConferenceonIntegrativeBiologyJuly 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; InternationalConference onMicrobial Physiology and Genomics October 20-22, 2016 Rome, Italy; 4th InternationalConference onClinicalMicrobiologyandMicrobialGenomics October 05-07, 2015 Philadelphia, USA; 2ndWorld CongressandExpoonAppliedMicrobiologyOctober 31-November 02, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey; 18th InternationalConferenceonClinicalMicrobiologyandMicrobialGenomics, June 9 - 10, 2016, San Francisco, USA; 18th InternationalConferenceonMicrobialGenomeResources, February 11 - 12, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 18th InternationalConferenceonMicrobialGenomeResourcesand Clinical Microbiology, January 12 - 13, 2016, Zurich, Switzerland; 18th InternationalConference onMolecular Geneticsand Microbiology, February 25 - 26, 2016, London, United Kingdom

Track 14:Future trends in Genomics

Genomics researchholds the way to meeting a considerable lot of the difficulties of the coming years. Right now, the greatest test is in information investigation. We can produce a lot of information modestly, yet that overpowers our ability to comprehend it. The significant test of theGenomeResearch is we have to imbuegenomic datainto restorative practice, which is truly hard.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonClinical and Molecular Genetics, November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA; 2nd InternationalConferenceonTranscriptomicsAugust 18-20, 2016 Portland, Oregon USA;International ConferenceonNextGenerationSequencingJuly 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; The FourteenthAsia PacificBioinformaticsConference, 11th-13 January 2016, San Francisco, USA;WorldCongress onHumanGeneticsOctober 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 18th InternationalConference onGeneticsand Genomics, June 9 - 10, 2016, San Francisco, USA; NGS 16Genome Annotation, April 4 6, 2016, Barcelona, Spain; Maintenance of Genome Stability 2016, March 7-10, 2016, Panama, Central America;Epigenomics: new marks, new horizons, December 2015, 2 December 2015, UK;Human GenomeMeeting, 28 February 2 March 2016, Houston, USA

Track15:GenomicMedicine GenomicMedicineas "a developing restorative train that includes utilizinggenomicdataaround a person as a major aspect of their clinical consideration (e.g., for demonstrative or remedial choice making) and the wellbeing results and strategy ramifications of that clinical use." Already,genomic medicationis having an effect in the fields ofoncology,pharmacology, uncommon and undiscovered maladies, and irresistible illness.

RelatedConferences: InternationalConferenceonMolecularandCancerBiomarkersSeptember 15-17, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 4th InternationalConferenceonIntegrativeBiology, July 18-20, 2016 Berlin; 7th InternationalConferenceonBiomarkers & Clinical Research, November 28-30, 2016 Baltimore, USA; InternationalConferenceonBiochemistryOctober 13-15, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; InternationalConference onProtein Engineering, October 26-28, 2015 Chicago, USA;BiomarkerSummit, 2123 March 2016, San Diego, United States; 18th InternationalConferenceonBiomarkersandClinicalMedicine, 16-17 May, 2016, Paris, France; Circulating Biomarkers World Congress 2016, 21-22 March, 2016, Boston, USA; The Biomarker Conference, 18 - 19 February 2016, San Diego, USA; CancerMolecular Markers, 7-9, March 2016, San Francisco, USA

Track 16:Genomics Market

Genomicsis the study of thegenetic materialor genomes of an organism. Analysts forecast theGlobal Genomicsmarketwill grow at a CAGR of 11.21% over the period 2013-2018. According to the report, the most important driver of the market is an increase in the demand for consumables. The growing adoption ofgenetictestingfor various applications, especially in regions such as the APAC, and an increase ingenetictestingvolumes in North America and Western Europe is increasing the demand for consumables.

RelatedConferences: 5th InternationalConferenceonComputationalSystemsBiologyAugust 22-23, 2016 Philadelphia, USA; 6th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsMarch 29-30, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 7th InternationalConference onBioinformaticsOctober 27-28, 2016 Chicago, USA; 2nd InternationalConference onTranscriptomicsAugust 18-20, 2016 Portland, Oregon USA; InternationalConferenceonNext GenerationSequencingJuly 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany; The FourteenthAsia PacificBioinformaticsConference, 11th-13 January 2016, San Francisco, USA; 18th InternationalConference on Bioinformatics andBiotechnology, 19 20 May 2016, Berlin, Germany; IEEEconference onBioinformaticsandComputationalBiology, October 5-7, 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 7th InternationalConferenceonBioinformaticsModels, MethodsandAlgorithms, 21- 23 Feb, 2016, Rome, Italy;Bio banking2016, 57 January 2016, London, United Kingdom.

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